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ஜூன் 28, 1999
Regulatory Regime in Financial Sector – Emerging Issues
Hyderabad, known also as a Bagya Nagar, is well known for housing some of the premier institutions of this country, of which Administrative Staff College of India occupies a pride of place. The city has become a trendsetter in the emerging thrust area of Indian economic resurgence, namely Information Technology. It has provided congenial functional environment for many of global IT Giants, in the process earning the name of Cyberabad. It is just the other day, precise
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Hyderabad, known also as a Bagya Nagar, is well known for housing some of the premier institutions of this country, of which Administrative Staff College of India occupies a pride of place. The city has become a trendsetter in the emerging thrust area of Indian economic resurgence, namely Information Technology. It has provided congenial functional environment for many of global IT Giants, in the process earning the name of Cyberabad. It is just the other day, precise
ஜூன் 26, 1999
Corporate Governance in Financial Sector
 Dr. Yerram Raju, Dr. Y.R.K. Reddy and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with you today. In a way, I am a part of the Administrative Staff College, since I had spent one year in the late ‘eighties as a full-time visiting fellow, doing some work on liberalisation and privatisation; apart from the fact that I have been visiting the college on and off since the ‘sixties. So, there is no way in which I could have avoided th
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
 Dr. Yerram Raju, Dr. Y.R.K. Reddy and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with you today. In a way, I am a part of the Administrative Staff College, since I had spent one year in the late ‘eighties as a full-time visiting fellow, doing some work on liberalisation and privatisation; apart from the fact that I have been visiting the college on and off since the ‘sixties. So, there is no way in which I could have avoided th
ஜூன் 19, 1999
INFINET and the Payment Systems
By S.P.TalwarLadies and Gentlemen, I am very happy to be here today to inaugurate the VSAT-based communication network. Undoubtedly this is a formal occasion but also an occasion that opens a new chapter in the history of India’s banking technology. I am also happy that this event marks the very first major successful project undertaken by the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT). Let me also take this opportunity to express my deep app
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
By S.P.TalwarLadies and Gentlemen, I am very happy to be here today to inaugurate the VSAT-based communication network. Undoubtedly this is a formal occasion but also an occasion that opens a new chapter in the history of India’s banking technology. I am also happy that this event marks the very first major successful project undertaken by the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT). Let me also take this opportunity to express my deep app
ஜூன் 19, 1999
INFINET and its Impact on Banking
Keynote Address by A.VasudevanLadies and Gentlemen,Today is a momentous occasion for all of us. We are now at the threshold of a great change – a kind of a revolution, so to say, – in technology for the banking sector. We have all had the privilege of hearing a very important and a very purposeful speech of Deputy Governor, Shri Talwar, a few moments ago. I have, therefore, very little to speak on the network as such. I would, therefore, dwell on a tangential issue –
Dr. A.Vasudevan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Keynote Address by A.VasudevanLadies and Gentlemen,Today is a momentous occasion for all of us. We are now at the threshold of a great change – a kind of a revolution, so to say, – in technology for the banking sector. We have all had the privilege of hearing a very important and a very purposeful speech of Deputy Governor, Shri Talwar, a few moments ago. I have, therefore, very little to speak on the network as such. I would, therefore, dwell on a tangential issue –
ஜூன் 15, 1999
Conference on Corporate Governance in Banking and Finance
Address by S P Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaMy dear friends,The interest in corporate governance is not a new phenomenon and basic elements such as the rights and responsibilities of different participants in the life of the corporation have been dealt with in various laws of the country. The term corporate governance has been used in a variety of contexts in recent years, particularly in relation to Boards of companies listed on a stock exchange. Man
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Address by S P Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaMy dear friends,The interest in corporate governance is not a new phenomenon and basic elements such as the rights and responsibilities of different participants in the life of the corporation have been dealt with in various laws of the country. The term corporate governance has been used in a variety of contexts in recent years, particularly in relation to Boards of companies listed on a stock exchange. Man
ஜூன் 11, 1999
External Debt Policies in Emerging Economies : New Dimensions
Mr. Chairman and friends,At the outset, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr.Shanker Acharya, Mr.Ravi Mohan and Mr.Sanjay Kathuria, who gave me an opportunity to attend this seminar on ‘Corporate External Debt Management’. The deliberations have indeed been a feast and there is nothing but admiration for the outstanding organisational abilities of all concerned. There has been an ideal mix of participants and subjects. In the previous Seminar on external debt at
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends,At the outset, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr.Shanker Acharya, Mr.Ravi Mohan and Mr.Sanjay Kathuria, who gave me an opportunity to attend this seminar on ‘Corporate External Debt Management’. The deliberations have indeed been a feast and there is nothing but admiration for the outstanding organisational abilities of all concerned. There has been an ideal mix of participants and subjects. In the previous Seminar on external debt at
மே 26, 1999
Monetary Policy in India : Objectives, Instruments, Operating Procedures and Dilemmas
Chairman and friends,I thank the organisers for inviting me to deliver the inaugural address at the Fourth Annual Securities Industry Summit. Although the discussions in this Summit will specifically veer around the securities market, monetary policy strongly influences the working of the financial markets. As a central banker, I will, therefore, speak on monetary policy making, which I trust will provide some perspectives to the deliberations at the Summit.Objectives
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Chairman and friends,I thank the organisers for inviting me to deliver the inaugural address at the Fourth Annual Securities Industry Summit. Although the discussions in this Summit will specifically veer around the securities market, monetary policy strongly influences the working of the financial markets. As a central banker, I will, therefore, speak on monetary policy making, which I trust will provide some perspectives to the deliberations at the Summit.Objectives
ஏப். 17, 1999
Securitisation in India: Next Steps
Chairman Mr. Gopalakrishnan and friends, I am happy to be here with you at the first of a series of seminars being organised by the Primary Dealers Association of India. In fact, this event is in fulfillment of one of the roles of the Primary Dealers Association, as a self-regulatory organisation, and as envisaged by us. The number of PDs were just six when I inaugurated the Primary Dealers Association in March 1998 and the size of the family has more than doubled to
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Chairman Mr. Gopalakrishnan and friends, I am happy to be here with you at the first of a series of seminars being organised by the Primary Dealers Association of India. In fact, this event is in fulfillment of one of the roles of the Primary Dealers Association, as a self-regulatory organisation, and as envisaged by us. The number of PDs were just six when I inaugurated the Primary Dealers Association in March 1998 and the size of the family has more than doubled to
பிப். 24, 1999
Inaugural Address at the National Seminar on Computer Related Crime, New Delhi, February 24, 1999
by Shri S P Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaLadies and Gentlemen,It gives me great pleasure to be amidst the representatives of the financial sector, National as well as International law enforcement agencies who have gathered here at the National Seminar on Computer Related Crime to interact on the threats posed by risks in computerised environment.The economic loss caused internationally by this type of crime is estimated to run into large sums. Althou
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
by Shri S P Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaLadies and Gentlemen,It gives me great pleasure to be amidst the representatives of the financial sector, National as well as International law enforcement agencies who have gathered here at the National Seminar on Computer Related Crime to interact on the threats posed by risks in computerised environment.The economic loss caused internationally by this type of crime is estimated to run into large sums. Althou
பிப். 20, 1999
Euro and its Implications for India
Mr.Singh and friends, It gives me great pleasure to deliver the keynote address at this seminar today. True, a lot has already been said and done on Euro and it is not easy to be original or innovative or even funny on a subject like this at this stage. But, Euro as a subject is of great contemporary relevance to all of us. So, we have to keep revisiting it. In any case, when my senior colleague and good friend Mr.R.V.Gupta asked me to deliver this address, I could no
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr.Singh and friends, It gives me great pleasure to deliver the keynote address at this seminar today. True, a lot has already been said and done on Euro and it is not easy to be original or innovative or even funny on a subject like this at this stage. But, Euro as a subject is of great contemporary relevance to all of us. So, we have to keep revisiting it. In any case, when my senior colleague and good friend Mr.R.V.Gupta asked me to deliver this address, I could no
பிப். 15, 1999
Way forward for Private Banks in India
.Conference of Chairman of Private Sector Banks at NIBM Pune, on 15th February 1999(Address by S.P.Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India)It is a Pleasure to be in the midst of my banker friends whom I had a privilege to meet individually on many occasions in the Past. 2. It is indeed nice on the part of NIBM to have organised such a Conference which I am sure would in the normal course deliberate on the role and initiatives of the private banking community. I
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
.Conference of Chairman of Private Sector Banks at NIBM Pune, on 15th February 1999(Address by S.P.Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India)It is a Pleasure to be in the midst of my banker friends whom I had a privilege to meet individually on many occasions in the Past. 2. It is indeed nice on the part of NIBM to have organised such a Conference which I am sure would in the normal course deliberate on the role and initiatives of the private banking community. I
பிப். 11, 1999
Issues in fixed Income Markets
Mr. Patil and friends,I am happy to be with you today at this seminar organised by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the International Securities Market Association (ISMA). The NSE needs no introduction to this audience. Mr.Patil has been, at our request, working closely with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on various issues and we value his advice. The NSE also has representatives on a number of committees looking into different aspects of the market. ISMA has be
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Patil and friends,I am happy to be with you today at this seminar organised by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the International Securities Market Association (ISMA). The NSE needs no introduction to this audience. Mr.Patil has been, at our request, working closely with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on various issues and we value his advice. The NSE also has representatives on a number of committees looking into different aspects of the market. ISMA has be
பிப். 01, 1999
Development of Money Market in India
Mr. Chairman and friends,I am grateful to the Andhra Chamber of Commerce for inviting me to deliver the Fifth J.V.Somayajulu Memorial Endowment Lecture. I consider it a great privilege and an honour, since luminaries like the Honourable Shri.R.Venkatraman, Shri.C.Subramaniam, Shri.N.Rangachary and Dr.Abid Hussain have delivered the earlier lectures. Mr.Somayajulu was a rare combination of being both a theoretician and a practitioner in the field of economics. He devot
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends,I am grateful to the Andhra Chamber of Commerce for inviting me to deliver the Fifth J.V.Somayajulu Memorial Endowment Lecture. I consider it a great privilege and an honour, since luminaries like the Honourable Shri.R.Venkatraman, Shri.C.Subramaniam, Shri.N.Rangachary and Dr.Abid Hussain have delivered the earlier lectures. Mr.Somayajulu was a rare combination of being both a theoretician and a practitioner in the field of economics. He devot
ஜன. 27, 1999
SAARCFinance - 1999 - Emerging Trends in Supervision Perspectives on Regulation & Supervision
At the outset, on behalf of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Government of India, I extend a hearty welcome to all the Central Bankers of SAARC Region on their visit to India and particularly to Reserve Bank’s College of Agricultural Banking. I also feel honoured for the privilege bestowed on me to inaugurate the Meeting of the Bank Supervisors to discuss ‘Emerging Trends in Supervision’ today. 2. It is in fitness of things that the Meeting is being held
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
At the outset, on behalf of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Government of India, I extend a hearty welcome to all the Central Bankers of SAARC Region on their visit to India and particularly to Reserve Bank’s College of Agricultural Banking. I also feel honoured for the privilege bestowed on me to inaugurate the Meeting of the Bank Supervisors to discuss ‘Emerging Trends in Supervision’ today. 2. It is in fitness of things that the Meeting is being held
டிச. 18, 1998
Banking Soundness, Monetary Policy and Macro-economic Management: Random Thoughts
Mr. Chairman and friends, I would like to thank the organisers and in particular, Chairman, Shri T. R. Sridharan, for inviting me to deliver the valedictory address at the Bank Economists’ Conference `98. I enjoyed reading the excellent papers circulated for the Conference. I found them well researched, thought provoking, analytical, and wide ranging with operational relevance. I also read the keynote speeches and heard rapporteur’s reports. It is clear that the speec
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends, I would like to thank the organisers and in particular, Chairman, Shri T. R. Sridharan, for inviting me to deliver the valedictory address at the Bank Economists’ Conference `98. I enjoyed reading the excellent papers circulated for the Conference. I found them well researched, thought provoking, analytical, and wide ranging with operational relevance. I also read the keynote speeches and heard rapporteur’s reports. It is clear that the speec
டிச. 16, 1998
Inaugural AddressByBIMAL JALANGovernor, Reserve Bank of India At the Bank Economists Conference (BECON’98) Held at Bangalore On 16-12-1998 Towards A More Vibrant Banking SystemBimal Jalan IntroductionI am happy to join this special gathering of bankers and deliver the inaugural address to the conference of bank economists . This year's meeting of bank economists is particularly important as it is being held against the background of one of the worst meltdowns of finan
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Inaugural AddressByBIMAL JALANGovernor, Reserve Bank of India At the Bank Economists Conference (BECON’98) Held at Bangalore On 16-12-1998 Towards A More Vibrant Banking SystemBimal Jalan IntroductionI am happy to join this special gathering of bankers and deliver the inaugural address to the conference of bank economists . This year's meeting of bank economists is particularly important as it is being held against the background of one of the worst meltdowns of finan
டிச. 16, 1998
The Changing Dimensions of Supervision and Regulation
Bank Economists' Conference – 1998 (Presentation by S.P.Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India) It is indeed a great pleasure and honour for me, as a Central banker, to be in the midst of practising bankers and economists today. 2. Traditionally, the underlying theme of discussions of any meetings of economists used to centre around core economic or monetary policy issues. However, in the context of the South East Asian financial crisis, the importance of an e
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Bank Economists' Conference – 1998 (Presentation by S.P.Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India) It is indeed a great pleasure and honour for me, as a Central banker, to be in the midst of practising bankers and economists today. 2. Traditionally, the underlying theme of discussions of any meetings of economists used to centre around core economic or monetary policy issues. However, in the context of the South East Asian financial crisis, the importance of an e
டிச. 04, 1998
Restructuring of the Public Finances and Macro-economic Stability
Mr. Chairman and friends,This meeting has been convened to solicit views on one of the specific references to the Eleventh Finance Commission, viz., means by which the Union (or Centre) and the States may bring about restructuring of the public finances so as to restore the budgetary balance and maintain macro-economic stability. I will, therefore, confine myself to this theme, in the context of reform process under way. I will, first, describe what may be called the
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends,This meeting has been convened to solicit views on one of the specific references to the Eleventh Finance Commission, viz., means by which the Union (or Centre) and the States may bring about restructuring of the public finances so as to restore the budgetary balance and maintain macro-economic stability. I will, therefore, confine myself to this theme, in the context of reform process under way. I will, first, describe what may be called the
நவ. 23, 1998
Managing Capital Flows
Capital inflows to developing countries have many beneficial effects, especially in financing investment and economic growth; but they are also sometimes problematic for policy makers in developing countries. Large capital flows could push up monetary aggregates, create inflationary pressures, destabilise exchange rate, affect domestic financial sector, and finally disrupt the economy if and when such flows get reversed or drastically reduced. The experience so far ha
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Capital inflows to developing countries have many beneficial effects, especially in financing investment and economic growth; but they are also sometimes problematic for policy makers in developing countries. Large capital flows could push up monetary aggregates, create inflationary pressures, destabilise exchange rate, affect domestic financial sector, and finally disrupt the economy if and when such flows get reversed or drastically reduced. The experience so far ha
நவ. 20, 1998
Financial Sector Reform: Review and Prospects
Financial Sector Reform: Review and ProspectsI am thankful to Professor Nirvikar Singh for giving me this opportunity to be with a group of very eminent economists, with deep understanding of various aspects of India’s economy. I have set, for myself, a humble task of presenting before you, a consolidated account of financial reform measures undertaken so far, and indicate where we were before reform and where we are now. Comments and outlook in regard to some of the
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Financial Sector Reform: Review and ProspectsI am thankful to Professor Nirvikar Singh for giving me this opportunity to be with a group of very eminent economists, with deep understanding of various aspects of India’s economy. I have set, for myself, a humble task of presenting before you, a consolidated account of financial reform measures undertaken so far, and indicate where we were before reform and where we are now. Comments and outlook in regard to some of the
நவ. 14, 1998
RBI and Banking Sector Reform
Chairman and Friends, It is a great honour and privilege to be here in IIM - Ahmedabad to interact with distinguished scholars and brilliant students of management. You represent the cream of Indian intellect, and Indian intellect is recognised as perhaps the cream of world intellect. I am looking forward to a lively and fruitful discussion today. In consultation with the organisers, I selected the topic for today’s talk, viz., "RBI and Banking Sector Reform". Financi
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Chairman and Friends, It is a great honour and privilege to be here in IIM - Ahmedabad to interact with distinguished scholars and brilliant students of management. You represent the cream of Indian intellect, and Indian intellect is recognised as perhaps the cream of world intellect. I am looking forward to a lively and fruitful discussion today. In consultation with the organisers, I selected the topic for today’s talk, viz., "RBI and Banking Sector Reform". Financi
நவ. 11, 1998
Infrastructure Financing : Status and Issues
The process of economic reforms initiated in India in early nineties has focused, inter alia, on the infrastructure sector especially on attracting private investment. A number of policy initiatives have been taken by the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to attract such private investment. The present paper while listing the important developments also makes an attempt to focus on some of the important issues critical to infrastructure financing. Th
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The process of economic reforms initiated in India in early nineties has focused, inter alia, on the infrastructure sector especially on attracting private investment. A number of policy initiatives have been taken by the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to attract such private investment. The present paper while listing the important developments also makes an attempt to focus on some of the important issues critical to infrastructure financing. Th
நவ. 02, 1998
Development of Debt Markets in India·
Mr. Chairman, Honourable Finance Minister Yashwant Sinhaji, Mr.Lim and friends, At the outset, I would like to thank The World Bank for organising this high-level well attended, interactive, business-like seminar on a subject of high priority for India. My presentation would start with features and magnitudes of debt market in India and briefly touch on policy developments since 1991-92. Significant reforms in debt markets undertaken since last year will then be recal
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman, Honourable Finance Minister Yashwant Sinhaji, Mr.Lim and friends, At the outset, I would like to thank The World Bank for organising this high-level well attended, interactive, business-like seminar on a subject of high priority for India. My presentation would start with features and magnitudes of debt market in India and briefly touch on policy developments since 1991-92. Significant reforms in debt markets undertaken since last year will then be recal
அக். 01, 1998
Managing Capital Account
Friends, On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I would like to convey my warm greetings to all the delegates from various South Asian countries. I have special pleasure in welcoming our chief guest, Governor A. S. Jayawardhene. The forex markets in many parts of the world are going through a turmoil due to currency crises, which are intensively affecting more and more countries. Much of these crises are characterised by volatile capital flows – though the underlying
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I would like to convey my warm greetings to all the delegates from various South Asian countries. I have special pleasure in welcoming our chief guest, Governor A. S. Jayawardhene. The forex markets in many parts of the world are going through a turmoil due to currency crises, which are intensively affecting more and more countries. Much of these crises are characterised by volatile capital flows – though the underlying
செப். 19, 1998
Management Challenges for the Next Century
It is a privilege to be in the midst of this distinguished gathering to deliver the valedictory address to the National Management Convention this evening. This is the Silver Jubilee year of this Convention, and represents an important event in the history of the All India Management Association. It is a fitting tribute to the Silver Jubilee year that this convention is devoted to such an important theme as strategies for strengthening competitiveness of Indian econom
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It is a privilege to be in the midst of this distinguished gathering to deliver the valedictory address to the National Management Convention this evening. This is the Silver Jubilee year of this Convention, and represents an important event in the history of the All India Management Association. It is a fitting tribute to the Silver Jubilee year that this convention is devoted to such an important theme as strategies for strengthening competitiveness of Indian econom
செப். 16, 1998
Trends in International Banking
I am very happy to be with you on this occasion. I would like to commend the Indian Banks' Association for organising the International Banking Conference at a very timely and critical juncture. The theme of the Conference assumes great significance in the current international environment. In the context of the Asian financial crisis and the continuing turbulence in the international financial markets, the formulation and application of international rules for sound
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am very happy to be with you on this occasion. I would like to commend the Indian Banks' Association for organising the International Banking Conference at a very timely and critical juncture. The theme of the Conference assumes great significance in the current international environment. In the context of the Asian financial crisis and the continuing turbulence in the international financial markets, the formulation and application of international rules for sound
ஆக. 14, 1998
Indian Economy: A Retrospect and Prospects
Friends, Coming to Tirupati is like a journey down memory lane for me. I belong to a village nearby though in Cuddapah district, studied what was known then as Intermediate Course in Sri Venkateswara University and worked for several years on development of the Rayalaseema region. I served in Chittoor, your district as Secretary, Zilla Parishad in 1967. So, for more than one reason, I am grateful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with you, in a ga
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, Coming to Tirupati is like a journey down memory lane for me. I belong to a village nearby though in Cuddapah district, studied what was known then as Intermediate Course in Sri Venkateswara University and worked for several years on development of the Rayalaseema region. I served in Chittoor, your district as Secretary, Zilla Parishad in 1967. So, for more than one reason, I am grateful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with you, in a ga
ஆக. 02, 1998
Venture Capital and Technology Development in India
For News agencies and electronic media not before 8.00 p.m. August 2, 1998 Newspapers not before August 3, 1998 Venture Capital and Technology Development in India : An Agenda for Deliberations I thank the organisers, and in particular my senior and respected colleague Mr. Nayak, for giving me this opportunity to be with you, and deliver the keynote address at this National Venture Capital Seminar. I am happy to observe that the Centre for Technology Development (CTD)
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
For News agencies and electronic media not before 8.00 p.m. August 2, 1998 Newspapers not before August 3, 1998 Venture Capital and Technology Development in India : An Agenda for Deliberations I thank the organisers, and in particular my senior and respected colleague Mr. Nayak, for giving me this opportunity to be with you, and deliver the keynote address at this National Venture Capital Seminar. I am happy to observe that the Centre for Technology Development (CTD)
ஜூலை 17, 1998
India among the leaders of 21st century: Fifth L.K. Jha Memorial Lecture
Mr. Governor, relatives of the late Mr. L.K. Jha, ladies and gentlemen : Dangerous, often fatal, is the prophet's calling. Most are put to death. That was nearly UNCTAD's fate a couple of years ago. The few survivors of the lynch mob usually succumb to one of two evils. The first is the ugly sin of Schadenfreude, that is, rejoicing in other people's misfortune. The second is the loss of face they suffer when their predictions do not come true. Things have worsened so
Mr. Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Mr. Governor, relatives of the late Mr. L.K. Jha, ladies and gentlemen : Dangerous, often fatal, is the prophet's calling. Most are put to death. That was nearly UNCTAD's fate a couple of years ago. The few survivors of the lynch mob usually succumb to one of two evils. The first is the ugly sin of Schadenfreude, that is, rejoicing in other people's misfortune. The second is the loss of face they suffer when their predictions do not come true. Things have worsened so
ஜூன் 03, 1998
Interest Rates in India : Status and Issues
Address at the Inaugural Conference of Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) by Dr.Y.V.Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, on June 3, 1998 at Mumbai. Interest Rates in India : Status and Issues Friends, I am happy to be here at the inaugural conference to commemorate the incorporation of Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA). Let me, at the outset, congratulate the organisers who have taken
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Address at the Inaugural Conference of Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) by Dr.Y.V.Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, on June 3, 1998 at Mumbai. Interest Rates in India : Status and Issues Friends, I am happy to be here at the inaugural conference to commemorate the incorporation of Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA). Let me, at the outset, congratulate the organisers who have taken
மே 08, 1998
Science, Technology and Development: Sir Vithal N. Chandavarkar Memorial Lecture
I am grateful to the Indian Institute of Science, unique Institute committed to advanced research and education on Science and Technology for asking me to deliver this lecture in the memory of Sir Vithal N. Chandravarkar. As a non-scientist, I feel specially privileged to be invited to address this distinguished audience in this famous institution. Sir Vithal Chandravarkar, a barrister by profession, was a towering personality in Indian public life. The University of
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am grateful to the Indian Institute of Science, unique Institute committed to advanced research and education on Science and Technology for asking me to deliver this lecture in the memory of Sir Vithal N. Chandravarkar. As a non-scientist, I feel specially privileged to be invited to address this distinguished audience in this famous institution. Sir Vithal Chandravarkar, a barrister by profession, was a towering personality in Indian public life. The University of
மே 02, 1998
Monetary and Credit Policy Continuity, Context, Change and Challenges
Address by Dr.Y.V.Reddy, Deputy Governor, at Reserve Bank of India, Chennai, on May 2, 1998. Monetary and credit policy has, recently been attracting serious public attention and interest. The media, the intellectuals, the business community and in fact, people in almost all walks of life in India have been showing interest in understanding the policy and its implications and the manner in which it affects them. There is also a close observation of the stance of polic
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Address by Dr.Y.V.Reddy, Deputy Governor, at Reserve Bank of India, Chennai, on May 2, 1998. Monetary and credit policy has, recently been attracting serious public attention and interest. The media, the intellectuals, the business community and in fact, people in almost all walks of life in India have been showing interest in understanding the policy and its implications and the manner in which it affects them. There is also a close observation of the stance of polic
மே 01, 1998
Asian Crisis: Asking Right Questions
Mr. Chairman and Friends, I am grateful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with you and, derive the benefit of interaction, with a set of distinguished and knowledgeable people. The Asian crisis has been a matter of wide debate, and I doubt whether much new light can be shed on it. At the same time, I wonder whether many of us have been able to fully comprehend the causes, cure or consequences of the crisis. Perhaps one useful way of crystallising
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and Friends, I am grateful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with you and, derive the benefit of interaction, with a set of distinguished and knowledgeable people. The Asian crisis has been a matter of wide debate, and I doubt whether much new light can be shed on it. At the same time, I wonder whether many of us have been able to fully comprehend the causes, cure or consequences of the crisis. Perhaps one useful way of crystallising
மார். 23, 1998
Inaugural address - Primary Dealers Association of India
Inaugural address by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at Primary dealers association of India on March 23, 1998 at Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai Chairman Mr.Mukherji and friends, I am happy to be here at the inaugural function of the Primary Dealers Association of India. This is a culmination of the continuous efforts made by the first set of Primary Dealers registered in 1996. I consider today's event as an important landmark in the development of Gov
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Inaugural address by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at Primary dealers association of India on March 23, 1998 at Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai Chairman Mr.Mukherji and friends, I am happy to be here at the inaugural function of the Primary Dealers Association of India. This is a culmination of the continuous efforts made by the first set of Primary Dealers registered in 1996. I consider today's event as an important landmark in the development of Gov
மார். 21, 1998
High Banking Transaction Costs are a `Deadweight Loss': RBI Governor
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India addressed the participants of a Symposium on Transformation of Indian Banking and Financial System in 50 Years of India's Independence. The two-day Symposium was organised by the Bankers Training College of the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai on March 20-21 to celebrate the 50th year of India's Independence. The Symposium was attended by senior officers from banks, financial institutions and the Reserve Bank of India. A
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India addressed the participants of a Symposium on Transformation of Indian Banking and Financial System in 50 Years of India's Independence. The two-day Symposium was organised by the Bankers Training College of the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai on March 20-21 to celebrate the 50th year of India's Independence. The Symposium was attended by senior officers from banks, financial institutions and the Reserve Bank of India. A
மார். 17, 1998
Seminar on Regulatory Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies Key Note
Seminar on Regulatory framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies Key Note Address by Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India Central Office Mumbai 17th March, 1998 Distinguished delegates, guests, ladies and gentlemen, I extend a hearty welcome to you all to this Seminar which is taking place at a time when the NBFC sector is passing through a critical time and the process of its consolidation has just set in. With a view to effectively disseminat
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Seminar on Regulatory framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies Key Note Address by Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India Central Office Mumbai 17th March, 1998 Distinguished delegates, guests, ladies and gentlemen, I extend a hearty welcome to you all to this Seminar which is taking place at a time when the NBFC sector is passing through a critical time and the process of its consolidation has just set in. With a view to effectively disseminat
பிப். 28, 1998
State Finances and RBI Initiatives
It is a great honour, and pleasure to be with you all here, on this important occasion. Do I have a choice, when the distinguished Advisory Board of Data News Features summons me? Mr. Hanumantha Rao has been collecting, collating, consolidating and marketing data on Andhra Pradesh economy for decades. He is a pioneer in recognising the importance of data dissemination and in particular data consolidation and analysis at the state level. Perhaps, this is the first comp
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It is a great honour, and pleasure to be with you all here, on this important occasion. Do I have a choice, when the distinguished Advisory Board of Data News Features summons me? Mr. Hanumantha Rao has been collecting, collating, consolidating and marketing data on Andhra Pradesh economy for decades. He is a pioneer in recognising the importance of data dissemination and in particular data consolidation and analysis at the state level. Perhaps, this is the first comp
பிப். 20, 1998
Key note address at the CII seminar on "Emerging Scenario in Foreign Currency Management
Key note address by Dr. Y V Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, at the CII seminar on `Emerging Scenario in Foreign Currency Management' on February 20, 1998 in Mumbai. Emerging Concerns and State of Indian Economy Chairman and friends, On this occasion, I propose to address the limited issue of identifying the emerging concerns on the state of economies of emerging markets with particular reference to recent developments and place before you a factual acco
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Key note address by Dr. Y V Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, at the CII seminar on `Emerging Scenario in Foreign Currency Management' on February 20, 1998 in Mumbai. Emerging Concerns and State of Indian Economy Chairman and friends, On this occasion, I propose to address the limited issue of identifying the emerging concerns on the state of economies of emerging markets with particular reference to recent developments and place before you a factual acco
பிப். 11, 1998
Inaugural Address - Meeting of International Organisation of Securities Commission
Inaugural Address by Dr.Bimal Jalan Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the meeting of International Organisation of Securities Commissions, Mumbai, 11th February 1998 Mr. Mehta, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Distinguished Members of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee, Enforcement Directors' of APRC Securities Commission and Friends. I have great pleasure in joining you today. I am thankful to Shri Mehta, Chairman, Securities Exchange Board of Indi
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Inaugural Address by Dr.Bimal Jalan Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the meeting of International Organisation of Securities Commissions, Mumbai, 11th February 1998 Mr. Mehta, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Distinguished Members of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee, Enforcement Directors' of APRC Securities Commission and Friends. I have great pleasure in joining you today. I am thankful to Shri Mehta, Chairman, Securities Exchange Board of Indi
டிச. 29, 1997
Economists and Public Policy
Y.V. ReddyI deem it as a great honour to be here to deliver this valedictory address. I am grateful to innumerable friends of my alma mater, Osmania University, and in particular Vice Chancellor Ramakistayya, who have so kindly given me this opportunity. My association with Osmania University dates back to August 1960, with registration as a full time researcher for Ph.D. Later, as a lecturer in this campus, I learnt a lot before joining the Administrative Service in
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Y.V. ReddyI deem it as a great honour to be here to deliver this valedictory address. I am grateful to innumerable friends of my alma mater, Osmania University, and in particular Vice Chancellor Ramakistayya, who have so kindly given me this opportunity. My association with Osmania University dates back to August 1960, with registration as a full time researcher for Ph.D. Later, as a lecturer in this campus, I learnt a lot before joining the Administrative Service in
டிச. 27, 1997
Public Debt: Current Issues
Principal Sivaraman and Friends, I am thankful to Shri Sivaraman for inviting me and giving me an opportunity to meet you and interact with you. He gave me the freedom to choose a topic and I chose public debt because of its great importance to not only the Reserve Bank of India and Governments concerned but also to macro-economic policy in general and to financial sector in particular. In the context of broader economic reform as also financial sector reform, a numbe
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Principal Sivaraman and Friends, I am thankful to Shri Sivaraman for inviting me and giving me an opportunity to meet you and interact with you. He gave me the freedom to choose a topic and I chose public debt because of its great importance to not only the Reserve Bank of India and Governments concerned but also to macro-economic policy in general and to financial sector in particular. In the context of broader economic reform as also financial sector reform, a numbe
நவ. 18, 1997
External Debt and Economic Reform, Seminar on New Opportunities in Global Finance
External Debt and Economic Reform by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Seminar on New Opportunities in Global Finance sponsored by Greater Mysore Chamber of Industry Bangalore Management Association Institute of Internal Auditors - India Rotary Club of Bangalore Mr. Chairman and Friends, I am thankful to the organisers of this conference and Mr. Biswas of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), for giving me this opportunity to be with you. For some of
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
External Debt and Economic Reform by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Seminar on New Opportunities in Global Finance sponsored by Greater Mysore Chamber of Industry Bangalore Management Association Institute of Internal Auditors - India Rotary Club of Bangalore Mr. Chairman and Friends, I am thankful to the organisers of this conference and Mr. Biswas of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), for giving me this opportunity to be with you. For some of
நவ. 17, 1997
Monetary and Credit Policy: Issues and Perspectives
Monetary and Credit Policy: Issues and Perspectives by Dr. Y.V.Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at Discussion Meeting organised by Indian Merchants' Chamber Economic Research and Training Foundation Mumbai on November 17, 1997 Issues and Perspectives Chairman and friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you today for this discussion. Dr.Jhaveri, for whom I have high personal regard, has been insisting for quite some time that I address this forum. W
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Monetary and Credit Policy: Issues and Perspectives by Dr. Y.V.Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at Discussion Meeting organised by Indian Merchants' Chamber Economic Research and Training Foundation Mumbai on November 17, 1997 Issues and Perspectives Chairman and friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you today for this discussion. Dr.Jhaveri, for whom I have high personal regard, has been insisting for quite some time that I address this forum. W
நவ. 14, 1997
Financial Sector Reforms and RBI's Balance Sheet Management
Financial Sector Reforms and RBI's Balance Sheet Management by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. The Vysya Bank 11th Annual Lecture on Banking at Bangalore on November 14, 1997 Chairman Shri Ramamoorthy and friends. I am pleased to deliver the 11th Annual Lecture of Vysya Bank. In fact, this assignment gave me an opportunity to study and reflect on the subject in the light of my recent experience in handling this subject in the Reserve Ba
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Financial Sector Reforms and RBI's Balance Sheet Management by Dr. Y.V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. The Vysya Bank 11th Annual Lecture on Banking at Bangalore on November 14, 1997 Chairman Shri Ramamoorthy and friends. I am pleased to deliver the 11th Annual Lecture of Vysya Bank. In fact, this assignment gave me an opportunity to study and reflect on the subject in the light of my recent experience in handling this subject in the Reserve Ba
நவ. 11, 1997
Ninth V.T. Krishnamachari Memorial Lecture on "The Role of Monetary Policy
Ninth V.T. Krishnamachari Memorial Lecture on 'The Role of Monetary Policy' delivered by C. Rangarajan Governor, Reserve Bank of India at The Institute of Economic Growth Delhi on Tuesday, 11th November 1997 It is a great honour to be invited to deliver the 9th V.T.Krishnamachari Memorial Lecture. As you all know, Mr.Krishnamachari was a distinguished civil servant who left his imprint on many walks of India's life. The princely States of Baroda and Jaipur gained imme
Dr. C. Rangarajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Ninth V.T. Krishnamachari Memorial Lecture on 'The Role of Monetary Policy' delivered by C. Rangarajan Governor, Reserve Bank of India at The Institute of Economic Growth Delhi on Tuesday, 11th November 1997 It is a great honour to be invited to deliver the 9th V.T.Krishnamachari Memorial Lecture. As you all know, Mr.Krishnamachari was a distinguished civil servant who left his imprint on many walks of India's life. The princely States of Baroda and Jaipur gained imme
நவ. 05, 1997
Indian Financial Markets : New Initiatives
Indian Financial Markets : New Initiatives by Dr. Y.V. Reddy Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade at Delhi on November 5, 1997 Indian Financial Markets: New Initiatives It gives me great pleasure to be in this institute today. I have many friends here since I had the privilege of being the Director General of this esteemed institution in 1995. However, the main reason for my being here today is the insistence of my dear an
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Indian Financial Markets : New Initiatives by Dr. Y.V. Reddy Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade at Delhi on November 5, 1997 Indian Financial Markets: New Initiatives It gives me great pleasure to be in this institute today. I have many friends here since I had the privilege of being the Director General of this esteemed institution in 1995. However, the main reason for my being here today is the insistence of my dear an
அக். 09, 1997
The Future of India's Debt Market 1997
I am happy to be amongst you this morning. This Conference gives me an opportunity to sharpen my thoughts, and gain insights from the deliberations. The subject has gained importance over the years, and in particular, more recently after the Monetary and Credit Policy of April 1997. In fact, there is a sudden spurt in Conferences on this subject, as for example, the SBICAP Debt Market Seminar held last month. Also, there was a pretty elaborate coverage of this subject
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am happy to be amongst you this morning. This Conference gives me an opportunity to sharpen my thoughts, and gain insights from the deliberations. The subject has gained importance over the years, and in particular, more recently after the Monetary and Credit Policy of April 1997. In fact, there is a sudden spurt in Conferences on this subject, as for example, the SBICAP Debt Market Seminar held last month. Also, there was a pretty elaborate coverage of this subject
அக். 08, 1997
Indian Banking Second Phase of Reforms Agenda and Issues
I am thankful to the organisers and in particular, Chairman, Shri M.G. Bhide for whom I have high regard, for inviting me to deliver the valedictory address at the 20th Bank Economists' Conference. I have had the benefit of going through the scholarly but pragmatic papers as also the reports of rapporteurs covering the deliberations. I find them highly stimulating. A number of issues of critical importance have been flagged by the participants. I will recall the major
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am thankful to the organisers and in particular, Chairman, Shri M.G. Bhide for whom I have high regard, for inviting me to deliver the valedictory address at the 20th Bank Economists' Conference. I have had the benefit of going through the scholarly but pragmatic papers as also the reports of rapporteurs covering the deliberations. I find them highly stimulating. A number of issues of critical importance have been flagged by the participants. I will recall the major
அக். 06, 1997
Indian Banking - Second Phase of Reforms - Issues and Imperatives
1.It gives me great pleasure to be in your midst this morning and to participate once again in the Annual Conference of Bank Economists. I am indeed happy that these Conferences have become occasions for serious discussions on the issues facing the banking industry. 2.The theme of the current years' Conference is `Indian Banking: Second Phase of Reforms'. Even as we begin discussing about what should constitute the second phase of reforms, it is perhaps appropriate to
Dr. C. Rangarajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
1.It gives me great pleasure to be in your midst this morning and to participate once again in the Annual Conference of Bank Economists. I am indeed happy that these Conferences have become occasions for serious discussions on the issues facing the banking industry. 2.The theme of the current years' Conference is `Indian Banking: Second Phase of Reforms'. Even as we begin discussing about what should constitute the second phase of reforms, it is perhaps appropriate to
அக். 03, 1997
Indian Economy: Current Trends and Immediate Prospects
1. In my address this evening I would like to focus on the current developments in the Indian economy and the immediate prospects. The decade of the 90s has seen India rapidly transforming into a high growth economy. There has been an enormous change in the economic environment since 1991, with the introduction of reforms as part of a comprehensive stabilisation and structural adjustment programme. The basic objectives of the current reform programme have been to remo
Dr. C. Rangarajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
1. In my address this evening I would like to focus on the current developments in the Indian economy and the immediate prospects. The decade of the 90s has seen India rapidly transforming into a high growth economy. There has been an enormous change in the economic environment since 1991, with the introduction of reforms as part of a comprehensive stabilisation and structural adjustment programme. The basic objectives of the current reform programme have been to remo


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