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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher




       Date Last Updated:  February/06/2025
Advance Release Calendar          
RBI - Reserve Bank of India BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange    
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit of Description Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data Percentage change from Previous to latest period
1 2 3 4 5 6
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector           
Monetary Aggregates*          
1. Broad Money (M3) ₹ Billion January/24/2025 266311 243015.1 9.6
      (266953.75)   (9.3)
2. Domestic Credit to General Government (1) ₹ Billion January/24/2025 79375.3 71167.0 11.5
      (79884.02)   (10.8)
3. Other Domestic Credit ₹ Billion January/24/2025 182366.9 162399.9 12.3
      (186782.83)   (11.2)
4. Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector ₹ Billion January/24/2025 56384.6 52751.9 6.9
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank - RBI *          
1. Reserve Money ₹ Billion January/31/2025 46890.8 45159.8 3.8
2. Net RBI Credit to General Government (1) ₹ Billion January/31/2025 11890.7 10802.4 -
3. RBI Credit to Commercial Sector ₹ Billion January/31/2025 229.5 77.3 -
4. RBI's Claims on Banks  ₹ Billion January/31/2025 1541.9 1402.2 -
5. Net Foreign Exchange Assets of RBI ₹ Billion January/31/2025 53053.3 50141.9 5.8
Interest Rates (2)          
1. Bank Rate Per cent per annum January/31/2025 6.75 6.75 0
2. MCLR (1-Year)^ Per cent per annum January/31/2025 9.00-9.10 8.65-9.10  
3. Treasury Bill Rates Per cent per annum February/05/2025 6.4681 7.0147 -55
Stock Market           
BSE Indices          
NSE Indices          
1. BSE(Sensex) 1978-79=100 February/13/2025 76,138.97 71,555.19 6.41
2. Nifty 50 ^^ 03.11.1995=1000 February/13/2025 23,031.40 21,743.25 5.92
Advance Release Calendar          
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit of Description Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data Percentage change from Previous to latest period
1 2 3 4 5 6
Balance of Payments (3)          
Current Account          
1. Merchandise, net US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 -75,318.93 -64,544.04 16.69
2. Services, net US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 44,549.81 39,940.13 11.54
3. Transfers, net US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 29,108.94 24,925.96 16.78
4. Income,net US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 -9,522.13 -11,608.45 -17.97
5. Current Account Balance US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 -11,182.31 -11,286.41 -
Capital Account           
1. Foreign Investment US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 17,612.31 4,112.25 328.29
2. Loans US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 7,536.08 3,274.37 130.15
3. Banking Capital US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 6,086.59 4,333.36 40.46
4. Rupee Debt Service US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 -1.83 -1.40 -
5. Other Capital US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 -715.52 1,122.92 -163.72
6. Capital Account Balance US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 30,517.62 12,841.50 137.65
7. Errors and Ommissions  US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 -721.81 963.50 -
8. Overall Balance US $ million Jul/24- Sep/24 18,613.51 2,518.58 -
International Reserves # US $ million January/31/2025 630,607.39 622,469.00 8,138.39
1. Foreign Currency Assets ** US $ million January/31/2025 537,684.48 551,331.00 -13,646.52
2. Gold $  US $ million January/31/2025 70,892.84 48,088.00 22,804.84
3. SDR## US $ million January/31/2025 17,889.47 18,190.00 -300.53
4. Reserve Position in IMF US $ million January/31/2025 4,140.60 4,860.00 -719.40
Reserves Template US $ million Dec-24      
International Investment Position (4)          
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit of Description Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data Percentage change from Previous to latest period
1 2 3 4 5 6
I. Total Foreign Assets US $ million Sep-24 1,117,807.94 952,218.24 17.39
     (i)   India's Direct Investment Abroad US $ million Sep-24 253,530.10 232,096.92 9.23
     (ii)   Portfolio Investment US $ million Sep-24 12,305.90 12,096.33 1.73
     (iii)  Other Investments US $ million Sep-24 146,189.69 120,311.18 21.51
     (iv)  Reserve Assets US $ million Sep-24 705,782.26 587,713.80 20.09
II.  Total Foreign Liabilities US $ million Sep-24 1,466,308.92 1,334,218.77 9.90
     (i)   Direct Investment in India US $ million Sep-24 555,484.33 528,678.50 5.07
     (ii)   Portfolio Investment US $ million Sep-24 293,648.60 259,357.79 13.22
     (iii)  Other Investments US $ million Sep-24 617,175.99 546,182.47 13.00
III.  Net International Investment Position US $ million Sep-24 -348,500.98 -382,000.53 -8.77
External Debt          
 1. Multilateral US $ million Sep-24 80,018.45 75,112.75 6.53
 2. Bilateral US $ million Sep-24 37,834.86 33,235.81 13.84
 3. IMF US $ million Sep-24 22,444.97 21,760.05 3.15
 4. Export Credit US $ million Sep-24 2,798.80 2,775.97 0.82
 5. Commercial Borrowings US $ million Sep-24 272,929.70 231,073.71 18.11
 6. NRI Deposits  US $ million Sep-24 161,391.58 143,069.74 12.81
 7. Rupee Debt *** US $ million Sep-24 791.41 769.90 2.79
 8. Total Long Term Debt ( 1 to 7) US $ million Sep-24 578,209.77 507,797.93 13.87
 9. Short Term Debt US $ million Sep-24 133,597.97 129,320.18 3.31
10. Grand Total (8+9) US $ million Sep-24 711,807.74 637,118.11 11.72
Exchange Rates (5)          
1. Rupees per US Dollar   February/06/2025 87.56 83.06 -5.14
2. Rupees per Euro   February/06/2025 90.98 89.30 -1.85
Forward Premia (6)          
1. 1-month Per cent per annum February/06/2025 2.73 1.25 1.48
2. 3-month Per cent per annum February/06/2025 2.62 1.54 1.09
3. 6-month Per cent per annum February/06/2025 2.30 1.50 0.80
General Government Operations          
Advance release calendar          
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit of Description Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data Percentage change from Previous to latest period
      2024-25 BE 2023-24 RE  
1 2 3 4 5 6
I. Total Disbursements ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 98,007.98 91,107.25 7.6
II. Total Receipts ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 96,504.88 90,549.99 6.6
III. Gross Fiscal Deficit ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 24,729.12 26,446.42 -6.5
     Financed by :          
     A. Institution-wise (i+ii) ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 24,729.12 26,446.42 -6.5
          (i) Domestic Financing  ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 24,569.59 26,198.11 -6.2
         (ii) External Financing ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 159.52 248.32 -35.8
     B. Instrument-wise (i+ii) ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 24,729.12 26,446.42 -6.5
          (i) Domestic Financing  ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 24,569.59 26,198.11 -6.2
of which          
             a) Market Borrowings@@ ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 19,837.57 19,629.69 1.1
             b) Small Savings & ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 4,475.11 4,341.51 3.1
         (ii) External Financing ₹ Billion April/24-Mar/25 159.52 248.32 -35.8
* Monetary growth rate is on year on year basis.        
^ MCLR (1-Year) relates to five major banks. 
^^ CNX Nifty has been rebranded as Nifty 50 w.e.f. November 09, 2015
# Variation in absolute form is shown.
** Excludes US$ 250 million invested in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK) since March 20, 2009.
$  : Includes Rs.31,463 crore (USD 6,699 million) reflecting the purchase of 200 metric tonnes of gold from IMF on November 3, 2009.
## Includes SDRs 3,082.5 million allocated under general allocation and SDRs 214.57 million allocated under Special allocation by the IMF with effect from August 28, 2009 and September 9, 2009 respectively.
*** Debt denominated in Rupees and payable in exports.
◙ Total disbursements/receipts are net of repayments of the Central Government [inclusive of repayments to  National Small Savings Fund (NSSF)] and State governments.
@@:  Borrowing through dated securieties and 364-day Treasury Bills
&: Represents investments in in Central and State Governments' Special Securities by National Small Saving Funds (NSSF).
(1) General Government includes Central and State Governments as local Governments are not permitted to borrow.
(2) Following a change in accounting practice w.e.f July 11, 2014, net liquidity injection/ absorption has been reclassified from net RBI credit to the government to RBI credit to banks and commercial sector. This has made a difference of ₹901 billion by way of decrease in net RBI credit to government offset by an increase in RBI credit to banks and commercial sector as of July 11, 2014.
(3) Data on the interest rate structure may be accessed at http://www.wss.rbi.org.in.
(4) Detail balance of payments (BoP) data as per IMF BPM5 are available at http://www.statistics.rbi.org.in.
(5) Detail International Investment Position data  are available at http://www.statistics.rbi.org.in.
(6) Daily exchange rates for the US dollar, the Euro, the Pound Sterling and the Japanese Yen are available at https://fbil.org.in.
(7) Daily 1-month, 3-month and 6-month forward premia are available at https://fbil.org.in.
(8) BE : Budget estimate.
(9) RE : Revised estimate.
(10) Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank.


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