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serial_number regulatory_reporting_return_name regulatory_reporting_return_description regulatory_reporting_frequency regulatory_reporting_department_concerned regulatory_reporting_reporting_entity regulatory_reporting_related_circulars regulatory_reporting_reporting_format regulatory_reporting_reporting_platform

All NBFCs-D, NBFCs-NDSI and NBFCs-Factors having aggregate exposure of ₹5 Crore and above to a single borrower reported in SMA-0 for the week

Weekly DoS All NBFCs-D, NBFCs-NDSI and NBFCs-Factors having aggregate exposure of ₹5 Crore and above to a single borrower reported in default for the week Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 CIMS
202 DNBS10-Statutory Auditor Certificate (SAC) Return

To ensure continued regulatory compliance for all NBFCs.

Annual DoS All NBFCs and ARCs Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 CIMS
203 DNBS11-CICs - Important Financial Parameters@

The return captures financial details, viz. components of Assets and Liabilities, Profit and Loss account, Exposure to sensitive sectors etc. for CIC-ND-Sis.

Quarterly DoS NBFC- Core Investment Companies (CICs) Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 CIMS
204 DNBS12-CICs - Important Prudential Parameters@

The return captures compliance with various prudential norms, e.g. Capital Adequacy, Asset Classification, Provisioning, NOF etc. for CIC-ND-Sis.

Quarterly DoS NBFC- Core Investment Companies (CICs) Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 CIMS
205 DNBS13-Overseas Investment Details@

To capture details of overseas investment for all NBFCs having overseas investment.

Quarterly DoS All NBFCs and ARCs Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 CIMS
206 DNBS14- P2Ps- Important Financial & Prudential Parameters@

The return captures financials details like components of assets and liabilities as well as compliance with various prudential norms for NBFCs-P2P.

Quarterly DoS NBFC-P2P Category "Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024" CIMS
207 Fraud Monitoring Return 1 (FMR1)

To capture the details of the fraud committed by staff, outsiders or customers involving an amount of Rs 1 lakh or more for all NBFC-D and NBFC-NDSIs.

As and when DoS NBFCs - Deposit Taking & NDSIs Master Direction - Monitoring of Frauds in NBFCs (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 XBRL Phase II
208 Fraud Monitoring Return 3 (FMR3) - Fraud Update Application

To capture the updated information in respect of frauds reported through FMR-1 for all NBFC-D and NBFC-NDSIs.

As and when DoS NBFCs - Deposit Taking & NDSIs Master Direction - Monitoring of Frauds in NBFCs (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 XBRL Phase II
209 Return on Complaints

Data on customer compliants

Quarterly & Annual CEPD All Commercial Banks Email Intimaton to Banks CIMS
210 Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion (MPFI)- Quantitative Return (Template-I)

To measure the progress of FI during the quarter in sync with recommendations of NSFI.

Quarterly FIDD SCBs (including RRBs) DO.FIDD.CO.FID.1742/12.01.025/2019-2020 dated February 20, 2020 National Strategy for Financial Inclusion(NSFI): 2019-24 and Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion(MPFI) CIMS
211 Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion (MPFI)- Qualitative Return (Template-II)

To understand developments in the financial inclusion sphere.

Annual FIDD SCBs (including RRBs) DO.FIDD.CO.FID.1742/12.01.025/2019-2020 dated February 20, 2020 National Strategy for Financial Inclusion(NSFI): 2019-24 and Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion(MPFI) CIMS
212 Natural Calamity Relief Measures- Quarterly

Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities

Quarterly FIDD All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Small Finance Banks and excluding Regional Rural Banks) via SLBCs through Regional Offices MD.FIDD.CO.FSD.BC No.9/05.10.001/2018-19 dated October 17, 2018 CIMS
213 Natural Calamity Relief Measures

Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities

Monthly FIDD All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Small Finance Banks and excluding Regional Rural Banks) on the Natural Calamity Relief Measures Portal MD.FIDD.CO.FSD.BC No.9/05.10.001/2018-19 dated October 17, 2018 EDSP
214 Natural Calamity Relief Measures

Notification issued by State Government on declaration of natural calamity

As and When FIDD SLBCs on the Natural Calamity Relief Measures Portal Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities) Directions 2018 – SCBs CIMS
215 MTSS

MTSS Business

Monthly DPSS MTSS Entities DPSS.CO.OD.No.670/06.08.001/2019-20 dated September 24, 2019 XBRL Phase III
216 Internal Ombudsman (IO) for Non-Bank System Participants

Data on IO complaints

Quarterly & Annual CEPD Non-Bank System Participants with more than one crore outstanding PPIs Internal Ombudsman Scheme for Non-bank System Participants, 2019 Email
217 Internal Ombudsman (IO) for Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)

Data on IO complaints

Quarterly & Annual CEPD a) Deposit-taking NBFCs (NBFCs-D) with 10 or more branches.
b) Non-Deposit taking NBFCs (NBFCs-ND) with asset size of Rs.5,000 crore and above and having public customer interface.
Internal Ombudsman Scheme for NBFCs, 2021 Email
218 Allocation of branches to Statutory Branch Auditors (SBAs) by Public Sector Banks (PSBs)

PSBs are required to upload the details of branches allocated to their SBAs, on an annual basis, in the Auditor Allocation System (AAS) application maintained by the Bank

Annual DoS All PSBs Confidential Letter on Appointment of SBAs issued by ARG on annual basis to each PSB separately Auditor Allocation System
219 Half yearly/ Quarterly Review of Accounts of Public Sector Banks - Review Report by Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs)

SCAs of PSBs are required to conduct half yearly/quarterly review of accounts of PSBs and submit Review Report in the prescribed format

Half yearly / Quarterly DoS All PSBs DBS.ARS.No.BC.17/08.91.001/2002-03 dated June 5, 2003 Manual
220 Half yearly/ Quarterly Review of Accounts of Public Sector Banks - Review of Accounts

SCAs of PSBs are required to conduct half yearly/quarterly review of financial results of PSBs and submit the same

Half yearly / Quarterly DoS All PSBs Circular dated July 28, 2016 on ‘Half yearly/ Quarterly Review of Accounts of Public Sector Banks’ Manual


* Notes

SCBs: Scheduled Commercial Banks

RRBs: Regional Rural Banks

SFBs: Small Finance Banks

PBs: Payment Banks

LABs: Lead Area Banks

AIFIs: All India Financial Institutions

ADs: Authorised Dealers

IP Agents: Issuing and Paying Agents

NBFCs: Non-Banking Financial Companies

RNBCs:Residuary Non-Banking Companies

NBFC-D:Non-Banking Financial Companies- Deposit Taking

NBFC-ND-SI: Non-Banking Financial Companies- Non-Deposit Taking-Systemically Important

UCBs: Urban Cooperative Banks

StCBs: State / Central Co-operative Banks

DCCBs: District Central Co-operative Banks

CICs: Credit Information Companies

AMCs: All Authorised Money Changers

FFMCs: Full Fledged Money Changers

MTSS: Money Transfer Service Scheme

WLAs: White label ATMs

PDs: Primary Dealers

SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India

@ Master Directions will be issued soon



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পেজের শেষ আপডেট করা তারিখ: আগস্ট 06, 2024

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