Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India
Oct 22, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, October 09, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42687.33 53032.09 52224.37 46343.83 55221.72 54436.77 ** b) Borrowings from banks 33427.12 19553.03 17017.36 33477.42 19575.90 17025.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 36944.45 6218.36 6290.28 36945.7
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42687.33 53032.09 52224.37 46343.83 55221.72 54436.77 ** b) Borrowings from banks 33427.12 19553.03 17017.36 33477.42 19575.90 17025.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 36944.45 6218.36 6290.28 36945.7
Oct 07, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, September 25, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42326.83 50400.57 53032.09 46045.98 52609.96 55221.72 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29063.90 21629.43 19553.03 29090.19 21654.53 19575.90 c) Other demand & time liabilities 34901.74 12898.17 6218.36 34903.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42326.83 50400.57 53032.09 46045.98 52609.96 55221.72 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29063.90 21629.43 19553.03 29090.19 21654.53 19575.90 c) Other demand & time liabilities 34901.74 12898.17 6218.36 34903.
Sep 23, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, September 11, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 12.09.2008 28.08.2009 11.09.2009 12.09.2008 28.08.2009 11.09.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a)Demand & time deposits from banks 40605.59 51166.65 50400.57 44309.51 53341.95 52609.96 ** b) Borrowings from banks 34144.58 22775.25 21629.43 34160.41 22781.22 21654.53 c) Other demand & time liabilities 37648.96 13471.50 12898.17 37652.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 12.09.2008 28.08.2009 11.09.2009 12.09.2008 28.08.2009 11.09.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a)Demand & time deposits from banks 40605.59 51166.65 50400.57 44309.51 53341.95 52609.96 ** b) Borrowings from banks 34144.58 22775.25 21629.43 34160.41 22781.22 21654.53 c) Other demand & time liabilities 37648.96 13471.50 12898.17 37652.
Sep 09, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, August 28, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 29.08.2008 14.08.2009 28.08.2009 29.08.2008 14.08.2009 28.08.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39736.46 50858.81 51166.65 43464.50 53075.40 53341.95 ** b) Borrowings from banks 33900.43 25367.28 22775.25 33905.95 25370.57 22781.22 c) Other demand & time liabilities 30102.39 14234.75 13471.50 30104
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 29.08.2008 14.08.2009 28.08.2009 29.08.2008 14.08.2009 28.08.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39736.46 50858.81 51166.65 43464.50 53075.40 53341.95 ** b) Borrowings from banks 33900.43 25367.28 22775.25 33905.95 25370.57 22781.22 c) Other demand & time liabilities 30102.39 14234.75 13471.50 30104
Aug 26, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, August 14, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 15.08.2008 31.07.2009 14.08.2009 15.08.2008 31.07.2009 14.08.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40745.17 50461.78 50858.81 44508.85 52661.40 53075.40 ** b) Borrowings from banks 35674.50 19689.08 25367.28 35704.02 19694.68 25370.57 c) Other demand & time liabilities 28838.63 14681.53 14234.75 28841
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 15.08.2008 31.07.2009 14.08.2009 15.08.2008 31.07.2009 14.08.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40745.17 50461.78 50858.81 44508.85 52661.40 53075.40 ** b) Borrowings from banks 35674.50 19689.08 25367.28 35704.02 19694.68 25370.57 c) Other demand & time liabilities 28838.63 14681.53 14234.75 28841
Aug 12, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 31, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 01.08.2008 17.07.2009 31.07.2009 01.08.2008 17.07.2009 31.07.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40725.99 52088.05 50461.78 44578.85 54275.16 52661.40 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29450.18 21129.68 19689.08 29468.28 21140.11 19694.68 c) Other demand & time liabilities 28438.34 15199.46 14681.53 28440
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 01.08.2008 17.07.2009 31.07.2009 01.08.2008 17.07.2009 31.07.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40725.99 52088.05 50461.78 44578.85 54275.16 52661.40 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29450.18 21129.68 19689.08 29468.28 21140.11 19694.68 c) Other demand & time liabilities 28438.34 15199.46 14681.53 28440
Jul 29, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 17, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 18.07.2008 03.07.2009 17.07.2009 18.07.2008 03.07.2009 17.07.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39675.48 51376.82 52088.05 43511.42 53526.00 54275.16 ** b) Borrowings from banks 30166.80 21508.19 21129.68 30191.87 21521.04 21140.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 30979.53 15819.52 15199.46 30981
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 18.07.2008 03.07.2009 17.07.2009 18.07.2008 03.07.2009 17.07.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39675.48 51376.82 52088.05 43511.42 53526.00 54275.16 ** b) Borrowings from banks 30166.80 21508.19 21129.68 30191.87 21521.04 21140.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 30979.53 15819.52 15199.46 30981
Jul 15, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 03, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 04.07.2008 19.06.2009 03.07.2009 04.07.2008 19.06.2009 03.07.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40787.23 49843.60 51376.82 44695.44 51978.50 53526.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29965.94 23960.78 21508.19 29969.65 24022.67 21521.04 c) Other demand & time liabilities 32752.00 16777.92 15819.52 32755
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 04.07.2008 19.06.2009 03.07.2009 04.07.2008 19.06.2009 03.07.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40787.23 49843.60 51376.82 44695.44 51978.50 53526.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29965.94 23960.78 21508.19 29969.65 24022.67 21521.04 c) Other demand & time liabilities 32752.00 16777.92 15819.52 32755
Jul 01, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 19, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 20.06.2008 05.06.2009 19.06.2009 20.06.2008 05.06.2009 19.06.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 41523.81 50985.45 49843.60 45421.02 53110.19 51978.50 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25599.46 22056.19 23960.78 25641.20 22137.29 24022.67 c) Other demand & time liabilities 25314.96 17829.39 16777.92 25315
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 20.06.2008 05.06.2009 19.06.2009 20.06.2008 05.06.2009 19.06.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 41523.81 50985.45 49843.60 45421.02 53110.19 51978.50 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25599.46 22056.19 23960.78 25641.20 22137.29 24022.67 c) Other demand & time liabilities 25314.96 17829.39 16777.92 25315
Jun 17, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 5, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 06.06.2008 22.05.2009 05.06.2009 06.06.2008 22.05.2009 05.06.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42342.09 48356.40 50985.45 46234.41 50442.12 53110.19 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27558.84 18612.73 22056.19 27621.13 18614.95 22137.29 c) Other demand & time liabilities 22897.77 19320.07 17829.39 22901
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 06.06.2008 22.05.2009 05.06.2009 06.06.2008 22.05.2009 05.06.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42342.09 48356.40 50985.45 46234.41 50442.12 53110.19 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27558.84 18612.73 22056.19 27621.13 18614.95 22137.29 c) Other demand & time liabilities 22897.77 19320.07 17829.39 22901
Jun 04, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 22, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 23.05.2008 08.05.2009 22.05.2009 23.05.2008 08.05.2009 22.05.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 41734.79 51407.79 48356.40 45647.23 53459.62 50442.12 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26315.27 24183.87 18612.73 26330.19 24197.90 18614.95 c) Other demand & time liabilities 23719.31 19112.83 19320.07 23721
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 23.05.2008 08.05.2009 22.05.2009 23.05.2008 08.05.2009 22.05.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 41734.79 51407.79 48356.40 45647.23 53459.62 50442.12 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26315.27 24183.87 18612.73 26330.19 24197.90 18614.95 c) Other demand & time liabilities 23719.31 19112.83 19320.07 23721
May 20, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 08, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 09.05.2008 24.04.2009 08.05.2009 09.05.2008 24.04.2009 08.05.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 43245.17 51226.45 51407.79 47150.39 53255.20 53459.62 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29212.77 28313.13 24183.87 29219.15 28327.79 24197.90 c) Other demand & time liabilities 19188.08 19784.88 19112.83 19190
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 09.05.2008 24.04.2009 08.05.2009 09.05.2008 24.04.2009 08.05.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 43245.17 51226.45 51407.79 47150.39 53255.20 53459.62 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29212.77 28313.13 24183.87 29219.15 28327.79 24197.90 c) Other demand & time liabilities 19188.08 19784.88 19112.83 19190
May 06, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 24, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 25.04.2008 10.04.2009 24.04.2009 25.04.2008 10.04.2009 24.04.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposit from banks 42924.57 53547.69 51226.45 47153.68 55566.58 53255.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28891.37 26769.74 28313.13 28894.76 26784.17 28327.79 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16020.21 20046.75 19784.88 16022.61 20049.87 19
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 25.04.2008 10.04.2009 24.04.2009 25.04.2008 10.04.2009 24.04.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposit from banks 42924.57 53547.69 51226.45 47153.68 55566.58 53255.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28891.37 26769.74 28313.13 28894.76 26784.17 28327.79 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16020.21 20046.75 19784.88 16022.61 20049.87 19
Apr 23, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 10, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 11.04.2008 27.03.2009 10.04.2009 11.04.2008 27.03.2009 10.04.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42779.52 48142.62 53547.69 46990.61 49900.64 55566.58 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26390.08 29408.99 26769.74 26394.12 29431.99 26784.17 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15546.70 21817.87 20046.75 15555.55 21820.99 2
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 11.04.2008 27.03.2009 10.04.2009 11.04.2008 27.03.2009 10.04.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42779.52 48142.62 53547.69 46990.61 49900.64 55566.58 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26390.08 29408.99 26769.74 26394.12 29431.99 26784.17 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15546.70 21817.87 20046.75 15555.55 21820.99 2
Apr 08, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 27, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 28.03.2008 13.03.2009 27.03.2009 28.03.2008 13.03.2009 27.03.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 46778.26 44842.16 48142.62 50305.74 46535.77 49900.64 ** b) Borrowings from banks 32996.03 31437.43 29408.99 33033.77 31465.59 29431.99 c) Other demand & time liabilities 18379.40 28009.25 21817.87 18384.74 28016.26 2
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 28.03.2008 13.03.2009 27.03.2009 28.03.2008 13.03.2009 27.03.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 46778.26 44842.16 48142.62 50305.74 46535.77 49900.64 ** b) Borrowings from banks 32996.03 31437.43 29408.99 33033.77 31465.59 29431.99 c) Other demand & time liabilities 18379.40 28009.25 21817.87 18384.74 28016.26 2
Mar 25, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 13, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 14.03.2008 27.02.2009 13.03.2009 14.03.2008 27.02.2009 13.03.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40590.17 43922.66 44842.16 44062.88 45854.55 46535.77 ** b) Borrowings from banks 32531.56 28315.07 31437.43 32549.14 28343.50 31465.59 c) Other demand & time liabilities 20107.08 30114.33 28009.25 20111.51 30117.59 2
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 14.03.2008 27.02.2009 13.03.2009 14.03.2008 27.02.2009 13.03.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 40590.17 43922.66 44842.16 44062.88 45854.55 46535.77 ** b) Borrowings from banks 32531.56 28315.07 31437.43 32549.14 28343.50 31465.59 c) Other demand & time liabilities 20107.08 30114.33 28009.25 20111.51 30117.59 2
Mar 19, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 27, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 29.02.2008 13.02.2009 27.02.2009 29.02.2008 13.02.2009 27.02.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39851.55 45154.28 43922.66 43357.02 46759.14 45854.55 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26869.32 31857.39 28315.07 26885.38 31898.70 28343.50 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16934.89 25204.97 30114.33 16940.04 25208.23 301
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 29.02.2008 13.02.2009 27.02.2009 29.02.2008 13.02.2009 27.02.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39851.55 45154.28 43922.66 43357.02 46759.14 45854.55 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26869.32 31857.39 28315.07 26885.38 31898.70 28343.50 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16934.89 25204.97 30114.33 16940.04 25208.23 301
Feb 25, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 13, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 15.02.2008 30.01.2009* 13.02.2009* 15.02.2008 30.01.2009* 13.02.2009* I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39384.25 44145.36 45154.28 42809.07 45706.72 46759.14** b) Borrowings from banks 27848.60 24644.55 31857.39 27899.08 24667.28 31898.70 c) Other demand & time liabilities 17862.91 25411.75 25204.97 17867.82 25414.43 25208.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 15.02.2008 30.01.2009* 13.02.2009* 15.02.2008 30.01.2009* 13.02.2009* I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39384.25 44145.36 45154.28 42809.07 45706.72 46759.14** b) Borrowings from banks 27848.60 24644.55 31857.39 27899.08 24667.28 31898.70 c) Other demand & time liabilities 17862.91 25411.75 25204.97 17867.82 25414.43 25208.
Feb 11, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 30, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 01.02.2008 16.01.2009 * 30.01.2009 * 01.02.2008 16.01.2009 * 30.01.2009 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39952.85 44238.64 44145.36 43336.64 45800.53 45706.72 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26144.96 28641.32 24644.55 26215.39 28769.36 24667.28 c) Other demand & time liabilities 18054.69 27951.74 25411.75 18076.84 27952.68 2
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 01.02.2008 16.01.2009 * 30.01.2009 * 01.02.2008 16.01.2009 * 30.01.2009 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39952.85 44238.64 44145.36 43336.64 45800.53 45706.72 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26144.96 28641.32 24644.55 26215.39 28769.36 24667.28 c) Other demand & time liabilities 18054.69 27951.74 25411.75 18076.84 27952.68 2
Jan 28, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 16, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 18.01.2008 02.01.2009 * 16.01.2009 * 18.01.2008 02.01.2009 * 16.01.2009 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39435.59 45956.37 44238.64 42806.38 47746.74 45800.53 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24202.74 24018.22 28641.32 24224.41 24362.99 28769.36 c) Other demand & time liabilities 22649.14 28762.51 27951.74 22653.47 28763.16 2
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 18.01.2008 02.01.2009 * 16.01.2009 * 18.01.2008 02.01.2009 * 16.01.2009 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 39435.59 45956.37 44238.64 42806.38 47746.74 45800.53 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24202.74 24018.22 28641.32 24224.41 24362.99 28769.36 c) Other demand & time liabilities 22649.14 28762.51 27951.74 22653.47 28763.16 2
Page Last Updated on: March 07, 2025