All Volumes and Issues - আৰবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
অক্টো 31, 2005
The Interbank Money Market in India : Evidence on Volatility, Efficacy of Regulatory Initiatives and Implications for Interest Rate Targetting
The working of the interbank money market (the call money market) and the conduct of monetary policy are inextricably linked in economies that depend predominantly on indirect instruments of monetary policy. The stability of the call money rate, namely, the rate at which short term funds are lent and borrowed is, therefore, of critical importance to central banks which view it as an operational target to signal the stance of monetary policy. Experience shows that regu
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Rural Income : Some Evidence of Effect of Rural Credit During Last Three Decades
Tapas Kumar Chakrabarty* Introduction Section I The Reserve Bank’s Initiatives towards Rural Credit : An Historical Perspective Section II Some Quantitative Analysis of Rural Credit Section III Empirical Results Section IV Concluding Observations The growth of the rural economy is an important driver of the economy as a whole. Sectoral demand matrices substantiate the importance of the rural demand to boost other activities. The present study tri
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Global Acquisitions: Strategic Integration and the Human Factor
by Stan Lees, Palgrave McMillan, New York, 2003, pp.275, US $ 45 Mergers and acquisitions (M&As), joint ventures (JVs) and other forms of strategic alliances have recorded a tremendous growth in recent years. Acquisitions have become a generic strategy for many companies. Today 50 large multi-nationals, as an outcome of multiple acquisitions, drive the global economy and control around 25 per cent of total U.S. corporate assets. There are life cycle reasons behin
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Privatisation and Public Regulation: The Indian Experience
by Simrit Kaur, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2003, Page 276, Price Rs. 385 The first four decades since independence witnessed an impressive growth of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) as they were envisaged as a matter of policy to assume the ‘commanding heights’ of the economy. The generally poor performance of PSEs in relation to expected goals radically altered the perceptions about the role of PSEs in the last decade and a half, and a persistently weak fiscal
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Determinants of Adoption of HYV Rice in West Bengal
by Anamitra Saha* Published by K. P. Bagchi & Company, Kolkata, 2004, Page: 200, Price Rs. 300 The history of agriculture is the history of intensification. Intensification follows successful innovations. It was innovation in the yields that is Green revolution in the mid-sixties, that catalyzed a metamorphosis from the conditions of food shortage to one of self-sufficiency and beyond- making India in the process, a world leader in the number of agricultural comm
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Rural Credit and Class Differentiation - West Bengal under Left Interventionist Regime
By Sudipta Bhattacharyya, K.P. Bagchi & Company, Kolkata, 2003 pp xvi +216, Rs.450 Indebtedness of peasantry is considered as the root cause of backwardness in agriculture, which in turn gives rise to class differentiation. One of the most important reasons for indebtedness/ miseries among the peasants of rural India is the dependence on the usury capital. In order to give relief to the indebted peasantry from the burden of high interest rates, banks were nationa
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Occasional Papers - Winter 2003
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
The Reserve Bank of India’s Balance Sheet: Analytics and Dynamics of Evolution(Part 1 of 2)
Narendra Jadhav, Partha Ray, Dhritidyuti Bose and Indranil Sen Gupta* The present paper attempts to contribute to the growing literature on central bank balance sheets drawing on a case-study of the Indian experience. The analytical commentary on the evolution of the Reserve Bank of India Balance Sheet in relation to the post-Independence national macroeconomic experience is partitioned into three phases on the basis of shifts in the conduct of monetary policy. Inter
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Dynamics of Market Structure and Competitiveness of the Banking Sector in India and its Impact on Output and Prices of Banking Services
Kaushik Bhattacharya and Abhiman Das* The paper examines the nature and the extent of changes in the market concentration in the Indian banking sector and their possible implications on prices and output of banking services. The first part of the paper attempts to measure market concentration in banking in India in alternative ways from 1989-90 to 2000-01. In contrast to earlier empirical applications on banking, it focuses on both static and dynamic measures of mark
ফেব্ৰু 04, 2005
Derivatives and Volatility on Indian Stock Markets
Snehal Bandivadekar and Saurabh Ghosh * Introduction Section I Literature Survey Section II Empirical Analysis Section III Conclusions Derivative products like futures and options on Indian stock markets have become important instruments of price discovery, portfolio diversification and risk hedging in recent times. This paper studies the impact of introduction of index futures on spot market volatility on both S&P CNX Nifty and BSE Sensex using
পৃষ্ঠাটো শেহতীয়া আপডেট কৰা তাৰিখ: জানুৱাৰী 01, 2025