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ਫ਼ਰ 05, 2004
Agricultural Credit in India: Status, Issues and Future Agenda*
INTRODUCTION: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW O F AGRICULTURAL CREDIT IN INDIA RISK IN INDIAN FARMING Settled agriculture in India has had a long history because of the fertile plains of Northern India irrigated by the Indus, the Ganga-Jamuna river systems and the Brahmaputra in the East. Southern India has its own river systems and has, moreover, been characterised by its impressive history of sophisticated water management systems: perhaps among the most developed historically.
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
INTRODUCTION: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW O F AGRICULTURAL CREDIT IN INDIA RISK IN INDIAN FARMING Settled agriculture in India has had a long history because of the fertile plains of Northern India irrigated by the Indus, the Ganga-Jamuna river systems and the Brahmaputra in the East. Southern India has its own river systems and has, moreover, been characterised by its impressive history of sophisticated water management systems: perhaps among the most developed historically.
ਜਨ 21, 2004
Capital Flows and Indian Policy Response - Presidential Comments
After such an illuminating lecture by Prof. Krueger and a very lively discussion, I would with your permission, dispense with the formality of a formal address. However, as is expected of me, I will make a few comments. At the outset, I should confess the main reasons for my being here. It is out of my personal affection, great respect for scholarship and admiration for the leadership as well as diplomatic skills of Prof. Krueger, that I made it a point to be here. Of
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
After such an illuminating lecture by Prof. Krueger and a very lively discussion, I would with your permission, dispense with the formality of a formal address. However, as is expected of me, I will make a few comments. At the outset, I should confess the main reasons for my being here. It is out of my personal affection, great respect for scholarship and admiration for the leadership as well as diplomatic skills of Prof. Krueger, that I made it a point to be here. Of
ਜਨ 13, 2004
L.K. Jha Memorial Lecture by Martin Feldstein on 12 January, 2004
Budget Deficits and National DebtMartin Feldstein* I am delighted to be here in Mumbai and honored by your invitation to give this year’s L. K. Jha Memorial Lecture. I first came to India only about eight years ago and have been coming to India once each year for the past five years. Even in that short period of time, I have seen significant improvements in the Indian economy and now hear about important structural changes that are being made or contemplated. I am ver
Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University and President of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Budget Deficits and National DebtMartin Feldstein* I am delighted to be here in Mumbai and honored by your invitation to give this year’s L. K. Jha Memorial Lecture. I first came to India only about eight years ago and have been coming to India once each year for the past five years. Even in that short period of time, I have seen significant improvements in the Indian economy and now hear about important structural changes that are being made or contemplated. I am ver
ਜਨ 07, 2004
The Outlook for Indian Economy - An Update
January 7, 200476th Annual General Meeting of FICCI, New DelhiThe Outlook for Indian Economy : An Update Friends, I am thankful to President Mr. Muthiah for giving me the opportunity to address the 76th General Meeting of FICCI. I had the privilege of addressing FICCI in New Delhi about a year ago (October 24, 2002), at the invitation of Mr. Lodha and the subject was, if I recall right, "World Economic Outlook and Financial Market Developments – Implications for India
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
January 7, 200476th Annual General Meeting of FICCI, New DelhiThe Outlook for Indian Economy : An Update Friends, I am thankful to President Mr. Muthiah for giving me the opportunity to address the 76th General Meeting of FICCI. I had the privilege of addressing FICCI in New Delhi about a year ago (October 24, 2002), at the invitation of Mr. Lodha and the subject was, if I recall right, "World Economic Outlook and Financial Market Developments – Implications for India
ਜਨ 06, 2004
Credit Policy, Systems and Culture
Coming to the Institute kindles a feeling of festive occasion and it is a privilege and an honour to be here with you. There have been significant achievements, in training, in diversified fields, with new initiatives and a wider coverage in the area of research and consultancy. Admittedly, there is more of sponsored research now. Incidentally, one of my former colleagues Ms. Indrani Banerjee, who along with others worked with me on a money-laundering Report in the Re
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Coming to the Institute kindles a feeling of festive occasion and it is a privilege and an honour to be here with you. There have been significant achievements, in training, in diversified fields, with new initiatives and a wider coverage in the area of research and consultancy. Admittedly, there is more of sponsored research now. Incidentally, one of my former colleagues Ms. Indrani Banerjee, who along with others worked with me on a money-laundering Report in the Re
ਜਨ 01, 2004
Understanding Reforms
I have great pleasure in welcoming you on behalf of Finance Minister, Mr. Jaswant Singh, on behalf of Reserve Bank of India and, on my own behalf. India has been playing active role in researching and debating issues relating to development, particularly in the context of developing nations. We believe that holding of the Global Development Netowrk (GDN) Annual Conference in India is a tribute to our approach to reform, and is also a recognition of the need to continu
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I have great pleasure in welcoming you on behalf of Finance Minister, Mr. Jaswant Singh, on behalf of Reserve Bank of India and, on my own behalf. India has been playing active role in researching and debating issues relating to development, particularly in the context of developing nations. We believe that holding of the Global Development Netowrk (GDN) Annual Conference in India is a tribute to our approach to reform, and is also a recognition of the need to continu
ਦਸੰ 12, 2003
Retail Banking : Challenges Ahead in Distribution Channels in Urban/Rural India - Remarks
The promise of lower transaction costs, increased sales productivity, and more convenient service has lured banks into setting up new delivery channels. Earlier, vast brick and mortar branch network has been considered as an inherent advantage of established banks and new entrants were at huge disadvantage vis-à-vis the established players in terms of customer reach. However, post 1990s new players are effectively taking on the branch network advantage of the establis
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The promise of lower transaction costs, increased sales productivity, and more convenient service has lured banks into setting up new delivery channels. Earlier, vast brick and mortar branch network has been considered as an inherent advantage of established banks and new entrants were at huge disadvantage vis-à-vis the established players in terms of customer reach. However, post 1990s new players are effectively taking on the branch network advantage of the establis
ਦਸੰ 11, 2003
Towards Globalisation in the Financial Sector in India - Inaugural Address
I am indeed very happy to be, once again, amongst friends– albeit in a slightly different capacity. All of you have been totally supportive to me and, I must express my deep sense of gratitude to you for the warm and affectionate welcome that you gave for my appointment. My address today is in the nature of sharing of some of my preliminary thought processes on the subject of globalisation and the financial sector. The presentation today starts with a framework for ap
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am indeed very happy to be, once again, amongst friends– albeit in a slightly different capacity. All of you have been totally supportive to me and, I must express my deep sense of gratitude to you for the warm and affectionate welcome that you gave for my appointment. My address today is in the nature of sharing of some of my preliminary thought processes on the subject of globalisation and the financial sector. The presentation today starts with a framework for ap
ਦਸੰ 09, 2003
Banking and Trade Finance Inaugural Address
I am indeed privileged to be invited to inaugurate this conference and especially so, as this is the first time that the International Chamber of Commerce Banking Commission Meeting is taking place in India. The contribution made by ICC in standardisation is well-known but perhaps what is not so well-known is that the ICC also contributes to making business policy by publishing policy statements and reports and laying down guidelines, goals and rules. This conference
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am indeed privileged to be invited to inaugurate this conference and especially so, as this is the first time that the International Chamber of Commerce Banking Commission Meeting is taking place in India. The contribution made by ICC in standardisation is well-known but perhaps what is not so well-known is that the ICC also contributes to making business policy by publishing policy statements and reports and laying down guidelines, goals and rules. This conference
ਨਵੰ 28, 2003
Finance for Industrial Growth
It is indeed a privilege and an honour for me to deliver the Mohan Kumaramangalam Memorial Lecture here at the Administrative Staff College of India. Mohan Kumaramangalam was one of the most distinguished public servants of his generation. His untimely and unfortunate death in a plane crash in 1973 deprived India of a worthy son. A leftist in his student days in England, Mohan Kumaramangalam was a leading light of Mrs. Gandhi's cabinet. His enduring contribution was t
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It is indeed a privilege and an honour for me to deliver the Mohan Kumaramangalam Memorial Lecture here at the Administrative Staff College of India. Mohan Kumaramangalam was one of the most distinguished public servants of his generation. His untimely and unfortunate death in a plane crash in 1973 deprived India of a worthy son. A leftist in his student days in England, Mohan Kumaramangalam was a leading light of Mrs. Gandhi's cabinet. His enduring contribution was t


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