Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India - आरबीआई - Reserve Bank of India
Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India
Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India
दिनांक: अप्रैल 12, 2024
(₹ Crore) | |||||||
Item | Outstanding as on Mar. 22, 2024 |
Variation over | |||||
Fortnight | Financial year so far | Year-on-Year | |||||
2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||
1 Liabilities to the Banking System | |||||||
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks | 294471 | 869 | 35550 | 68352 | 35550 | 68352 | |
1.2 Borrowings from Banks | 185863 | 5428 | 28882 | 118664 | 28882 | 118664 | |
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities | 72452 | 544 | 28762 | 13928 | 28762 | 13928 | |
2 Liabilities to Others | |||||||
2.1 Aggregate Deposits | 20475254 | 55172 | 1578601 | 2431340 | 1578601 | 2431340 | |
(20367011) | (2323098) | (2323098) | |||||
2.1a Growth (Per cent) | 0.3 | 9.6 | 13.5 | 9.6 | 13.5 | ||
(12.9) | (12.9) | ||||||
2.1.1 Demand | 2443857 | 69307 | 107684 | 263426 | 107684 | 263426 | |
2.1.2 Time | 18031397 | -14135 | 1470917 | 2167914 | 1470917 | 2167914 | |
2.2 Borrowings | 774509 | 11642 | 170735 | 329180 | 170735 | 329180 | |
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities | 937631 | -10050 | 148803 | 147980 | 148803 | 147980 | |
3. Borrowings from Reserve Bank | 222716 | 133299 | 70785 | 57631 | 70785 | 57631 | |
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank | 1020916 | 20852 | 130807 | 120746 | 130807 | 120746 | |
4.1 Cash in hand | 89433 | -8773 | 4337 | -829 | 4337 | -829 | |
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank | 931483 | 29625 | 126470 | 121575 | 126470 | 121575 | |
5 Assets with the Banking System | |||||||
5.1 Balances with Other Banks | 196955 | -1613 | 29182 | 3532 | 29182 | 3532 | |
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice | 12355 | -1615 | 17882 | -12509 | 17882 | -12509 | |
5.3 Advances to Banks | 48368 | 1331 | 5383 | 7184 | 5383 | 7184 | |
5.4 Other Assets | 115434 | 8716 | 30517 | 48304 | 30517 | 48304 | |
6 Investments | 6105679 | 975 | 686200 | 690531 | 686200 | 690531 | |
(6014124) | (598976) | (598976) | |||||
6.1a Growth (Per cent) | - | 14.5 | 12.8 | 14.5 | 12.8 | ||
(11.1) | (11.1) | ||||||
6.1 Government Securities | 6104731 | 828 | 686143 | 690409 | 686143 | 690409 | |
6.2 Other Approved Securities | 949 | 147 | 58 | 122 | 58 | 122 | |
7 Bank Credit | 16434662 | 121103 | 1783921 | 2759427 | 1783921 | 2759427 | |
(15903976) | (2228740) | (2228740) | |||||
7.1a Growth (Per cent) | 0.7 | 15.0 | 20.2 | 15.0 | 20.2 | ||
(16.3) | (16.3) | ||||||
7a.1 Food Credit | 23081 | -8623 | -35105 | 3175 | -35105 | 3175 | |
7a.2 Non-food credit | 16411581 | 129726 | 1819026 | 2756252 | 1819026 | 2756252 | |
7b.1 Loans, Cash credit and Overdrafts | 16134350 | 105554 | 1773570 | 2709443 | 1773570 | 2709443 | |
7b.2 Inland Bills - Purchased | 60467 | 5534 | 3380 | 21032 | 3380 | 21032 | |
7b.3 Discounted | 197354 | 6691 | 8699 | 34444 | 8699 | 34444 | |
7b.4 Foreign Bills - Purchased | 17685 | 1271 | 388 | -1860 | 388 | -1860 | |
7b.5 Discounted | 24806 | 2054 | -2115 | -3633 | -2115 | -3633 | |
1. Data since July 14, 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank. 2. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger. 3. ‘-’: Nil/Negligible. |
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