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এপ্রিল 06, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9884 on April 06, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (April 05, 2018) was ₹ 65.0601 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date April 05, 2018 April 06, 2018 1 EUR 79.7767 79.5133 1 GBP 91.5005 90.9578 100 YEN 60.78 60.54 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9884 on April 06, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (April 05, 2018) was ₹ 65.0601 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date April 05, 2018 April 06, 2018 1 EUR 79.7767 79.5133 1 GBP 91.5005 90.9578 100 YEN 60.78 60.54 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
এপ্রিল 05, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0601 on April 05, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (April 04, 2018) was ₹ 65.0232 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date April 04, 2018 April 05, 2018 1 EUR 79.7900 79.7767 1 GBP 91.4941 91.5005 100 YEN 61.00 60.78 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0601 on April 05, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (April 04, 2018) was ₹ 65.0232 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date April 04, 2018 April 05, 2018 1 EUR 79.7900 79.7767 1 GBP 91.4941 91.5005 100 YEN 61.00 60.78 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
এপ্রিল 04, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0232 on April 04, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (April 03, 2018) was ₹ 65.0240 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date April 03, 2018 April 04, 2018 1 EUR 80.0901 79.7900 1 GBP 91.4563 91.4941 100 YEN 61.31 61.00 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0232 on April 04, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (April 03, 2018) was ₹ 65.0240 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date April 03, 2018 April 04, 2018 1 EUR 80.0901 79.7900 1 GBP 91.4563 91.4941 100 YEN 61.31 61.00 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
এপ্রিল 03, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0240 on April 03, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 28, 2018) was ₹ 65.0441 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 28, 2018 April 03, 2018 1 EUR 80.6222 80.0901 1 GBP 92.2846 91.4563 100 YEN 61.54 61.31 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0240 on April 03, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 28, 2018) was ₹ 65.0441 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 28, 2018 April 03, 2018 1 EUR 80.6222 80.0901 1 GBP 92.2846 91.4563 100 YEN 61.54 61.31 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 28, 2018
India’s International Investment Position (IIP), December 2017 1
Today, the Reserve Bank released data relating to India’s international investment position (IIP) as at end-December 2017. Key Features of India’s IIP in December 2017 Net claims of non-residents on India increased by US$ 26.3 billion over the previous quarter (Table 1). Foreign-owned assets in India surged by US$ 38.6 billion during the quarter, with broad-based contribution from foreign direct investment (FDI), portfolio investment, currency and deposits as well as
Today, the Reserve Bank released data relating to India’s international investment position (IIP) as at end-December 2017. Key Features of India’s IIP in December 2017 Net claims of non-residents on India increased by US$ 26.3 billion over the previous quarter (Table 1). Foreign-owned assets in India surged by US$ 38.6 billion during the quarter, with broad-based contribution from foreign direct investment (FDI), portfolio investment, currency and deposits as well as
মার্চ 28, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0441 on March 28, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 27, 2018) was ₹ 64.7973 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 27, 2018 March 28, 2018 1 EUR 80.7634 80.6222 1 GBP 92.2584 92.2846 100 YEN 61.36 61.54 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0441 on March 28, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 27, 2018) was ₹ 64.7973 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 27, 2018 March 28, 2018 1 EUR 80.7634 80.6222 1 GBP 92.2584 92.2846 100 YEN 61.36 61.54 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 27, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7973 on March 27, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 26, 2018) was ₹ 64.9055 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 26, 2018 March 27, 2018 1 EUR 80.2557 80.7634 1 GBP 91.8672 92.2584 100 YEN 61.82 61.36 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7973 on March 27, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 26, 2018) was ₹ 64.9055 Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 26, 2018 March 27, 2018 1 EUR 80.2557 80.7634 1 GBP 91.8672 92.2584 100 YEN 61.82 61.36 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 26, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9055 on March 26, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 23, 2018) was ₹ 65.1333. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 23, 2018 March 26, 2018 1 EUR 80.3354 80.2557 1 GBP 91.9552 91.8672 100 YEN 62.13 61.82 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9055 on March 26, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 23, 2018) was ₹ 65.1333. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 23, 2018 March 26, 2018 1 EUR 80.3354 80.2557 1 GBP 91.9552 91.8672 100 YEN 62.13 61.82 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 23, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.1333 on March 23, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 22, 2018) was ₹ 65.0622. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 22, 2018 March 23, 2018 1 EUR 80.3713 80.3354 1 GBP 92.0630 91.9552 100 YEN 61.44 62.13 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.1333 on March 23, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 22, 2018) was ₹ 65.0622. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 22, 2018 March 23, 2018 1 EUR 80.3713 80.3354 1 GBP 92.0630 91.9552 100 YEN 61.44 62.13 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 22, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0622 on March 22, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 21, 2018) was ₹ 65.2162. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 21, 2018 March 22, 2018 1 EUR 79.9616 80.3713 1 GBP 91.3288 92.0630 100 YEN 61.28 61.44 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0622 on March 22, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 21, 2018) was ₹ 65.2162. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 21, 2018 March 22, 2018 1 EUR 79.9616 80.3713 1 GBP 91.3288 92.0630 100 YEN 61.28 61.44 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 21, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.2162 on March 21, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 20, 2018) was ₹ 65.1993. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 20, 2018 March 21, 2018 1 EUR 80.4625 79.9616 1 GBP 91.4942 91.3288 100 YEN 61.33 61.28 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.2162 on March 21, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 20, 2018) was ₹ 65.1993. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 20, 2018 March 21, 2018 1 EUR 80.4625 79.9616 1 GBP 91.4942 91.3288 100 YEN 61.33 61.28 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 20, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.1993 on March 20, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 19, 2018) was ₹ 65.0375. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 19, 2018 March 20, 2018 1 EUR 79.7750 80.4625 1 GBP 90.5582 91.4942 100 YEN 61.50 61.33 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.1993 on March 20, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 19, 2018) was ₹ 65.0375. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 19, 2018 March 20, 2018 1 EUR 79.7750 80.4625 1 GBP 90.5582 91.4942 100 YEN 61.50 61.33 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 19, 2018
Monitoring of Foreign Investment under PIS in Indian Companies - M/s Future Retail Limited - Increase in FPIs Investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme from 24% to 49%
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s Future Retail Limited has increased from 24% to 49% of its paid up capital. M/s Future Retail Limited has passed necessary resolutions of its Board of Directors and General Body as required under the FEMA, 1999 and the regulations framed thereunder. The increase is subject to regulation 5(2) of Foreign Exchange Management (
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s Future Retail Limited has increased from 24% to 49% of its paid up capital. M/s Future Retail Limited has passed necessary resolutions of its Board of Directors and General Body as required under the FEMA, 1999 and the regulations framed thereunder. The increase is subject to regulation 5(2) of Foreign Exchange Management (
মার্চ 19, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0375 on March 19, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 16, 2018) was ₹ 64.8737. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 16, 2018 March 19, 2018 1 EUR 79.9114 79.7750 1 GBP 90.4858 90.5582 100 YEN 61.27 61.50 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0375 on March 19, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 16, 2018) was ₹ 64.8737. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 16, 2018 March 19, 2018 1 EUR 79.9114 79.7750 1 GBP 90.4858 90.5582 100 YEN 61.27 61.50 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 16, 2018
Developments in India’s Balance of Payments during the Third Quarter (October-December) of 2017-18
Preliminary data on India’s balance of payments (BoP) for the third quarter (Q3), i.e., October-December 2017-18 are presented in Statements I (BPM6 format) and II (old format). Key Features of India’s BoP in Q3 of 2017-18 India’s current account deficit (CAD) at US$ 13.5 billion (2.0 per cent of GDP) in Q3 of 2017-18 increased from US$ 8.0 billion (1.4 per cent of GDP) in Q3 of 2016 -17 and US$ 7.2 billion (1.1 per cent of GDP) in the preceding quarter. The widening
Preliminary data on India’s balance of payments (BoP) for the third quarter (Q3), i.e., October-December 2017-18 are presented in Statements I (BPM6 format) and II (old format). Key Features of India’s BoP in Q3 of 2017-18 India’s current account deficit (CAD) at US$ 13.5 billion (2.0 per cent of GDP) in Q3 of 2017-18 increased from US$ 8.0 billion (1.4 per cent of GDP) in Q3 of 2016 -17 and US$ 7.2 billion (1.1 per cent of GDP) in the preceding quarter. The widening
মার্চ 16, 2018
Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves in India during April-December 2017
Earlier today, the Reserve Bank of India released balance of payments (BoP) data for October-December 2017 on its website (www.rbi.org.in). On the basis of these data, the sources of variation in foreign exchange reserves during April-December 2017 have been compiled. Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves: April-December 2017 During April-December 2017, there was an increase in the foreign exchange reserves. The sources of variation in the foreign exchange
Earlier today, the Reserve Bank of India released balance of payments (BoP) data for October-December 2017 on its website (www.rbi.org.in). On the basis of these data, the sources of variation in foreign exchange reserves during April-December 2017 have been compiled. Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves: April-December 2017 During April-December 2017, there was an increase in the foreign exchange reserves. The sources of variation in the foreign exchange
মার্চ 16, 2018
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period February 12, 2018 to February 16, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 12-02-2018 2,891 1,914 796 85 91 112 9,249 7,761 715 4,443 1,819 172 13-02-2018 74 8 0 2
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period February 12, 2018 to February 16, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 12-02-2018 2,891 1,914 796 85 91 112 9,249 7,761 715 4,443 1,819 172 13-02-2018 74 8 0 2
মার্চ 16, 2018
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period February 05, 2018 to February 09, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 05-02-2018 3,474 868 944 229 189 150 11,608 7,177 462 4,055 1,434 95 06-02-2018 3,206 1,3
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period February 05, 2018 to February 09, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 05-02-2018 3,474 868 944 229 189 150 11,608 7,177 462 4,055 1,434 95 06-02-2018 3,206 1,3
মার্চ 16, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8737 on March 16, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 15, 2018) was ₹ 64.9366. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 15, 2018 March 16, 2018 1 EUR 80.3201 79.9114 1 GBP 90.7229 90.4858 100 YEN 61.27 61.27 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8737 on March 16, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 15, 2018) was ₹ 64.9366. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 15, 2018 March 16, 2018 1 EUR 80.3201 79.9114 1 GBP 90.7229 90.4858 100 YEN 61.27 61.27 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 15, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9366 on March 15, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 14, 2018) was ₹ 64.9875. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 14, 2018 March 15, 2018 1 EUR 80.5845 80.3201 1 GBP 90.8265 90.7229 100 YEN 60.99 61.27 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9366 on March 15, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 14, 2018) was ₹ 64.9875. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 14, 2018 March 15, 2018 1 EUR 80.5845 80.3201 1 GBP 90.8265 90.7229 100 YEN 60.99 61.27 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 14, 2018
Outward Foreign Direct Investment for February 2018
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of February 2018. Anirudha D. Jadhav Assistant Manager Press Release: 2017-2018/2445
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of February 2018. Anirudha D. Jadhav Assistant Manager Press Release: 2017-2018/2445
মার্চ 14, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9875 on March 14, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 13, 2018) was ₹ 64.9567. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 13, 2018 March 14, 2018 1 EUR 80.0916 80.5845 1 GBP 90.2314 90.8265 100 YEN 60.85 60.99 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9875 on March 14, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 13, 2018) was ₹ 64.9567. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 13, 2018 March 14, 2018 1 EUR 80.0916 80.5845 1 GBP 90.2314 90.8265 100 YEN 60.85 60.99 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 13, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9567 on March 13, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 12, 2018) was ₹ 65.0199. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 12, 2018 March 13, 2018 1 EUR 80.0915 80.0916 1 GBP 90.1241 90.2314 100 YEN 60.96 60.85 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9567 on March 13, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 12, 2018) was ₹ 65.0199. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 12, 2018 March 13, 2018 1 EUR 80.0915 80.0916 1 GBP 90.1241 90.2314 100 YEN 60.96 60.85 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 12, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0199 on March 12, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 09, 2018) was ₹ 65.0784. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 09, 2018 March 12, 2018 1 EUR 80.1636 80.0915 1 GBP 89.8537 90.1241 100 YEN 60.97 60.96 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0199 on March 12, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 09, 2018) was ₹ 65.0784. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 09, 2018 March 12, 2018 1 EUR 80.1636 80.0915 1 GBP 89.8537 90.1241 100 YEN 60.97 60.96 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 09, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0784 on March 09, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 08, 2018) was ₹ 64.9212. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 08, 2018 March 09, 2018 1 EUR 80.5412 80.1636 1 GBP 90.2275 89.8537 100 YEN 61.26 60.97 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0784 on March 09, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 08, 2018) was ₹ 64.9212. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 08, 2018 March 09, 2018 1 EUR 80.5412 80.1636 1 GBP 90.2275 89.8537 100 YEN 61.26 60.97 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 08, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9212 on March 08, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 07, 2018) was ₹ 64.9627. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 07, 2018 March 08, 2018 1 EUR 80.7486 80.5412 1 GBP 90.3371 90.2275 100 YEN 61.55 61.26 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9212 on March 08, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 07, 2018) was ₹ 64.9627. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 07, 2018 March 08, 2018 1 EUR 80.7486 80.5412 1 GBP 90.3371 90.2275 100 YEN 61.55 61.26 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 07, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9627 on March 07, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 06, 2018) was ₹ 64.9941. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 06, 2018 March 07, 2018 1 EUR 80.2092 80.7486 1 GBP 89.9063 90.3371 100 YEN 61.20 61.55 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9627 on March 07, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 06, 2018) was ₹ 64.9941. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 06, 2018 March 07, 2018 1 EUR 80.2092 80.7486 1 GBP 89.9063 90.3371 100 YEN 61.20 61.55 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 06, 2018
Monitoring of Foreign Investment under PIS in Indian Companies - M/s TeamLease Services Limited - Increase in FPIs Investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme from 24% to 75%
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the Foreign Portfolios Investors (FPIs) investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s TeamLease Services Limited has increased from 24% to 75% of its paid up capital. M/s TeamLease Services Limited has passed necessary resolutions of its Board of Directors and General Body as required under the FEMA, 1999 and the regulations framed thereunder. The increase is subject to regulation 5(2) of Foreign Exchange M
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the Foreign Portfolios Investors (FPIs) investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s TeamLease Services Limited has increased from 24% to 75% of its paid up capital. M/s TeamLease Services Limited has passed necessary resolutions of its Board of Directors and General Body as required under the FEMA, 1999 and the regulations framed thereunder. The increase is subject to regulation 5(2) of Foreign Exchange M
মার্চ 06, 2018
Monitoring of Foreign Investment under PIS in Indian Companies - M/s UltraTech Cement Limited - Increase in FPIs Investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme from 30% to 40%
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the Foreign Portfolios Investors (FPIs) investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s UltraTech Cement Limited has increased from 30% to 40% of its paid up capital. M/s UltraTech Cement Limited has passed necessary resolutions of its Board of Directors and General Body as required under the FEMA, 1999 and the regulations framed thereunder. The increase is subject to regulation 5(2) of Foreign Exchange Manag
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the Foreign Portfolios Investors (FPIs) investment limit under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s UltraTech Cement Limited has increased from 30% to 40% of its paid up capital. M/s UltraTech Cement Limited has passed necessary resolutions of its Board of Directors and General Body as required under the FEMA, 1999 and the regulations framed thereunder. The increase is subject to regulation 5(2) of Foreign Exchange Manag
মার্চ 06, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9941 on March 06, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 05, 2018) was ₹ 65.0530. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 05, 2018 March 06, 2018 1 EUR 80.0347 80.2092 1 GBP 89.6951 89.9063 100 YEN 61.64 61.20 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.9941 on March 06, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 05, 2018) was ₹ 65.0530. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 05, 2018 March 06, 2018 1 EUR 80.0347 80.2092 1 GBP 89.6951 89.9063 100 YEN 61.64 61.20 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 05, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0530 on March 05, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 01, 2018) was ₹ 65.2261. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 01, 2018 March 05, 2018 1 EUR 79.5041 80.0347 1 GBP 89.7055 89.6951 100 YEN 61.07 61.64 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0530 on March 05, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (March 01, 2018) was ₹ 65.2261. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date March 01, 2018 March 05, 2018 1 EUR 79.5041 80.0347 1 GBP 89.7055 89.6951 100 YEN 61.07 61.64 Note : The SDR-Rupee rate
মার্চ 01, 2018
RBI releases data on ECB/FCCB/RDB for January 2018
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of January 2018. Ajit Prasad Assistant Adviser Press Release: 2017-2018/2335
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of January 2018. Ajit Prasad Assistant Adviser Press Release: 2017-2018/2335
মার্চ 01, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.2261 on March 01, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 28, 2018) was ₹ 65.1031. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 28, 2018 March 01, 2018 1 EUR 79.5885 79.5041 1 GBP 90.4477 89.7055 100 YEN 60.80 61.07 Note : The SDR-Rupe
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.2261 on March 01, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 28, 2018) was ₹ 65.1031. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 28, 2018 March 01, 2018 1 EUR 79.5885 79.5041 1 GBP 90.4477 89.7055 100 YEN 60.80 61.07 Note : The SDR-Rupe
ফেব 28, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.1031 on February 28, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 27, 2018) was ₹ 64.8514. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 27, 2018 February 28, 2018 1 EUR 79.9683 79.5885 1 GBP 90.5844 90.4477 100 YEN 60.71 60.80 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.1031 on February 28, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 27, 2018) was ₹ 64.8514. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 27, 2018 February 28, 2018 1 EUR 79.9683 79.5885 1 GBP 90.5844 90.4477 100 YEN 60.71 60.80 Note : The SD
ফেব 27, 2018
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 29, 2018 to February 02, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 29-01-2018 5,928 1,705 909 427 504 567 13,246 7,924 1,035 5,036 2,945 69 30-01-2018 4,075
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 29, 2018 to February 02, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 29-01-2018 5,928 1,705 909 427 504 567 13,246 7,924 1,035 5,036 2,945 69 30-01-2018 4,075
ফেব 27, 2018
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 22, 2018 to January 26, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 22-01-2018 4,721 966 590 221 112 99 12,697 7,948 406 3,813 1,384 38 23-01-2018 3,891 1,023
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 22, 2018 to January 26, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 22-01-2018 4,721 966 590 221 112 99 12,697 7,948 406 3,813 1,384 38 23-01-2018 3,891 1,023
ফেব 27, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8514 on February 27, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 26, 2018) was ₹ 64.6639. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 26, 2018 February 27, 2018 1 EUR 79.6983 79.9683 1 GBP 90.6523 90.5844 100 YEN 60.69 60.71 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8514 on February 27, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 26, 2018) was ₹ 64.6639. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 26, 2018 February 27, 2018 1 EUR 79.6983 79.9683 1 GBP 90.6523 90.5844 100 YEN 60.69 60.71 Note : The SD
ফেব 26, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.6639 on February 26, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 23, 2018) was ₹ 64.8227. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 23, 2018 February 26, 2018 1 EUR 79.7643 79.6983 1 GBP 90.4017 90.6523 100 YEN 60.59 60.69 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.6639 on February 26, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 23, 2018) was ₹ 64.8227. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 23, 2018 February 26, 2018 1 EUR 79.7643 79.6983 1 GBP 90.4017 90.6523 100 YEN 60.59 60.69 Note : The SD
ফেব 23, 2018
Overseas Direct Investment for January 2018
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of January 2018. Anirudha D. Jadhav Assistant Manager Press Release: 2017-2018/2287
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of January 2018. Anirudha D. Jadhav Assistant Manager Press Release: 2017-2018/2287
ফেব 23, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8227 on February 23, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 22, 2018) was ₹ 65.0458. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 22, 2018 February 23, 2018 1 EUR 79.8307 79.7643 1 GBP 90.4137 90.4017 100 YEN 60.55 60.59 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8227 on February 23, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 22, 2018) was ₹ 65.0458. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 22, 2018 February 23, 2018 1 EUR 79.8307 79.7643 1 GBP 90.4137 90.4017 100 YEN 60.55 60.59 Note : The SD
ফেব 22, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0458 on February 22, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 21, 2018) was ₹ 64.8161. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 21, 2018 February 22, 2018 1 EUR 79.9442 79.8307 1 GBP 90.6583 90.4137 100 YEN 60.17 60.55 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0458 on February 22, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 21, 2018) was ₹ 64.8161. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 21, 2018 February 22, 2018 1 EUR 79.9442 79.8307 1 GBP 90.6583 90.4137 100 YEN 60.17 60.55 Note : The SD
ফেব 21, 2018
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 15, 2018 to January 19, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 15-01-2018 1,410 579 473 79 192 143 8,668 2,761 339 4,229 648 67 16-01-2018 3,644 2,136 687
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 15, 2018 to January 19, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 15-01-2018 1,410 579 473 79 192 143 8,668 2,761 339 4,229 648 67 16-01-2018 3,644 2,136 687
ফেব 21, 2018
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 08, 2018 to January 12, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions PositionDate MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 08-01-2018 2,626 1,001 640 166 146 145 12,145 8,792 500 3,451 1,414 61 09-01-2018 3,335 1,07
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 08, 2018 to January 12, 2018. All Figures are in USD Millions PositionDate MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 08-01-2018 2,626 1,001 640 166 146 145 12,145 8,792 500 3,451 1,414 61 09-01-2018 3,335 1,07
ফেব 21, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8161 on February 21, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 20, 2018) was ₹ 64.5254. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 20, 2018 February 21, 2018 1 EUR 79.8566 79.9442 1 GBP 90.1291 90.6583 100 YEN 60.35 60.17 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.8161 on February 21, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 20, 2018) was ₹ 64.5254. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 20, 2018 February 21, 2018 1 EUR 79.8566 79.9442 1 GBP 90.1291 90.6583 100 YEN 60.35 60.17 Note : The SD
ফেব 20, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.5254 on February 20, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 16, 2018) was ₹ 63.9097. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 16, 2018 February 20, 2018 1 EUR 80.1683 79.8566 1 GBP 90.3108 90.1291 100 YEN 60.46 60.35 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.5254 on February 20, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 16, 2018) was ₹ 63.9097. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 16, 2018 February 20, 2018 1 EUR 80.1683 79.8566 1 GBP 90.3108 90.1291 100 YEN 60.46 60.35 Note : The SD
ফেব 16, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 63.9097 on February 16, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 15, 2018) was ₹ 63.9222. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 15, 2018 February 16, 2018 1 EUR 79.6790 80.1683 1 GBP 89.5486 90.3108 100 YEN 60.05 60.46 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 63.9097 on February 16, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 15, 2018) was ₹ 63.9222. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 15, 2018 February 16, 2018 1 EUR 79.6790 80.1683 1 GBP 89.5486 90.3108 100 YEN 60.05 60.46 Note : The SD
ফেব 15, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 63.9222 on February 15, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 14, 2018) was ₹ 64.1259. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 14, 2018 February 15, 2018 1 EUR 79.3879 79.6790 1 GBP 89.1735 89.5486 100 YEN 59.84 60.05 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 63.9222 on February 15, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 14, 2018) was ₹ 64.1259. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 14, 2018 February 15, 2018 1 EUR 79.3879 79.6790 1 GBP 89.1735 89.5486 100 YEN 59.84 60.05 Note : The SD
ফেব 14, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.1259 on February 14, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 12, 2018) was ₹ 64.2838. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 12, 2018 February 14, 2018 1 EUR 78.9341 79.3879 1 GBP 89.0202 89.1735 100 YEN 59.14 59.84 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.1259 on February 14, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 12, 2018) was ₹ 64.2838. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 12, 2018 February 14, 2018 1 EUR 78.9341 79.3879 1 GBP 89.0202 89.1735 100 YEN 59.14 59.84 Note : The SD
ফেব 12, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.2838 on February 12, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 09, 2018) was ₹ 64.3686. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 09, 2018 February 12, 2018 1 EUR 78.8902 78.9341 1 GBP 89.7105 89.0202 100 YEN 59.06 59.14 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.2838 on February 12, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 09, 2018) was ₹ 64.3686. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 09, 2018 February 12, 2018 1 EUR 78.8902 78.9341 1 GBP 89.7105 89.0202 100 YEN 59.06 59.14 Note : The SD
ফেব 09, 2018
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3686 on February 09, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 08, 2018) was ₹ 64.1616. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 08, 2018 February 09, 2018 1 EUR 78.7455 78.8902 1 GBP 89.1910 89.7105 100 YEN 58.50 59.06 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3686 on February 09, 2018. The corresponding rate for the previous day (February 08, 2018) was ₹ 64.1616. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date February 08, 2018 February 09, 2018 1 EUR 78.7455 78.8902 1 GBP 89.1910 89.7105 100 YEN 58.50 59.06 Note : The SD


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