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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


Chronology of Major Policy Developments





A) Commercial Banks






Revised norms issued with regard to cheque Drop Box facility, delivery of cheque books over the


counter and statement of accounts/pass book.



All Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) advised of the State/Union Territory-wise physical targets


for sanctioning and disbursing of loans under the Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) for the


purpose of their quarterly targets to be achieved by end-March 2005.



Banks advised to inform their account holders, at least one month in advance of any change in the


prescribed minimum balance and the charges that may be levied if the minimum balance is not





Guidelines relating to the eligibility criteria (inclusive of minimum CRAR, non-performing asset


and regulatory compliance) for declaration of dividend by commercial banks without prior approval


of the Reserve Bank as well as the quantum of dividend payable (with a ceiling placed at 33 1/3 per


cent dividend payout ratio and methods of compilation of the ratio prescribed) modified.



Banks (excluding RRBs and LABs) advised to review at regular intervals policies and practices


relating to information system (IS) audit and place the audit reports before the top management.


Banks to adopt an IS Audit Policy appropriate to their level of computerisation, review the same at


regular intervals in tune with industry best practices and guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank.


Banks (excluding RRBs) advised to ensure strict compliance with the three accounting standards


(No. 24, 26 and 28) relating to discounting operations, intangible assets and impairment of assets,






All SCBs advised that the subsidy under Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) would be


back-ended, with a lock-in period of 2 years.



SCBs advised to strictly maintain the confidentiality of information provided by the customer for


‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) compliance.



Banks directed to scrupulously ensure that their branches do not open current accounts of entities


which enjoy credit facilities (fund based or non-fund based) without specifically obtaining a no-


objection certificate from the lending banks.



The requirement of margin/security for agricultural loans up to Rs.50,000 and in the case of agri-


business and agri-clinics for loans up to Rs.5 lakh waived.



The exemption granted to RRBs from ‘mark to market’ norms in respect of the SLR securities


extended for one more year, i.e., up to 2004-05.




To give boost to infrastructure lending, banks allowed to raise long-term bonds with a minimum


maturity of five years.



The risk weight in respect of exposure by banks to public financial institutions (PFIs) raised to 100


per cent for credit risk and 2.5 per cent for market risk effective April 1, 2005.



The extant limits on unsecured exposures by banks withdrawn, allowing banks to set their own


limits for unsecured exposures. Unsecured exposures were redefined and it was clarified that


unsecured sub-standard assets would attract 20 per cent provisioning.


The currency of the ad hoc Committees on Procedures and Performance Audit on Customer Services


in Banks was extended by six months and they were advised to complete the work within one year


from the date of their constitution and also to associate non-officials in the Committees.


The extant guidelines on country risk management extended to cover countries where a bank has net


funded exposure of one per cent or more of its assets with effect from the year ended March 31, 2005.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)










Banks advised to draw a roadmap for migration to Basel II norms by the end of 2004 and prepare


a quarterly review of the progress made.



Boards of banks to oversee furnishing of requisite information of all borrowers to CIBIL and report


compliance of the same to the Reserve Bank. The role of CIBIL in dissemination of credit information


was clarified. CIBIL to move towards a sufficiently diversified ownership structure with no single


entity owning more than 10 per cent of its paid-up capital.


Graded higher provisioning requirement according to the age of NPAs in ‘doubtful for more than


three years’ category introduced for SCBs, with effect from March 31, 2005. Similar norms made


applicable to RRBs on August 6, 2004.


It was clarified that the process of identifying wilful defaulters and the mechanism related to redressal


of grievances are two distinct processes. The borrower should be suitably advised before being


classified as a wilful defaulter.


Banks to fully adhere to the ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) policy adopted by their Boards: (i) for


opening new accounts; (ii) for the existing accounts, where any wrong-doing is suspected or


where the summation of the credit/debit transactions is more than Rs.10 lakh; and (iii) in


respect of all accounts belonging to trusts, intermediaries or those operated through a mandate


or power of attorney.


The vigilance procedure in public sector banks modified. Only such vigilance cases in which an


officer of the level of Scale V and above is involved are required to be referred to the Central


Vigilance Commission (CVC) for advice.


Boards of banks, under exceptional circumstances, allowed to raise single or group exposure limit


by 5 per cent of capital funds.



Banks to provide for capital charge for market risk in respect of trading book exposures (including


derivatives), effective March 31, 2005. Capital charge would be introduced for securities under


‘Available for Sale’ (AFS) category with effect from March 31, 2006.


Prudential norms on income recognition, asset classification and provisioning with respect to


agricultural advances modified with a view to aligning the repayment dates with harvesting of crops.


Effective September 30, 2004 a loan granted for short duration crops were required to be treated


as NPA if the instalment of the principal or interest thereon remains unpaid for two crop seasons


beyond the due date. A loan granted for long duration crops (with crop season longer than one


year) is to be treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains unpaid for


one crop season beyond the due date.


All commercial banks advised to implement the measures, announced by the Union Finance Minister,


for doubling the flow of credit to agriculture.




The types of instruments to be included in the prudential limit of bank’s aggregate investment in


Tier-II bonds widened.



Banks debarred from prescribing any minimum annual turnover for issuance of Gold Card since


the objective of the scheme was to cover all credit worthy exporters, including the SME segment.


Investment by banks in the mortgage backed securities (MBS) to be classified as direct lending to


housing within the priority sector lending, subject to certain conditions.



Additional measures relating to wilful defaulters introduced. These included: prohibition on


additional facilities, debarment from institutional finance for floating new ventures for a period


of five years, initiation of legal proceedings and foreclosure and also criminal proceedings,


wherever necessary, adoption of a proactive approach for a change of management of the wilfully


defaulting borrower unit, incorporation of a covenant in the loan agreement barring borrowing


companies to induct a person who is a director on the Board of a company which has been


identified as a wilful defaulter.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)










On the application of the Reserve Bank under Sub-Section (1) of Section 45 of the Banking Regulation


Act, 1949, the Government of India made an Order of Moratorium in respect of the Global Trust Bank


Ltd. under Sub-Section (2) of the said Section for the period from the close of business on the July 24,


2004 and inclusive of October 23, 2004. The Government of India also issued directions to the said


banking company under paragraph (2) thereof authorising payment of certain liabilities and obligations.


In order to effect an amalgamation of the Global Trust Bank Ltd. with Oriental Bank of Commerce, the


Reserve Bank, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Sub-Section (4) of the said Section, prepared


a scheme and forwarded it, in draft, to each of the aforesaid banking companies for suggestions and


objections, if any, in terms of clause (a) of Sub-Section (6) of Section 45 ibid by August 7, 2004.



Banks to insist on a declaration from the account holder for opening of current accounts, stating that he/


she is not enjoying any credit facility with any other commercial bank or insist on a declaration giving


particulars of credit facilities enjoyed by him/her with any other commercial bank(s). Banks also to


ascertain whether he/she is a member of any other co-operative society/bank, if so, the full details thereof.



Norms for inclusion of Self Help Groups (SHGs) for assistance under Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana


(PMRY) modified.




The monetary ceiling of the cases to be referred to the Lok Adalats, organised by Civil Courts,


enhanced from Rs.5 lakh to Rs.20 lakh.



Banks to convert all their equity holding into dematerialised form by the end of December 2004.



Banks to ensure that the schedule of interest/instalment payable on advances on rural housing


granted to agriculturists under ‘Indira Awas Yojana and Golden Jubilee Rural Housing Finance


Scheme’ is linked to crop cycles.



Banks to initiate action at their level to get the Master Policy under Personal Accident Insurance


Scheme (PAIS) for KCC holders renewed for a period of one year, on the existing terms and conditions.




Banks to take remedial measures suggested by the Group on Frauds in the area of housing finance.



Banks permitted to exceed the 25 per cent limit under Held to Maturity (HTM) category provided


that the excess comprises only SLR securities and the total SLR securities held in the HTM category


are not more than 25 per cent of their NDTLs. To enable the above, banks were allowed to shift SLR


securities to the HTM category. However, no fresh non-SLR securities are permitted to be included


in the HTM category once more during the year 2004-05.


‘Yes Bank Limited’ included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 with


effect from August 21, 2004.



Some recommendations of the Ganguly Working Group on Flow of Credit to SSI Sector were accepted


and advised to banks for implementation. These include: (i) identification of new clusters and adoption of


cluster based approach for financing the SME sector; (ii) sponsoring specific projects as well as widely


publicising the successful working models of NGOs; (iii) sanctioning higher working capital limits to SSI


in the North East region for maintaining higher levels of inventory; and (iv) exploring new instruments for


promoting rural industry.



Banks to open branches having no interface with customers, and which will attend exclusively to data


processing, verification and processing of documents, issuance of cheque books, demand drafts etc. on


requests received from other branches and other functions incidental to banking business. The licence


for such branches to be issued under the 'Service Branch' category.



The CRR applicable in respect of SCBs increased by one-half of one percentage point of their Net Demand


and Time Liabilities (NDTL) in two stages - 4.75 per cent effective September 18, 2004 and 5.0 per cent


effective October 2, 2004.




Guidelines issued for implementing the revised Model KCC Scheme of NABARD to take care of the


investment credit as also working capital for agriculture and allied activities and a reasonable


component for consumption needs.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











The Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (SCSS), 2004 being implemented through post offices also to be


operated through all the branches of public sector banks (PSBs) which are operating ‘PPF Scheme, 1968’.



Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) Ltd. included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve


Bank of India Act, 1934 with effect from October 11, 2004.



Banks to implement a few more recommendations of the Vyas Committee. These included: (i)


financing development of wasteland and fallow land; (ii) improving staffing in the rural areas to


promote retail lending to agriculture; (iii) relying on village functionaries for credit disbursal; (iv)


using individual volunteers, farmers’ clubs or NGOs/SHGs as direct selling agents; (v) building


synergy between good working primary agricultural credit societies and commercial banks; (vi)


using Information Technology (IT) in rural branches; (vii) working out appropriate incentive structure


for prompt repayment; (viii) making the rates of interest on small loans reasonable; and (ix) improving


the efficiency of credit delivery to small borrowers and association with contract farming.


Guidelines relating to the process of issue of Subordinated Debt Instruments under Tier-II and


Tier-III Capital issued.



Details of the levy of penalty on a bank to be put in the public domain in the interests of the


investors and depositors. The strictures or directions on the basis of inspection reports or other


adverse findings also to be placed in the public domain.



RRBs permitted to undertake insurance business as corporate agent without risk participation


subject to their fulfilling certain terms and conditions related to net worth, gross NPAs, profitability,


compliance with IRDA regulations and prudential norms and directions of the Reserve Bank.




Banks advised to formulate a comprehensive and transparent policy covering; (i) immediate credit


of local/outstation cheques; (ii) time frame for collection of local/outstation cheques; and (iii) interest


payment for delayed collection.


Banks allowed to reduce the minimum tenor of domestic/ NRO term deposits at their discretion,


even below Rs.15 lakh from 15 days to 7 days.



Banks advised to take immediate steps to ensure submission of periodical data to CIBIL and progress


reports to the Reserve Bank.



Banks advised to restructure crop loans and agricultural term loans only in respect of the overdue


instalments including interest thereon as on March 31, 2004. The farmers whose loans have


been restructured as above would be eligible for fresh loans. The rescheduled/restructured loans


as also the fresh loans to be issued to the farmers may be treated as current due and need not be


classified as NPA.



Comprehensive guidelines on ‘Know Your Customer’ norms and Anti-Money Laundering Measures


issued. Banks advised to frame their KYC policies incorporating the following four key elements:


(i) Customer Acceptance Policy; (ii) Customer Identification Procedures; (iii) Monitoring of Transactions;


and (iv) Risk Management. Similar guidelines were issued to RRBs on February 18, 2005.




The Service Area Approach (SAA) introduced in April 1989 was reviewed and it was decided to


dispense with the restrictive provisions of the scheme, while retaining the positive features such as


credit planning and monitoring of the credit purveyance.


The recommendations of the Ganguly Working Group with regard to evaluation of methods of


utilisation of deposits made by foreign banks with SIDBI for shortfall in their priority sector obligation


accepted. Accordingly, the amount of shortfall in priority sector obligation to be placed with SIDBI


for a tenor of three years and the funds so placed to have a graded interest rate structure.



Banks advised to align their priority sector lendings/ investments suitably so as to comply with the


extant guidelines.



Banks advised that the due diligence in respect of members of the Nomination Committee be carried


out by the Board itself.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











Comprehensive guidelines issued to banks to play a proactive role in achieving the targets set


under the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) scheme.



Risk weight on housing loans extended by SCBs increased from 50 per cent to 75 per cent and in


the case of consumer credit including personal loans and credit cards increased from 100 per cent


to 125 per cent.



Banks advised that the finance extended to employees for purchasing shares of their own companies


under ESOP would continue to be treated as banks' exposure to capital market within the overall


ceiling of 5 per cent, as hitherto.



Banks maintaining currency chests advised to direct all their branches to accept coins of all


denominations tendered at their counters either for exchange or for deposit in accounts.



Banks advised to enhance the amount of consumption loan for general purposes to Rs.3,000 for


people affected by Tsunami.






Guidelines on receipt of foreign contributions by Associations/ Organisations in India under Foreign


Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 for Tsunami Relief issued to banks.



Banks advised to formulate suitable loan policies to finance second hand assets, both directly and


through NBFCs.


Banks advised to ensure acceptance of coins of all denominations without any restriction from the


members of the public by their branches.




Detailed prudential guidelines issued to banks on capital adequacy for implementation of the New


Capital Adequacy framework under Basel II. In order to maintain consistency and harmony with


international standards, banks were advised to adopt Standardised Approach for credit risk and


Basic Indicator Approach for operational risk with effect from March 31, 2007. The Reserve Bank


may consider allowing some banks to migrate to Internal Rating Based (IRB) approach after


developing adequate skills both in banks and at supervisory levels. Under the new framework,


banks adopting Standardised Approach would use the ratings assigned only by those credit rating


agencies which are identified by the Reserve Bank. Banks were also required to focus on formalising


and operationalising their internal capital adequacy assessment process (CAAP) which would serve


as a useful benchmark while undertaking the parallel run with effect from April 1, 2006.



Comprehensive guidelines issued on ownership and governance in private sector banks encompassing


the minimum capital requirement, diversified ownership, procedures for acquisition and transfer


of shares, ‘fit and proper’ criteria for the directors and important shareholders.


Roadmap for presence of foreign banks in India laid out in two phases. In the first phase (March


2005 to March 2009) foreign banks wishing to establish presence in India for the first time could


either choose to operate through branch presence or set up a 100 per cent wholly owned subsidiary


(WOS), following the one-mode presence criterion. For new and existing foreign banks, it was


proposed to go beyond the existing WTO commitment of 12 branches in a year. Initially entry of


foreign banks would be permitted only in private sector banks that are identified by the Reserve


Bank for restructuring, wherein foreign banks would be allowed to acquire a controlling stake in a


phased manner. In the second phase beginning April 2009, the experience with Phase I would be


reviewed and after due consultations with all stakeholders in the banking sector issues concerning


extension of national treatment to WOS, dilution of stake and permitting mergers and acquisitions


of any private sector banks in India by a foreign bank would be examined.




Master circular issued to SCBs (including RRBs/LABs) in regard to matters relating to lending to


the small scale industries sector.



SCBs to report to NABARD and the Reserve Bank the progress under micro credit on a half-yearly


basis as at the end of March and September of every year.


Effective March 31, 2005, SCBs to disclose a minimum framework on their risk exposure in derivatives.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)










Parameters on pilot implementation of Cheque Truncation Image Standards issued to banks.


Draft guidelines on implementation of the New Capital Adequacy Framework issued for comments


on management of operational risk.



Banks advised to exercise caution in outsourcing of their systems and ensure that risks in this regard are





Banks advised to implement some recommendations of the Vyas Committee. These included:


(i) constitution of local advisory committee for all rural branches/group of branches; (ii) setting up of


micro-finance cells at banks, central offices; and (iii) encouraging SHGs to use local book writers in


association with concerned agencies promoting these SHGs for maintaining the quality of books of accounts.




Comprehensive draft guidelines issued on securitisation of standard assets.



The lending and deposit rates of interest restructured in the case of amounts disbursed on or


before October 31, 2003 out of RIDF IV to VII, effective April 16, 2005.



Detailed guidelines issued to banks on rural lending under Annual Credit Plans on the basis of


Potential Linked Plans (PLPs) prepared by NABARD.


Banks to pay compensation for delayed credit under ECS/EFT/SEFT suo moto.



Comprehensive draft guidelines issued on purchase / sale of non-performing assets.



The rate of interest to be charged on group loans under SGSY linked to per capita size of the loans.



Banks advised to put in place a Business Continuity Plan including a robust information risk


management system within a fixed time frame.



Banks advised to take necessary action to convert the existing ad hoc Committees on Procedures


and Performance Audit of Public Services (CPPAPS) into a Standing Committee on Customer Service.



Banks advised on the role of Customer Service Committee of the Board for monitoring the


implementation of awards under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme.



Banks permitted to shift their rural branches within the block/service area without obtaining prior


approval of the Reserve Bank, subject to their complying with certain conditions.



Banks allowed to formulate schemes for providing services at the premises of a customer within the


framework of Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and submit to the Reserve Bank for approval.


Banks with capital of at least 9 per cent of the risk weighted assets for both credit risk and market


risk for both HFT and AFS category of investments may treat the balance in excess of 5 per cent of


securities included under HFT and AFS categories, in the IFR as Tier-I capital.




General permission granted to banks to declare dividends, subject to the fulfilment of certain


conditions, including observance of minimum CRAR and NPA ratio, subject to a ceiling of dividend


payout ratio of 40 per cent.


Effective quarter ended June 2005, the time limit for filing the monthly and quarterly off-site returns


changed to 15 days and 21 days, respectively, from the close of the relevant period for all categories


of banks.



Draft Guidelines on Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) proposed.



Detailed guidelines for merger/amalgamation of private sector banks issued laying down the process


of merger proposal, determination of swap ratios, disclosures, the stages at which Boards will get


involved in the merger process and norms of buying/selling of shares by the promoters before and


during the process of merger.



Comprehensive guidelines issued allowing all Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) to undertake insurance


business on a referral basis, subject to certain conditions.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)










The Vision Document on Payment and Settlement System 2005-08 released.



Banks advised to initiate early action with regard to scheme for "Small Enterprises Financial Centres"


(SEFCs) envisaged for forming a strategic alliance between branches of banks and SIDBI located in


the clusters for improving credit flow to the SSIs sector.



SCBs advised to put in all efforts to achieve the credit mobilisation targets under SGSY during


2005-06, including the minimum subsidy credit ratio fixed and maintain per family investment of






Banks allowed to extend financial assistance to Indian companies for acquisition of equity in overseas


joint ventures/wholly owned subsidiaries or in other overseas companies, new or existing, as strategic


investment in terms of a Board approved policy, duly incorporated in the loan policy of the bank.



Instructions issued to banks, in supersession of all earlier instructions on settlement of claims in


respect of deceased depositors, covering aspects relating to (i) access to balance in deposit account;


(ii) premature termination of term deposit accounts; (iii) treatment of flows in the name of the


deceased depositor; (iv) access to the safe-deposit lockers/ safe custody articles; and (v) time limit


for settlement of claims.


Banks (both in private and public sectors) need not obtain approval of the Reserve Bank for


permitting any of their whole-time officers or employees (other than Chairmen/CEOs) to become


Director or a part-time employee of any other company.



Processing charges waived for all electronic products for transactions under EFT, SEFT and


ECS facility involving Rs.2 crore and above with effect from June 14, 2005 up to the period


ending March 31, 2006. This was in addition to the existing waiver on transactions involving


less than Rs.2 crore.



Banks advised that while furnishing data/information to the Government or other investigating


agencies they should satisfy themselves that the information is not of such a nature as will violate


the provisions of the laws relating to secrecy in banking transactions.



For the purpose of Section 20 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 the term "loans and advances"


shall not include line of credit/ overdraft facility extended by settlement bankers to National Security


Clearing Corporation Limited (NSCCL) to facilitate smooth settlement.



The banks going for rights issues should henceforth make complete disclosure of the regulatory


requirements in their offer documents.



Banks advised to have a Board mandated policy in respect of their real estate exposure covering


exposure limits, collaterals to be considered, margins to be kept, sanctioning authority/level, sector


to be financed. Banks also directed to report their real estate exposure under certain heads and


disclose their gross exposure to real estate sector as well as the details of the break-up in their


Annual Reports.




Banks advised to furnish information on pricing of services for products based on RTGS / SEFT/


EFT/ECS infrastructure.


Guidelines on sale/purchase of NPAs, including valuation and pricing aspects, and prudential and


disclosure norms.



Prior approval of the Reserve Bank not required for offering Internet Banking services, subject to


fulfilment of certain conditions.



The authority to grant permission to companies listed on a recognised stock exchange to hedge the


price risk in respect of any commodity (except gold, silver, petroleum and petroleum products) in


the international commodity exchanges/markets delegated to select commercial banks.



The risk weight for credit risk on capital market and commercial real estate exposures increased


from 100 per cent to 125 per cent.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)










Guidelines issued for relief measures by banks in areas affected by unprecedented rains and floods


in Maharashtra. Accordingly, banks were advised to consider granting consumption loans to the


affected persons up to Rs.5,000 without any collateral and Rs.10,000 at the discretion of the


branch manager, depending on the repaying capacity of the borrower.




Banks advised to issue necessary instructions to the Controlling Offices of currency chest branches


for ensuring verification of balances as per the minimum periodicity stipulated in this regard and


the essential safeguards in the internal control system (such as surprise verification/joint custody,


etc.) are adhered to.


In view of the natural calamity and the need to provide immediate succour, banks instructed to


observe minimum formalities for enabling such persons to open bank account quickly.



Banks advised to formulate a detailed mid-term corporate plan for branch expansion for a three-


year period with the approval of the Board. The plan should cover all categories of branches/offices


having customer contact, including specialised branches, Extension Counters and number of ATMs


etc. The plan should be formulated on district-wise basis giving number of branches proposed to


be opened in metropolitan/urban/semi-urban/rural areas. The proposal for branch expansion with


the above mentioned details should be submitted on an annual basis by December every year.



In pursuance to the announcement made by the Union Finance Minister for stepping up credit to


small and medium enterprises, public sector banks were advised to take measures to improve


the flow of credit to the sector. A reporting and monitoring system for the same was also


prescribed. Similar guidelines issued to private sector banks, foreign banks, RRBs and LABs


on August 25, 2005.



Banks advised to make all out efforts in achieving the targets set for increasing the credit flow to


SCs/STs under priority sector advances as well as under the Government Sponsored Schemes such


as SGSY, SJSRY, SLRS and PMRY. Banks also instructed to ensure that sufficient publicity is given


on the facilities extended to SCs/STs and all the instructions contained in the Master Circular on


Credit facilities to SC/STs are strictly followed.


The KYC procedure for opening accounts simplified further for those persons who intend to keep


balances not exceeding rupees fifty thousand (Rs.50,000) in all their accounts taken together and


the total credit in all the accounts taken together is not expected to exceed rupees one lakh


(Rs.1,00,000) in a year. Banks may open accounts with introduction from another account holder


(holding account for at least six months) who has been subjected to full KYC procedure or any


other evidence as to identify and address of the customer to the satisfaction of the bank. Similar


guidelines were also issued to RRBs.



Local Area Banks were advised to submit returns and statements to the departments / offices of RBI as


indicated in Annexure 'A' and 'B' enclosed to the circular issued to them on August 31, 2005.


Banks were advised that for the purpose of Section 20 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the term


'Loans and advances' shall not include line of credit / overdraft facilities extended by settlement bankers


to Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL) to facilitate smooth settlement.




Banks participating in the Pilot Cheque Truncation Project at New Delhi advised to address issues


requiring urgent action including finalisation the "point of truncation" for their outward presentations


and the point of processing for inward payments of the instrument, amendment of their existing


internal banking and clearing manuals, use of new processing tools, deciding upon the systems for


storage of inward and outward images, etc.


Guidelines on one time settlement scheme for SME accounts issued for recovery of NPAs below Rs.


10 crore.


Banks were advised that with respect to transactions matched on the NDS-OM module, since CCIL


is the central counterparty to all deals, exposure of any counterparty for a trade is only to CCIL and


not to the entity with whom a deal matches. However, all government securities transactions, other


than those matched on NDS-OM will continue to be physically confirmed by the back offices of the


counterparties, as hitherto.




Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











Banks, which are nominated to import gold, were allowed to extend Gold (Metal) Loans to domestic


jewellery manufacturers, who are not exporters of jewellery, subject to certain conditions.



The policy for authorisation of the branches of banks in India liberalised and rationalised with a


framework for a branch authorisation policy which would be consistent with the medium-term


corporate strategy of banks and public interest. While considering applications for opening branches


weightage would be given to the nature and scope of banking facilities provided by banks to common


persons, particularly in underbanked areas, actual credit flow to the priority sector, pricing of


products and overall efforts for promoting financial inclusion, including introduction of appropriate


new products and the enhanced use of technology for delivery of banking services.


Banks advised to implement a debt restructuring mechanism for units in the SME sector. Detailed guidelines


were laid down relating to eligibility criteria for SMEs and accounts, viability criteria, prudential norms


for restructured accounts, treatment of additional finance, asset classification, repeated restructuring.



IDBI Bank Limited excluded from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 with effect


from April 2, 2005.



Bank of Punjab merged with Centurion Bank with effect from October 1, 2005.




Conversion/rescheduling of loans in the case of natural calamities, when there is delay in declaration


of Annewari by the State Government, may be proceeded following such declaration from the District


Consultative Committee (DCC) which has representatives from banks as well as the State Government


and is headed by the District Collector.



The limit of consumption loan to be provided to the affected persons in the state of Jammu and


Kashmir and other parts of north India in the wake of the earthquake increased up to Rs.5,000


without any collateral. This limit may be enhanced to Rs.10,000 at the discretion of the branch


manager, depending on the repaying capacity of the borrower. Banks may also consider provision


of financial assistance for the purpose of repairs/reconstruction of dwelling units, etc. damaged on


account of earthquake.



Banks which have maintained capital of at least nine per cent of the risk weighted assets for both


credit risks and market risks for both HFT and AFS categories as on March 31, 2006 would be


permitted to treat the entire balance in the IFR as Tier-I capital. For this purpose, banks may


transfer the entire balance in the IFR ‘below the line’ in the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account


to Statutory Reserve, General Reserve or balance of Profit and Loss Account.



Revised guidance note on management of operational risk issued to banks. The design of risk


management framework should be oriented towards banks’ own requirements dictated by the size


and complexity of business, risk philosophy, market perception and the expected level of capital.


The risk management systems in the bank should, however, be adaptable to changes in business,


size, the market dynamics and introduction of innovative products by banks in future.



Banks advised to provide details to the customers in their Pass Book/Account Statement regarding


the credits effected through ECS. Similar approach may be adopted for capturing the sender/


remittance details for other electronic payment products such as EFT, SEFT, RTGS, etc., as well.



Banks advised to take appropriate action to ensure successful implementation of Swarnjayanti


Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) as per the recommendations of the Central Level Coordination


Committee (CLCC). The recommendations include; (i) delegation of powers to branch managers to


sanction SGSY applications; (ii) ensuring disposal of all the pending applications at the end of the


year in the first quarter of the succeeding year; (iii) utilising micro-finance institutions for bridging


the credit gap; (iv) achieving the desired credit to subsidy ratio of 1:3; (v) furnishing of status


report to Ministry of Rural Development on the under-performance of their branches; and


(vi) maintaining separate record for recovery of data in respect of SGSY distinct from IRDP.



Reverse repo rate and the repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) of the Reserve


Bank increased by 25 basis points each with effect from October 26, 2005 to 5.25 per cent and


6.25, respectively.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











Banks advised that while considering granting advances against jewellery may keep in view the


advantages of hallmarked jewellery and decide on the margin and rates of interest thereon.



The general provisioning requirement for ‘standard advances’, with the exception of banks’ direct


advances to agricultural and SME sectors, increased from the present level of 0.5 per cent to 0.40


per cent.


B) Co-operative Banks






Comprehensive guidelines issued for investment in non-SLR securities by Urban Co-operative Banks.



All State Co-operative Banks and Central Co-operative Banks advised that the interest rates on NRE


Deposits for one to three years maturity, contracted effective close of business in India on April 17,


2004, shall not exceed the LIBOR/SWAP rates for US dollar of corresponding maturity. Further, the


interest rate on NRE savings deposits has also been linked to LIBOR/SWAP rates with effect from close


of business in India on April 17, 2004. The interest rates on NRE savings deposits should not exceed


the LIBOR/SWAP rate for six months maturity on US dollar deposits and may be fixed quarterly on the


basis of the LIBOR/SWAP rate of US dollar on the last working day of the preceding quarter.




The UCBs advised to exercise due caution with regard to valuation while sanctioning loans and


advances against mortgage of house property.



The off-site surveillance system for UCBs already in place for the scheduled UCBs extended to all


non-scheduled UCBs having deposit size of Rs.100 crore and above.



UCBs advised to strictly maintain the confidentiality of information provided by the customer for


‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) compliance.




All StCBs and CCBs advised that with effect from September 30, 2004, a loan granted for short


duration crops will be treated as NPA if the instalment of the principal or interest thereon remains


unpaid for two crop seasons beyond the due date. A loan granted for long duration crops will be


treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains unpaid for one crop


season beyond the due date.



No application for inclusion in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 to be


considered till a proper legislative framework is put in place for the UCBs.




UCBs were advised that for the loans and advances (both secured and unsecured) sanctioned by


them, the directors and relatives are not eligible to stand as surety/guarantor.



UCBs were advised that Gilt Account holders are not entitled to undertake any sale transaction


unless the security sold is actually held in the Gilt Account of the constituent.




UCBs permitted to exceed the 25 per cent limit under HTM category provided the excess comprises


only SLR securities and the total SLR securities held in the HTM category do not exceed 25 per cent


of their NDTLs. In order to enable this, banks allowed to shift SLR securities to the HTM category.


However, no fresh non-SLR securities were permitted to be included in the HTM category once


more during the year 2004-05.



For advances identified as ‘doubtful for more than three years’, additional provisioning by UCBs


allowed to be phased over a five-year period commencing from the year ending March 31, 2005


instead of four years.




UCBs advised to follow similar practices as the illustrative best practices followed by well-managed


banks in the urban co-operative banking sector provided by the Reserve Bank as examples. UCBs,


however, are free to put in place any other practices, which would result in better customer service and


business development.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











The requirement for UCBs invocation of State Government guarantee for deciding the asset


classification and provisioning of State Government guaranteed exposure was withdrawn and


such loans were subjected to the same norms as applicable to exposures not guaranteed by the


State Governments.


All StCBs and CCBs advised that the interest rates on NRE Deposits for one to three years maturity,


contracted with effect from November 1, 2004, shall not exceed the LIBOR/SWAP rates, as on the


last working day of the previous month, for US dollar of corresponding maturity plus 50 basis




StCBs and CCBs advised to reduce, at their discretion, the minimum tenor of domestic/ NRO term


deposits even below Rs.15 lakh from 15 days to 7 days. However, the banks would continue to have


the freedom to offer differential rates of interest on term deposits of Rs.15 lakh and above, as


hitherto. The revised instructions would come into effect from November 1, 2004.



Scheduled or licensed StCBs and licensed CCBs permitted to undertake insurance business


as corporate agent without risk participation subject to their fulfilling certain terms and






UCBs permitted to grant housing loan up to Rs.15 lakh as against the existing limit of Rs.10 lakh.



Comprehensive guidelines on ‘Know Your Customer’ norms and Anti-Money Laundering Measures


issued. UCBs advised to frame their KYC policies incorporating the following four key elements: (i)


Customer Acceptance Policy; (ii) Customer Identification Procedures; (iii) Monitoring of Transactions;


and (iv) Risk Management.






Guidelines on receipt of foreign contributions by Associations/ Organisations in India under Foreign


Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 for Tsunami Relief issued to UCBs.



Risk weight on housing loans increased from 50 per cent to 75 per cent and from 100 per cent to


125 per cent in the case of consumer credit including personal loans and credit cards increased.



Guidelines on receipt of foreign contributions by Associations/Organisations in India under Foreign


Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 for Tsunami Relief issued to StCBs and CCBs.



Guidelines issued to StCBs and CCBs to delink the requirement of invocation of State Government


Guarantee for asset classification and provisioning.



Comprehensive guidelines issued allowing all UCBs to undertake insurance business on a referral


basis, subject to certain conditions.




Guidelines on merger/amalgamation for UCBs issued with the following pre-conditions: (i) net worth


of the acquiree bank is positive and the acquirer bank assures to protect entire deposits of all the


depositors of the acquired bank; (ii) when the net worth of acquiree bank is negative, the acquirer


bank on its own assures to protect deposits of all the depositors of the acquired bank; and (iii)


when the net worth of the acquiree bank is negative and the acquirer bank assures to protect the


deposits of all the depositors with financial support from the State Government extended upfront


as part of the process of merger.



The minimum net worth for undertaking insurance business by scheduled or licensed StCBs and


licensed CCBs reduced to Rs.50 crore from Rs.100 crore.



Comprehensive guidelines on ‘Know Your Customer’ norms and ‘Anti-Money Laundering’ measures


issued to StCBs and CCBs and advised to frame their KYC policies incorporating the following four


key elements: (i) Customer Acceptance Policy; (ii) Customer identification procedures; (iii) Monitoring


of transactions; and (iv) Risk Management.



Guidelines issued to UCBs regarding reporting system on their investment portfolio.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











Guidelines issued to StCBs and CCBs in respect of additional provisioning requirement for




Guidelines issued to UCBs regarding enhancement of transparency of their operations by having


comprehensive requirements for disclosure.



Detailed guidelines issued to UCBs regarding classification and valuation of investment portfolio


for provisioning requirements.



Prudential norms in respect of income recognition, assets classification, provisioning and other


related matters for the UCBs revised.




Ceilings on donations/contributions for public/charitable purposes out of profits of UCBs





UCBs to reduce the prudential exposure limits on advances to 15 per cent and 40 per cent of the


‘capital funds’ in the case of a single borrower and a group of borrowers, respectively. The definitions


of capital funds and exposure were also modified for this purpose. UCBs advised to bring down the


outstanding or the sanctioned exposure limit exceeding the revised limit within a maximum period


of 2 years, i.e., by March 31, 2007.



UCBs advised to explore the option of merger/ amalgamation, wherever necessary for revitalising


and rehabilitating the weak scheduled UCBs.




UCBs advised to forward a quarterly statement on ‘consolidated position of frauds outstanding’


with a footnote detailing the position of frauds outstanding in the Housing Loan segment, beginning


from the quarter ended March 2005.



StCBs and district CCBs allowed to undertake insurance business on a referral basis, without any


risk participation through their network of branches, subject to certain conditions.



The eligibility to participate in repo market extended to non-scheduled urban co-operative banks


and listed companies, having a gilt account with a scheduled commercial bank subject certain






UCBs having a single branch/HO with deposits up to Rs.100 crore and those having multiple branches


within a single district with deposits up to Rs.100 crore permitted to classify loan NPAs based on


180 days delinquency norm instead of the extant 90 days norm till March 31, 2007.



In the light of the recommendations of the Committee on Procedure and Performance Audit on


Public Services (CPPAPS) and to facilitate expeditious and hassle-free settlement of claims on the


death of a depositors, settlement of claims in respect of the deceased depositors simplified and


advised to StCBs and CCBs.



The norms relating to classification and valuation of investment portfolio of StCBsand CCBs were


modified allowing them to amortise their additional provisioning requirement.




In view of the natural calamity and the need to provide immediate succour, UCBs advised to observe


minimum formalities for enabling such persons to open a bank account quickly. Similar guidelines


issued to StCBs and CCBs on August 16, 2005.



StCBs and CCBs advised to invest their genuine surplus funds in non-SLR securities without taking


prior approval from the Reserve Bank on a case-to case basis, subject to certain conditions.



The risk weight for UCBs raised for the following categories: (i) 125 per cent from100 per cent in


the case of loans extended by UCBs against primary/collateral security of shares/debentures; (ii) 127.5


per cent from 102.5 per cent in respect of investment in equities of AIFIs/units of UTI; and (iii) 125


per cent from 100 per cent in the case of commercial real estate.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











The KYC procedure for opening accounts simplified further for UCBs for those persons who


intend to keep balances not exceeding rupees fifty thousand (Rs.50,000) in all their accounts


taken together and the total credit in all the accounts taken together is not expected to exceed


one lakh (Rs.1,00,000) in a year. Banks may open accounts with introduction from another


account holder (holding account for at least six months) who has been subjected to full KYC


procedure or any other evidence as to identify and address of the customer to the satisfaction of


the bank. Similar guidelines were issued to StCBs and CCBs.




Licensed and/or scheduled StCBs permitted to undertake, without risk participation, co-branded


domestic credit card business with tie-up arrangement with one of the scheduled commercial banks,


already having arrangement for issue of credit cards, subject to their fulfilling certain conditions.


These conditions include, minimum positive net worth of Rs.50 crore, earning net profit for the


last three years and not having accumulated losses, gross NPAs not exceeding 10 per cent,


compliance of prudential and other norms of the Reserve Bank/NABARD and prior permission of


the Reserve Bank.




The StCBs/CCBs to furnish the information as ‘Notes on Accounts’ to their Balance Sheets from the


year ending March 31, 2006.



UCBs carrying accumulated losses in their balance sheet would not be eligible to make donations.


C) Financial Institutions (FIs)






The risk weight in respect of exposure by FIs to public financial institutions (PFIs) raised to 100


per cent for credit risk and 2.5 per cent for market risk from April 1, 2005.



FIs advised that their boards should oversee furnishing of requisite information of all borrowers to


CIBIL and report compliance of the same to the Reserve Bank.



FIs advised to strictly adhere to the single/group borrower prudential exposure ceilings i.e., 15 per cent


and 40 per cent, respectively and the additional limits of 5 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively for


exposure to infrastructure. FIs could, in exceptional circumstances, with the approval of their Boards,


consider enhancement of the exposure to a borrower up to a further 5 per cent of capital funds, subject


to the borrower consenting to the FIs making appropriate disclosures in their Annual Reports.




Graded higher provisioning requirement according to the age of NPAs in ‘doubtful for more than


three years’ category introduced.



FIs permitted to make fresh investments in equity instruments and hold them in demat form with


immediate effect. All outstanding investments in equity in paper-based form to be converted into


demat form by the end of December 2004.




With effect from March 31, 2005, an asset in the books of FIs is required to be classified as doubtful


asset, if it remains in the sub-standard category for 12 months. FIs permitted to phase out the


consequent additional provisioning over a four-year period, commencing from the year ended March


31, 2005, with a minimum of 20 per cent each year.



FIs advised to take immediate steps to ensure submission of periodical data to CIBIL and submit


progress reports to the Reserve Bank.






FIs to obtain from their Statutory Central Auditors, the certificate relating, inter alia, to their


treasury operations; reconciliation of their investments; compliance in key areas; income recognition;


asset classification and provisioning and authentication of their calculation on CRAR.




A minimum framework for disclosures by FIs on their risk exposures in derivatives laid out to


provide a clear picture of their exposure to risks in derivatives, risk management systems, objectives


and policies.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)













FIs not accepting public deposits but having asset size of Rs.500 crore and above would be subjected


to limited off-site supervision by the Reserve Bank. Therefore, with effect from the period ended


March 31, 2005, the existing system of off-site supervision would stand replaced by a simplified


information system known as the "Quarterly Return on Important Financial Parameters in respect


of Select Financial Institutions".


D) Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)







NBFCs prohibited from accepting fresh NRI deposits with effect from April 24, 2004, but could


renew the deposits already accepted.





On the basis of the recommendations of the Vyas Committee’s Interim Report, it was decided that


micro-finance institutions would not be permitted to accept public deposits unless they comply


with the extant regulatory framework of the Reserve Bank.





The scope of definition of infrastructure lending by NBFCs expanded to include the following projects/


sectors: (i) construction relating to projects involving agro-processing and supply of inputs to


agriculture; (ii) construction for preservation and storage of processed agro-products, perishable


goods such as fruits, vegetables and flowers, including testing facilities for quality; and (iii)


construction of educational institutions and hospitals.



The investment pattern prescribed for RNBCs rationalised for imparting liquidity and safety to


their investments for enhancing depositors' protection. These measures included: (i) phasing out


of discretionary investments by RNBCs by April 1, 2006; (ii) investment in specified financial


institutions restricted to CDs only; (iii) investment only in CDs of SCBs and specified financial


institutions rated AA+ or its equivalent; (iv) additional investment of 15 per cent of the aggregate


deposit liability in securities issued by the Central and State Governments in the course of their


market borrowing programme; (v) investment in debt securities confined to those having minimum


AA+ or equivalent grade rating and listed on one of the stock exchanges; (vi) investments in units


of only debt oriented mutual funds not exceeding 10 per cent with a sub-limit of two per cent in


any one fund; and (vii) exposure to a single SCB limited to one per cent of the aggregate deposit


liability of the SCB and one per cent of the aggregate deposit liability of the RNBC in case of


financial institution.





NBFCs advised that the issue of debit cards, stored value cards, smart cards, value added cards,


etc. have a characteristic akin to demand deposits as they are payable at the convenience of the


card holders. The issue of such cards is, therefore, violative of the extant NBFC Directions.



NBFCs having certificate of registration (CoR) in the non-public deposit taking category were required


to meet the minimum NOFs requirement of Rs.2 crore for being eligible to apply to the Reserve


Bank for accepting public deposits.




NBFCs advised that whenever they intend to extend the date of their Balance Sheet as per provisions of


the Companies Act, they should take prior approval of the Reserve Bank before approaching the Registrar


of Companies (RoC) for this purpose. Even in the cases where permission is granted for extension of


time, the company would be required to furnish to the Reserve Bank a Proforma Balance Sheet (unaudited)


as on March 31 of the year and the statutory returns due on the above date.




The minimum lock-in-period of three months from the date of acceptance of deposits for NBFCs and


Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (MNBCs) and twelve months for RNBCs within which they


cannot repay a public deposit (in case of NBFC) or deposit (in case of RNBC and MNBC) or grant any


loan against such deposits was retained. It was also decided to stratify the NBFCs, MNBCs and RNBCs


for the purpose of permission to prepay the deposits (after the lock-in period) into two categories, viz.,


‘problem NBFCs, MNBCs, and RNBCs’ and ‘normally run companies’. Accordingly, different set of


norms were issued for the two groups with respect to the prepayment norms and the interest rates to


be paid on the deposits.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments (Continued)











A quarterly reporting arrangement introduced for NBFCs not accepting/holding public deposits


and having assets size of Rs.500 crore and above as on March 31, 2004.




In order to ensure that the depositors are served appropriately and systemic risks are avoided, Reserve


Bank issued comprehensive guidelines to RNBCs with a view to focus on improvements in the their


functioning including transparency of operations, corporate governance including professionalisation


of the Boards and ensuring 'fit and proper' criteria, avoiding untenable rates of commission to agents,


adherence to KYC rules and customer service. With a view to smoothen the process of transition of


RNBCs to compliance with the revised Directions issued on June 22, 2004, following modifications


were made: (i) reckoning as eligible, the investments in CDs of specified FIs which had a minimum


rating of AA+ at the time of investment, if subsequently downgraded, as long as they had the minimum


investment grade rating; (ii) treating balances held in current accounts with SCBs as eligible investments;


(iii) treating as eligible, the investments in bonds and debentures of companies which had minimum


rating of AA+ or equivalent grade rating and listed on stock exchange till the rating continued to be not


below the minimum investment grade.






NBFCs accepting/holding public deposits were advised to ensure that at all times there should be


full cover available for public deposits accepted by them.



Comprehensive guidelines on ‘Know Your Customer’ norms and Anti-Money Laundering Measures


issued. NBFCs advised to frame their KYC policies incorporating the following four key elements:


(i) Customer Acceptance Policy; (ii) Customer Identification Procedures; (iii) Monitoring of


Transactions; and (iv) Risk Management.




Guidelines on merger and amalgamation between private sector banks and NBFCs issued. The


guidelines cover the process of merger proposal, determination of swap ratios, disclosures, norms


for buying/selling of shares by promoters before and during the process of merger and the Board’s


involvement in the merger process. The principles underlying these guidelines would be applicable


as appropriate to public sector banks, subject to relevant legislation.




NBFCs not accepting/holding public deposits and having assets size of ‘Rs. 100 crore and above to


submit a monthly return that was applicable so far to NBFCs not accepting/holding public deposits


and having assets size of Rs.500 crore and above.




NBFCs to ensure full compliance with KYC guidelines with regard to deposits collected by persons


authorised by the NBFCs, including brokers/agents etc. inasmuch as such persons are collecting


the deposits on behalf of NBFCs.



Guidelines issued to NBFCs (including RNBCs) on classification of frauds, approach towards


monitoring of frauds and reporting requirements. The individual cases of frauds involving amount


less that Rs.25 lakh to be reported to the respective Regional Offices of Department of Non-Banking


Supervision in whose jurisdiction registered office of the company is located, whereas individual


cases of frauds involving amount of Rs.25 lakh and above to be reported to Frauds Monitoring Cell,


Department of Banking Supervision, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai.


E) Primary Dealers (PDs)






Guidelines issued on dividend distribution by primary dealers (PDs) based on payout ratio linked


to their CRAR.




PDs to hold all their equity investments only in dematerialised form by the end of December 2004


(including conversion of their equity holdings in scrip form into dematerialised form) and make all


fresh investments only in dematerialised form from December 31, 2004.




Guidelines on PDs issuing subordinated debt instruments for raising Tier-II and Tier-III capital issued.



Annex: Chronology of Major Policy Developments(Concluded)











All PDs advised to ensure that whenever defaults (in maintaining sufficient balances in the current


and/ or SGL accounts to meet their commitments arising out

of transactions) take place, they


should immediately report the details of such defaults to the Reserve Bank.






Guidelines issued to all NDS members regarding conduct of dated Government securities auction


under Primary Market Operations module of PDO-NDS.




PDs to adopt standardised settlement on a T+1 basis of all outright secondary market transactions


in Government securities.


Sale of Government securities allotted to successful bidders in primary issues on the day of allotment


permitted, with and between CSGL constituent account holders.




Guidelines on transaction in Government securities further relaxed by permitting a buyer from an


allottee in primary auction to re-sell the security.




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