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Feb 14, 2001
Developmental Issues in Micro Credit
ByJagdish Capoor Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaAt Reserve Bank of India, we are keenly interested in purveyance of credit to all those who need it, more for the small borrowers and the poorest of the poor the most. Micro Credit, therefore, has been a thrust area with us though the vehicles of credit extension have been under constant evolution over a period of time. Without a supportive regulatory environment, a continuum of institutions providing micro financ
Shri Jagdish Capoor, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
ByJagdish Capoor Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaAt Reserve Bank of India, we are keenly interested in purveyance of credit to all those who need it, more for the small borrowers and the poorest of the poor the most. Micro Credit, therefore, has been a thrust area with us though the vehicles of credit extension have been under constant evolution over a period of time. Without a supportive regulatory environment, a continuum of institutions providing micro financ
Feb 09, 2001
Central Banking in the New Millennium*
Mr. Chairman Kohli, Mr. Narang and friends. I am happy to be here among bank economists to deliver the customary valedictory address of the Bank Economists Conference. I find that the subject chosen for this year is very broad and relates to the whole of the banking sector. I carefully read the papers presented at the Conference and I find the coverage to be comprehensive and analysis insightful as usual. The current year's Conference also had the benefit of special p
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman Kohli, Mr. Narang and friends. I am happy to be here among bank economists to deliver the customary valedictory address of the Bank Economists Conference. I find that the subject chosen for this year is very broad and relates to the whole of the banking sector. I carefully read the papers presented at the Conference and I find the coverage to be comprehensive and analysis insightful as usual. The current year's Conference also had the benefit of special p
Jan 16, 2001
Financial Stability and the Role of Banks
IntroductionI am grateful to the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) for extending me the opportunity to address this highly enlightened gathering of bankers and economists. Many of you might have participated in the last conference held at Bangalore in December 1998 with the theme focussed "Towards Sound and Strong Banking". That was built around the then emerging scenario of Indian financial system being exposed to competition and several reform measures initiated by th
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
IntroductionI am grateful to the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) for extending me the opportunity to address this highly enlightened gathering of bankers and economists. Many of you might have participated in the last conference held at Bangalore in December 1998 with the theme focussed "Towards Sound and Strong Banking". That was built around the then emerging scenario of Indian financial system being exposed to competition and several reform measures initiated by th
Jan 15, 2001
Banking and Finance in the New Millennium.
This is the first Bank Economists’ Conference in the new millennium, and the subject that you have chosen for this important conference "Indian Banking in the New Millennium" will set the tone and pace of development in the banking and financial sector for the future.2. India’s banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit, the most striking of which is its reach. An extensive banking network has been established in the last thirty years, and India
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
This is the first Bank Economists’ Conference in the new millennium, and the subject that you have chosen for this important conference "Indian Banking in the New Millennium" will set the tone and pace of development in the banking and financial sector for the future.2. India’s banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit, the most striking of which is its reach. An extensive banking network has been established in the last thirty years, and India
Jan 15, 2001
"India’s Economy in the Twenty-First Century: A New Beginning or A False Dawn"
I am grateful to Dr. Kapila Vatsayayan and Shri N.N. Vohra for inviting me to deliver the Dr. C.D.Deshmukh Memorial Lecture today. This annual Lecture in memory of one of India’s most distinguished thinkers and policy makers is a highly prestigious occasion, and one of the highlights of the India International Centre (IIC) calendar of events. When I was first asked, I must confess that I was reluctant as I was not sure whether matters which dominate my professional li
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am grateful to Dr. Kapila Vatsayayan and Shri N.N. Vohra for inviting me to deliver the Dr. C.D.Deshmukh Memorial Lecture today. This annual Lecture in memory of one of India’s most distinguished thinkers and policy makers is a highly prestigious occasion, and one of the highlights of the India International Centre (IIC) calendar of events. When I was first asked, I must confess that I was reluctant as I was not sure whether matters which dominate my professional li
Dec 07, 2000
Summary of the Welcome Remarks by Dr.Bimal Jalan, Governor, at the 11th C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture
On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India and myself, I am very happy to welcome Professor Charles Goodhart to Mumbai to deliver the Eleventh C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture. Prof. Goodhart’s work, both as a Central Banker and as an economic thinker, is well known and he hardly needs any introduction before this audience. Educated at Cambridge and Harvard Universities, he has held several high academic positions, and is at present the Norman Sosnow Profesor of Banking and
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India and myself, I am very happy to welcome Professor Charles Goodhart to Mumbai to deliver the Eleventh C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture. Prof. Goodhart’s work, both as a Central Banker and as an economic thinker, is well known and he hardly needs any introduction before this audience. Educated at Cambridge and Harvard Universities, he has held several high academic positions, and is at present the Norman Sosnow Profesor of Banking and
Dec 04, 2000
Development and Management of Forex Markets : A Central Banking Perspective
Mr. Venkataraman, distinguished guests and friends, I am thankful to the Forex Association of India for inviting me to this Session of the 21st Asia Pacific Forex Congress. I would like to add a special word of welcome to the delegates from Asia and the Pacific regions to Delhi to participate in this Congress. For us, this is a very special occasion as India, I believe, has a lot to learn from the experience of countries in our region in the proper development and man
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Venkataraman, distinguished guests and friends, I am thankful to the Forex Association of India for inviting me to this Session of the 21st Asia Pacific Forex Congress. I would like to add a special word of welcome to the delegates from Asia and the Pacific regions to Delhi to participate in this Congress. For us, this is a very special occasion as India, I believe, has a lot to learn from the experience of countries in our region in the proper development and man
Nov 24, 2000
Pension System in India : A Central Banker’s Perspective
Mr. Chairman and friends, At the outset I wish to compliment the Asian Development Bank Institute and others who are sponsoring this policy Conference. The Conference is rightly addressing the policy issues as well as practical skills involved in examining and improving the pension systems in South Asian countries. The approach of enabling of sharing of experiences and views among South Asian countries and, with multilateral institutions is commendable. My comments to
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends, At the outset I wish to compliment the Asian Development Bank Institute and others who are sponsoring this policy Conference. The Conference is rightly addressing the policy issues as well as practical skills involved in examining and improving the pension systems in South Asian countries. The approach of enabling of sharing of experiences and views among South Asian countries and, with multilateral institutions is commendable. My comments to
Nov 24, 2000
Fiscal Reforms at State-level : Review and Prospects
Mr. Chairman and friends, I must compliment the organisers of this conclave for choosing a subject of vital importance to our economy and society and, making excellent arrangements for a comprehensive but focussed discussion. This is a good opportunity to present Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) perspectives on fiscal reforms at State level. The presentation is divided into five parts, viz. role of RBI in the State finances; review of fiscal reform effort; changing role
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends, I must compliment the organisers of this conclave for choosing a subject of vital importance to our economy and society and, making excellent arrangements for a comprehensive but focussed discussion. This is a good opportunity to present Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) perspectives on fiscal reforms at State level. The presentation is divided into five parts, viz. role of RBI in the State finances; review of fiscal reform effort; changing role
Nov 16, 2000
Government Budgets, Banking and Auditors: What is New?
Mr. Chairman and friends,I am thankful to the organisers for persuading me to address this gathering since the event has provoked me to think deeper on a subject of mutual interest. In fact, having agreed to give a talk, the search for an appropriate subject commenced. It has to be futuristic as demanded by the organisers. It ought to be of general interest and at the same time relevant to a gathering of Chartered Accountants. Of course it can not but be an area of co
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends,I am thankful to the organisers for persuading me to address this gathering since the event has provoked me to think deeper on a subject of mutual interest. In fact, having agreed to give a talk, the search for an appropriate subject commenced. It has to be futuristic as demanded by the organisers. It ought to be of general interest and at the same time relevant to a gathering of Chartered Accountants. Of course it can not but be an area of co
Oct 30, 2000
Indian Economy : 1950; 2000; 2020
Friends, I have many reasons for being delighted to be participating in the Swarna Mahotsavam of Vivek Vardhini College. I must appreciate the persuasive skills of Principal Dr. Pushpavathi for bringing me here. Being a Hyderabadi, I have several distinguished colleagues and friends who are faculty and alumni of Vivek Vardhini College. The founding fathers of Vivek Vardhini were real visionaries who were pioneers in projecting a genuine Indian slant to education; we m
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I have many reasons for being delighted to be participating in the Swarna Mahotsavam of Vivek Vardhini College. I must appreciate the persuasive skills of Principal Dr. Pushpavathi for bringing me here. Being a Hyderabadi, I have several distinguished colleagues and friends who are faculty and alumni of Vivek Vardhini College. The founding fathers of Vivek Vardhini were real visionaries who were pioneers in projecting a genuine Indian slant to education; we m
Oct 10, 2000
Risk Management in Financial Institutions
I am indeed pleased to be here to discuss an important topic like risk management. This is all the more so in an area like finance, where risk and its management has assumed greater significance.I would first attempt to discuss the renewed interest on risk management in recent years due to changing risk perception in financial institutions followed by an overview of the types of risks and the strategies for risk management. Thereafter, I propose to deal with the role
Shri Jagdish Capoor, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am indeed pleased to be here to discuss an important topic like risk management. This is all the more so in an area like finance, where risk and its management has assumed greater significance.I would first attempt to discuss the renewed interest on risk management in recent years due to changing risk perception in financial institutions followed by an overview of the types of risks and the strategies for risk management. Thereafter, I propose to deal with the role
Sep 20, 2000
Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interface : Recent Developments in India
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers, especially Dr. Ramakrishnan for persuading me to join you and share my thoughts and experiences on fiscal and monetary developments in India. Clearly, the main focus of the workshop is on fiscal management, and the participants are drawn from several countries with divergent sizes, structures and stages of development of their economies. Therefore, in this presentation, a judicious mix is made of general observations, experien
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers, especially Dr. Ramakrishnan for persuading me to join you and share my thoughts and experiences on fiscal and monetary developments in India. Clearly, the main focus of the workshop is on fiscal management, and the participants are drawn from several countries with divergent sizes, structures and stages of development of their economies. Therefore, in this presentation, a judicious mix is made of general observations, experien
Aug 19, 2000
Deposit Insurance Reforms in India
I am honoured at being invited to inaugurate this seminar on Deposit Insurance Reforms in India. As you are aware, reform in deposit insurance is a crucial component of financial sector reforms. The importance accorded to this area is reflected in the composition of the Committee on Reforms in Deposit Insurance which had eminent bankers and academicians as members besides all the three Deputy Governors of Reserve Bank including myself. Union Finance Minister Shri Yash
Shri Jagdish Capoor, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am honoured at being invited to inaugurate this seminar on Deposit Insurance Reforms in India. As you are aware, reform in deposit insurance is a crucial component of financial sector reforms. The importance accorded to this area is reflected in the composition of the Committee on Reforms in Deposit Insurance which had eminent bankers and academicians as members besides all the three Deputy Governors of Reserve Bank including myself. Union Finance Minister Shri Yash
Jul 29, 2000
Current Developments in Money and Government Securities Market
It gives me great pleasure in being with you, today, to share some thoughts relating to money and government securities market where the Reserve Bank of India has a pivotal role to play not only as the debt manager to the Government but also as the monetary authority of the country. I am indeed thankful to Shri M.R.Ramesh for giving me this opportunity to participate in this Seminar. As all of you are aware, in order that the Central Bank conducts the monetary policy
Shri P. R. Gopala Rao, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure in being with you, today, to share some thoughts relating to money and government securities market where the Reserve Bank of India has a pivotal role to play not only as the debt manager to the Government but also as the monetary authority of the country. I am indeed thankful to Shri M.R.Ramesh for giving me this opportunity to participate in this Seminar. As all of you are aware, in order that the Central Bank conducts the monetary policy
Jul 13, 2000
Capital Flows and Self Reliance Redefined
Mr. President and friends, I consider it a great privilege and an honour to be invited to deliver the 27th Frank Moraes Memorial Lecture. While I did not have the privilege of meeting Mr. Frank Moraes, I am an admirer of his writings, which are at once, objective, informative, illuminating, and inspiring. I must compliment the United Writers Association for keeping alive his memory in a befitting manner. I must also compliment the organisers for their tradition of inv
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. President and friends, I consider it a great privilege and an honour to be invited to deliver the 27th Frank Moraes Memorial Lecture. While I did not have the privilege of meeting Mr. Frank Moraes, I am an admirer of his writings, which are at once, objective, informative, illuminating, and inspiring. I must compliment the United Writers Association for keeping alive his memory in a befitting manner. I must also compliment the organisers for their tradition of inv
Jul 08, 2000
Analysing Economic Policy and Sourcing Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I have great pleasure in being with you today to share some thoughts relating to analysis of economic policy, and I am thankful to respected journalist Shri Potturi Venkateswara Rao Garu for giving me this opportunity. It is a memorable day for me to share the podium with our Chief Minister, Shri Chandrababu Naidu garu. We have known each other closely for about two decades and have subsisting regard and affection for each other. He has changed the mindset of
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I have great pleasure in being with you today to share some thoughts relating to analysis of economic policy, and I am thankful to respected journalist Shri Potturi Venkateswara Rao Garu for giving me this opportunity. It is a memorable day for me to share the podium with our Chief Minister, Shri Chandrababu Naidu garu. We have known each other closely for about two decades and have subsisting regard and affection for each other. He has changed the mindset of
Jun 24, 2000
Issues in Managing Capital Account Liberalisation
The objectives of this presentation are:(i) To suggest the need of some of the developing countries for managing capital account, implying elements of control, regulation and liberalisation as appropriate.(ii) to emphasise the importance of both international and national context in the management of capital account.(iii) to outline the contours of control and regulatory framework and the possible use of these in prioritising capital flows while suggesting the dynamic
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The objectives of this presentation are:(i) To suggest the need of some of the developing countries for managing capital account, implying elements of control, regulation and liberalisation as appropriate.(ii) to emphasise the importance of both international and national context in the management of capital account.(iii) to outline the contours of control and regulatory framework and the possible use of these in prioritising capital flows while suggesting the dynamic
Jun 22, 2000
Operationalising Capital Account Liberalisation : Indian Experience
The objective of this paper is to narrate the Indian experience in operationalising capital account liberalisation. At the outset, the Indian context is described followed by a brief account of the factors that triggered the process of liberalisation in the ‘nineties. The policy framework that governed liberalisation, the process of liberalisation and the current framework of controls are then explained. Subsequent sections describe the management of capital account a
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The objective of this paper is to narrate the Indian experience in operationalising capital account liberalisation. At the outset, the Indian context is described followed by a brief account of the factors that triggered the process of liberalisation in the ‘nineties. The policy framework that governed liberalisation, the process of liberalisation and the current framework of controls are then explained. Subsequent sections describe the management of capital account a
Jun 20, 2000
Managing Public Debt and Promoting Debt Markets in India
Friends,I welcome this opportunity to be with you and benefit from the deliberations. There is an increasing awareness of the importance of domestic-debt markets, particularly in our region. Recent events in the Asian region have bought to light the importance of avoiding excessive reliance on the banking system for financial intermediation even as the health of the banking systems is being improved. Diversification of means of intermediation and competition therein w
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends,I welcome this opportunity to be with you and benefit from the deliberations. There is an increasing awareness of the importance of domestic-debt markets, particularly in our region. Recent events in the Asian region have bought to light the importance of avoiding excessive reliance on the banking system for financial intermediation even as the health of the banking systems is being improved. Diversification of means of intermediation and competition therein w


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