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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


No. 42 : Short and Medium Term Advances of the NABARD to the State Co-Operative Banks

                                                                                                                                                                    ( Rs.in crores)
                                                                                    Short    Term

                                                                                                        Financing    of cottage and small
                                                                                                                    Scale Industries
                    Agricultural            Marketing of            Purchase                ------------------------------------------------------------------------            Working
Year/Month          Operations              Crops inclu-            and dist-                                                                                                     capital
                                            ding cotton             ribution of                                                                                                  require-
                                            and kapas               chemical                            Weavers' co-operative                                                       ments
                                                                    fertilisers                         societies                                                                  of co-
                                                                                            ------------------------------------                                                operative
                                                                                            Trading in              Production              Production                              sugar
                                                                                              yarn by                     and               and marketing                       factories
                                                                                            apex/regional           marketing               activities of
                                                                                              weavers'               purposes               other groups
                                                                                            societies                                        of industries
                                                                                                                                            financing of
                                                                                                                                            individual rural
                                                                                                                                            through PACS
                          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-
                         ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-
                        drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings
            1                 2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9          10          11          12          13          14          15

1990-91                   2,565       1,602         _         _             120          32          97          10       1,025         324          15          15          -           _
1993-94                   4,317       2,621         _         _               5          _           21           6         888         278          19          19          -           _
1994-95                   4,958       3,089         _         _              19          _           74          15       1,214         494          28          18          81          75
Feb.          1996          265       3,558         _         _              _           _            4           5          83         509          _            4          _          100
Mar.          1996          190       3,460         _         _              _           _            7          11         182         543          21          21          20           4
Apr.          1996           56       3,100         _         _              _           _            _          11           4         518          _           21          20           4
May           1996          155       2,497         _         _              _           _            _          10          23         527                      21           -           4
Jun.          1996        1,190       2,930         _         _              _           _            _           5          41         529           2          22           -           -
Jul.          1996          184       2,865         _         _              _           _            _           _          32         442          _           21           -           -
Aug.          1996          368       2,951         _         _              _           _            _           _          90         502          _           21           -           -
Sep.          1996          729       3,203         _         _              _           _            _           _          11         458          _           21           -           -
Oct.          1996          505       3,288         _         _              _           _            _           _          24         427          _           20           -           -
Nov.          1996          343       3,235         _         _              _           _            _           _          17         319          _           13           -           -
Dec.          1996          732       3,506         _         _              18          _            _           _          42         315          _           20           -           -
Jan.          1997           ..          ..        ..        ..              ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..
Feb.          1997          301       3,725         _         _              _            _           _           _          97         322           4          17           -           -
Mar.          1997          337       3,696         _         _              _            _          11          11         126         318          20          24           -           -
Apr.          1997           59       3,364         _         _              _            _           _           8           _         258          _           24           -           -

                                                                                                                    (Rs.in crores)
                    Short term                                 Medium Term                                                Total
                    -------------           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Advances against        Conversion of ST into   Approved Agric-         Purchase of Shares
                    Government and           MT loans               ultural                 in Co-operative
                    other Trustee                                   purpose                 Societies
                    representing the
                    Credit Stabilization
                    Funds of State
                    Co-operative banks

                          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-          Am-       Out-
                         ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-        ount      stand-
                        drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings       drawn        ings
           16                17      18          19          20              21          22          23          24          25          26

1990-91                      _            6         155         342           4          17           -           2       3,983       2,352
1993-94                      _           _           54          98           _          55           _           1       5,355       3,079
1994-95                      _           _           91         108           3          33           2           2       6,470       3,834
Feb.          1996           _           _           _           32           _           8           _           2         352       4,218
Mar.          1996           _           _           _           30           _           8           _           2         420       4,079
Apr.          1996           _           _           _           28           _           8           _           2          60       3,692
May           1996           _           _           _           25           _           7           _           2         178       3,093
Jun.          1996           _           _           _           57           _           7           _           1       1,270       3,551
Jul.          1996           _           _           _           57           _           7           _           1         216       3,393
Aug.          1996           _           _           _           56           _           7           _           1         458       3,538
Sep.          1996           _           _           _           48           _           6           _           1         740       3,738
Oct.          1996           _           _           10          61           _           6           _           1         539       3,803
Nov.          1996           _           _           46         104           _           6           _           1         406       3,678
Dec.          1996           _           _           _          103           _           5           _           1         774       3,950
Jan.          1997           ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..
Feb.          1997           _           _           _          100           _           5           _           1         402       4,170
Mar.          1997           _           _           _           99           _           5           _           1         494       4,154
Apr.          1997           _           _           _           90           _           5           _           1          59       3,750

                                                                    Source : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD)



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