Quarterly Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey (OBICUS) April-June 2015 (30th Round) - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Quarterly Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey (OBICUS) April-June 2015 (30th Round)
The Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey (OBICUS) captures actual data from the companies in the manufacturing sector. This round of OBICUS, which is the 30th round in the series, captures data for Q1:2015-16. In all, 1,233 common (for last five quarters) manufacturing companies (Government: 45, Public: 841 and Private: 347) responded in this round of survey. The analysis is based on the data on order books, inventory levels for raw materials & finished goods, and capacity utilisation, received from these common set of companies. Highlights: Capacity Utilisation (CU): At the aggregate level, CU recorded seasonal drop in Q1:2015-16 and stood at 71.5 per cent, higher than its level during the same quarter of the previous year. There is broad co-movement between capacity utilisation and de-trended IIP manufacturing (Chart 1). Order Books: The new orders growth bounced back to positive territory on a y-o-y basis. On a q-o-q basis, it declined marginally in Q1:2015-16 (Chart 2). Inventory to Sales Ratio: The finished goods inventory to sales ratio (FGI/S) continued to increase in Q1:2015-16 and stood at a higher level as compared to the position in Q1:2014-15. The raw material inventory to sales ratio (RMI/S) declined marginally from its level of previous quarter (Chart 3). ANNEX
1 The 29th round (Q4:2014-15) survey results were released on August 4, 2015 on the RBI website. The survey results are those of the respondents and are not necessarily shared by the Reserve Bank of India. |