Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs - ఆర్బిఐ - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs
RBI/2014-15/17 July 1, 2014 Chief Executive Officers of Dear Sir/Madam, Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs Please refer to our Master Circular UBD.BPD. MC. No. 8/12.05.001/2012-13 dated July 2, 2012 on the captioned subject (available at RBI website The enclosed Master Circular consolidates and updates all the instructions / guidelines on the subject up to June 30, 2013. Yours faithfully (A.K.Bera) Master Circular - Board of Directors 1 CONSTITUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1.1 The primary (urban) co-operative banks have been functioning under the supervision and control of Reserve Bank of India for banking related functions in terms of the powers vested in it, under Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to co-operative societies) and the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. 1.2 However, the administrative and managerial functions, elections and appointment of directors, etc. of these banks come under the purview of respective State/Central Government by virtue of the provisions of the respective state co-operative societies act and multi state co-operative societies act. The various co-operative societies acts, the bye-laws framed there under and model bye-laws spell out the duties, functions and obligations of directors of these banks. 1.3 Since the directors are elected from amongst the members (except co-opted and nominated directors), the persons who are not eligible for admission even as members cannot act as promoters or become directors of the bank. In particular, persons engaged in money lending, financing and investment activities, either in individual capacity or as proprietor/partner/employee/director of any concern as also those convicted of any criminal offences including moral turpitude are ineligible in terms of clause b (ii) of the model by-law no.9 and/or the provisions contained in the co-operative societies act (concerned). The Board of Directors (BODs) is primarily concerned with the formulation of policies keeping in view the guidelines issued by RBI and state/central government. The Board should also exercise overall supervision and control over the functioning of the bank, leaving day to day administration to the chief executive officer. 1.4 The recommendations made by the “Committee on Urban Co-operative Banks”, headed by Shri Madhava Das, regarding the BODs and recommended by Reserve Bank for adoption by the banks are indicated in Annex 1. 1.5 The directors of primary (urban) co-operative banks must be knowledgeable and persons of high integrity. They must function in a cohesive manner and provide proper leadership for the smooth and efficient management of the affairs of the bank. This calls for a certain degree of professionalism in the BODs. 1.6 To ensure professionalism in the Board, the banks should have atleast two directors with suitable banking experience (at middle/senior management level) or with relevant professional qualification in the fields of law, accountancy or finance. Banks should also have a suitable provision in their bye-laws to ensure this. However, these instructions would not be insisted upon in case of Salary Earners' Banks in view of the nature of their membership. 2 ROLE OF DIRECTORS - DOs AND DON’TS 2.1 The BODs of the primary (urban) co-operative bank should ensure that proper loan policies are adopted and followed. 2.2 It should be ensured that all circulars and other material relating to policies issued by RBI/Government are seen by every member of the Board and also placed before the Board for suitable action. 2.3 A list of DOs and DON’TS for guidance of the directors of primary (urban) co-op. banks is given below. The list is illustrative and not exhaustive and is not to be regarded as a substitute for the specified duties, responsibilities or rights of the Board of Directors as enunciated in the co-operative law and/or bye-laws of the respective banks. DOs (a) Discipline & Involvement: The directors should:
(b) Constructive & Developmental Role: The directors should:
(c) Business Specific Contribution The directors should bestow attention on the following aspects of the bank’s working:
DON’TS (a) Non-Interference : The directors should not:
(b) No Sponsorship: The directors should not
(c) Confidentiality
3 AUDIT COMMITTEE OF BOARD (ACB) 3.1 In order to ensure and enhance the effectiveness of internal audit/inspection as a management tool, an Apex Audit Committee should be set up at the board level for overseeing and providing directions to the internal audit/inspection machinery and other executives of the bank. The committee may consist of the chairman and three/four directors, one or more of such directors being chartered accountant or having experience in management, finance, accountancy and audit systems, etc. 3.2 ACB should review the implementation of the guidelines issued by RBI and submit a note thereon, to the board, at quarterly intervals. The major duties/responsibilities of the ACB are given below:
4 CALENDAR OF REVIEWS – MATTERS TO BE PLACED BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS It has been emphasized in the list of Dos’ and Don’ts for the Board of Directors (para 2) that directors should bestow their attention on the periodical reviews on important aspects of bank’s working. An illustrative list of the reviews which should receive the attention of the directors as also the periodicity at which these may be placed before the Board of Directors is indicated in Annex 2. 5 PROHIBITION ON LOANS AND ADVANCES 5.1 Primary (urban) cooperative banks are prohibited from making, providing or renewing either secured or unsecured loans and advances or extending any other financial accommodation to their directors, or their relatives and the firms/concerns/companies in which they are interested with effect from 1 October 2003. The existing advances may be allowed to continue upto the date when they are due. 5.2 The following categories of director-related loans are exempted from the purview of the above instructions.
5.3 The words ‘any other financial accommodation’ shall include funded and non-funded credit limits and underwritings and similar commitments, as under: (a) The funded limits shall include loans and advances by way of bills purchase/discounting, pre-shipment and post-shipment credit facilities and deferred payment guarantee limits extended for any purpose including purchase of capital equipment and acceptance limits in connection therewith sanctioned to borrowers, and guarantees by issue of which a bank undertakes financial obligation to enable its constituents to acquire capital assets. (b) The non-funded limits shall include letters of credit, guarantees other than those referred to in paragraph (a) above, and underwritings and similar commitments. 5.4 A person shall be deemed to be a relative of another, if and only if:- a) they are members of a Hindu Undivided Family; or b) they are husband and wife; or c) the one is related to the other in the manner indicated below:List of relatives 1. Father 6. DONATIONS TO TRUSTS AND INSTITUTIONS WHERE DIRECTORS, THEIR RELATIVES HOLD POSITION OR ARE INTERESTED With effect from August 30, 2013 UCBs are prohibited from giving donations to trusts and institutions, where directors, and/or their relatives hold position or are interested, even within the permissible ceiling of 1% of the published profit of the bank for the previous year. The term ”relative” shall have the meaning as indicated in para 5.4 above. The term “interest” shall mean “trust in which directors/relatives of directors hold positions as trustees, or are beneficiaries or involved in any capacity in the working of the trust, which is likely to influence the independence of the directors(s). 7 PAYMENT OF FEES AND ALLOWANCES TO DIRECTORS All expenses on the conduct of Board meetings etc. may be shown against item 3 of P&L Account. Such expenses would include amounts actually paid to the directors and Local Committee members as also amounts spent on their behalf for attending such meetings. Master Circular Recommendations made by the Madhava Das Committee [Vide para 1.4] Recommendation 1. Board to provide Representation to Branch Members Representation on the board of directors to members of branches is necessary with a view to involving them in the management of the affairs of urban banks. The branches may be grouped according to the following categories for the purpose of election of directors on the board.
The representation may be based on membership and not on deposits or loan business of branches. Certain number of seats on the board may be provided exclusively for the head office town and every branch in a group may get representation by rotation. 2. Eligibility for Director’s Post
To prevent instances of en-masse enrolment at the instance of certain vested interests just before the general body meeting, primarily with a view to capturing seats on the BODs and thereby destabilizing or dislodging the Boards of efficiently managed urban banks, the members of a primary (urban) cooperative bank should be allowed to participate in the election of its Board of Management only after completion of a minimum period of 12 months from the date of acquiring membership. 4. Women Representative on the BoardWhere the scope for the organization of an urban bank exclusively for women is limited in any area, the existing urban banks may give representation to women members on the board of management and, wherever necessary, set up a separate section to cater to the needs of women members. At least one seat for women shareholders may be reserved on the BODs. 5. Developmental Programmes for Board MembersThe members on the BODs need regular programmes to develop themselves into a competent policy and decision making body. These programmes may include exposing the board members to short-term orientation courses, workshops, seminars and visits to other banks. A suitable manual prepared by banks themselves or Federations or Associations of urban banks may be one of the methods of familiarizing the directors with their duties under the by-laws. The National Co-operative Union, in collaboration with the National Federation of Urban Co-operative Banks and Credit Societies, and the State Federations or Associations of urban banks, should apply itself to this very important task of educating and training the boards of management of urban banks and draw-up co-coordinated programmes for the purpose. 6. Chief Executive to be on the BoardThe Chief executive of an urban bank should preferably be a member of the BODs i.e., he should be a Managing Director. 7.State Government Nominee on the Board State Government may nominate their representatives on the board of directors of urban banks which are state partnered in regard to share capital. The number of such representatives should not exceed one-third of the total number of directors or three, whichever is less. Further, the directors nominated by the Government should preferably be competent non-officials rather than officers from the Co-operative Department. Master Circular A. List of Circulars consolidated in the Master Circular
B. List of Circulars addressed to Registrar of Co-operative Societies