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सप्टें 05, 2012

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सप्टें 03, 2012
Standardisation and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms-Migrating to CTS 2010 standards
RBI/2012-13/190 DPSS.CO.CHD.No. 399/04.07.05/2012-13 September 3, 2012 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks including RRBs / Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks / District Central Co-operative Banks/Local Area Banks Madam / Dear Sir Standardisation and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms - Migrating to CTS 2010 standards A reference is invited to our circular DPSS.CO.CHD.No./1112/04.07
RBI/2012-13/190 DPSS.CO.CHD.No. 399/04.07.05/2012-13 September 3, 2012 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks including RRBs / Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks / District Central Co-operative Banks/Local Area Banks Madam / Dear Sir Standardisation and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms - Migrating to CTS 2010 standards A reference is invited to our circular DPSS.CO.CHD.No./1112/04.07
ऑग 23, 2012
Repayment of Term/Fixed Deposits with 'Either or Survivor' or 'Former or Survivor' Mandate
RBI/2012-13/176 RPCD.CO.RRB.RCB.BC.No.25/03.05.33/2012-13 August 23, 2012 All Regional Rural Banks / State and Central Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Repayment of Term/Fixed Deposits with 'Either or Survivor' or 'Former or Survivor' Mandate It has come to our notice that some Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) / State and Central Co-operative Banks (StCBs/DCCBs) insist on the signatures of both the depositors to allow repayment of money in fixed/term deposits, though the depos
RBI/2012-13/176 RPCD.CO.RRB.RCB.BC.No.25/03.05.33/2012-13 August 23, 2012 All Regional Rural Banks / State and Central Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Repayment of Term/Fixed Deposits with 'Either or Survivor' or 'Former or Survivor' Mandate It has come to our notice that some Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) / State and Central Co-operative Banks (StCBs/DCCBs) insist on the signatures of both the depositors to allow repayment of money in fixed/term deposits, though the depos
ऑग 22, 2012

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ऑग 17, 2012

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ऑग 16, 2012

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ऑग 13, 2012

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ऑग 10, 2012

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जुलै 10, 2012
Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability
RBI/2012-13/122 UBD.BPD (PCB) Cir. No. 3/14.01.062/2012-13 July 10, 2012 The Chief Executive Officer of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Madam/Dear Sir, Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability It has been brought to our notice that some banks are insisting on opening of fresh accounts by customers when customers approach them for transferring their account from one branch of the bank to another branch of the same bank. In such cases, insisting on opening of a fr
RBI/2012-13/122 UBD.BPD (PCB) Cir. No. 3/14.01.062/2012-13 July 10, 2012 The Chief Executive Officer of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Madam/Dear Sir, Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability It has been brought to our notice that some banks are insisting on opening of fresh accounts by customers when customers approach them for transferring their account from one branch of the bank to another branch of the same bank. In such cases, insisting on opening of a fr
जून 15, 2012
StCBs/DCCBs - Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/ pre-payment penalty
RBI/2011-12/602 RPCD CO. RCBD. BC. No. 84 /03.03.01/2011-12 June 15, 2012 The Chairmen/Chief Executives of All State and Central Co-operative Banks Dear Sir Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/ pre-payment penalty Please refer to our circular RPCD.CO.RCBD.BC.No. 48 /03.03.01/2010-11 dated January 20, 2011 on housing finance. 2. In this context, attention is invited to paragraphs 81 to 83 of the Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13 announced on April 17, 2012 with reg
RBI/2011-12/602 RPCD CO. RCBD. BC. No. 84 /03.03.01/2011-12 June 15, 2012 The Chairmen/Chief Executives of All State and Central Co-operative Banks Dear Sir Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/ pre-payment penalty Please refer to our circular RPCD.CO.RCBD.BC.No. 48 /03.03.01/2010-11 dated January 20, 2011 on housing finance. 2. In this context, attention is invited to paragraphs 81 to 83 of the Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13 announced on April 17, 2012 with reg
जून 12, 2012
RRBs/StCBs/DCCBs - Strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits
RBI/2011-12/599 RPCD.No. RRB.RCB.BC. 83/03.07.033/2011-12 June 12, 2012 All State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks Dear Sir Strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits Please refer to paragraphs 102 and 103 of the Monetary Policy Statement for the year 2012-13, announced on April 17, 2012 proposing certain measures for strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits. 2. In terms of our circulars RPCD. CO. RF. BC. No
RBI/2011-12/599 RPCD.No. RRB.RCB.BC. 83/03.07.033/2011-12 June 12, 2012 All State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks Dear Sir Strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits Please refer to paragraphs 102 and 103 of the Monetary Policy Statement for the year 2012-13, announced on April 17, 2012 proposing certain measures for strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits. 2. In terms of our circulars RPCD. CO. RF. BC. No
जून 06, 2012

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जून 05, 2012
Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/pre-payment penalty
RBI/2011-12/589 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.107/13.03.00/2011-12 June 5, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs) Dear Sir/Madam Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/pre-payment penalty Please refer to our circular DBOD. No. Dir. BC. 56/13.03.00/2006-2007 dated February 2, 2007 on reasonableness of bank charges. 2. In this context, attention is invited to paragraphs 81 to 83 of the Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13 announced on April 17, 2012 with regard to home loa
RBI/2011-12/589 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.107/13.03.00/2011-12 June 5, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs) Dear Sir/Madam Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/pre-payment penalty Please refer to our circular DBOD. No. Dir. BC. 56/13.03.00/2006-2007 dated February 2, 2007 on reasonableness of bank charges. 2. In this context, attention is invited to paragraphs 81 to 83 of the Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13 announced on April 17, 2012 with regard to home loa
मे 11, 2012
Revised Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme
RBI/2011-12/553 RPCD.FSD.BC.No. 77/05.05.09/2011-12 May 11, 2012 The Chairman and Managing Director/CEOs, All Scheduled Commercial Banks, (Excluding RRBs) Madam / Dear Sir, Revised Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme Please refer to our circular RPCD.PLFS.BC.No.38/05.05.09/2004-05 dated October 4, 2004 advising you to implement the Revised Model KCC Scheme. 2. With a view to simplify and attune the Scheme to suit to current requirements and to facilitate issue of Electroni
RBI/2011-12/553 RPCD.FSD.BC.No. 77/05.05.09/2011-12 May 11, 2012 The Chairman and Managing Director/CEOs, All Scheduled Commercial Banks, (Excluding RRBs) Madam / Dear Sir, Revised Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme Please refer to our circular RPCD.PLFS.BC.No.38/05.05.09/2004-05 dated October 4, 2004 advising you to implement the Revised Model KCC Scheme. 2. With a view to simplify and attune the Scheme to suit to current requirements and to facilitate issue of Electroni
मे 07, 2012
Release of Foreign Exchange for Miscellaneous Remittances
RBI/2011-12/537 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.118 May 07, 2012 To All Authorised Dealers in Foreign Exchange Madam/ Sir, Release of Foreign Exchange for Miscellaneous Remittances Attention of Authorised Dealers in foreign exchange is drawn to A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 16 dated September 12, 2002, in terms of which the Authorised Dealers were advised to release amounts up to USD 500 or its equivalent for all permissible transactions on the basis of a simple letter
RBI/2011-12/537 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.118 May 07, 2012 To All Authorised Dealers in Foreign Exchange Madam/ Sir, Release of Foreign Exchange for Miscellaneous Remittances Attention of Authorised Dealers in foreign exchange is drawn to A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 16 dated September 12, 2002, in terms of which the Authorised Dealers were advised to release amounts up to USD 500 or its equivalent for all permissible transactions on the basis of a simple letter
मे 07, 2012
Transfer of Funds from Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account to Non- Resident External (NRE) Account
RBI/2011-12/536 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.117 May 07, 2012 To All Authorised Dealer banks and Authorised banks Madam/Sir, Transfer of Funds from Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account to Non- Resident External (NRE) Account The Committee to Review the Facilities for Individuals Under FEMA, 1999 (Chairperson : Smt. K.J.Udeshi) has recommended that the NRIs/PIOs may be permitted, subject to payment of applicable taxes, to transfer repatriable funds from their NRO acco
RBI/2011-12/536 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.117 May 07, 2012 To All Authorised Dealer banks and Authorised banks Madam/Sir, Transfer of Funds from Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account to Non- Resident External (NRE) Account The Committee to Review the Facilities for Individuals Under FEMA, 1999 (Chairperson : Smt. K.J.Udeshi) has recommended that the NRIs/PIOs may be permitted, subject to payment of applicable taxes, to transfer repatriable funds from their NRO acco
मे 04, 2012
Interest Rates on FCNR(B) Deposits
RBI/2011-12/535 DBOD.Dir.BC. 102/13.03.00/2011-12 May 4, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir/Madam Interest Rates on FCNR(B) Deposits Please refer to paragraph 2 of our circular No.DBOD.Dir.BC.59/13.03.00/2011-12 dated November 23, 2011 on Interest Rates on Deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts. In view of the prevailing market conditions, it has been decided that until further notice and with effect from the close of business in India as on May
RBI/2011-12/535 DBOD.Dir.BC. 102/13.03.00/2011-12 May 4, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir/Madam Interest Rates on FCNR(B) Deposits Please refer to paragraph 2 of our circular No.DBOD.Dir.BC.59/13.03.00/2011-12 dated November 23, 2011 on Interest Rates on Deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts. In view of the prevailing market conditions, it has been decided that until further notice and with effect from the close of business in India as on May
मे 04, 2012
Deregulation of Interest Rates on Export Credit in Foreign Currency
RBI/2011-12/534 DBOD.DIR.No.100/04.02.001/2011-12 May 4, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs) Dear Sir / Madam, Deregulation of Interest Rates on Export Credit in Foreign Currency Please refer to our circulars DBOD. DIR. No. 52/04.02.001/2011-12 dated November 15, 2011 and DBOD. DIR. No. 91/04.02.001/2011-12 dated March 30, 2012 relating to interest rates on export credit in foreign currency. 2. With a view to increasing the availability of funds to ex
RBI/2011-12/534 DBOD.DIR.No.100/04.02.001/2011-12 May 4, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs) Dear Sir / Madam, Deregulation of Interest Rates on Export Credit in Foreign Currency Please refer to our circulars DBOD. DIR. No. 52/04.02.001/2011-12 dated November 15, 2011 and DBOD. DIR. No. 91/04.02.001/2011-12 dated March 30, 2012 relating to interest rates on export credit in foreign currency. 2. With a view to increasing the availability of funds to ex
एप्रि 27, 2012
Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability
RBI/2011-12/528 DBOD.AML. BC. No. 97/14.01.001/2011-12 April 27, 2012 The Chairmen/Chief Executive Officers, All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs)/Local Area Banks Dear Sir, Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability It has been brought to our notice that some banks are insisting on opening of fresh accounts by customers when customers approach them for transferring their account from one branch of the bank to another branch of the same bank. Such insistence on
RBI/2011-12/528 DBOD.AML. BC. No. 97/14.01.001/2011-12 April 27, 2012 The Chairmen/Chief Executive Officers, All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs)/Local Area Banks Dear Sir, Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability It has been brought to our notice that some banks are insisting on opening of fresh accounts by customers when customers approach them for transferring their account from one branch of the bank to another branch of the same bank. Such insistence on
एप्रि 20, 2012
Printing of MICR Code and IFSC Code on Passbook/Statement of Account
RBI/2011-12/516 DPSS (CO) RTGS No. 1934/04.04.002/2011-12 April 20, 2012 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of all banks participating in RTGS, NEFT and NECS Dear Sir/Madam, Printing of MICR Code and IFSC Code on Passbook/Statement of Account As you are aware, the MICR code is necessary for all Electronic Clearing Service (ECS – Credit and Debit) transactions. Similarly, the IFSC code is a pre-requisite for NEFT and RTGS transactions. 2. Curr
RBI/2011-12/516 DPSS (CO) RTGS No. 1934/04.04.002/2011-12 April 20, 2012 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of all banks participating in RTGS, NEFT and NECS Dear Sir/Madam, Printing of MICR Code and IFSC Code on Passbook/Statement of Account As you are aware, the MICR code is necessary for all Electronic Clearing Service (ECS – Credit and Debit) transactions. Similarly, the IFSC code is a pre-requisite for NEFT and RTGS transactions. 2. Curr


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