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serial_number regulatory_reporting_return_name regulatory_reporting_return_description regulatory_reporting_frequency regulatory_reporting_department_concerned regulatory_reporting_reporting_entity regulatory_reporting_related_circulars regulatory_reporting_reporting_format regulatory_reporting_reporting_platform
1 MSME working capital and investment credit

Data on working capital loan and investment credit extended to MSMEs

Quarterly FIDD Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks (including Small Finance Banks) email intimation Email
2 PD's call money transactions with commercial banks (Return from PDs)

Compilation of New Monetary Aggregates

Fortnightly DEPR Primary Dealers Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 CIMS
3 Returns from SIDBI

Details of Mobilisation of Resources/ Certificate of deposit/ term deposit/ inter corp. deposit etc

Weekly DEPR SIDBI Hardcopy
4 Form TC

Compilation of short term credit extended for imports and payments thereof

Monthly DEPR ADs RBI/2004/154 A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17, 2004 Email
5 Yen holdings of Government of India

International investment position

Monthly DEPR AD Category - I Banks & Authorised Banks Master Direction - External Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credit, Borrowing and Lending in Foreign Currency by ADs and Persons other than ADs Hardcopy
6 WLA Customer complaints

Details of Complaints received, resolved, pending and type of complaints

Quarterly DPSS WLA Operators DPSS.CO.OD.No.670/06.08.001/2019-20 dated September 24, 2019 XBRL Phase III
7 ATM deployment

State and region wise number of ATMs deployed by banks and WLAOs

Quarterly DPSS SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks, Small Finance Banks and White Label ATM Operators e-mail instruction Email
8 Cards Statistics

Usage of Credit & debit cards at ATM & POS

Monthly DPSS SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks DPSS.CO.OD.No.670/06.08.001/2019-20 dated September 24, 2019 XBRL Phase III
9 WLA Statistics

WLA Statistics

Monthly DPSS WLA Operator e-mail instruction Email
10 Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) Statistics

Pre-paid Payment Instrument Statistics

Monthly DPSS SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks and non-bank entities authorised to issue pre-paid payment instruments in India Master Directions on Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) (Reserve Bank of India - Master Directions (rbi.org.in)) Email
11 PPI customer grievances

Details of complaints received/ resolved/ pending against PPI issuers

Quarterly DPSS SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks and non-bank entities authorised to issue pre-paid payment instruments in India Master Direction DPSS.CO.PD.No.1164/02.14.006/2017-18 dated October 11, 2017 XBRL Phase III
12 Mobile Banking Transactions

Volume and Value of Payment Transactions done through Mobile Banking Application

Monthly DPSS SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks who have been permitted to provide Mobile Banking services in India DPSS.CO.OD.No. 3420/06.06.003/2016-17 dated June 08, 2017 XBRL Phase III
13 Basic Statistical Return - 1 (BSR1)

Bank credit classified according to various characteristics

Quarterly for non-RRBs / Annual for RRBs DSIM Quarterly-SCBs (excluding RRBs), Annual-SCBs (including RRBs) Handbook of Instructions on Basic Statistical Return (BSR)-1 EDSP
14 Basic Statistical Return - 2 (BSR2)

Classification of deposits with SCBs and employment details of SCBs

Quarterly for non-RRBs / Annual for RRBs DSIM Quarterly-SCBs (excluding RRBs), Annual-SCBs (including RRBs) BSR instructions_2023 EDSP
15 IBS return

International assets and liabilities of banks in India

Quarterly DSIM Banks which are engaged in international transactions https://www.bis.org/ statistics/about_banking_stats.htm EDSP

Non-resident deposits comprehensive single return on NR/FCNR deposits and their transactions in a month

Monthly DSIM All Banks Authorised to deal in Foreign Exchange Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 CIMS
17 Form ECB

To obtain Loan Registration Number (LRN) for ECB

Before draw down of ECB DSIM Borrower through the designated AD bank Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Hardcopy
18 ECB 2 Return

To report actual ECB transactions

Monthly DSIM Borrower through the designated AD bank Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Hardcopy
19 Revised Form ECB

To report changes in ECB parameters in consonance with the ECB norms

Within 7 days from the changes effected in ECB parameters DSIM Borrower through the designated AD bank Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Hardcopy
20 FETERS (R-return)

Foreign exchange transactions of banks in India

Fortnightly DSIM AD Category - I Banks A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 50 dated February 11, 2016 BoP


* Notes

SCBs: Scheduled Commercial Banks

RRBs: Regional Rural Banks

SFBs: Small Finance Banks

PBs: Payment Banks

LABs: Lead Area Banks

AIFIs: All India Financial Institutions

ADs: Authorised Dealers

IP Agents: Issuing and Paying Agents

NBFCs: Non-Banking Financial Companies

RNBCs:Residuary Non-Banking Companies

NBFC-D:Non-Banking Financial Companies- Deposit Taking

NBFC-ND-SI: Non-Banking Financial Companies- Non-Deposit Taking-Systemically Important

UCBs: Urban Cooperative Banks

StCBs: State / Central Co-operative Banks

DCCBs: District Central Co-operative Banks

CICs: Credit Information Companies

AMCs: All Authorised Money Changers

FFMCs: Full Fledged Money Changers

MTSS: Money Transfer Service Scheme

WLAs: White label ATMs

PDs: Primary Dealers

SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India

@ Master Directions will be issued soon



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পেজের শেষ আপডেট করা তারিখ: আগস্ট 06, 2024

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