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back Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Request for Proposal (RFP) for Developing Assessment Tools and Conducting DCW for Officers of RBI, Pune

Published on নৱেম্বৰ , 06 2024

Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Request for Proposal (RFP) for Developing Assessment Tools and Conducting DCW for Officers of RBI, Pune


E-Tender Number: - RBI/CAB PUNE/Estate/4/24-25/ET/514

The captioned meeting was held on November 04, 2024 at 11.00 am at College of Agricultural Banking, Pune, in a hybrid mode, through WebEx platform. The meeting was chaired by Shri Shubhabrat Agrawal, GM & MoF, RBI, CAB.

2. (a) List of Bank Officials who attended the meeting: -

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Capt. Shubhabrat Agrawal GM & MoF, RBI, CAB
2 Shri Saugata Chakraborty DGM & MoF, RBI, CAB
3 Ms. Puja Sharma AGM, Academic Division, RBI, CAB
4 Shri Chaitanya Shrishrimal Assistant, RBI, CAB

(b) List of Representatives of Company/Individuals/Firms/Contractors:-

Sr. No. Name of Entity Name of the Representative
1 M/s BYLD Shri Anand Dewan, Shri Dhananjay Nadlai, Shri Altamash, Shri Deepak Ayappa
2 M/s EY Shri Ivan Quadras, Ms. Moitreyee, Ms. Vidya, Shri Tarun Chandna
3 M/s HR Anexi Shri Harshit Dani, Ms. Anju Gupta, Ms. Fronia, Ms. Lina Das
4 M/s NamanHR Ms. Toral Gala
5 M/s Pragati Leadership Shri Hrishikesh Mule, Ms. Radhika Bhasin, Shri Kunal
6 M/s Right Management India Ms. Aindrila Paul, Shri Deepak Verma, Ms. Shruti Tiwari

3. At the outset, AGM, Academic Division welcomed the participants and requested the participants to put forth their doubts / queries to the Chairperson. The queries received through emails and raised during the meeting by participants present offline and online were addressed by Capt. Shubhabrat Agrawal and Sh. Saugata Chakraborty.

4. Queries and their clarifications provided during the meeting are as follows:

Sr. No. Queries Raised Clarifications Provided
1. Page 1, Clause 7 –

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid security - Are MSMEs exempted from EMD in this RFP ?
Yes, MSMEs are exempted provided proof of Udyam Registration is furnished. Performance Guarantee to be given if selected.
2. Page 3, Clause 3.1 –

a. Will all Grade B officers be treated as one level? Are there difference of levels/role complexities within Grade B?

b. “The Bank, through internal processes, has modelled a set of differentiating behavioural competencies that deliver superior performance at different target roles” - Assumption to be confirmed - The competency framework is detailed with definitions and applicable proficiency levels.

c. Kindly elaborate this need. We understand that BEI is one of the assessment tools to be used in the DCW and the reports created would have observations from BEI.

d. Are BEIs to be scheduled post DCW? Please confirm if it be conducted by the internal assessors only or along with Consultant?

e. When you say a detailed report on the identified competencies of the officers, would this be competency modelling or competency mapping process?
a. Yes. For the purposes of DCW, all the Grade ‘B’ Officers are treated as being at the same level.

b. The assumption is confirmed. The Bank has defined certain competencies for different levels of officers. The list of the applicable competencies will be provided to the consultant for designing the course / selecting tools based on these competencies. The list of competencies will however be shared only with the selected party after the bid.

c. Yes, the understanding is correct. BEI is one of the tools to be used in DCW. The selected party will develop a questionnaire which will be used as an aid by the internal Assessors. The questions may be created based on various other tools used for assessment. BEI should be taken as an input and not an output.

d. BEI is a part of DCW and will be conducted by assessors (internal and external) individually. However, the consultant may be required to be with the internal assessor for handholding during their first DCW, in case required.

e. Neither of these. The tender participants are requested to be guided by para 3.1 (c) of the RFP document.
3. Page 8, Clause 13.2 Commercial Bid

a. We understand each DCW requires 3 Assessors for 3 days and assessor to participants ratio is 1:3 for 12 DCWs. Thus, the calculation of variable cost would be for 108 Assessor days (3*3*12). Kindly confirm the understanding as the RFP outlines the cost to be calculated is for 36 Assessor days.

b. Assumption to be confirmed - These assessors are in addition to internal assessors from the Bank and will be required for all the DCW to be held during the given period and not only during initial period for hand-holding the internal assessors

c. How many days would the handholding of each assessor be? In the document it states a minimum of 8 days.

d. Request you to please explain all the line items mentioned in the point.
a. It is presumed that each DCW would require three (3) man days (of assessors). In a year, it is expected that twelve (12) DC Workshops would be held. Hence, the cost is to be given for 36 assessor days in the variable cost.

b. Yes, the assessors in all the 12 DCWs will be a mix of internal assessors and assessor/s from the selected agency. The number of internal assessors in each DCW is not fixed. It is possible that there might not be any internal assessors for a particular DCW. The selected agency will be notified regarding number of assessors required for the DCW well in advance.

c. There will be around 30 internal assessors who will be trained in two batches of around 15 each for a minimum of 04 days, making it to 08 days minimum. The handholding will be done for each internal assessor for their first DCW of 03 days. Training of assessors and handholding are two different requirements.

d. Travel cost of assessors shall be borne by the agency. Stay and lodging arrangements will be made by the Bank.

Generally, one to two DCWs may be conducted in a month and all DCWs will be conducted in classroom (physical mode) format.
4. Page 16, Form II: General Information

In form II, the term Firm/Company refers to?
It refers to the name of the bidder which could be Firm/Company/Consultant/Agency etc.
5. Page 20, Section V: Scope of Work –

a. What would be the location / cities of these 12 DCWs be?

b. When you say “Each exercise used in the DC design shall have been validated for manifestation of the required behaviours in the competencies to be tested”, what is the definition of validated? Do we need to conduct this on a sample size, then what is the required sampling, type of validity required - construct / criterion?

c. When you say “Separate cases need to designed for administrating different tools”, what do you mean by separate cases?

d. When you say “The instruments should be of proven validity and reliability”, what type of reliability are you looking for? We can only do internal consistency.

e. When you say “The tools used should have multiple variants so that the DC’s should not have repetitive content”, how many variants for which tools? Is the number listed above in clause D, the same?

f. When you ask a consultant to prepare a DCW handbook for internal use, is this the same as “A Development Centre Training Manual, Design of DC Training Handbook”?

g. “Acceptance of the DCW framework and the tools designed”. Acceptance would mean how many iterations back and forth? Any closure timeline available?

h. Request you to please explain all the line items mentioned in Scope of Work.

a. The location could be anywhere in India, though most likely the DCWs would be held at CAB, Pune.

b. No, sample size is not relevant here. The customised tools / similar tools suggested by the Consultant are expected to have been administered by them in other DCWs and from that experience the agency can decide if these tools are workable for the Bank. Bank will not provide any sampling; the validation must be to maintain internal consistency of the tools.

c. Case studies is one type of the tools to be used. In-basket exercise is another. Each case study must be designed in such a manner that separate set of competencies can be observed by the assessors while administering that case study. Cases must be different for assessing each competency. Consultant will be provided with the information on the behavioural competencies required to be assessed and the required tools/case studies must be designed accordingly.

d. Yes, internal consistency test would suffice.

e. Yes, the numbers as mentioned in clause D are applicable.

f. Neither of these. DCW handbook is to be used by the internal assessors to understand which behavioural competencies they are looking at from a particular tool in progress. It is a compendium of cases and tools that are going to be used along with the BIs and intended inferences.

g. After the contract is allotted, the design should be closed within two months, of which majority of the tools should be delivered in the first month. Where Bank’s extensive inputs are required by the consultants to design some specific tools, more than a month’s time may be taken within the overall deadline of 60 days. No iterations are required for acceptance of the tool.

h. Detailed project plan to be submitted by the Agency incorporating the scope of work for approval. The Bank will be designing the Development Centre as per inputs received from the Agency.

Day-wise tools will be planned to cover three days in consultation with Agency. The Agency will be provided with the details of the behavioural competencies desired for the officers to be assessed.

The assessors for the first 12 DCWs may be a mix of the internal assessors from RBI as well as the consultant’s assessors. The Internal assessors will be provided with an initial training by the agency for four days

The ratio of assessors to assesses would be 1:3 for the first 12 DCWs. This could be a mix of internal as well as external assessors, depending upon the availability of internal assessors and number of assesses. The number of internal assessors in each DCW therefore is not fixed. The selected agency will be notified regarding number of assessors required for the upcoming DCW well in advance (at least 15 days before the programme).

Each of the three variations of the in-basket exercise will have ten different cases. These are to be designed as per the work profile of the officers of RBI, which will be explained during the post-selection discussions.

There should be ten leader-less exercises and ten leader-led group exercises.

Agency is expected to provide with a draft questionnaire that will help the internal assessors to understand what type of questions to be asked for each competency/task during BEI. A report template which may be a simple excel file, having details such as name of participant, name of tool, name of competency, and specific observations, which the assessors can record, will have to be developed for use in the BEI.

Three Management Games apart from the leader-less/ leader-led exercises will have to be developed. These could be three different case-studies testing decision making ability of the participants under different situations.

Three role-plays may be designed involving the peer-group, subordinates or senior management.

Bank will identify a team of internal officers to whom the selected consultant will have to explain in detail the whole matrix envisaged for conducting the DCW.

Assessors will provide a debriefing on personal development plan on a one-to-one basis to the participants of DCWs.

The Bank has not specified any psychometric tests, however consultant can suggest additional tools if desired, later, but not include them in the bidding. If the Bank accepts such suggestions, payment will be made for the additional costs and the Bank will be free to purchase such tools from other vendors/consultants also.

6. Page 24, Special Note towards Transaction Fee

What is the Transaction Fee we are referring to?
RBI does not charge any fees for this process. MSTC platform may charge some transaction/ other fees, which is to be borne by the Agency.
7. Page 29, Annex II – Technical Evaluation Matrix – Consultant’s relevant experience in conducting ADCs for its clients (in years)

a. What proof is required as evidence?

b. In case if multiple ADC are done with same client but with different level of employees and against different contracts, can we consider those ADC count or only one entity will be considered? / Do multiple ADC projects executed for the same client under different POs will be considered as 1 project or as many as the number of POs executed? We would like to get clarity as to the count requested under this parameter is for different projects or clients?

c. Will training sessions related to use of Assessments tools or usage assessments during Training sessions count in S.No. 3?
a. In case of Government Agencies/ PSUs PO will be required. In case of Private Agencies in addition to PO, TDS certificate will also be required. Additional documents may be called for in case some clarity is required.

b. The count requested under this parameter is for different clients and not different contracts with the same client.

c. No these sessions will not be counted.
8. Page 30, Annex III - Format for supplying information for the purpose of technical evaluation

a. Details of ACs / DCs conducted during April 01, 2023 to May 31, 2024. We understand the details of ADCs to be provided is for the period of April 01, 2021 to current date. Kindly confirm.

b. Some of our Trainers/Facilitators are not employees, they work as Consultant/Associate with us, please confirm if we can include their profiles as a part of the proposal.

c. Experience of assessors - we are calculating the overall experience of the assessors, Is that right? Also, we have some assessors on roles while the others are consultants, does that impact the technical scores for the consultant?
a. No. The details are to be provided for the duration specified in the row numbers 3, 4 and 5 of Annex III i.e. for the years 2021-22, 2022-23 and April 2023 to May 2024.

b. Such profiles can be a part of the proposal; however, terms of the engagement are to be clearly mentioned. Contract with such consultants should be submitted clearly stipulating the duration of engagement, nature of services etc.

c. Average experience of assessors to be mentioned i.e. total experience divided by number of assessors. Assessors on roles and on contract, both can be mentioned.
9. Page 31, Annex IV - Commercial / Financial Quotation for Consultant

INR 35 Lacs is just an indicative amount for the bid, we can submit the commercial proposal which could be different, is that correct?
Yes, INR 35 lakh is just an estimation. Agency may bid depending on its cost estimates.

5. Kindly note that in case there is any conflict between the tender document and the corrigendum, the latter shall prevail. Further, this is a single-stage two-part bid system where technical and commercial bids have to be submitted separately. If they are submitted together, the same would be rejected straightaway.

6. Rest of the terms, conditions and specifications of the bid document shall continue to remain same. Submission of bids shall be construed to be in conformity with the bid document and clarifications. The Bank will not be bound to entertain any further query/clarification from any bidder/contractor in future.

Principal & CGM
College of Agricultural Banking

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