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ফেব্ৰু 06, 2008
A Sustainable Fiscal Policy For India - An International Perspective
The fiscal policy assumes centre stage in policy deliberations as the continuous fiscal imbalances and rising levels of public debt pose risks to the prospects for macroeconomic stability, and accelerating and sustaining growth. Appropriate and timely fiscal policy measures can promote growth by setting efficient and effective use of scarce resources and by creating the right incentive signals. The well designed fiscal strategy would help to move an economy like India
ফেব্ৰু 06, 2008
Creativity@Work_ – S. Ramachander 2006 – Publisher: Response Books, (A Division of Sage Publications) New Delhi, Pages 203 Price Rs 320 Creativity@Work is a slim reasonably priced document (194 pages) and is a treasure of information. It is divided into 15 chapters and has 15 engaging illustrations, which draw out and encapsulate the written word. The book can serve as a guide to the creativity latent in all of us. It encourages the reader to see things differently,
ফেব্ৰু 06, 2008
Current Issues in Agriculture Credit in India: An Assessment
Ramesh Golait* This paper attempts to analyse the issues in agricultural credit in India. The analysis reveals that the credit delivery to the agriculture sector continues to be inadequate. It appears that the banking system is still hesitant on various grounds to purvey credit to small and marginal farmers. The situation calls for concerted efforts to augment the flow of credit to agriculture, alongside exploring new innovations in product design and methods of deliv
ফেব্ৰু 06, 2008
Competitiveness of India's Manufacturing Sector: An Assessment of Related Issues
L. Lakshmanan, S. Chinngaihlian and Raj Rajesh*This paper provides an analytical abstract of various parameters of manufacturing competitiveness of the Indian economy. India's manufacturing exports have risen impressively in the past decade or so and found to be directly linked to the world GDP and inversely related to real effective exchange rate (REER). Indian manufacturing industries have certain inherent strengths and advantages in having a relatively inexpensive,
অক্টো 11, 2007
অক্টো 11, 2007
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
“The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction“ by Hal R. Varian, Joseph Farrell, Carl Shapiro, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, pages 102, Price Rs. 795 This book provides probably an ideal introduction on economic factors affecting information technology industries. It is concise and is organised into two main sections. The first section of the book outlines the economics of Information Technology (IT) industries. This section asserts that be
অক্টো 11, 2007
The Fundamental Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in India: An Approach to Estimation and Measurement of Misalignment
Himanshu Joshi*The problem of judging whether the real exchange rate is undervalued or overvalued in relation to its long-run equilibrium path is of potential interest to policy makers responsible for the exchange rate management policy of any country. This paper attempts an estimation of the real equilibrium exchange rate for India for the period in the latter half of the 1990s using fundamental economic variables by decomposing a structural VAR vested with appropria
অক্টো 11, 2007
Monetary Conditions Index for India
R. Kannan, Siddhartha Sanyal and Binod Bihari Bhoi* In India, against the backdrop of continuous development and integration of financial markets – both domestically and with the global economy – the role of rate channels in influencing monetary conditions has increased substantially in the recent past in contrast to the exclusive dominance of the quantum channel during the 1980s. This paper attempts to construct a monetary conditions index (MCI) for India in order t
অক্টো 11, 2007
A Review of Trends in Banking Indicators in North Eastern Region of India
Amarendra Sahoo and J.K. Khundrakpam*This paper reviews whether the rapid growth in banking indicators in the North Eastern region of India following nationalisation of 14 major banks in 1969 and another six in 1980 based on social banking was sustained or not. It finds a phenomenon of retarding trend in almost all the banking parameters in the region since the beginning of the 1990s. It then attempts to reason out the impediments typically affecting the region, which
অক্টো 11, 2007
Bancassurance: A Feasible Strategy for Banks in India?
A. Karunagaran* This paper attempts to explore the scope for bancassurance models as feasible source of sustainable income to banking sector by exploiting the synergy in the context of India having the largest banking network on the one hand and lower insurance penetration and insurance density on the other hand. While analysing the present trend of banks handling insurance products, it also highlights some of the likely issues in general as well as specific from the


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পৃষ্ঠাটো শেহতীয়া আপডেট কৰা তাৰিখ: জানুৱাৰী 01, 2025

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