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மே 03, 2023
Reserve Money for the week ended April 28, 2023
The Reserve Bank has today released data on Reserve Money for the week ended April 28, 2023. Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/173
The Reserve Bank has today released data on Reserve Money for the week ended April 28, 2023. Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/173
மே 02, 2023
Monthly Data on India’s International Trade in Services for the Month of March 2023
The value of exports and imports of services during March 2023 is given in the following table. International Trade in Services (US$ Million) Month Receipts (Exports) Payments (Imports) January – 2023 28,036 (29.6) 14,226 (7.5) February – 2023 27,431 (28.8) 14,368 (10.8) March – 2023 30,478 (13.1) 16,272 (6.0) Notes: (i) Data are provisional; and (ii) Figures in brackets are growth rates over the corresponding month of the previous year which have been revised on the
The value of exports and imports of services during March 2023 is given in the following table. International Trade in Services (US$ Million) Month Receipts (Exports) Payments (Imports) January – 2023 28,036 (29.6) 14,226 (7.5) February – 2023 27,431 (28.8) 14,368 (10.8) March – 2023 30,478 (13.1) 16,272 (6.0) Notes: (i) Data are provisional; and (ii) Figures in brackets are growth rates over the corresponding month of the previous year which have been revised on the
ஏப். 28, 2023
Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - April 2023
Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) for the month of April 2023. Highlights: Lending Rates: The weighted average lending rate (WALR) on fresh rupee loans of SCBs increased by 8 basis points (bps) from 9.24 per cent in February 2023 to 9.32 per cent in March 2023. The WALR on outstanding rupee loans of SCBs increased by 5 bps from 9.67 per cent in February 2023 to 9.72 per cent
Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) for the month of April 2023. Highlights: Lending Rates: The weighted average lending rate (WALR) on fresh rupee loans of SCBs increased by 8 basis points (bps) from 9.24 per cent in February 2023 to 9.32 per cent in March 2023. The WALR on outstanding rupee loans of SCBs increased by 5 bps from 9.67 per cent in February 2023 to 9.72 per cent
ஏப். 28, 2023
RBI launches the May 2023 round of Consumer Confidence Survey
The Reserve Bank of India has been regularly conducting Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS). The May 2023 round of the survey is being launched. The survey seeks qualitative responses from households, regarding their sentiments on general economic situation, employment scenario, price level, households’ income and spending. The survey is conducted regularly in 19 cities, viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jai
The Reserve Bank of India has been regularly conducting Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS). The May 2023 round of the survey is being launched. The survey seeks qualitative responses from households, regarding their sentiments on general economic situation, employment scenario, price level, households’ income and spending. The survey is conducted regularly in 19 cities, viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jai
ஏப். 28, 2023
Reserve Bank of India - Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement - Extract
1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2022 2023 Variation Apr. 22 Apr. 14 Apr. 21 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances 4.1 Central Government 0 114380 3145 -111235 3145 4.2 State Governments 2698 10259 3146 -7112 448 * Data are provisional. 2. Foreign Exchange Reserves* Item As on April 21, 2023 Variation over Week End-March 2023 Year ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Total Reserves 4797026 584248
1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2022 2023 Variation Apr. 22 Apr. 14 Apr. 21 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances 4.1 Central Government 0 114380 3145 -111235 3145 4.2 State Governments 2698 10259 3146 -7112 448 * Data are provisional. 2. Foreign Exchange Reserves* Item As on April 21, 2023 Variation over Week End-March 2023 Year ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Total Reserves 4797026 584248
ஏப். 28, 2023
RBI launches the May 2023 round of the Inflation Expectations Survey of Households

The Reserve Bank of India has been regularly conducting Inflation Expectations Survey of Households (IESH). The May 2023 round of the survey is being launched. The survey aims at capturing subjective assessments on price movements and inflation, based on their individual consumption baskets, across 19 cities, viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Raipur,

The Reserve Bank of India has been regularly conducting Inflation Expectations Survey of Households (IESH). The May 2023 round of the survey is being launched. The survey aims at capturing subjective assessments on price movements and inflation, based on their individual consumption baskets, across 19 cities, viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Raipur,

ஏப். 26, 2023
Reserve Money for the week ended April 21, 2023
The Reserve Bank has today released data on Reserve Money for the week ended April 21, 2023. Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/127
The Reserve Bank has today released data on Reserve Money for the week ended April 21, 2023. Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/127
ஏப். 26, 2023
RBI releases data on ECB / FCCB / RDB for March 2023
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of March 2023. Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/126
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of March 2023. Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/126
ஏப். 24, 2023
RBI Working Paper No. 06/2023: Did COVID-19 Affect Households Differently? Understanding Heterogeneity in Consumer Confidence
Today the Reserve Bank of India placed on its website a Working Paper titled, “Did COVID-19 Affect Households Differently? Understanding Heterogeneity in Consumer Confidence” under the Reserve Bank of India Working Paper Series1. The paper is co-authored by Sourajyoti Sardar, Anirban Sanyal and Tushar B Das. Using household-level data from the Consumer Confidence Survey of the RBI, this paper brings out the heterogeneous impact of COVID-19 on Indian households in term
Today the Reserve Bank of India placed on its website a Working Paper titled, “Did COVID-19 Affect Households Differently? Understanding Heterogeneity in Consumer Confidence” under the Reserve Bank of India Working Paper Series1. The paper is co-authored by Sourajyoti Sardar, Anirban Sanyal and Tushar B Das. Using household-level data from the Consumer Confidence Survey of the RBI, this paper brings out the heterogeneous impact of COVID-19 on Indian households in term
ஏப். 21, 2023
Reserve Bank of India - Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement - Extract
1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2022 2023 Variation Apr. 15 Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances 4.1 Central Government 33892 122394 114380 -8014 80488 4.2 State Governments 4677 11506 10259 -1247 5582 * Data are provisional. 2. Foreign Exchange Reserves* Item As on April 14, 2023 Variation over Week End-March 2023 Year ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Total Reserves 4800370
1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2022 2023 Variation Apr. 15 Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances 4.1 Central Government 33892 122394 114380 -8014 80488 4.2 State Governments 4677 11506 10259 -1247 5582 * Data are provisional. 2. Foreign Exchange Reserves* Item As on April 14, 2023 Variation over Week End-March 2023 Year ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Total Reserves 4800370

2,000 பதிவுகள் 550 541 காட்டும்.


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