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सर्च रिफाइन करें

खोज परिणाम


  • लिस्ट व्यू
  • जाली देखना
मार्च 23, 2015
बैंकर–उधारकर्ता परस्‍पर प्रभाव : सहक्रियाएं तथा चुनौतियाँ
बीसीएसबीआई के अध्यक्ष श्री ए सी महाजन; एसोचैम नैशनल काउंसिल फॉर बैंकिंग एंड फाइनेंस के अध्यक्ष श्री एम नरेंद्र; एपीएएस एलएलपी के प्रबंध निदेशक श्री अश्विन पारेख; मंच पर उपस्थित अन्य पदाधिकारीगण; बैंकिंग जगत के साथियों; एसोचैम के सदस्यगण; प्रिंट तथा इलेक्ट्रोनिक मीडिया के प्रतिनिधिगण; देवियो और सज्जनो ! सर्वप्रथम मैं इस मुद्दे पर चर्चा आयोजित करने के लिए एसोचैम को बधाई देता हूँ, जो बैंकिंग उद्योग के लिए बहुत ही प्रासंगिक और समसामयिक है। बढ़ते हुए एनपीए के मद्देनजर बैंको
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
बीसीएसबीआई के अध्यक्ष श्री ए सी महाजन; एसोचैम नैशनल काउंसिल फॉर बैंकिंग एंड फाइनेंस के अध्यक्ष श्री एम नरेंद्र; एपीएएस एलएलपी के प्रबंध निदेशक श्री अश्विन पारेख; मंच पर उपस्थित अन्य पदाधिकारीगण; बैंकिंग जगत के साथियों; एसोचैम के सदस्यगण; प्रिंट तथा इलेक्ट्रोनिक मीडिया के प्रतिनिधिगण; देवियो और सज्जनो ! सर्वप्रथम मैं इस मुद्दे पर चर्चा आयोजित करने के लिए एसोचैम को बधाई देता हूँ, जो बैंकिंग उद्योग के लिए बहुत ही प्रासंगिक और समसामयिक है। बढ़ते हुए एनपीए के मद्देनजर बैंको
मार्च 23, 2015
कॉरपोरेट ऋण बाजार : समय की मांग – पुनरावलोकन
गुड मॉर्निंग देवियों और सज्जनों ! 2. कॉर्पोरेट कर्ज बाजार पर इस शिखर वार्ता के आयोजन के लिए में केयर रेटिंग को धन्यवाद देता हूँ । जैसा कि मै देख रहा हूँ, सेमीनार की विषयवस्तु अत्यंत व्यापक है और हमें इंडस्ट्री का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे कुछ उत्कृष्ट वक्ताओं को सुनने का अवसर मिल रहा है और उनके विचारों को जानना काफी रोचक होगा। एक नियामक के रूप में भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक में किसी बाजार के विकास के संबंध में हम अपना स्वतंत्र दृष्टिकोण रखते हैं, लेकिन बाजार के प्रतिभागियों को सुनन
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
गुड मॉर्निंग देवियों और सज्जनों ! 2. कॉर्पोरेट कर्ज बाजार पर इस शिखर वार्ता के आयोजन के लिए में केयर रेटिंग को धन्यवाद देता हूँ । जैसा कि मै देख रहा हूँ, सेमीनार की विषयवस्तु अत्यंत व्यापक है और हमें इंडस्ट्री का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे कुछ उत्कृष्ट वक्ताओं को सुनने का अवसर मिल रहा है और उनके विचारों को जानना काफी रोचक होगा। एक नियामक के रूप में भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक में किसी बाजार के विकास के संबंध में हम अपना स्वतंत्र दृष्टिकोण रखते हैं, लेकिन बाजार के प्रतिभागियों को सुनन
मार्च 20, 2015
गरीबी को मात देना: समस्याएं एवं चुनौतियाँ
स्कॉच ग्रुप के अध्यक्ष श्री समीर कोचर, मंच पर विराजमान महानुभाव एवं सभा में उपस्थित अन्य विद्वतजन; इस सम्मेलन में भाग लेनेवाले प्रतिनिधिगण; प्रिंट तथा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया के सदस्य; देवियों एवं सज्जनों! यह मेरे लिए अत्‍यंत हर्ष एवं सौभाग्य की बात है कि मैं आज “गरीबी को मात देना” इस विषय पर आयोजित 39वें स्कॉच शिखर सम्मेलन के उदघाटन सत्र में यहां उपस्थित हूँ। शिखर सम्मेलन का यह विषय इस समय बहुत ही प्रासंगिक है जब प्रधानमंत्री जन-धन योजना के अंतर्गत प्रत्येक परिवार को बैं
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
स्कॉच ग्रुप के अध्यक्ष श्री समीर कोचर, मंच पर विराजमान महानुभाव एवं सभा में उपस्थित अन्य विद्वतजन; इस सम्मेलन में भाग लेनेवाले प्रतिनिधिगण; प्रिंट तथा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया के सदस्य; देवियों एवं सज्जनों! यह मेरे लिए अत्‍यंत हर्ष एवं सौभाग्य की बात है कि मैं आज “गरीबी को मात देना” इस विषय पर आयोजित 39वें स्कॉच शिखर सम्मेलन के उदघाटन सत्र में यहां उपस्थित हूँ। शिखर सम्मेलन का यह विषय इस समय बहुत ही प्रासंगिक है जब प्रधानमंत्री जन-धन योजना के अंतर्गत प्रत्येक परिवार को बैं
मार्च 17, 2015
अपंरपरागत मौद्रिक नीति से फैलने वाले प्रभाव - उभरते बाज़ारों के लिए सबक - क्रिस्टीन लैगार्ड
Photographs Introduction Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. Governor Rajan, thank you for your generous introduction, and for inviting me to speak before this distinguished audience today. It is indeed a privilege to share the stage with Dr. Rajan, one of the world’s most highly regarded financial economists, one whom the Fund is fortunate enough to have had as its Economic Counselor. Raghu certainly has been very busy since he took over Governor of the RBI in Sept
क्रिस्टीन लैगार्ड, आईएमएफ के प्रबंध निदेशक
Photographs Introduction Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. Governor Rajan, thank you for your generous introduction, and for inviting me to speak before this distinguished audience today. It is indeed a privilege to share the stage with Dr. Rajan, one of the world’s most highly regarded financial economists, one whom the Fund is fortunate enough to have had as its Economic Counselor. Raghu certainly has been very busy since he took over Governor of the RBI in Sept
मार्च 03, 2015
साख सूचना साझा करने के लिए नई नीतिगत पहल- आर गांधी
Shri M.V.Nair, Chairman, CIBIL; Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, SBI; Shri T.M. Bhasin, Chairman, IBA; Shri Arun Thukral, Managing Director, CIBIL; delegates to the Conference; ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure for me to be present here this morning to deliver the keynote address at the Seventh Annual CIBIL TransUnion Credit Information Conference. Background 2. Consequent to the recommendations of the ‘Working Group to explore the possibilities of setting u
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Shri M.V.Nair, Chairman, CIBIL; Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, SBI; Shri T.M. Bhasin, Chairman, IBA; Shri Arun Thukral, Managing Director, CIBIL; delegates to the Conference; ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure for me to be present here this morning to deliver the keynote address at the Seventh Annual CIBIL TransUnion Credit Information Conference. Background 2. Consequent to the recommendations of the ‘Working Group to explore the possibilities of setting u
मार्च 02, 2015
Emerging Issues in Cyber Security in the Financial Sector
It is not often that one gets an opportunity to deliver the very first lecture of a series organised in memory of a person whom you have known and respected from the childhood. One may have many things to say and eulogise about the Late Highness Sri Chithira Thirunal, but I can claim to represent a family which knew him personally and many of his family members. Therefore, I am thankful to Mr Jeevandas Narayan, Managing Director of State Bank of Travancore for startin
Shri G Padmanabhan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
It is not often that one gets an opportunity to deliver the very first lecture of a series organised in memory of a person whom you have known and respected from the childhood. One may have many things to say and eulogise about the Late Highness Sri Chithira Thirunal, but I can claim to represent a family which knew him personally and many of his family members. Therefore, I am thankful to Mr Jeevandas Narayan, Managing Director of State Bank of Travancore for startin
फ़रवरी 27, 2015
Some Thoughts on Forex Markets in India
Introduction It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here at the India Treasury Summit to share my thoughts on the Indian Foreign Exchange Market. This forum provides an important platform for interaction amongst the corporate treasurers, finance professionals and market participants and it is being held at a time when the financial world is beset with uncertainties regarding economic growth prospects, oil and commodity prices and monetary policy stances of major economi
Shri G. Mahalingam, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Introduction It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here at the India Treasury Summit to share my thoughts on the Indian Foreign Exchange Market. This forum provides an important platform for interaction amongst the corporate treasurers, finance professionals and market participants and it is being held at a time when the financial world is beset with uncertainties regarding economic growth prospects, oil and commodity prices and monetary policy stances of major economi
फ़रवरी 24, 2015
Emerging Trends in the Global Financial Landscape: India’s Challenges and Opportunities
Good morning Symbiosis. Dr. Rajani Gupte, Vice Chancellor, Symbiosis International University, Dr. Bhama Venkataramani, Director, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Mr. Y.M Deosthalee, Chairman & MD, L&T Finance Holdings Ltd., Mr. Alexander K. Sattler, Financial Counsellor & Representative of the Deutsche Bundesbank, members of faculty, students, distinguished invitees and friends from media. It is a pleasure to be in your midst and inaugurate the Th
Shri Harun R Khan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Good morning Symbiosis. Dr. Rajani Gupte, Vice Chancellor, Symbiosis International University, Dr. Bhama Venkataramani, Director, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Mr. Y.M Deosthalee, Chairman & MD, L&T Finance Holdings Ltd., Mr. Alexander K. Sattler, Financial Counsellor & Representative of the Deutsche Bundesbank, members of faculty, students, distinguished invitees and friends from media. It is a pleasure to be in your midst and inaugurate the Th
फ़रवरी 20, 2015
Democracy, Inclusion, and Prosperity
Thank you for inviting me to this Festival of Ideas. Since this festival is about ideas, I am not going to tax you with the Reserve Bank’s views on monetary policy, which are, by now, well known. Instead, I want to talk about something I have been studying for many years, the development of a liberal market democracy. In doing this, I will wear my hat as a professor in the field known as political economy, and discard my RBI hat for the time being. If you came here ex
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Thank you for inviting me to this Festival of Ideas. Since this festival is about ideas, I am not going to tax you with the Reserve Bank’s views on monetary policy, which are, by now, well known. Instead, I want to talk about something I have been studying for many years, the development of a liberal market democracy. In doing this, I will wear my hat as a professor in the field known as political economy, and discard my RBI hat for the time being. If you came here ex
फ़रवरी 10, 2015
Taking on Risk – The Sensible Way
Shri Suresh Senapaty, Shri Richard Rekhy, Shri Deepak Parekh, Smt. Greeta Varughese other distinguished guests & invitees on and across the dais. This invitation to give an address at this important CII event gives me a great pleasure. CII seems to have chosen a very interesting theme for this national risk summit - ‘De-risking the future of India Inc.’- I am, of course, wondering why CII is thinking of de-risking the future of India Inc. though the participants h
Shri Harun R Khan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Shri Suresh Senapaty, Shri Richard Rekhy, Shri Deepak Parekh, Smt. Greeta Varughese other distinguished guests & invitees on and across the dais. This invitation to give an address at this important CII event gives me a great pleasure. CII seems to have chosen a very interesting theme for this national risk summit - ‘De-risking the future of India Inc.’- I am, of course, wondering why CII is thinking of de-risking the future of India Inc. though the participants h
फ़रवरी 06, 2015
नए भारत का नया बैंकिंग परिदृश्य
भारतीय स्टेट बैंक की अध्यक्षा श्रीमती अरुंधंती भट्टाचार्य; आई सी आई सी आई बैंक लि. की प्रबंध निदेशक तथा मुख्य कार्यपालक आधिकारी श्रीमती चंदा कोचर, एक्सिस बैंक लि. की प्रबंध निदेशक तथा मुख्य कार्यपालक अधिकारी श्रीमती शिखा शर्मा, एचडीएफसी बैंक लि. के प्रबंध निदेशक श्री आदित्य पुरी, स्टैण्डर्ड चार्टर्ड बैंक के भारत तथा दक्षिण एशिया के क्षेत्रीय मुख्य कार्यपालक श्री सुनील कौशल तथा बैंकिंग और वित्तीय क्षेत्र के अन्य वरिष्ठ सदस्य गण; प्रिंट तथा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया के सदस्यग
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
भारतीय स्टेट बैंक की अध्यक्षा श्रीमती अरुंधंती भट्टाचार्य; आई सी आई सी आई बैंक लि. की प्रबंध निदेशक तथा मुख्य कार्यपालक आधिकारी श्रीमती चंदा कोचर, एक्सिस बैंक लि. की प्रबंध निदेशक तथा मुख्य कार्यपालक अधिकारी श्रीमती शिखा शर्मा, एचडीएफसी बैंक लि. के प्रबंध निदेशक श्री आदित्य पुरी, स्टैण्डर्ड चार्टर्ड बैंक के भारत तथा दक्षिण एशिया के क्षेत्रीय मुख्य कार्यपालक श्री सुनील कौशल तथा बैंकिंग और वित्तीय क्षेत्र के अन्य वरिष्ठ सदस्य गण; प्रिंट तथा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया के सदस्यग
फ़रवरी 02, 2015
समस्याग्रस्त ऋण का प्रबंधन तथा एमएसएमई का वित्तपोषण -आर गांधी
मुझे खुशी है कि जिस विषय पर मैं आपसे बात करने जा रहा हूँ वह समकालीन है और अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है। भारत सरकार और भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक दोनों ने ही आर्थिक विकास के लिए एसएमई क्षेत्र के योगदान, उसकी क्षमता तथा इस विशाल देश की जनता के लिए रोजगार तथा आय के स्रोत के रूप में एसएमई क्षेत्र के महत्व को स्वीकार किया है।भारत सरकार द्वारा हाल ही में की गई “मेक इन इंडिया” की घोषणा मूलरूप से इसी विश्वास पर आधारित है। अतः एसएमई के वित्तपोषण के संबंध में तौर-तरीके, प
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
मुझे खुशी है कि जिस विषय पर मैं आपसे बात करने जा रहा हूँ वह समकालीन है और अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है। भारत सरकार और भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक दोनों ने ही आर्थिक विकास के लिए एसएमई क्षेत्र के योगदान, उसकी क्षमता तथा इस विशाल देश की जनता के लिए रोजगार तथा आय के स्रोत के रूप में एसएमई क्षेत्र के महत्व को स्वीकार किया है।भारत सरकार द्वारा हाल ही में की गई “मेक इन इंडिया” की घोषणा मूलरूप से इसी विश्वास पर आधारित है। अतः एसएमई के वित्तपोषण के संबंध में तौर-तरीके, प
जनवरी 29, 2015
व्युत्पन्नी (डेरिवेटिव्स): गत्यात्मकता विगत पर नज़र और भावी सोच हारुन आर. ख़ान
Prof. Sesha R. Iyer, Prof. Suresh G Lalwani, Prof. Ranjit Pattanaik and learned panellists & invitees. I am happy to be here today on the occasion of the Finance Conclave 2015 on ‘Indian Derivatives Markets – Striking a Balance between Risk Protection and Liquidity’ organized by the SP Jain Institute of Management & Research and share some of my thoughts on the dynamics of derivatives in the Indian context. 2. ‘Derivatives’ have for quite some time been a tote
श्री हरुण आर खान, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Prof. Sesha R. Iyer, Prof. Suresh G Lalwani, Prof. Ranjit Pattanaik and learned panellists & invitees. I am happy to be here today on the occasion of the Finance Conclave 2015 on ‘Indian Derivatives Markets – Striking a Balance between Risk Protection and Liquidity’ organized by the SP Jain Institute of Management & Research and share some of my thoughts on the dynamics of derivatives in the Indian context. 2. ‘Derivatives’ have for quite some time been a tote
जनवरी 19, 2015
Changing Contours of Debt Management
Mr Sharan, Mr Sridharan, office bearers of Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) and other colleagues from banking fraternity. India, like other Emerging Market Economies (EMEs), has been impacted by the global financial crisis, European sovereign debt crisis and related developments. We were certainly bruised, but not battered. This led to increased volatility and uncertainty in the financial markets. Like other economies, we had also embarked on a program of f
Shri G Padmanabhan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Mr Sharan, Mr Sridharan, office bearers of Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) and other colleagues from banking fraternity. India, like other Emerging Market Economies (EMEs), has been impacted by the global financial crisis, European sovereign debt crisis and related developments. We were certainly bruised, but not battered. This led to increased volatility and uncertainty in the financial markets. Like other economies, we had also embarked on a program of f
जनवरी 15, 2015
वित्तीय संगुट में लेखा-परीक्षा समितियों की भूमिका एस.एस.मूंदड़ा
Introduction Ms. Chanda Kochhar, MD & CEO, ICICI Bank; members of the Audit Committee of the Boards of ICICI Bank subsidiaries & other senior officials from ICICI Bank Group! It is, indeed, a pleasure and privilege for me to be here today and to interact with the members of the Audit Committee of the bank as well as those of the subsidiary companies. I understand that this is the fifth such occasion when this kind of a meeting has been organized and I congratu
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Introduction Ms. Chanda Kochhar, MD & CEO, ICICI Bank; members of the Audit Committee of the Boards of ICICI Bank subsidiaries & other senior officials from ICICI Bank Group! It is, indeed, a pleasure and privilege for me to be here today and to interact with the members of the Audit Committee of the bank as well as those of the subsidiary companies. I understand that this is the fifth such occasion when this kind of a meeting has been organized and I congratu
जनवरी 13, 2015
बिजनेस स्टैंडर्ड, सर्वोत्तम बी-स्कूल परियोजना पुरस्कार समारोह में भाषण ऊर्जित आर. पटेल
I am honoured to be part of the Business Standard Best B-School Project Awards to be presented today for recognising the bright young talent of business schools in India. I understand that this is the 7th edition of the Award, and 158 colleges have participated from across the country with a wide range of projects. This conveys the high esteem that the award is held in, its popularity among B-School graduates, and the impact it has made over the years in recognising a
डॉ. ऊर्जित पटेल, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am honoured to be part of the Business Standard Best B-School Project Awards to be presented today for recognising the bright young talent of business schools in India. I understand that this is the 7th edition of the Award, and 158 colleges have participated from across the country with a wide range of projects. This conveys the high esteem that the award is held in, its popularity among B-School graduates, and the impact it has made over the years in recognising a
जनवरी 12, 2015
सरकारी क्षेत्र के बैंक : दो राहे पर आर. गांधी
Ladies and Gentlemen! It is a pleasure and privilege to be among the banking and industry participantsat this Conference on “Indian PSU Banking Industry: Road Ahead” organised by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The theme of the Conference is very contemporary. In recent times, the PSBs position in the banking pecking order has been seriously challenged. There are lot of churning of ideas to restore greater strength in them. I thought today I can discuss c
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen! It is a pleasure and privilege to be among the banking and industry participantsat this Conference on “Indian PSU Banking Industry: Road Ahead” organised by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The theme of the Conference is very contemporary. In recent times, the PSBs position in the banking pecking order has been seriously challenged. There are lot of churning of ideas to restore greater strength in them. I thought today I can discuss c
दिसंबर 29, 2014
बैंक, ऋण वसूली और विनियमन : एक सहक्रिया आर. गांधी
Honourable Judges of Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs) and the Presiding Officers of Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) and other distinguished guests. It is an honour for me to address you all here at this Workshop organised under the aegis of CAFRAL. This Workshop comes at a very opportune time when banks are facing multi-dimensional challenges to recover their debts. The rising level of non-performing assets is a major concern of the banking system. In spite of
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Honourable Judges of Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs) and the Presiding Officers of Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) and other distinguished guests. It is an honour for me to address you all here at this Workshop organised under the aegis of CAFRAL. This Workshop comes at a very opportune time when banks are facing multi-dimensional challenges to recover their debts. The rising level of non-performing assets is a major concern of the banking system. In spite of
दिसंबर 12, 2014
Make in India, Largely for India
The global economy is still weak, despite a strengthening recovery in the United States. The Euro area is veering close to recession, Japan has already experienced two quarters of negative growth after a tax hike, and many emerging markets are rethinking their export-led growth models as the industrial world stagnates. In the last couple of years, the IMF has repeatedly reduced its growth forecasts. After 6 years of a tepid post-crisis recovery, the IMF titled its mos
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The global economy is still weak, despite a strengthening recovery in the United States. The Euro area is veering close to recession, Japan has already experienced two quarters of negative growth after a tax hike, and many emerging markets are rethinking their export-led growth models as the industrial world stagnates. In the last couple of years, the IMF has repeatedly reduced its growth forecasts. After 6 years of a tepid post-crisis recovery, the IMF titled its mos


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