Press Releases - ఆర్బిఐ - Reserve Bank of India
పత్రికా ప్రకటనలు
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)9,604.916.685.50-7.80 I. Call Money 524.706.175.60-6.85 II. Triparty Repo 8,481.906.705.50-6.76
III. Market Repo463.316.556.25-6.60
IV. Repo in Corporate Bond135.007.807.80-7.80
B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**8,894.886.745.00-6.85
II. Term Money@@1,234.00-6.50-7.00
III. Triparty Repo346,339.206.756.40-6.80
IV. Market Repo142,949.926.750.01-6.90
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse RepoFri, 06/10/202314Fri, 20/10/20236,668.006.49
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFFri, 06/10/20233Mon, 09/10/202349,317.006.75
4. SDFΔFri, 06/10/20233Mon, 09/10/202360,659.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)9,604.916.685.50-7.80 I. Call Money 524.706.175.60-6.85 II. Triparty Repo 8,481.906.705.50-6.76
III. Market Repo463.316.556.25-6.60
IV. Repo in Corporate Bond135.007.807.80-7.80
B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**8,894.886.745.00-6.85
II. Term Money@@1,234.00-6.50-7.00
III. Triparty Repo346,339.206.756.40-6.80
IV. Market Repo142,949.926.750.01-6.90
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse RepoFri, 06/10/202314Fri, 20/10/20236,668.006.49
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFFri, 06/10/20233Mon, 09/10/202349,317.006.75
4. SDFΔFri, 06/10/20233Mon, 09/10/202360,659.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)18,022.806.765.00-6.83 I. Call Money 745.156.145.00-6.75 II. Triparty Repo 17,080.656.796.50-6.83 III. Market Repo
IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**0.00--
II. Term Money@@0.00--
III. Triparty Repo0.00--
IV. Market Repo0.00--
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFSat, 07/10/20232Mon, 09/10/202315,922.006.75
4. SDFΔSat, 07/10/20232Mon, 09/10/202318,552.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* -2,630.00
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)18,022.806.765.00-6.83 I. Call Money 745.156.145.00-6.75 II. Triparty Repo 17,080.656.796.50-6.83 III. Market Repo
IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**0.00--
II. Term Money@@0.00--
III. Triparty Repo0.00--
IV. Market Repo0.00--
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFSat, 07/10/20232Mon, 09/10/202315,922.006.75
4. SDFΔSat, 07/10/20232Mon, 09/10/202318,552.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* -2,630.00
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)0.00-- I. Call Money0.00-- II. Triparty Repo0.00-- III. Market Repo0.00-- IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**0.00-- II. Term Money@@0.00--
III. Triparty Repo0.00--
IV. Market Repo0.00--
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFSun, 08/10/20231Mon, 09/10/202394.006.75
4. SDFΔSun, 08/10/20231Mon, 09/10/20233,775.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)0.00-- I. Call Money0.00-- II. Triparty Repo0.00-- III. Market Repo0.00-- IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**0.00-- II. Term Money@@0.00--
III. Triparty Repo0.00--
IV. Market Repo0.00--
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFSun, 08/10/20231Mon, 09/10/202394.006.75
4. SDFΔSun, 08/10/20231Mon, 09/10/20233,775.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 501,589.146.750.01-7.85 I. Call Money 10,862.056.735.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo 364,806.206.756.75-6.82 III. Market Repo 125,775.896.750.01-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond145.007.676.85-7.85
B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**280.506.685.80-6.85
II. Term Money@@693.00-6.60-7.02
III. Triparty Repo752.756.686.62-6.75
IV. Market Repo607.716.656.60-6.90
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFThu, 05/10/20231Fri, 06/10/202380,502.006.75
4. SDFΔThu, 05/10/20231Fri, 06/10/202355,695.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* 24,807.00
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS @ Volume
(One Leg) Weighted
Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 501,589.146.750.01-7.85 I. Call Money 10,862.056.735.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo 364,806.206.756.75-6.82 III. Market Repo 125,775.896.750.01-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond145.007.676.85-7.85
B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**280.506.685.80-6.85
II. Term Money@@693.00-6.60-7.02
III. Triparty Repo752.756.686.62-6.75
IV. Market Repo607.716.656.60-6.90
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFThu, 05/10/20231Fri, 06/10/202380,502.006.75
4. SDFΔThu, 05/10/20231Fri, 06/10/202355,695.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* 24,807.00
Tenor14-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore)6,668 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore)6,668 Cut off Rate (%)6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%)6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rateNA Ajit Prasad
Director (Communications)
Press Release: 2023-2024/1061
Tenor14-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore)6,668 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore)6,668 Cut off Rate (%)6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%)6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rateNA Ajit Prasad
Director (Communications)
Press Release: 2023-2024/1061
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)506,991.456.750.35-7.85 I. Call Money10,685.336.745.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo369,086.906.756.25-6.80 III. Market Repo127,169.226.750.35-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond50.007.857.85-7.85 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**217.606.716.10-6.80 II. Term Money@@152.00-6.75-7.30 III. Triparty Repo855.006.726.65-6.75 IV. Market Repo1,051.736.856.85-6.90 V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFWed, 04/10/20231Thu, 05/10/202386,862.006.75
4. SDFΔWed, 04/10/20231Thu, 05/10/202348,970.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* 37,892.00
II. Outstanding Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse RepoFri, 22/09/202314Fri, 06/10/20235,995.006.49
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)506,991.456.750.35-7.85 I. Call Money10,685.336.745.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo369,086.906.756.25-6.80 III. Market Repo127,169.226.750.35-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond50.007.857.85-7.85 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**217.606.716.10-6.80 II. Term Money@@152.00-6.75-7.30 III. Triparty Repo855.006.726.65-6.75 IV. Market Repo1,051.736.856.85-6.90 V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFWed, 04/10/20231Thu, 05/10/202386,862.006.75
4. SDFΔWed, 04/10/20231Thu, 05/10/202348,970.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* 37,892.00
II. Outstanding Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse RepoFri, 22/09/202314Fri, 06/10/20235,995.006.49
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on September 22, 2023, Friday, as under:
Sl. No.Notified Amount
(₹ crore)Tenor
(day)Window TimingDate of Reversal
150,0001410:30 AM to 11:00 AMOctober 06, 2023
2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.
Ajit Prasad
Director (Communications)
Press Release: 2023-2024/960
On a review of the current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided to conduct a Variable Rate Reverse Repo auction on September 22, 2023, Friday, as under:
Sl. No.Notified Amount
(₹ crore)Tenor
(day)Window TimingDate of Reversal
150,0001410:30 AM to 11:00 AMOctober 06, 2023
2. The operational guidelines for the auction as given in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2019-2020/1947 dated February 13, 2020 will remain the same.
Ajit Prasad
Director (Communications)
Press Release: 2023-2024/960
Date : Oct 04, 2023 Money Market Operations as on October 03, 2023 (Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted
Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)518,896.836.750.03-7.85 I. Call Money12,213.066.775.00-6.90 II. Triparty Repo368,046.706.756.68-6.85 III. Market Repo138,597.076.750.03-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond40.007.857.85-7.85 B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**344.706.676.00-6.85
II. Term Money@@603.00-6.75-7.00
III. Triparty Repo2,527.006.656.60-6.70
IV. Market Repo1,648.096.836.83-6.90
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFTue, 03/10/20231Wed, 04/10/202389,746.006.75
4. SDFΔTue, 03/10/20231Wed, 04/10/202357,940.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* 31,806.00
Date : Oct 04, 2023 Money Market Operations as on October 03, 2023 (Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted
Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)518,896.836.750.03-7.85 I. Call Money12,213.066.775.00-6.90 II. Triparty Repo368,046.706.756.68-6.85 III. Market Repo138,597.076.750.03-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond40.007.857.85-7.85 B. Term Segment
I. Notice Money**344.706.676.00-6.85
II. Term Money@@603.00-6.75-7.00
III. Triparty Repo2,527.006.656.60-6.70
IV. Market Repo1,648.096.836.83-6.90
V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00--
Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate /
Cut off Rate
C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
I. Today's Operations
1. Fixed Rate
2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFTue, 03/10/20231Wed, 04/10/202389,746.006.75
4. SDFΔTue, 03/10/20231Wed, 04/10/202357,940.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]* 31,806.00
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)0.00-- I. Call Money0.00-- II. Triparty Repo0.00-- III. Market Repo0.00-- IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**0.00-- II. Term Money@@0.00-- III. Triparty Repo0.00-- IV. Market Repo0.00-- V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations 1. Fixed Rate 2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFMon, 02/10/20231Tue, 03/10/2023298.006.75
4. SDFΔMon, 02/10/20231Tue, 03/10/20239,737.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)0.00-- I. Call Money0.00-- II. Triparty Repo0.00-- III. Market Repo0.00-- IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00 B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**0.00-- II. Term Money@@0.00-- III. Triparty Repo0.00-- IV. Market Repo0.00-- V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations 1. Fixed Rate 2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFMon, 02/10/20231Tue, 03/10/2023298.006.75
4. SDFΔMon, 02/10/20231Tue, 03/10/20239,737.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)33,345.906.415.50-6.85 I. Call Money964.406.275.75-6.85 II. Triparty Repo32,342.306.426.00-6.85 III. Market Repo39.206.365.50-6.50 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**20.006.406.40-6.40 II. Term Money@@0.00-- III. Triparty Repo10.006.256.25-6.25 IV. Market Repo0.00-- V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations 1. Fixed Rate
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average Rate Range A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)33,345.906.415.50-6.85 I. Call Money964.406.275.75-6.85 II. Triparty Repo32,342.306.426.00-6.85 III. Market Repo39.206.365.50-6.50 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**20.006.406.40-6.40 II. Term Money@@0.00-- III. Triparty Repo10.006.256.25-6.25 IV. Market Repo0.00-- V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations 1. Fixed Rate
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)25,282.496.695.60-6.95 I. Call Money3,310.456.435.60-6.80 II. Triparty Repo18,243.006.796.70-6.95 III. Market Repo3,729.046.446.25-6.95 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**9,528.906.865.60-6.95 II. Term Money@@74.00-6.80-6.93 III. Triparty Repo290,928.906.806.70-7.00 IV. Market Repo140,822.196.820.02-6.95 V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations 1. Fixed Rate 2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFFri, 29/09/20234Tue, 03/10/2023150,692.006.75
4. SDFΔFri, 29/09/20234Tue, 03/10/202359,782.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)25,282.496.695.60-6.95 I. Call Money3,310.456.435.60-6.80 II. Triparty Repo18,243.006.796.70-6.95 III. Market Repo3,729.046.446.25-6.95 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment I. Notice Money**9,528.906.865.60-6.95 II. Term Money@@74.00-6.80-6.93 III. Triparty Repo290,928.906.806.70-7.00 IV. Market Repo140,822.196.820.02-6.95 V. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- RBI OPERATIONS@ Auction DateTenor (Days)Maturity DateAmountCurrent Rate / Cut off Rate C. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF), Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) & Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) I. Today's Operations 1. Fixed Rate 2. Variable Rate&
(I) Main Operation
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
(II) Fine Tuning Operations
(a) Repo
(b) Reverse Repo
3. MSFFri, 29/09/20234Tue, 03/10/2023150,692.006.75
4. SDFΔFri, 29/09/20234Tue, 03/10/202359,782.006.25
5. Net liquidity injected from today's operations [injection (+)/absorption (-)]*
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume(One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)28,923.546.785.00-7.24 I. Call Money841.006.595.80-6.85 II. Triparty Repo27,261.006.785.00-7.24 III. Market Repo821.546.786.20-6.90
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume(One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)28,923.546.785.00-7.24 I. Call Money841.006.595.80-6.85 II. Triparty Repo27,261.006.785.00-7.24 III. Market Repo821.546.786.20-6.90
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent)MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)463,422.356.770.05-6.90 I. Call Money9,782.406.775.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo320,314.856.776.75-6.79 III. Market Repo133,325.106.790.05-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent)MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)463,422.356.770.05-6.90 I. Call Money9,782.406.775.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo320,314.856.776.75-6.79 III. Market Repo133,325.106.790.05-6.90 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond0.00-- B. Term Segment
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)499,967.986.770.01-7.00 I. Call Money9,413.456.735.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo353,740.706.766.35-6.79
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)499,967.986.770.01-7.00 I. Call Money9,413.456.735.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo353,740.706.766.35-6.79
The Government of Maharashtra has declared September 29, 2023 as a public holiday under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. The public holiday on September 28, 2023 declared earlier has been cancelled.2. To ensure smooth functioning of the financial markets and non-disruptive settlement of transactions especially in view of the quarter / half year end
The Government of Maharashtra has declared September 29, 2023 as a public holiday under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. The public holiday on September 28, 2023 declared earlier has been cancelled.2. To ensure smooth functioning of the financial markets and non-disruptive settlement of transactions especially in view of the quarter / half year end
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)512,047.916.775.00-7.80 I. Call Money9,966.156.755.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo367,646.706.766.75-6.84 III. Market Repo134,345.066.796.01-
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)512,047.916.775.00-7.80 I. Call Money9,966.156.755.00-6.85 II. Triparty Repo367,646.706.766.75-6.84 III. Market Repo134,345.066.796.01-
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)511,625.166.770.02-6.95 I. Call Money8,368.306.755.00-6.95 II. Triparty Repo355,691.556.766.75-6.79
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg) Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)511,625.166.770.02-6.95 I. Call Money8,368.306.755.00-6.95 II. Triparty Repo355,691.556.766.75-6.79
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume(One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A.Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 I. Call Money 0.00 II. Triparty Repo 0.00 III. Market Repo 0.00 - -
(Amount in ₹ crore, Rate in Per cent) MONEY MARKETS@ Volume(One Leg) Weighted Average Rate Range A.Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV) 0.00 I. Call Money 0.00 II. Triparty Repo 0.00 III. Market Repo 0.00 - -
MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)511,625.166.770.02-6.95 I. Call Money8,368.306.755.00-6.95 II. Triparty Repo355,691.556.766.75-6.79 III. Market Repo147,415.316.810.02-6.92 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond150.006.826.75-6.85 B. Term Segment
MONEY MARKETS@ Volume (One Leg)Weighted Average RateRange A. Overnight Segment (I+II+III+IV)511,625.166.770.02-6.95 I. Call Money8,368.306.755.00-6.95 II. Triparty Repo355,691.556.766.75-6.79 III. Market Repo147,415.316.810.02-6.92 IV. Repo in Corporate Bond150.006.826.75-6.85 B. Term Segment
Tenor 14-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore)5,995 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 5,995 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rateNA Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/969
Tenor 14-day Notified Amount (in ₹ crore) 50,000 Total amount of offers received (in ₹ crore)5,995 Amount accepted (in ₹ crore) 5,995 Cut off Rate (%) 6.49 Weighted Average Rate (%) 6.49 Partial Acceptance Percentage of offers received at cut off rateNA Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2023-2024/969
పేజీ చివరిగా అప్డేట్ చేయబడిన తేదీ: జనవరి 09, 2025