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Aug 14, 2003
Exchange Rate Management: An Emerging Consensus?
I am very happy to be here with you on the occasion of the 14th National Assembly. This annual gathering of our Forex specialists is a very special occasion for everyone interested in the evolution of forex market in India – not only the dealers and market participants, but also the RBI, Government and outside experts interested in appropriate macro-economic management for higher growth and the greater good of our people. It provides all of us with an opportunity to r
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am very happy to be here with you on the occasion of the 14th National Assembly. This annual gathering of our Forex specialists is a very special occasion for everyone interested in the evolution of forex market in India – not only the dealers and market participants, but also the RBI, Government and outside experts interested in appropriate macro-economic management for higher growth and the greater good of our people. It provides all of us with an opportunity to r
Jul 25, 2003
Role of Quality Human Resource in Target Setting for Economic Growth1
I am indeed thankful to Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) and especially to Dr. R. Chidambaram, Chairman, TIFAC for inviting me to join the distinguished participants and share my thoughts on ‘Role of Quality Human Resources in Target Setting for Economic Growth’. As I understand TIFAC has undertaken an ambitious programme known as ‘MISSION REACH’ as a follow up of the Technology Vision-2020 recommendations. The MISSION REACH is three
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am indeed thankful to Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) and especially to Dr. R. Chidambaram, Chairman, TIFAC for inviting me to join the distinguished participants and share my thoughts on ‘Role of Quality Human Resources in Target Setting for Economic Growth’. As I understand TIFAC has undertaken an ambitious programme known as ‘MISSION REACH’ as a follow up of the Technology Vision-2020 recommendations. The MISSION REACH is three
Jul 21, 2003
Roll-out Strategy for RTGS Implementation1
I welcome you all to this meeting. I am glad to share with you that the implementation of the RTGS Project has progressed significantly and is now critically poised. Even when I am speaking to you, the demonstration of the Demo RTGS System to a group of bank officials is in progress in our Bankers’ Training College. The RTGS System is scheduled to be delivered by the end of October, 2003, followed by installation, testing and commencement of parallel run before the ye
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I welcome you all to this meeting. I am glad to share with you that the implementation of the RTGS Project has progressed significantly and is now critically poised. Even when I am speaking to you, the demonstration of the Demo RTGS System to a group of bank officials is in progress in our Bankers’ Training College. The RTGS System is scheduled to be delivered by the end of October, 2003, followed by installation, testing and commencement of parallel run before the ye
Jun 16, 2003
32nd ACU Board Meeting - Governor’s Welcome Address on June 16, 2003
Honourable Governors and distinguished Delegates, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:It is a great privilege for me to welcome you to this 32nd Board meeting of the Asian Clearing Union (ACU). I am happy that this meeting is being held in the city of Bangalore, known as the ‘City of Gardens’ , with a great tradition in music, literature, architecture, science and technology. The city is now known even more as India’s leading city for information technology.2. Before proceed
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Honourable Governors and distinguished Delegates, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:It is a great privilege for me to welcome you to this 32nd Board meeting of the Asian Clearing Union (ACU). I am happy that this meeting is being held in the city of Bangalore, known as the ‘City of Gardens’ , with a great tradition in music, literature, architecture, science and technology. The city is now known even more as India’s leading city for information technology.2. Before proceed
May 21, 2003
Infrastructure Development in India: Emerging Challenges
I. BACKGROUNDInfrastructure contributes significantly to economic development both by increasing productivity and by providing amenities that enhance the quality of life. The impact of infrastructure on economic growth is well documented internationally. In the Indian context too, elasticities of output with respect to various stocks of infrastructure indicate that the transport and communication sectors play a dominant role in explaining the variations in GDP and its
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. BACKGROUNDInfrastructure contributes significantly to economic development both by increasing productivity and by providing amenities that enhance the quality of life. The impact of infrastructure on economic growth is well documented internationally. In the Indian context too, elasticities of output with respect to various stocks of infrastructure indicate that the transport and communication sectors play a dominant role in explaining the variations in GDP and its
May 06, 2003
Payment & Settlement Systems
The Payment and Settlement System is an essential part of the financial system of a vibrant economy. Consolidation, Development and Integration of the financial infrastructure and reforms in the payment and settlement systems of the country that address the twin issues of safety and efficiency have been engaging the attention of the Central Bankers and Financial Institutions the world over. Payment and Settlement Systems are no longer the backwaters of either the bank
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The Payment and Settlement System is an essential part of the financial system of a vibrant economy. Consolidation, Development and Integration of the financial infrastructure and reforms in the payment and settlement systems of the country that address the twin issues of safety and efficiency have been engaging the attention of the Central Bankers and Financial Institutions the world over. Payment and Settlement Systems are no longer the backwaters of either the bank
May 06, 2003
Developing Corporate Debt Market in India
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Shri Rakesh Mohan at the 3rd Invest India Debt Market Round Table on May 6, 2003
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Shri Rakesh Mohan at the 3rd Invest India Debt Market Round Table on May 6, 2003
Apr 30, 2003
Monetary and Credit Policy for the year 2003-04
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Shri Rakesh Mohan Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of India
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Shri Rakesh Mohan Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of India
Feb 01, 2003
Bonds & Derivatives - The Road Ahead
Ladies & Gentlemen,At the outset, let me express my gratitude to FIMMDA and PDAI for giving me an opportunity to give valedictory address to this prestigious annual conference. The role of FIMMDA/PDAI has become increasingly important in the development of the fixed income market in India. FIMMDA has played a pivotal role in the documentation of repos, CPs & CDs, finalizing the daily / annual valuation methodology for fixed income securities / derivatives. RBI
Shri Mohammad Tahir, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Ladies & Gentlemen,At the outset, let me express my gratitude to FIMMDA and PDAI for giving me an opportunity to give valedictory address to this prestigious annual conference. The role of FIMMDA/PDAI has become increasingly important in the development of the fixed income market in India. FIMMDA has played a pivotal role in the documentation of repos, CPs & CDs, finalizing the daily / annual valuation methodology for fixed income securities / derivatives. RBI
Jan 07, 2003
Management Challenges in Banking*
IntroductionIt gives me great pleasure in participating in the Annual Day function of NIBM where I have spent two years as a student of BMP in 1980s. NIBM has been playing a vital role in providing a platform to bankers and at times to Regulators also for exchange of views and thoughts to meet the emerging requirements of banking sector. Recent developments have underscored the urgency to sensitise the banking industry on emerging issues and quickly adapt to the chang
Shri. G.P. Muniappan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
IntroductionIt gives me great pleasure in participating in the Annual Day function of NIBM where I have spent two years as a student of BMP in 1980s. NIBM has been playing a vital role in providing a platform to bankers and at times to Regulators also for exchange of views and thoughts to meet the emerging requirements of banking sector. Recent developments have underscored the urgency to sensitise the banking industry on emerging issues and quickly adapt to the chang
Dec 29, 2002
Transforming Indian Banking: In Search of a Better Tomorrow
The significant transformation of the banking industry in India is clearly evident from the changes that have occurred in the financial markets, institutions and products. While deregulation has opened up new vistas for banks to augment revenues, it has entailed greater competition and consequently greater risks. Cross-border flows and entry of new products, particularly derivative instruments, have impacted significantly on the domestic banking sector, forcing banks
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The significant transformation of the banking industry in India is clearly evident from the changes that have occurred in the financial markets, institutions and products. While deregulation has opened up new vistas for banks to augment revenues, it has entailed greater competition and consequently greater risks. Cross-border flows and entry of new products, particularly derivative instruments, have impacted significantly on the domestic banking sector, forcing banks
Dec 28, 2002
Re-Engineering Operations in Banking System
Banking has traditionally remained a protected industry in many emerging economies. However, a combination of developments has compelled banks to change the old ways of doing business. These include, among others, technological advancements, disintermediation pressures arising from a liberalized marketplace, increased emphasis on shareholders’ value and macroeconomic pressures and banking crises in 1990s. As a consequence of these developments, the dividing line betwe
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Banking has traditionally remained a protected industry in many emerging economies. However, a combination of developments has compelled banks to change the old ways of doing business. These include, among others, technological advancements, disintermediation pressures arising from a liberalized marketplace, increased emphasis on shareholders’ value and macroeconomic pressures and banking crises in 1990s. As a consequence of these developments, the dividing line betwe
Dec 28, 2002
Inaugural Session on Technical Session I - Reorienting Structure
Introduction It gives me great pleasure to address this gathering of professionals from the financial sector. I have been impressed by the arrangements which have been made for the conduct of the program, and hope that the proceedings will also match the organisation in grandeur. I have had the opportunity to go through the papers which are being presented at this session and I am very happy to note that they are of a high quality and raise very pertinent issues. In f
Shri. G.P. Muniappan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Introduction It gives me great pleasure to address this gathering of professionals from the financial sector. I have been impressed by the arrangements which have been made for the conduct of the program, and hope that the proceedings will also match the organisation in grandeur. I have had the opportunity to go through the papers which are being presented at this session and I am very happy to note that they are of a high quality and raise very pertinent issues. In f
Dec 27, 2002
Strengthening Indian Banking and Finance: Progress and Prospects
The Bank Economists’ Conference has become an important annual event for constructive interactions and informed debate on the state of our financial system. The theme chosen for this year, "Indian Banking: Managing Transformation", provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on the ground that has been covered in transforming Indian banking into a vibrant, sound and a well-functioning system, and to chart out a plan for the future. I am happy to be here with you agai
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The Bank Economists’ Conference has become an important annual event for constructive interactions and informed debate on the state of our financial system. The theme chosen for this year, "Indian Banking: Managing Transformation", provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on the ground that has been covered in transforming Indian banking into a vibrant, sound and a well-functioning system, and to chart out a plan for the future. I am happy to be here with you agai
Oct 29, 2002
Distribution of Notes and Coins in India
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Shri Vepa Kamesam at Currency Conference 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Shri Vepa Kamesam at Currency Conference 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii
Oct 18, 2002
Development of Bond Market in India
IntroductionBond markets link issuers, i.e., governments, state owned institutions, local bodies and corporates having financing needs, with investors having investible surplus. An efficient bond market is one where the requirements of both issuers and investors are met effectively at a price (interest rates) determined competitively, and where price adjustment to new information is seamless. For this purpose, the basic pre-requisites are: stable macro-economic enviro
Shri Mohammad Tahir, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
IntroductionBond markets link issuers, i.e., governments, state owned institutions, local bodies and corporates having financing needs, with investors having investible surplus. An efficient bond market is one where the requirements of both issuers and investors are met effectively at a price (interest rates) determined competitively, and where price adjustment to new information is seamless. For this purpose, the basic pre-requisites are: stable macro-economic enviro
Sep 28, 2002
Key Note Address at the Assembly of the Forex Dealers' Association of India at Bangalore on September 28, 2002 delivered by Smt K.J.Udeshi, Executive Director, RBI
Mr.Pravin Gupta, Chairman, Forex Association of India, Mr Tyagarajan, General Secretary, other dignitaries present here, ladies and gentlemen,It is indeed a great pleasure to be amidst you all this evening. This is my first participation in the Forex Assembly. The first thing however that came to my mind when Mr Gupta approached me is that, thankfully there could not be a more opportune time for my first visit when all is apparently well with the forex market world an
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Mr.Pravin Gupta, Chairman, Forex Association of India, Mr Tyagarajan, General Secretary, other dignitaries present here, ladies and gentlemen,It is indeed a great pleasure to be amidst you all this evening. This is my first participation in the Forex Assembly. The first thing however that came to my mind when Mr Gupta approached me is that, thankfully there could not be a more opportune time for my first visit when all is apparently well with the forex market world an
Sep 11, 2002
Governance and Regulation of Financial Services
I. Introduction to the theme and the speakersThe theme for this session is a very broad one, encompassing the entire framework of regulation. However, it is very relevant in today’s times given the focus on the regulation and supervision of the institutions in the financial sector. This focus has emerged in the context of the large number of financial sector crises and bank failures, which have plagued almost all the economies in the world over the last two decades. T
Shri. G.P. Muniappan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. Introduction to the theme and the speakersThe theme for this session is a very broad one, encompassing the entire framework of regulation. However, it is very relevant in today’s times given the focus on the regulation and supervision of the institutions in the financial sector. This focus has emerged in the context of the large number of financial sector crises and bank failures, which have plagued almost all the economies in the world over the last two decades. T
Sep 03, 2002
Managing Public Debt - Issues and Challenges
I thank the ASSOCHAM for inviting me at the Valedictory session of the Seminar on Managing Public Debt.During the course of Seminar, various aspects of Managing Public Debt have been discussed. Many suggestions have been made by the speakers. I am sure these suggestions will be sent to Government for consideration.Practically, all aspects of Debt Management have been discussed in the Seminar. I would, therefore, be supplementing to what has already been said.Role of R
Shri Mohammad Tahir, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
I thank the ASSOCHAM for inviting me at the Valedictory session of the Seminar on Managing Public Debt.During the course of Seminar, various aspects of Managing Public Debt have been discussed. Many suggestions have been made by the speakers. I am sure these suggestions will be sent to Government for consideration.Practically, all aspects of Debt Management have been discussed in the Seminar. I would, therefore, be supplementing to what has already been said.Role of R
Aug 31, 2002
Challenges Before The Indian Banking Industry
I am honoured to speak at the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Indian Banks' Association. The Indian Banks' Association started as a voluntary service Organisation in 1946 has played a very important and pivotal role for more than 50 years in the banking industry and has made commendable efforts as a facilitator in ensuring an efficient and sound banking system which is committed to excellence in operations and customer service. The Association strives to meet the d
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am honoured to speak at the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Indian Banks' Association. The Indian Banks' Association started as a voluntary service Organisation in 1946 has played a very important and pivotal role for more than 50 years in the banking industry and has made commendable efforts as a facilitator in ensuring an efficient and sound banking system which is committed to excellence in operations and customer service. The Association strives to meet the d


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Page Last Updated on: August 30, 2024

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