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আগ 11, 2023
Closing Remarks by Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, RBI at the Seminar on Global Economy: Challenges, Opportunities and Way Forward organised by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India and the Reserve Bank of India, August 11, 2023, Mumbai

Today’s seminar on Global Economy: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Forward, held as part of the International Financial Architecture (IFA) and Framework Working Groups (FWG) workstreams under India’s G20 Presidency, including the three panel discussions have yielded rich and insightful thoughts on (i) financing development and global public goods; (ii) tackling global debt vulnerabilities; and (iii) the key risks to the global economy. All these issues are priorities under India’s G20 Presidency. I take this opportunity to thank all the participants for enhancing the quality of discussions during the day.

Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor

Today’s seminar on Global Economy: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Forward, held as part of the International Financial Architecture (IFA) and Framework Working Groups (FWG) workstreams under India’s G20 Presidency, including the three panel discussions have yielded rich and insightful thoughts on (i) financing development and global public goods; (ii) tackling global debt vulnerabilities; and (iii) the key risks to the global economy. All these issues are priorities under India’s G20 Presidency. I take this opportunity to thank all the participants for enhancing the quality of discussions during the day.

জুলাই 25, 2023
Remarks of Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao, Deputy Governor Panel Discussion on Climate Implications for Central Banking - Organised by the IMF and Center for Social and Economic Forum on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at New Delhi

1. Good Afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, 2. Thank you for inviting me to participate in this dialogue and the Panel Discussion on ‘Climate Implications for Central Banking’. Climate change and its impact on us is no longer a distant threat. Rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, changing weather patterns and the degradation of ecosystems are threatening our lives and livelihoods. We therefore have to face up to the challenge of climate change sooner, not later. Now, it is up to us to deal with this in a calibrated and well-planned manner or deal with it once we are pushed into a corner with little elbow room. Therefore, the timing of this dialogue is quite appropriate and provides an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on this issue.

Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

1. Good Afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, 2. Thank you for inviting me to participate in this dialogue and the Panel Discussion on ‘Climate Implications for Central Banking’. Climate change and its impact on us is no longer a distant threat. Rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, changing weather patterns and the degradation of ecosystems are threatening our lives and livelihoods. We therefore have to face up to the challenge of climate change sooner, not later. Now, it is up to us to deal with this in a calibrated and well-planned manner or deal with it once we are pushed into a corner with little elbow room. Therefore, the timing of this dialogue is quite appropriate and provides an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on this issue.

জুলাই 11, 2023
RBI & Fintech: The Road Ahead - Keynote address delivered by Deputy Governor T Rabi Sankar, Reserve Bank of India - July 7, 2023 - at the Moneycontrol India Startup Conclave in Bengaluru

Good Morning to all I am delighted to be present here at the India Start-up Conclave. All of you represent the best of the Indian entrepreneurial spirit and it is my privilege to be addressing this gathering. India is one of the fastest growing large economies today, our population is young and adequately skilled, the policy environment is supportive of private enterprise, our capital markets are capable of funding good business ideas, the India stack-the envy of the world- all these factors have allowed many start-ups to bloom thereby creating a robust Indian start-up ecosystem. FinTech entities comprise a large part of this start-up ecosystem.

Shri T. Rabi Sankar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

Good Morning to all I am delighted to be present here at the India Start-up Conclave. All of you represent the best of the Indian entrepreneurial spirit and it is my privilege to be addressing this gathering. India is one of the fastest growing large economies today, our population is young and adequately skilled, the policy environment is supportive of private enterprise, our capital markets are capable of funding good business ideas, the India stack-the envy of the world- all these factors have allowed many start-ups to bloom thereby creating a robust Indian start-up ecosystem. FinTech entities comprise a large part of this start-up ecosystem.

জুলাই 03, 2023
Statistics Shape the Setting of Monetary Policy - Speech delivered by Michael Debabrata Patra, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India - June 30, 2023 - at the Statistics Day Conference at RBI, Mumbai
Namaskar and Good Afternoon! Our eminent chief guest Professor S R S Varadhan, Frank Jay Gould Professor of Science, New York University and recipient of the Padma Vibhushan, Professor Rajeeva L. Karandikar, Chairman, National Statistical Commission – we eagerly await his keynote address -, Professor G. Sivakumar, Professor, Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, whose guidance has been illuminating the voyage of CIMS from an idea to reality, distin
Dr. Michael Debabrata Patra, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Namaskar and Good Afternoon! Our eminent chief guest Professor S R S Varadhan, Frank Jay Gould Professor of Science, New York University and recipient of the Padma Vibhushan, Professor Rajeeva L. Karandikar, Chairman, National Statistical Commission – we eagerly await his keynote address -, Professor G. Sivakumar, Professor, Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, whose guidance has been illuminating the voyage of CIMS from an idea to reality, distin


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পৃষ্ঠাটো শেহতীয়া আপডেট কৰা তাৰিখ: জুন 28, 2024

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