Performance of the Private Corporate Business Sector during First Quarter of 2014-15- Data Release - ఆర్బిఐ - Reserve Bank of India
Performance of the Private Corporate Business Sector during First Quarter of 2014-15- Data Release
The Reserve Bank of India today released, on its website, the data on the performance of non-financial private corporate business sector during first quarter of 2014-15 (April- June 2014). The data compiled are based on the abridged financial results of 2,755 listed non-government non-financial companies. To enable comparison, similar data pertaining to Q1:2013-14 and Q4:2013-14 are also presented. Coverage of companies in different quarters varies to some extent, depending on the date of declaration of quarterly results; however, it is not expected to alter the aggregate position significantly. ‘Explanatory Notes’ containing the brief methodology followed for compilation of data and the glossary of terms are given at the end. Highlights:
Sangeeta Das Press Release : 2014-2015/630 |