SDDS-NATIONAL SUMMARY DATA PAGE-INDIA Jan 25, 2024 - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Published on January 25, 2024
Date Last Updated : | January/24/2024 | ||||
Advance Release Calendar | |||||
RBI - Reserve Bank of India | BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange | ||||
SDDS Data Category and | Unit of | Period of | Latest | Previous | Percentage change from |
Component | Description | Latest Data | Data | Data | Previous to latest period |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector | |||||
Monetary Aggregates* | |||||
1. Broad Money (M3) | ₹ Billion | January/12/2024 | 242093.07 | 218430.8 | 10.8 |
(243286.67) | (11.4) | ||||
2. Domestic Credit to General Government (1) | ₹ Billion | January/12/2024 | 72284.9 | 67538.3 | 7.0 |
(73251.12) | (8.5) | ||||
3. Other Domestic Credit | ₹ Billion | January/12/2024 | 161516.8 | 140017.6 | 15.4 |
(167182.18) | (19.4) | ||||
4. Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector | ₹ Billion | January/12/2024 | 52611.4 | 47472.4 | 10.8 |
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank - RBI * | |||||
1. Reserve Money | ₹ Billion | January/19/2024 | 45050.9 | 42615.7 | 5.7 |
2. Net RBI Credit to General Government (1) | ₹ Billion | January/19/2024 | 9755.7 | 12305.0 | - |
3. RBI Credit to Commercial Sector | ₹ Billion | January/19/2024 | 52.4 | 55.3 | - |
4. RBI's Claims on Banks | ₹ Billion | January/19/2024 | 2377.6 | 99.3 | - |
5. Net Foreign Exchange Assets of RBI | ₹ Billion | January/19/2024 | 49686.0 | 44909.7 | 10.6 |
Interest Rates (2) | |||||
1. Bank Rate | Per cent per annum | January/19/2024 | 6.75 | 6.50 | 25 |
2. MCLR (1-Year)^ | Per cent per annum | January/19/2024 | 8.65-9.10 | 8.30-8.65 | |
3. Treasury Bill Rates | Per cent per annum | January/24/2024 | 7.0201 | 6.4731 | 55 |
Stock Market | |||||
BSE Indices | |||||
NSE Indices | |||||
1. BSE(Sensex) | 1978-79=100 | February/01/2024 | 71,645.30 | 59,708.08 | 19.99 |
2. Nifty 50 ^^ | 03.11.1995=1000 | February/01/2024 | 21,697.45 | 17,616.30 | 23.17 |
Advance Release Calendar | |||||
SDDS Data Category and | Unit of | Period of | Latest | Previous | Percentage change from |
Component | Description | Latest Data | Data | Data | Previous to latest period |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Balance of Payments (3) | |||||
Current Account | |||||
1. Merchandise, net | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | -61,034.05 | -78,256.80 | -22.01 |
2. Services, net | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 39,950.46 | 34,429.00 | 16.04 |
3. Transfers, net | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 24,951.97 | 24,773.41 | 0.72 |
4. Income,net | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | -12,187.27 | -11,813.22 | 3.17 |
5. Current Account Balance | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | -8,318.90 | -30,867.62 | - |
Capital Account | |||||
1. Foreign Investment | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 4,659.77 | 12,742.84 | -63.43 |
2. Loans | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 1,451.22 | 609.94 | 137.93 |
3. Banking Capital | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 4,333.36 | -8,446.53 | -151.30 |
4. Rupee Debt Service | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | -1.40 | -1.28 | - |
5. Other Capital | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | -449.31 | -3,496.46 | -87.15 |
6. Capital Account Balance | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 9,993.64 | 1,408.50 | 609.52 |
7. Errors and Ommissions | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 843.85 | -919.73 | - |
8. Overall Balance | US $ million | Jul/23- Sep/23 | 2,518.58 | -30,378.84 | - |
International Reserves # | US $ million | January/19/2024 | 6,16,142.56 | 5,73,727.00 | 42,415.56 |
1. Foreign Currency Assets ** | US $ million | January/19/2024 | 5,45,855.11 | 5,06,358.00 | 39,497.11 |
2. Gold $ | US $ million | January/19/2024 | 47,212.26 | 43,712.00 | 3,500.26 |
3. SDR ## | US $ million | January/19/2024 | 18,221.20 | 18,432.00 | -210.80 |
4. Reserve Position in IMF | US $ million | January/19/2024 | 4,853.99 | 5,226.00 | -372.01 |
Reserves Template | US $ million | Nov-23 | |||
International Investment Position (4) | |||||
SDDS Data Category and | Unit of | Period of | Latest | Previous | Percentage change from |
Component | Description | Latest Data | Data | Data | Previous to latest period |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
I. Total Foreign Assets | US $ million | Sep-23 | 9,32,808.67 | 8,46,837.43 | 10.15 |
(i) India's Direct Investment Abroad | US $ million | Sep-23 | 2,31,249.42 | 2,17,330.74 | 6.40 |
(ii) Portfolio Investment | US $ million | Sep-23 | 11,664.21 | 10,983.10 | 6.20 |
(iii) Other Investments | US $ million | Sep-23 | 1,02,181.24 | 85,859.86 | 19.01 |
(iv) Reserve Assets | US $ million | Sep-23 | 5,87,713.80 | 5,32,663.72 | 10.33 |
II. Total Foreign Liabilities | US $ million | Sep-23 | 13,13,669.90 | 12,33,303.42 | 6.52 |
(i) Direct Investment in India | US $ million | Sep-23 | 5,28,599.23 | 5,10,131.71 | 3.62 |
(ii) Portfolio Investment | US $ million | Sep-23 | 2,59,385.37 | 2,44,348.59 | 6.15 |
(iii) Other Investments | US $ million | Sep-23 | 5,25,685.30 | 4,78,823.13 | 9.79 |
III Net International Investment Position | US $ million | Sep-23 | -3,80,861.23 | -3,86,466.00 | -1.45 |
External Debt | |||||
1. Multilateral | US $ million | Sep-23 | 75,131.32 | 72,345.28 | 3.85 |
2. Bilateral | US $ million | Sep-23 | 33,095.24 | 30,276.80 | 9.31 |
3. IMF | US $ million | Sep-23 | 21,760.05 | 21,179.23 | 2.74 |
4. Export Credit | US $ million | Sep-23 | 2,799.72 | 3,003.81 | -6.79 |
5. Commercial Borrowings | US $ million | Sep-23 | 2,31,308.91 | 2,17,331.78 | 6.43 |
6. NRI Deposits | US $ million | Sep-23 | 1,43,069.74 | 1,33,673.69 | 7.03 |
7. Rupee Debt *** | US $ million | Sep-23 | 769.90 | 886.96 | -13.20 |
8. Total Long Term Debt ( 1 to 7) | US $ million | Sep-23 | 5,07,934.87 | 4,78,697.55 | 6.11 |
9. Short Term Debt | US $ million | Sep-23 | 1,27,389.62 | 1,26,943.61 | 0.35 |
10. Grand Total (8+9) | US $ million | Sep-23 | 6,35,324.49 | 6,05,641.16 | 4.90 |
Exchange Rates (5) | |||||
1. Rupees per US Dollar | January/24/2024 | 83.15 | 81.60 | -1.86 | |
2. Rupees per Euro | January/24/2024 | 90.33 | 88.78 | -1.71 | |
Forward Premia (6) | |||||
1. 1-month | Per cent per annum | January/24/2024 | 1.31 | 1.88 | -0.57 |
2. 3-month | Per cent per annum | January/24/2024 | 1.64 | 2.69 | -1.06 |
3. 6-month | Per cent per annum | January/24/2024 | 1.64 | 2.47 | -0.83 |
General Government Operations | |||||
Advance release calendar | |||||
SDDS Data Category and | Unit of | Period of | Latest | Previous | Percentage change from |
Component | Description | Latest Data | Data (7) | Data (8) | Previous to latest period |
2023-24 BE | 2022-23 RE | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
I. Total Disbursements ◙ | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 90,451.19 | 83,769.72 | 8.0 |
II. Total Receipts | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 91,497.87 | 82,581.87 | 10.8 |
III. Gross Fiscal Deficit | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 25,886.20 | 25,824.53 | 0.2 |
Financed by : | |||||
A. Institution-wise (i+ii) | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 25,886.21 | 25,824.53 | 0.2 |
(i) Domestic Financing | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 25,665.03 | 25,585.79 | 0.3 |
(ii) External Financing | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 221.18 | 238.74 | -7.4 |
B. Instrument-wise (i+ii) | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 25,886.21 | 25,824.53 | 0.2 |
(i) Domestic Financing | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 25,665.03 | 25,585.79 | 0.3 |
of which | |||||
a) Market Borrowings @@ | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 19,028.62 | 17,767.47 | 7.1 |
b) Small Savings & | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 4,411.89 | 4,038.38 | 9.2 |
(ii) External Financing | ₹ Billion | April/23-Mar/24 | 221.18 | 238.74 | -7.4 |
Footnotes | |||||
* Monetary growth rate is on year on year basis. | |||||
^ MCLR (1-Year) relates to five major banks. | |||||
^^ CNX Nifty has been rebranded as Nifty 50 w.e.f. November 09, 2015 | |||||
# Variation in absolute form is shown . | |||||
** Excludes US$ 250 million invested in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK) since March 20, 2009. | |||||
$ : Includes Rs.31,463 crore (USD 6,699 million) reflecting the purchase of 200 metric tonnes of gold from IMF on November 3, 2009. | |||||
## Includes SDRs 3,082.5 million allocated under general allocation and SDRs 214.57 million allocated under Special | |||||
allocation by the IMF with effect from August 28, 2009 and September 9, 2009 respectively. | |||||
*** Debt denominated in Rupees and payable in exports. | |||||
◙ Total disbursements/receipts are net of repayments of the Central Government [inclusive of repayments to | |||||
National Small Savings Fund (NSSF)] and State governments. | |||||
@@: Borrowing through dated securieties and 364-day Treasury Bills | |||||
&: Represents investments in in Central and State Governments' Special Securities by National Small Saving Funds (NSSF). | |||||
(1) General Government includes Central and State Governments as local Governments are not permitted to borrow. | |||||
(2) Following a change in accounting practice w.e.f July 11, 2014, net liquidity injection/ absorption has been reclassified from net RBI credit to the government to RBI credit to banks and commercial sector. This has made a difference of `901 billion by way of decrease in net RBI credit to government offset by an increase in RBI credit to banks and commercial sector as of July 11, 2014. | |||||
(3) Data on the interest rate structure may be accessed at | |||||
(4) Detail balance of payments (BoP) data as per IMF BPM5 are available at | |||||
(5) Detail International Investment Position data are available at | |||||
(6) Daily exchange rates for the US dollar, the Euro, the Pound Sterling and the Japanese Yen are available at | |||||
(7) Daily 1-month, 3-month and 6-month forward premia are available at | |||||
(8) BE : Budget estimate. | |||||
(9) RE : Revised estimate. | |||||
(10) Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank. |
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