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Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India

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Jun 20, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 8, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 09.06.2006 25.05.2007 * 08.06.2007 * 09.06.2006 25.05.2007 * 08.06.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 32092.43 36027.68   36947.85   34709.93 37728.28   38788.38 **   b) Borrowings from banks 28387.31 28817.77   25700.40   28414.05 28889.75   25776.7
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 09.06.2006 25.05.2007 * 08.06.2007 * 09.06.2006 25.05.2007 * 08.06.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 32092.43 36027.68   36947.85   34709.93 37728.28   38788.38 **   b) Borrowings from banks 28387.31 28817.77   25700.40   28414.05 28889.75   25776.7
May 23, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 11, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 12.05.2006 27.04.2007 * 11.05.2007 * 12.05.2006 27.04.2007 * 11.05.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 32387.46 38011.42   38210.16   35038.42 39868.89   40050.69 **   b) Borrowings from banks 28211.14 34289.04   29339.24   28252.23 34399.71   29462.1
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 12.05.2006 27.04.2007 * 11.05.2007 * 12.05.2006 27.04.2007 * 11.05.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 32387.46 38011.42   38210.16   35038.42 39868.89   40050.69 **   b) Borrowings from banks 28211.14 34289.04   29339.24   28252.23 34399.71   29462.1
May 09, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 27, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 28.04.2006 13.04.2007 * 27.04.2007 * 28.04.2006 13.04.2007 * 27.04.2007 *   Demand & time deposits from banks 32442.02 39366.72  38011.42   35097.61 41210.76   39868.89 **   Borrowings from banks 29183.43 37767.75  34289.04   29244.42 37835.16   34399.71  
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 28.04.2006 13.04.2007 * 27.04.2007 * 28.04.2006 13.04.2007 * 27.04.2007 *   Demand & time deposits from banks 32442.02 39366.72  38011.42   35097.61 41210.76   39868.89 **   Borrowings from banks 29183.43 37767.75  34289.04   29244.42 37835.16   34399.71  
Apr 25, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 13, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 14.04.2006 30.03.2007 * 13.04.2007 * 14.04.2006 30.03.2007 * 13.04.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 36137.44 40082.66   39366.72   38806.02 41887.26   41210.76 **   b) Borrowings from banks 29128.16 35130.95   37767.75   29157.20 35158.15   37835.1
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 14.04.2006 30.03.2007 * 13.04.2007 * 14.04.2006 30.03.2007 * 13.04.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 36137.44 40082.66   39366.72   38806.02 41887.26   41210.76 **   b) Borrowings from banks 29128.16 35130.95   37767.75   29157.20 35158.15   37835.1
Apr 11, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 30, 2007
(Amount in  Rupees crore)      Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs)  I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 31.03.2006 16.03.2007 * 30.03.2007 * 31.03.2006 16.03.2007 * 30.03.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 37077.59 35974.09   40082.66   39749.78 37783.30   41887.26 **   b) Borrowings from banks 29196.95 36729.54   35130.95   29231.61 36753.10   35158.
(Amount in  Rupees crore)      Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs)  I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 31.03.2006 16.03.2007 * 30.03.2007 * 31.03.2006 16.03.2007 * 30.03.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 37077.59 35974.09   40082.66   39749.78 37783.30   41887.26 **   b) Borrowings from banks 29196.95 36729.54   35130.95   29231.61 36753.10   35158.
Mar 28, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 16, 2007
(Amount in  Rupees crore)    Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs)All Scheduled Banks (SCBs)  I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 17.03.2006 02.03.2007 * 16.03.2007 * 17.03.2006 02.03.2007 * 16.03.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 33258.72 36080.97   35974.09   35803.28 37889.43   37783.30 **   b) Borrowings from banks 30835.17 30075.30   36729.54   30900.56 30111.16   36753.10
(Amount in  Rupees crore)    Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs)All Scheduled Banks (SCBs)  I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 17.03.2006 02.03.2007 * 16.03.2007 * 17.03.2006 02.03.2007 * 16.03.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 33258.72 36080.97   35974.09   35803.28 37889.43   37783.30 **   b) Borrowings from banks 30835.17 30075.30   36729.54   30900.56 30111.16   36753.10
Mar 14, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 02, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 03.03.2006 16.02.2007 * 02.03.2007 * 03.03.2006 16.02.2007 * 02.03.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 31991.60 35570.32   36080.97   34513.50 37439.68   37889.43 **   b) Borrowings from banks 27405.47 33469.11   30075.30   27421.92 33503.57   30111.1
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 03.03.2006 16.02.2007 * 02.03.2007 * 03.03.2006 16.02.2007 * 02.03.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 31991.60 35570.32   36080.97   34513.50 37439.68   37889.43 **   b) Borrowings from banks 27405.47 33469.11   30075.30   27421.92 33503.57   30111.1
Feb 28, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 16, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)       Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 17.02.2006 02.02.2007 * 16.02.2007 * 17.02.2006 02.02.2007 * 16.02.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 29564.77 35861.77   35570.32   32113.08 37715.92   37439.68 **   b) Borrowings from banks 24859.21 33699.49   33469.11   24879.49 33741.25   33503.57 &nbs
(Amount in Rupees crore)       Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 17.02.2006 02.02.2007 * 16.02.2007 * 17.02.2006 02.02.2007 * 16.02.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 29564.77 35861.77   35570.32   32113.08 37715.92   37439.68 **   b) Borrowings from banks 24859.21 33699.49   33469.11   24879.49 33741.25   33503.57 &nbs
Feb 14, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 02, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 03.02.2006 19.01.2007 * 02.02.2007 * 03.02.2006 19.01.2007 * 02.02.2007 *  1. Demand & time deposits from banks 32825.99 34702.68  35861.77   35374.27 36492.62   37715.92 **   2. Borrowings from banks 27361.12 30946.49  33699.49   27422.55 30996.11   33741.25 &
(Amount in Rupees crore)        Scheduled Commercial Banks(including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 03.02.2006 19.01.2007 * 02.02.2007 * 03.02.2006 19.01.2007 * 02.02.2007 *  1. Demand & time deposits from banks 32825.99 34702.68  35861.77   35374.27 36492.62   37715.92 **   2. Borrowings from banks 27361.12 30946.49  33699.49   27422.55 30996.11   33741.25 &
Jan 31, 2007
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 19, 2007
(Amount in Rupees crore)          Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 20.01.2006 05.01.2007 * 19.01.2007 * 20.01.2006 05.01.2007 * 19.01.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 33275.16 32546.04   34702.68   35826.78 34334.35   36492.62 **   b) Borrowings from banks 27468.80 31381.02   30946.49   27550.94 31446.40   3099
(Amount in Rupees crore)          Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) 20.01.2006 05.01.2007 * 19.01.2007 * 20.01.2006 05.01.2007 * 19.01.2007 *   a) Demand & time deposits from banks 33275.16 32546.04   34702.68   35826.78 34334.35   36492.62 **   b) Borrowings from banks 27468.80 31381.02   30946.49   27550.94 31446.40   3099


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Page Last Updated on: September 23, 2024