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Jun 13, 2000
Changing Role of RBI: Agenda for Attention
Mr. Chairman and friends, I am grateful to the organisers of the Madon Memorial Lecture for inviting me to deliver this Lecture. That the contributions of Shri B.F. Madon are of lasting value is evident from the fact that although, over seventy years have elapsed since he passed away, lectures in his memory are organised, and the response is still overwhelming. There are several reasons why I feel especially elated at my association with this lecture series. First, Ma
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends, I am grateful to the organisers of the Madon Memorial Lecture for inviting me to deliver this Lecture. That the contributions of Shri B.F. Madon are of lasting value is evident from the fact that although, over seventy years have elapsed since he passed away, lectures in his memory are organised, and the response is still overwhelming. There are several reasons why I feel especially elated at my association with this lecture series. First, Ma
May 05, 2000
Pro-Poor Growth: New Realities and Emerging Questions
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in this Seminar. The document of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the subject is very comprehensive and incisive. It is difficult to add much to it so far as strategies outlined therein are concerned. There are, however, some new realities, especially due to compulsions of globalisation and technological progress that impinge on policies relating to poverty alleviation. Similarly, the changing
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in this Seminar. The document of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the subject is very comprehensive and incisive. It is difficult to add much to it so far as strategies outlined therein are concerned. There are, however, some new realities, especially due to compulsions of globalisation and technological progress that impinge on policies relating to poverty alleviation. Similarly, the changing
Apr 08, 2000
Credit Rating : Changing Perspectives
Respected Vice-Chancellor Dr. D.C. Reddy, Professor Kishan Rao, and, friends, I am thankful to my large circle of friends who organised this gathering, and gave me an opportunity to be at home in Osmania University today. My association with the University is forty years old, a long time indeed, and in several capacities, as a research scholar, lecturer and Visiting Professor. Dr. Nagaraj was my senior colleague and we had many things in common, including Bellary-conn
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Vice-Chancellor Dr. D.C. Reddy, Professor Kishan Rao, and, friends, I am thankful to my large circle of friends who organised this gathering, and gave me an opportunity to be at home in Osmania University today. My association with the University is forty years old, a long time indeed, and in several capacities, as a research scholar, lecturer and Visiting Professor. Dr. Nagaraj was my senior colleague and we had many things in common, including Bellary-conn
Mar 18, 2000
Bretton Woods Institutions In 2000
Respected Narasimham garu, Professor Radhakrishna and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me the honour and privilege of delivering the Dr. V.S. Krishna Memorial lecture. Dr. Krishna, a Professor of Economics in this University was chosen by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to succeed Dr. C.D. Deshmukh as the Chairman of University Grants Commission in 1961. Unfortunately his untimely death soon after he assumed charge deprived the nation of his services. His v
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Narasimham garu, Professor Radhakrishna and friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me the honour and privilege of delivering the Dr. V.S. Krishna Memorial lecture. Dr. Krishna, a Professor of Economics in this University was chosen by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to succeed Dr. C.D. Deshmukh as the Chairman of University Grants Commission in 1961. Unfortunately his untimely death soon after he assumed charge deprived the nation of his services. His v
Mar 04, 2000
Budget 2000 and Fixed Income Markets
Friends,I must compliment the organisers for convening this Conference and thank them for inviting me to be here. Perhaps, you could not have chosen a better moment to have an inaugural meet of dealers in Fixed Income markets. The latest Budget announced earlier this week is a landmark and, indeed a watershed, in heralding an enabling environment for the development of healthy fixed income markets in India. The Budget ushers in the most comprehensive debt market refor
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends,I must compliment the organisers for convening this Conference and thank them for inviting me to be here. Perhaps, you could not have chosen a better moment to have an inaugural meet of dealers in Fixed Income markets. The latest Budget announced earlier this week is a landmark and, indeed a watershed, in heralding an enabling environment for the development of healthy fixed income markets in India. The Budget ushers in the most comprehensive debt market refor
Feb 25, 2000
Monetary and Fiscal Policy, and Poverty, andPublic Policy: What is New ?
Professor Raja Chelliah, Professor Govinda Rao, and distinguished participants. I am thankful to Professor Rao for giving me the privilege of being part of this distinguished gathering assembled to honour Professor Chelliah. Papers presented in the seminar covered a wide spectrum of theory and practice; analysed a broad range of topics, from inter-governmental issues to poverty alleviation schemes and brought to bear varying experiences of landlocked Nepal, island eco
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Professor Raja Chelliah, Professor Govinda Rao, and distinguished participants. I am thankful to Professor Rao for giving me the privilege of being part of this distinguished gathering assembled to honour Professor Chelliah. Papers presented in the seminar covered a wide spectrum of theory and practice; analysed a broad range of topics, from inter-governmental issues to poverty alleviation schemes and brought to bear varying experiences of landlocked Nepal, island eco
Feb 25, 2000
Banking in Future : Flexibility, Autonomy and Regulatory Refocus
At the outset, I am thankful to the Institute for giving me an opportunity to be here and share the experiences and be a witness to the variety of sentiments and ideas. There is no prepared valedictory address; and I deliberately decided not to have one, so that I can share with you my perception of what happened in this Conference and incidentally make a few comments. This is a somewhat risky path for a central banker, especially with the press being here. But, by an
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
At the outset, I am thankful to the Institute for giving me an opportunity to be here and share the experiences and be a witness to the variety of sentiments and ideas. There is no prepared valedictory address; and I deliberately decided not to have one, so that I can share with you my perception of what happened in this Conference and incidentally make a few comments. This is a somewhat risky path for a central banker, especially with the press being here. But, by an
Feb 15, 2000
Legislation on Fiscal Responsibility and Reserve Bank’s Role : Some Issues
Mr. Chairman and friends, I am thankful to Mr. Mathur for giving me this opportunity to participate in this workshop. Mr. Mathur’s letter of invitation stated that "In India there is an urgent need for improved management of national finances", and Reserve Bank of India has been advocating fiscal prudence, especially since the reform process started about a decade ago. The subject is vast and complex, and in this speech, the issues relevant for a legislation on fiscal
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and friends, I am thankful to Mr. Mathur for giving me this opportunity to participate in this workshop. Mr. Mathur’s letter of invitation stated that "In India there is an urgent need for improved management of national finances", and Reserve Bank of India has been advocating fiscal prudence, especially since the reform process started about a decade ago. The subject is vast and complex, and in this speech, the issues relevant for a legislation on fiscal
Feb 09, 2000
Agenda for Banking in the Millenium
Thank you Dr. Subrahmanyam,Mr Bhide, Chairman, Deputy Governors, Chairmen of Banking Industry, Faculty of NIBM and distinguished guests, I am very glad to be here. This is a very important occasion because, as Dr. Subrahmanyam pointed out, this kind of Conference is taking place after nearly 10 years. And it is taking place at an opportune moment when we are beginning the new Millenium. We have ended a century and your discussions would give direction to the banking i
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Thank you Dr. Subrahmanyam,Mr Bhide, Chairman, Deputy Governors, Chairmen of Banking Industry, Faculty of NIBM and distinguished guests, I am very glad to be here. This is a very important occasion because, as Dr. Subrahmanyam pointed out, this kind of Conference is taking place after nearly 10 years. And it is taking place at an opportune moment when we are beginning the new Millenium. We have ended a century and your discussions would give direction to the banking i
Feb 07, 2000
International Financial Regulation : The Quiet Revolution
I am highly honoured to have been asked to be the latest in a very distinguished list of C. D. Deshmukh lecturers. My predecessors are a kind of Who’s Who of international finance: Michel Camdessus, Gerry Corrigan, Eddie George and others. Clearly, to mark the new Millennium, you have decided to go downmarket!I was last in India, in both Mumbai and Chennai almost exactly two years ago. I spoke at a CII conference in Chennai with Mr Narasimham, who was at that time eng
Mr.Howard Davies,
I am highly honoured to have been asked to be the latest in a very distinguished list of C. D. Deshmukh lecturers. My predecessors are a kind of Who’s Who of international finance: Michel Camdessus, Gerry Corrigan, Eddie George and others. Clearly, to mark the new Millennium, you have decided to go downmarket!I was last in India, in both Mumbai and Chennai almost exactly two years ago. I spoke at a CII conference in Chennai with Mr Narasimham, who was at that time eng
Feb 02, 2000
"Is Inflation Dead" - Some Comments
Honourable Shri Jaswant Singhji, respected Dr. Sushil Wadhwani, Director General Rakesh Mohan and friends. I am thankful to Dr. Rakesh Mohan for giving me this, opportunity. It is a matter of personal satisfaction to me to meet Dr. Wadhwani, whose lecture in London School of Economics on 'Currency Puzzles' in September won wide acclaim. Needless to say, his presentation today on 'Is Inflation dead' is bound to be another landmark speech. Its breadth and depth as also
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Honourable Shri Jaswant Singhji, respected Dr. Sushil Wadhwani, Director General Rakesh Mohan and friends. I am thankful to Dr. Rakesh Mohan for giving me this, opportunity. It is a matter of personal satisfaction to me to meet Dr. Wadhwani, whose lecture in London School of Economics on 'Currency Puzzles' in September won wide acclaim. Needless to say, his presentation today on 'Is Inflation dead' is bound to be another landmark speech. Its breadth and depth as also
Jan 04, 2000
Developing Government Securities Market : Some Issues
Mr. Ramesh and friends,I am happy to be here with you today at the Second in the series of seminars conducted by the Primary Dealers Association of India. Since I delivered the inaugural address at the first seminar in Chennai last year, the number of Primary Dealers (PDs) has increased from six to fourteen. So, let me welcome the new additions to the family at this Seminar. I participated in a Bank for International Settlements meeting last month in which one of the
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Ramesh and friends,I am happy to be here with you today at the Second in the series of seminars conducted by the Primary Dealers Association of India. Since I delivered the inaugural address at the first seminar in Chennai last year, the number of Primary Dealers (PDs) has increased from six to fourteen. So, let me welcome the new additions to the family at this Seminar. I participated in a Bank for International Settlements meeting last month in which one of the
Dec 06, 1999
Finance and Development – Which Way Now?
The Annual Foundation Lecture of this famous College is an important event in our country’s academic calendar. Several of our most distinguished economists, public administrators and thinkers have shared their thoughts with you on this occasion. I feel privileged to have been invited to deliver this year’s lecture. My happiness in being able to join you today has been immeasurably enhanced by the presence of Shri M. Narasimham at this function. Shri Narasimham’s subst
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The Annual Foundation Lecture of this famous College is an important event in our country’s academic calendar. Several of our most distinguished economists, public administrators and thinkers have shared their thoughts with you on this occasion. I feel privileged to have been invited to deliver this year’s lecture. My happiness in being able to join you today has been immeasurably enhanced by the presence of Shri M. Narasimham at this function. Shri Narasimham’s subst
Dec 04, 1999
Future of Rural Banking
Respected Professor Khan, distinguished academics and friends, I am grateful to the Ram Reddy Memorial Trust for giving me an opportunity to deliver this endowment lecture. I knew Ram Reddy Sab since 1960 and, like some of you here, we developed abiding affection towards each other. To me, he was indeed, a friend, philosopher and guide in every sense of the word. He won people's heart, made academic contributions and built lasting institutions, and he achieved all thi
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Professor Khan, distinguished academics and friends, I am grateful to the Ram Reddy Memorial Trust for giving me an opportunity to deliver this endowment lecture. I knew Ram Reddy Sab since 1960 and, like some of you here, we developed abiding affection towards each other. To me, he was indeed, a friend, philosopher and guide in every sense of the word. He won people's heart, made academic contributions and built lasting institutions, and he achieved all thi
Sep 16, 1999
Structural Reforms in ARDBS : Issues and Prospects
Mr. Chairman, Ladies & Gentlemen,I am very happy to participate in this workshop and to deliver the inaugural address. I thank the organizers for this opportunity.Various measures of financial sector reform were initiated in India since 1991 and it is amply clear that these measures have now started producing durable results. In particular, these measures enabled the banking sector to face a number of challenges boldly. The prudential and supervision norms which w
Shri Jagdish Capoor, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman, Ladies & Gentlemen,I am very happy to participate in this workshop and to deliver the inaugural address. I thank the organizers for this opportunity.Various measures of financial sector reform were initiated in India since 1991 and it is amply clear that these measures have now started producing durable results. In particular, these measures enabled the banking sector to face a number of challenges boldly. The prudential and supervision norms which w
Sep 08, 1999
State and Market: Altering the Boundaries and Emerging New Balances
Chairman Mr. Swaminatha Reddy, Mr. Rao and Mr. Srinivasan, I am delighted to be here among many affectionate friends. I am thankful to my college-mate, batch-mate, cadre-mate and a very affectionate friend, V.K. Srinivasan for giving me this opportunity. The Chairman, Mr. Reddy, has given an excellent overview of what I intend covering in this address today viz., the changing contours of borders between State and market.The altering of the boundaries between State and
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Chairman Mr. Swaminatha Reddy, Mr. Rao and Mr. Srinivasan, I am delighted to be here among many affectionate friends. I am thankful to my college-mate, batch-mate, cadre-mate and a very affectionate friend, V.K. Srinivasan for giving me this opportunity. The Chairman, Mr. Reddy, has given an excellent overview of what I intend covering in this address today viz., the changing contours of borders between State and market.The altering of the boundaries between State and
Sep 08, 1999
March to the New Millenium by Indian banks
It gives me great pleasure to be in the midst of this august gathering assembled here for felicitating the great personalities who have been conferred with the Bank of India Excellence Awards for 1999. I consider it a great privilege to present the Awards for Excellence to the doyens in their respective fields. I extend my heartiest congratulations to the awardees.Bank of India is one of the oldest Indian Commercial Banks having commenced its business in the then Bomb
Shri S. P. Talwar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure to be in the midst of this august gathering assembled here for felicitating the great personalities who have been conferred with the Bank of India Excellence Awards for 1999. I consider it a great privilege to present the Awards for Excellence to the doyens in their respective fields. I extend my heartiest congratulations to the awardees.Bank of India is one of the oldest Indian Commercial Banks having commenced its business in the then Bomb
Sep 03, 1999
Development of Forex Markets: Indian Experience
Mr. Chairman and Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with distinguished Central Bank Governors and professionals in forex business from South Asia. Since we met last in Hyderabad a year ago, the financial world has come out of a serious crisis, perhaps wiser and more sober. We could at this stage, therefore, give some attention to structural and developmental aspects of the external sector – including forex markets. I, therefo
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me this opportunity to be with distinguished Central Bank Governors and professionals in forex business from South Asia. Since we met last in Hyderabad a year ago, the financial world has come out of a serious crisis, perhaps wiser and more sober. We could at this stage, therefore, give some attention to structural and developmental aspects of the external sector – including forex markets. I, therefo
Aug 25, 1999
International Financial Architecture: Developing Countries’ Perspective 49th Anniversary Lecture – Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Bimal Jalan Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaGovernor Jayawardena and friends, It is a great honour for me to deliver the 49th Anniversary Lecture of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. I am thankful to Governor Jayawardena for this invitation. I have had the privilege of knowing Governor Jayawardena personally over a long period of time, and have been an admirer of his immense knowledge and wisdom in the conduct of macro-economic and monetary policies. Under his stewardship
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Bimal Jalan Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaGovernor Jayawardena and friends, It is a great honour for me to deliver the 49th Anniversary Lecture of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. I am thankful to Governor Jayawardena for this invitation. I have had the privilege of knowing Governor Jayawardena personally over a long period of time, and have been an admirer of his immense knowledge and wisdom in the conduct of macro-economic and monetary policies. Under his stewardship
Aug 17, 1999
Inflation in India : Status and Issues
Mr. Chairman, Professor Hanumantha Rao garu; Professor Venkataramiah and friends,I am happy to be here again in the midst of friends belonging to the academic community of twin cities. In particular, I am honoured that Professor Hanumantha Rao is presiding over today’s session. A lecture-date with CESS implies that I prepare carefully on a topic of contemporary interest to the research community in the broad area of economics. During my last visit a couple of years ag
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman, Professor Hanumantha Rao garu; Professor Venkataramiah and friends,I am happy to be here again in the midst of friends belonging to the academic community of twin cities. In particular, I am honoured that Professor Hanumantha Rao is presiding over today’s session. A lecture-date with CESS implies that I prepare carefully on a topic of contemporary interest to the research community in the broad area of economics. During my last visit a couple of years ag


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