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ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on The National Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bettiah, Bihar

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 13, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹4.10 lakh (Rupees Four Lakh Ten Thousand only) on The National Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bettiah, Bihar (the bank) for contravention of provisions of section 26A read with section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (BR Act) and non – compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) by Co-operative Banks’ and ‘Master Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the BR Act and section 25 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 13, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹4.10 lakh (Rupees Four Lakh Ten Thousand only) on The National Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bettiah, Bihar (the bank) for contravention of provisions of section 26A read with section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (BR Act) and non – compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) by Co-operative Banks’ and ‘Master Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the BR Act and section 25 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on The Nawadah Central Co-operative Bank Limited, Bihar

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 13, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹1.25 lakh (Rupees One Lakh Twenty Five Thousand only) on The Nawadah Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bihar (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) by Co-operative Banks’ and ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’ . This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and section 25 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 13, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹1.25 lakh (Rupees One Lakh Twenty Five Thousand only) on The Nawadah Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bihar (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) by Co-operative Banks’ and ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’ . This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and section 25 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
RBI to conduct 3-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction under LAF on November 19, 2024

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 19, 2024, Tuesday, as under:

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 19, 2024, Tuesday, as under:

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Conference of the Directors on the Boards of Private Sector Banks held at Mumbai on November 18, 2024

The Reserve Bank today held a Conference in Mumbai of the Directors on the Boards of Private Sector Banks on the theme ‘Transformative Governance through Sound Boards’. This is the second annual Conference organised by the Reserve Bank with the Boards of Private Sector Banks as part of a series of engagements with Boards of RBI’s Supervised Entities. The Conference had participation of over 200 Directors of Private Sector Banks, including Chairmen and Managing Directors & Chief Executive Officers.

The Reserve Bank today held a Conference in Mumbai of the Directors on the Boards of Private Sector Banks on the theme ‘Transformative Governance through Sound Boards’. This is the second annual Conference organised by the Reserve Bank with the Boards of Private Sector Banks as part of a series of engagements with Boards of RBI’s Supervised Entities. The Conference had participation of over 200 Directors of Private Sector Banks, including Chairmen and Managing Directors & Chief Executive Officers.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Result: Switch/Conversion Auction of Government Securities

A. Source Security 7.27% GS 2026 6.99% GS 2026 6.99% GS 2026 8.33% GS 2026 5.74% GS 2026 B. Notified Amount (amount in ₹ cr) 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 Destination Security 7.40% GS 2035 6.22% GS 2035 8.32% GS 2032 7.40% GS 2035 6.62% GS 2051 C. i. No. of offers received 8 12 6 1 6 ii. Total amount of Source Security offered (Face value in ₹ cr) 2,250.000 6,675.000 3,655.000 742.692 2,028.583 iii. No of offers accepted 2 4 2 1 1 iv. Total amount of source security accepted (Face value in ₹ cr) 1,000.000 3,000.000 1,000.000 742.692 2,000.000 v. Total amount of destination security issued (Face value in ₹ cr) 967.989 3,162.299 924.188 730.838 2,046.690 vi. Cut-off price (₹) / yield (%) for destination security 104.01/ 6.8663 95.20/ 6.8752 108.60/ 6.8611 104.01/ 6.8663 95.95/ 6.9541

A. Source Security 7.27% GS 2026 6.99% GS 2026 6.99% GS 2026 8.33% GS 2026 5.74% GS 2026 B. Notified Amount (amount in ₹ cr) 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 Destination Security 7.40% GS 2035 6.22% GS 2035 8.32% GS 2032 7.40% GS 2035 6.62% GS 2051 C. i. No. of offers received 8 12 6 1 6 ii. Total amount of Source Security offered (Face value in ₹ cr) 2,250.000 6,675.000 3,655.000 742.692 2,028.583 iii. No of offers accepted 2 4 2 1 1 iv. Total amount of source security accepted (Face value in ₹ cr) 1,000.000 3,000.000 1,000.000 742.692 2,000.000 v. Total amount of destination security issued (Face value in ₹ cr) 967.989 3,162.299 924.188 730.838 2,046.690 vi. Cut-off price (₹) / yield (%) for destination security 104.01/ 6.8663 95.20/ 6.8752 108.60/ 6.8611 104.01/ 6.8663 95.95/ 6.9541

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Result of the Overnight Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction held on November 18, 2024

Tenor 1-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 45,480 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 45,480 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

Tenor 1-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 45,480 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 45,480 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 17, 2024

MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 0.00 - - II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - 

MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 0.00 - - II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - 

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 16, 2024

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 17,964.29 6.04 5.10-6.50 I. Call Money 1,141.35 6.16 5.50-6.50 II. Triparty Repo 16,680.65 6.04 5.50-6.25 III. Market Repo 142.29 5.31 5.10-5.50 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 89.50 6.27 5.90-6.50 II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - -

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 17,964.29 6.04 5.10-6.50 I. Call Money 1,141.35 6.16 5.50-6.50 II. Triparty Repo 16,680.65 6.04 5.50-6.25 III. Market Repo 142.29 5.31 5.10-5.50 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - - B. Term Segment I. Notice Money** 89.50 6.27 5.90-6.50 II. Term Money@@ 0.00 - - III. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - IV. Market Repo 0.00 - - V. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - -

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 15, 2024

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - -

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 - - I. Call Money 0.00 - - II. Triparty Repo 0.00 - - III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 0.00 - -

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
RBI to conduct Overnight Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction under LAF on November 18, 2024

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a second Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 18, 2024, Monday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor (day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 50,000 1 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM November 19, 2024 (Tuesday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a second Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 18, 2024, Monday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor (day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 50,000 1 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM November 19, 2024 (Tuesday) 2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Result of the 4-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction held on November 18, 2024

Tenor 4-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 1,00,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 28,720 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 28,720 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

Tenor 4-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 1,00,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 28,720 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 28,720 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

ନଭେମ୍ବର 18, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 14, 2024

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 5,797.85 6.28 5.50-6.60 I. Call Money 871.55 6.13 5.50-6.24 II. Triparty Repo 3,528.50 6.24 5.80-6.42 III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,397.80 6.47 6.40-6.60

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 5,797.85 6.28 5.50-6.60 I. Call Money 871.55 6.13 5.50-6.24 II. Triparty Repo 3,528.50 6.24 5.80-6.42 III. Market Repo 0.00 - - IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,397.80 6.47 6.40-6.60

ନଭେମ୍ବର 15, 2024
Reserve Bank of India – Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement – Extract

1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2023 2024 Variation Nov. 10 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances 4.1 Central Government 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 State Governments 20013 31294 37124 5830 17111 * Data are provisional; difference, if any, is due to rounding off.

1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2023 2024 Variation Nov. 10 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances 4.1 Central Government 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 State Governments 20013 31294 37124 5830 17111 * Data are provisional; difference, if any, is due to rounding off.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Auction of State Government Securities

The following State Governments have offered to sell stock by way of auction, for an aggregate amount of ₹ 9,349.00 Crore (Face Value). Sr. No. State Amount to be raised. (₹Crore) Tenure (Year) Type of Auction 1. Bihar 2000 10 Yield 2. Goa 100 10 Yield 3. Kerala 1249 07 Yield 4. Odisha 1000 14 Yield 5. Tamil Nadu 2000 10 Yield 6. Uttar Pradesh 3000 08 Yield

The following State Governments have offered to sell stock by way of auction, for an aggregate amount of ₹ 9,349.00 Crore (Face Value). Sr. No. State Amount to be raised. (₹Crore) Tenure (Year) Type of Auction 1. Bihar 2000 10 Yield 2. Goa 100 10 Yield 3. Kerala 1249 07 Yield 4. Odisha 1000 14 Yield 5. Tamil Nadu 2000 10 Yield 6. Uttar Pradesh 3000 08 Yield

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Conference for Registrars of Cooperative Societies held at Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi on November 14, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) held the Second Conference of State Registrars of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) at its New Delhi office on November 14, 2024. The event was co-chaired by RBI Deputy Governors Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao and Shri Swaminathan J. and attended by senior RBI officials. Shri Rabindra Kumar Agarwal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India (GoI) and Central Registrar of Co-operative Societies (CRCS), and Shri Pankaj Kumar Bansal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, GoI participated in the Conference along with the Registrars of Cooperative Societies from various States.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) held the Second Conference of State Registrars of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) at its New Delhi office on November 14, 2024. The event was co-chaired by RBI Deputy Governors Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao and Shri Swaminathan J. and attended by senior RBI officials. Shri Rabindra Kumar Agarwal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India (GoI) and Central Registrar of Co-operative Societies (CRCS), and Shri Pankaj Kumar Bansal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, GoI participated in the Conference along with the Registrars of Cooperative Societies from various States.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
91 days, 182 days and 364 days Treasury Bills auction

Reserve Bank of India announces the auction of Government of India Treasury Bills as per the following details: Sr. No. Treasury Bill Notified Amount (in ₹ Crore) Auction Date Settlement Date 1 91 Days 7,000 November 21, 2024 (Thursday) November 22, 2024 (Friday) 2 182 Days 6,000 3 364 Days 6,000 Total 19,000 The sale will be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the General Notification F.No.4(2)-W&M/2018 dated March 27, 2018 along with the Amendment Notification No.F.4(2)-W&M/2018 dated April 05, 2018 and Amendment Notification No.F-4(2)-W&M/2018 dated December 23, 2021

Reserve Bank of India announces the auction of Government of India Treasury Bills as per the following details: Sr. No. Treasury Bill Notified Amount (in ₹ Crore) Auction Date Settlement Date 1 91 Days 7,000 November 21, 2024 (Thursday) November 22, 2024 (Friday) 2 182 Days 6,000 3 364 Days 6,000 Total 19,000 The sale will be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the General Notification F.No.4(2)-W&M/2018 dated March 27, 2018 along with the Amendment Notification No.F.4(2)-W&M/2018 dated April 05, 2018 and Amendment Notification No.F-4(2)-W&M/2018 dated December 23, 2021

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
RBI to conduct 4-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction under LAF on November 18, 2024

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 18, 2024, Monday, as under

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 18, 2024, Monday, as under

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on The Jaynagar Mozilpur People’s Co-operative Bank Ltd., West Bengal

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 11, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹6.34 lakh (Rupees Six lakh thirty four thousand only) on The Jaynagar Mozilpur People’s Co-operative Bank Ltd., West Bengal (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Priority Sector Lending (PSL) - Targets and Classification’ and specific directions issued by RBI on making contribution to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) Refinance Fund due to shortfall in achievement of PSL.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 11, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹6.34 lakh (Rupees Six lakh thirty four thousand only) on The Jaynagar Mozilpur People’s Co-operative Bank Ltd., West Bengal (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Priority Sector Lending (PSL) - Targets and Classification’ and specific directions issued by RBI on making contribution to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) Refinance Fund due to shortfall in achievement of PSL.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Money Supply for the fortnight ended November 01, 2024

The Reserve Bank has today released data on Money Supply for the fortnight ended November 01, 2024.

The Reserve Bank has today released data on Money Supply for the fortnight ended November 01, 2024.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on The Nawanagar Co-operative Bank Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 12, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹2.50 lakh (Rupees Two lakh fifty thousand only) on The Nawanagar Co-operative Bank Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat (the bank) for non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on ‘Loans and Advances to directors, relatives and firms/concerns in which they are interested’ and ‘Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 12, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹2.50 lakh (Rupees Two lakh fifty thousand only) on The Nawanagar Co-operative Bank Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat (the bank) for non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on ‘Loans and Advances to directors, relatives and firms/concerns in which they are interested’ and ‘Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on Lalbaug Co-operative Bank Ltd., Vadodara, Gujarat

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 12, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹1.00 lakh (Rupees One lakh only) on Lalbaug Co-operative Bank Ltd., Vadodara, Gujarat (the bank) for non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on ‘Priority Sector Lending (PSL) - Targets and Classification’ and specific directions issued by RBI on making contribution to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) Refinance Fund due to shortfall in achievement of PSL. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 12, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹1.00 lakh (Rupees One lakh only) on Lalbaug Co-operative Bank Ltd., Vadodara, Gujarat (the bank) for non-compliance with the directions issued by RBI on ‘Priority Sector Lending (PSL) - Targets and Classification’ and specific directions issued by RBI on making contribution to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) Refinance Fund due to shortfall in achievement of PSL. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on The Vijapur Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd., Vijapur, Dist. Mehsana, Gujarat

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 04, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹1.00 lakh (Rupees One Lakh only) on The Vijapur Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd., Vijapur, Dist. Mehsana, Gujarat (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Placement of Deposits with Other Banks by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs)’ and ‘Know Your Customer’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 04, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹1.00 lakh (Rupees One Lakh only) on The Vijapur Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd., Vijapur, Dist. Mehsana, Gujarat (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Placement of Deposits with Other Banks by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs)’ and ‘Know Your Customer’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
RBI imposes monetary penalty on The Gauhati Co-operative Urban Bank Limited

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 11, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹80,000 (Rupees Eighty Thousand only) on The Gauhati Co-operative Urban Bank Limited (the bank) for non-compliance with the certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’ and ‘Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) by Co-operative Banks’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and section 25 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated November 11, 2024, imposed a monetary penalty of ₹80,000 (Rupees Eighty Thousand only) on The Gauhati Co-operative Urban Bank Limited (the bank) for non-compliance with the certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’ and ‘Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) by Co-operative Banks’. This penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested in RBI, conferred under the provisions of section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and section 25 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Government Stock - Full Auction Results

Auction Results 7.04% GS 2029 New GS 2039 7.09% GS 2054 I. Notified Amount ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore II. Underwriting Notified Amount ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore III. Competitive Bids Received (i) Number 123 167 228 (ii) Amount ₹ 32891.000 Crore ₹ 36091.000 Crore ₹ 23592.384 Crore IV. Cut-off price / Yield 100.91 - 100.68 (YTM:6.8026%) (YTM:6.92%) (YTM:7.0339%) V. Competitive Bids Accepted (i) Number 62 92 130 (ii) Amount ₹ 13995.562 Crore ₹ 12997.042 Crore ₹ 9991.073 Crore VI. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 82.74% 75.64% 81.00% (6 Bids) (57 Bids) (11 Bids) VII. Weighted Average Price/Yield 100.95 100.05 100.75 (WAY: 6.7922%) (WAY: 6.9148%) (WAY: 7.0283%)

Auction Results 7.04% GS 2029 New GS 2039 7.09% GS 2054 I. Notified Amount ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore II. Underwriting Notified Amount ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore III. Competitive Bids Received (i) Number 123 167 228 (ii) Amount ₹ 32891.000 Crore ₹ 36091.000 Crore ₹ 23592.384 Crore IV. Cut-off price / Yield 100.91 - 100.68 (YTM:6.8026%) (YTM:6.92%) (YTM:7.0339%) V. Competitive Bids Accepted (i) Number 62 92 130 (ii) Amount ₹ 13995.562 Crore ₹ 12997.042 Crore ₹ 9991.073 Crore VI. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 82.74% 75.64% 81.00% (6 Bids) (57 Bids) (11 Bids) VII. Weighted Average Price/Yield 100.95 100.05 100.75 (WAY: 6.7922%) (WAY: 6.9148%) (WAY: 7.0283%)

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Government Stock - Auction Results: Cut-off

7.04% GS 2029 New GS 2039 7.09% GS 2054 I. Notified Amount ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore II. Cut off Price (₹) / Implicit Yield at cut-off 100.91/6.8026% 6.92% 100.68/7.0339% III. Amount accepted in the auction ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore IV. Devolvement on Primary Dealers NIL NIL NIL

7.04% GS 2029 New GS 2039 7.09% GS 2054 I. Notified Amount ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore II. Cut off Price (₹) / Implicit Yield at cut-off 100.91/6.8026% 6.92% 100.68/7.0339% III. Amount accepted in the auction ₹14,000 crore ₹13,000 crore ₹10,000 crore IV. Devolvement on Primary Dealers NIL NIL NIL

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Result of the 15-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction held on November 14, 2024

Tenor 15-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 1,75,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 8,405 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 8,405 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

Tenor 15-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 1,75,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 8,405 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 8,405 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, November 01, 2024

(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 03-Nov-2023 18-Oct-2024* 01-Nov-2024* 03-Nov-2023 18-Oct-2024* 01-Nov-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 242686.82 294002.82 290287.21 246091.59 298612.42 294777.80** b) Borrowings from banks 195603.05 130776.35 135892.91 196154.31 130806.35 136043.42 c) Other demand & time liabilities 72833.36 23257.12 24605.44 73572.48 23586.00 24940.14

(Amount in ₹ crore) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs,SFBs and PBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 03-Nov-2023 18-Oct-2024* 01-Nov-2024* 03-Nov-2023 18-Oct-2024* 01-Nov-2024* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from banks 242686.82 294002.82 290287.21 246091.59 298612.42 294777.80** b) Borrowings from banks 195603.05 130776.35 135892.91 196154.31 130806.35 136043.42 c) Other demand & time liabilities 72833.36 23257.12 24605.44 73572.48 23586.00 24940.14

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Directions under Section 35A read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 – Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Co-operative Bank Ltd., Nashik, Maharashtra – Extension of Period

The Reserve Bank of India had issued Directions to Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Co-operative Bank Ltd., Nashik, Maharashtra under Section 35A read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 vide Directive No. DCBS.CO.BSD-I/D-7/12.22.395/2017-18 dated May 18, 2018 for a period of six months up to the close of business on November 18, 2018, which were last extended up to the close of business on November 17, 2024 vide Directive DOR.MON. D-42/12.22.395/2024-25 dated August 14, 2024.

The Reserve Bank of India had issued Directions to Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Co-operative Bank Ltd., Nashik, Maharashtra under Section 35A read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 vide Directive No. DCBS.CO.BSD-I/D-7/12.22.395/2017-18 dated May 18, 2018 for a period of six months up to the close of business on November 18, 2018, which were last extended up to the close of business on November 17, 2024 vide Directive DOR.MON. D-42/12.22.395/2024-25 dated August 14, 2024.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Results of Underwriting Auctions Conducted on November 14, 2024

In the underwriting auctions conducted on November 14, 2024, for Additional Competitive Underwriting (ACU) of the undernoted Government securities, the Reserve Bank of India has set the cut-off rates for underwriting commission payable to Primary Dealers as given below: (₹ crore) Nomenclature of the Security Notified Amount Minimum Underwriting Commitment (MUC) Amount Additional Competitive Underwriting Amount Accepted Total Amount underwritten ACU Commission Cut-off rate (paise per ₹100)

In the underwriting auctions conducted on November 14, 2024, for Additional Competitive Underwriting (ACU) of the undernoted Government securities, the Reserve Bank of India has set the cut-off rates for underwriting commission payable to Primary Dealers as given below: (₹ crore) Nomenclature of the Security Notified Amount Minimum Underwriting Commitment (MUC) Amount Additional Competitive Underwriting Amount Accepted Total Amount underwritten ACU Commission Cut-off rate (paise per ₹100)

ନଭେମ୍ବର 14, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 13, 2024

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 570,677.51 6.36 4.00-7.00 I. Call Money 8,404.45 6.39 5.10-6.72 II. Triparty Repo 412,094.25 6.37 6.20-6.89 III. Market Repo 148,794.91 6.34 4.00-6.80 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,383.90 6.43 6.40-7.00

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 570,677.51 6.36 4.00-7.00 I. Call Money 8,404.45 6.39 5.10-6.72 II. Triparty Repo 412,094.25 6.37 6.20-6.89 III. Market Repo 148,794.91 6.34 4.00-6.80 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,383.90 6.43 6.40-7.00

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
RBI to conduct 15-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction under LAF on November 14, 2024

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 14, 2024, Thursday, as under:

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 14, 2024, Thursday, as under:

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Reserve Money for the week ended November 08, 2024

The Reserve Bank has today released data on Reserve Money for the week ended November 08, 2024.

The Reserve Bank has today released data on Reserve Money for the week ended November 08, 2024.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Treasury Bills: Full Auction Result

Auction Results 91 Days 182 Days 364 Days I. Notified Amount ₹7000 Crore ₹6000 Crore ₹6000 Crore II. Competitive Bids Received (i) Number 107 111 72 (ii) Amount ₹30297.610 Crore ₹19591.800 Crore ₹14514.500 Crore III. Cut-off price / Yield 98.4199 96.8051 93.8118 (YTM:6.4395%) (YTM:6.6188%) (YTM:6.6145%) IV. Competitive Bids Accepted (i) Number 30 42 39 (ii) Amount ₹6962.347 Crore ₹5980.488 Crore ₹5979.177 Crore V. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 4.87% 7.38% 52.34% (1 Bid) (1 Bid) (1 Bid) VI. Weighted Average Price/Yield 98.4224 96.8101 93.8221 (WAY: 6.4292%) (WAY: 6.6081%) (WAY: 6.6028%)

Auction Results 91 Days 182 Days 364 Days I. Notified Amount ₹7000 Crore ₹6000 Crore ₹6000 Crore II. Competitive Bids Received (i) Number 107 111 72 (ii) Amount ₹30297.610 Crore ₹19591.800 Crore ₹14514.500 Crore III. Cut-off price / Yield 98.4199 96.8051 93.8118 (YTM:6.4395%) (YTM:6.6188%) (YTM:6.6145%) IV. Competitive Bids Accepted (i) Number 30 42 39 (ii) Amount ₹6962.347 Crore ₹5980.488 Crore ₹5979.177 Crore V. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 4.87% 7.38% 52.34% (1 Bid) (1 Bid) (1 Bid) VI. Weighted Average Price/Yield 98.4224 96.8101 93.8221 (WAY: 6.4292%) (WAY: 6.6081%) (WAY: 6.6028%)

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Report on Municipal Finances

Today, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released the Report on Municipal Finances. The Report with the theme “Own Sources of Revenue Generation in Municipal Corporations: Opportunities and Challenges” presents an analysis of the budgetary data for 232 municipal corporations (MCs), which covers more than 90 per cent of total MCs in the country. It may be recalled that the Reserve Bank had released its maiden Report on Municipal Finances in November 2022 followed by a study on the Finances of Panchayati Raj Institutions in January 2024.

Today, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released the Report on Municipal Finances. The Report with the theme “Own Sources of Revenue Generation in Municipal Corporations: Opportunities and Challenges” presents an analysis of the budgetary data for 232 municipal corporations (MCs), which covers more than 90 per cent of total MCs in the country. It may be recalled that the Reserve Bank had released its maiden Report on Municipal Finances in November 2022 followed by a study on the Finances of Panchayati Raj Institutions in January 2024.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
91 days, 182 days and 364 days T-Bill Auction Result: Cut-off

I. T-Bill 91 days 182 days 364 days II. Total Face Value Notified ₹7,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore III. Cut-off Price and Implicit Yield at Cut-Off Price 98.4199 (YTM:6.4395%) 96.8051 (YTM: 6.6188%) 93.8118 (YTM: 6.6145%) IV. Total Face Value Accepted ₹7,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore

I. T-Bill 91 days 182 days 364 days II. Total Face Value Notified ₹7,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore III. Cut-off Price and Implicit Yield at Cut-Off Price 98.4199 (YTM:6.4395%) 96.8051 (YTM: 6.6188%) 93.8118 (YTM: 6.6145%) IV. Total Face Value Accepted ₹7,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore ₹6,000 Crore

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Overseas Direct Investment for October 2024

The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of October 2024.

The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on Overseas Direct Investment, both under Automatic Route and the Approval Route, for the month of October 2024.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Result of the Overnight Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction held on November 13, 2024

Tenor 1-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 49,732 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 49,732 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

Tenor 1-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 49,732 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 49,732 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Underwriting Auction for sale of Government Securities for ₹37,000 crore on November 14, 2024

Government of India has announced the sale (issue / re-issue) of Government Securities, as detailed below, through auctions to be held on November 14, 2024. As per the extant scheme of underwriting notified on November 14, 2007, the amounts of Minimum Underwriting Commitment (MUC) and the minimum bidding commitment under Additional Competitive Underwriting (ACU) for the underwriting auction, applicable to each Primary Dealer (PD), are as under

Government of India has announced the sale (issue / re-issue) of Government Securities, as detailed below, through auctions to be held on November 14, 2024. As per the extant scheme of underwriting notified on November 14, 2007, the amounts of Minimum Underwriting Commitment (MUC) and the minimum bidding commitment under Additional Competitive Underwriting (ACU) for the underwriting auction, applicable to each Primary Dealer (PD), are as under

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
RBI releases 2024 list of Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs)

SBI, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank continue to be identified as Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs) under the same bucketing structure as in the 2023 list of D-SIBs. The additional Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) requirement for these D-SIBs will be in addition to the capital conservation buffer.

SBI, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank continue to be identified as Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs) under the same bucketing structure as in the 2023 list of D-SIBs. The additional Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) requirement for these D-SIBs will be in addition to the capital conservation buffer.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 13, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 12, 2024

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 563,648.52 6.25 5.00-6.55 I. Call Money 9,244.78 6.45 5.10-6.55 II. Triparty Repo 407,466.70 6.22 5.91-6.35 III. Market Repo 145,760.14 6.32 5.00-6.50 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,176.90 6.49 6.45-6.51

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 563,648.52 6.25 5.00-6.55 I. Call Money 9,244.78 6.45 5.10-6.55 II. Triparty Repo 407,466.70 6.22 5.91-6.35 III. Market Repo 145,760.14 6.32 5.00-6.50 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,176.90 6.49 6.45-6.51

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
Conversion/Switch of Government of India Securities

Government of India announces the conversion/switch of its securities through auction for an aggregate amount of ₹20,000 crore (face value). The security-wise details of the conversion/switch are given as under: Date of Auction Source Securities Amount (FV) of Source Securities (in ₹ crore) Destination Securities November 18, 2024 (Monday) 7.27% GS 2026 (Maturing on Apr 08, 2026) 1,000 7.40% GS 2035 (Maturing on Sep 09, 2035) 6.99% GS 2026 (Maturing on Apr 17, 2026) 3,000 6.22% GS 2035 (Maturing on Mar 16, 2035) 6.99% GS 2026 (Maturing on Apr 17, 2026) 1,000 8.32% GS 2032 (Maturing on Aug 02, 2032) 8.33% GS 2026 (Maturing on Jul 09, 2026) 1,000 7.40% GS 2035

Government of India announces the conversion/switch of its securities through auction for an aggregate amount of ₹20,000 crore (face value). The security-wise details of the conversion/switch are given as under: Date of Auction Source Securities Amount (FV) of Source Securities (in ₹ crore) Destination Securities November 18, 2024 (Monday) 7.27% GS 2026 (Maturing on Apr 08, 2026) 1,000 7.40% GS 2035 (Maturing on Sep 09, 2035) 6.99% GS 2026 (Maturing on Apr 17, 2026) 3,000 6.22% GS 2035 (Maturing on Mar 16, 2035) 6.99% GS 2026 (Maturing on Apr 17, 2026) 1,000 8.32% GS 2032 (Maturing on Aug 02, 2032) 8.33% GS 2026 (Maturing on Jul 09, 2026) 1,000 7.40% GS 2035

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme – Redemption Price for premature redemption due on November 13, 2024 (Series VII of SGB 2017-18 and Series III of SGB 2018-19)

In terms of GOI Notifications F. No. 4(25) – W&M /2017 dated October 06, 2017 (SGB 2017-18 Series VII - Issue date November 13, 2017) and F. No. 4(22) –B(W&M) /2018 dated October 08, 2018 (SGB 2018-19 Series III-Issue date November 13, 2018) on Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, premature redemption of Gold Bond may be permitted after fifth year from the date of issue of such Gold Bond on the date on which interest is payable.  Accordingly, the next due date of premature redemption of the above tranches shall be November 13, 2024

In terms of GOI Notifications F. No. 4(25) – W&M /2017 dated October 06, 2017 (SGB 2017-18 Series VII - Issue date November 13, 2017) and F. No. 4(22) –B(W&M) /2018 dated October 08, 2018 (SGB 2018-19 Series III-Issue date November 13, 2018) on Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, premature redemption of Gold Bond may be permitted after fifth year from the date of issue of such Gold Bond on the date on which interest is payable.  Accordingly, the next due date of premature redemption of the above tranches shall be November 13, 2024

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
RBI cancels the licence of The Durga Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd., Vijayawada

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), vide order dated November 08, 2024, has cancelled the licence of “The Durga Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd., Vijayawada”. Consequently, the bank ceases to carry on banking business, with effect from the close of business on November 12, 2024. The Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Andhra Pradesh has also been requested to issue an order for winding up the bank and appoint a liquidator for the bank.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), vide order dated November 08, 2024, has cancelled the licence of “The Durga Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd., Vijayawada”. Consequently, the bank ceases to carry on banking business, with effect from the close of business on November 12, 2024. The Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Andhra Pradesh has also been requested to issue an order for winding up the bank and appoint a liquidator for the bank.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
RBI to conduct Overnight Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction under LAF on November 13, 2024

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 13, 2024, Wednesday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor (day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 50,000 1 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM November 14, 2024 (Thursday)

On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction on November 13, 2024, Wednesday, as under: Sl. No. Notified Amount (₹ crore) Tenor (day) Window Timing Date of Reversal 1 50,000 1 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM November 14, 2024 (Thursday)

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
RBI releases data on ECB / FCCB / RDB for September 2024

The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of September 2024.

The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of September 2024.

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
State Government Securities - Full Auction Result

The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on November 12, 2024 is as under: (Amount in ₹Crore) GUJARAT 2031 GUJARAT 2033 HARYANA 2037 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2039 Notified Amount 1000 1000 1500 500 Tenure 7 9 13 15 Competitive Bids Received (i) No. 53 97 70 37 (ii) Amount 4570 6395 7690 3229 Cut off Price (₹) / Yield (%) 7.05 7.08 7.12 7.13

The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on November 12, 2024 is as under: (Amount in ₹Crore) GUJARAT 2031 GUJARAT 2033 HARYANA 2037 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2039 Notified Amount 1000 1000 1500 500 Tenure 7 9 13 15 Competitive Bids Received (i) No. 53 97 70 37 (ii) Amount 4570 6395 7690 3229 Cut off Price (₹) / Yield (%) 7.05 7.08 7.12 7.13

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
Result of Yield/Price Based Auction of State Government Securities

Sr. No. State/UT Amount to be raised (₹ Crore) Amount Accepted (₹ Crore) Cut off Price (₹) / Yield (%) Tenure (Year) 1 Gujarat 1000 1000 7.05 07 1000 1000 7.08 09 2 Haryana 1500 1500 7.12 13 3 Himachal Pradesh 500 500 7.13 15 4 Jammu and Kashmir 400 400 100.43/7.0604 Re-issue of 7.17% Jammu and Kashmir SDL 2029 issued on September 18, 2019 5 Telangana 1000 1000 7.13 15 Total 5400 5400

Sr. No. State/UT Amount to be raised (₹ Crore) Amount Accepted (₹ Crore) Cut off Price (₹) / Yield (%) Tenure (Year) 1 Gujarat 1000 1000 7.05 07 1000 1000 7.08 09 2 Haryana 1500 1500 7.12 13 3 Himachal Pradesh 500 500 7.13 15 4 Jammu and Kashmir 400 400 100.43/7.0604 Re-issue of 7.17% Jammu and Kashmir SDL 2029 issued on September 18, 2019 5 Telangana 1000 1000 7.13 15 Total 5400 5400

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
Result of the 2-day Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) auction held on November 12, 2024

Tenor 2-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 1,00,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 29,150 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 29,150 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

Tenor 2-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 1,00,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore) 29,150 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 29,150 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rate NA

ନଭେମ୍ବର 12, 2024
Money Market Operations as on November 11, 2024

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 573,996.61 6.30 5.00-7.21 I. Call Money 9,449.82 6.45 5.10-6.55 II. Triparty Repo 417,572.25 6.29 5.50-6.40 III. Market Repo 145,562.64 6.32 5.00-7.21 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,411.90 6.53 6.49-6.60

(Amount in ₹ Crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 573,996.61 6.30 5.00-7.21 I. Call Money 9,449.82 6.45 5.10-6.55 II. Triparty Repo 417,572.25 6.29 5.50-6.40 III. Market Repo 145,562.64 6.32 5.00-7.21 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond 1,411.90 6.53 6.49-6.60

ନଭେମ୍ବର 11, 2024
Auction of Government of India Dated Securities

Government of India (GOI) has announced the sale (issue / re-issue) of three dated securities for a notified amount of ₹37,000 crore as per the following details:Sr NoSecurityDate of RepaymentNotified Amount(₹ Crore)GoI specific NotificationAuctionDateSettlement Date

Government of India (GOI) has announced the sale (issue / re-issue) of three dated securities for a notified amount of ₹37,000 crore as per the following details:Sr NoSecurityDate of RepaymentNotified Amount(₹ Crore)GoI specific NotificationAuctionDateSettlement Date

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ପେଜ୍ ଅନ୍ତିମ ଅପଡେଟ୍ ହୋଇଛି: ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ 13, 2025