प्रारूप अधिसूचनाएं - आरबीआई - Reserve Bank of India
प्रारूप अधिसूचनाएं
सितंबर 26, 2008
Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities
RBI/2008-09/ A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. A. P. (FL/RL Series) Circular No. September 26, 2008 To, All Authorized Persons in Foreign Exchange Madam / Sir, Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities Attention of Authorized Persons is invited to the Memorandum of Instructions to Authorized Money Changers (AMCs), issued vide A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 43 (A.P. (FL Series) Circular No. 1) dated November 12, 2002 and other relevant instructions
RBI/2008-09/ A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. A. P. (FL/RL Series) Circular No. September 26, 2008 To, All Authorized Persons in Foreign Exchange Madam / Sir, Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities Attention of Authorized Persons is invited to the Memorandum of Instructions to Authorized Money Changers (AMCs), issued vide A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 43 (A.P. (FL Series) Circular No. 1) dated November 12, 2002 and other relevant instructions
सितंबर 19, 2008
Mobile Banking transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks
1. Introduction 1.1 Mobile phones as a delivery channel for extending banking services have off-late been attaining greater significance. The rapid growth in users and wider coverage of mobile phone networks have made this channel an important platform for extending banking services to customers. With the rapid growth in the number of mobile phone subscribers in India (about 261 million as at the end of March 2008 and growing at about 8 million a month), banks have be
1. Introduction 1.1 Mobile phones as a delivery channel for extending banking services have off-late been attaining greater significance. The rapid growth in users and wider coverage of mobile phone networks have made this channel an important platform for extending banking services to customers. With the rapid growth in the number of mobile phone subscribers in India (about 261 million as at the end of March 2008 and growing at about 8 million a month), banks have be
जून 12, 2008
Mobile Payment in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks
1. Introduction 1.1 With the rapid growth in the number of mobile phone subscribers in India (about 261 million as at the end of March 2008 and growing at about 8 million a month), banks have been exploring the feasibility of using mobile phones as an alternative channel of delivery of banking services. A few banks have started offering information based services like balance enquiry, stop payment instruction of cheques, record of last five transactions, location of n
1. Introduction 1.1 With the rapid growth in the number of mobile phone subscribers in India (about 261 million as at the end of March 2008 and growing at about 8 million a month), banks have been exploring the feasibility of using mobile phones as an alternative channel of delivery of banking services. A few banks have started offering information based services like balance enquiry, stop payment instruction of cheques, record of last five transactions, location of n
जून 02, 2008
Draft Guidelines
DNBS (PD). CC. No.____ /03.05.002 / 2007-2008 June _, 2008 All non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset size of Rs 100 crore and above (All NBFC-ND-SI) Please refer to paragraph 216 of Annual Statement on Monetary Policy for the Year 2008-09 in terms of which capital adequacy, liquidity and disclosure norms were to be reviewed in respect of NBFC-ND-SI. 2. While NBFCs-D were subject to certain bank–like prudential regulations on various aspects such as income recognition, a
DNBS (PD). CC. No.____ /03.05.002 / 2007-2008 June _, 2008 All non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset size of Rs 100 crore and above (All NBFC-ND-SI) Please refer to paragraph 216 of Annual Statement on Monetary Policy for the Year 2008-09 in terms of which capital adequacy, liquidity and disclosure norms were to be reviewed in respect of NBFC-ND-SI. 2. While NBFCs-D were subject to certain bank–like prudential regulations on various aspects such as income recognition, a
मई 30, 2008
Draft Guidelines on Prudential Norms for Off-balance Sheet Exposures of Banks – Capital Adequacy, Exposure, Asset Classification and Provisioning Norms
AppendixDraft Guidelines on Prudential Norms for Off-balance Sheet Exposures of Banks – Capital Adequacy, Exposure, Asset Classification and Provisioning NormsAt present, paragraphs 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 of the ‘Master Circular on Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy’, DBOD.No.BP.BC.4/21.01.002/2007-08 dated July 2, 2007, stipulate the applicable credit conversion factors (CCF) for the foreign exchange and interest-rate related contracts under Basel-I framework. Likewise, p
AppendixDraft Guidelines on Prudential Norms for Off-balance Sheet Exposures of Banks – Capital Adequacy, Exposure, Asset Classification and Provisioning NormsAt present, paragraphs 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 of the ‘Master Circular on Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy’, DBOD.No.BP.BC.4/21.01.002/2007-08 dated July 2, 2007, stipulate the applicable credit conversion factors (CCF) for the foreign exchange and interest-rate related contracts under Basel-I framework. Likewise, p
मई 06, 2008
Establishment of Branch/Liaison Offices in India by foreign entities- Eligibility Criteria and Procedural Guidelines
RBI/2007-2008/A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.May , 2008ToAll Authorised Dealers Category - I banksMadam / Sir,Establishment of Branch/Liaison Offices in India by foreign entities-Eligibility Criteria and Procedural GuidelinesAttention of Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD Category - I) banks is invited to Notification No. FEMA 22/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time, in terms of which a person resident outside India requires prior approval of the Re
RBI/2007-2008/A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.May , 2008ToAll Authorised Dealers Category - I banksMadam / Sir,Establishment of Branch/Liaison Offices in India by foreign entities-Eligibility Criteria and Procedural GuidelinesAttention of Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD Category - I) banks is invited to Notification No. FEMA 22/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time, in terms of which a person resident outside India requires prior approval of the Re
अप्रैल 25, 2008
Draft Regulations on Payment and Settlement Systems
Annex 1 To be published in the Official GazetteRESERVE BANK OF INDIANotificationMumbai, the ____, 2008DPSS_____No. -----: -In pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 38 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (51 of 2007), the Reserve Bank hereby publishes the annexed Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations, 2008.(Executive Director)ANNEXBoard for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems Regulation
Annex 1 To be published in the Official GazetteRESERVE BANK OF INDIANotificationMumbai, the ____, 2008DPSS_____No. -----: -In pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 38 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (51 of 2007), the Reserve Bank hereby publishes the annexed Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations, 2008.(Executive Director)ANNEXBoard for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems Regulation
मार्च 25, 2008
Mid-Term Review of the Annual Policy for the year 2007- 08 – Recovery Agents engaged by banks
Second DraftAll Scheduled Commercial Banks(Excluding RRBs)Dear Sir, Mid-Term Review of the Annual Policy for the year 2007- 08 – Recovery Agents engaged by banks Please refer to the paragraph 172 and 173 of the mid-term review of the Annual Policy for the year 2007-08, a copy of which is enclosed. In view of the rise in the number of disputes and litigations against banks for engaging recovery agents in the recent past, it is felt that the adverse publicity would resu
Second DraftAll Scheduled Commercial Banks(Excluding RRBs)Dear Sir, Mid-Term Review of the Annual Policy for the year 2007- 08 – Recovery Agents engaged by banks Please refer to the paragraph 172 and 173 of the mid-term review of the Annual Policy for the year 2007-08, a copy of which is enclosed. In view of the rise in the number of disputes and litigations against banks for engaging recovery agents in the recent past, it is felt that the adverse publicity would resu
जनवरी 24, 2008
Draft Guidelines for extending No Objection Certificate (NoC) for opening of branch/subsidiary/Joint Venture/representative office or undertaking investment abroad by NBFCs
DNBS/PD No. 5266/03.10.001/2007-08 January 24, 2008Draft Guidelines for extending No Objection Certificate (NoC) for opening of branch/subsidiary/Joint Venture/representative office or undertaking investment abroad by NBFCs NBFCs should obtain prior approval of the Bank for opening of subsidiaries/Joint Ventures/representative office abroad or for undertaking investment in foreign entities. The guidelines in place are being reviewed. The application from the NBFC seek
DNBS/PD No. 5266/03.10.001/2007-08 January 24, 2008Draft Guidelines for extending No Objection Certificate (NoC) for opening of branch/subsidiary/Joint Venture/representative office or undertaking investment abroad by NBFCs NBFCs should obtain prior approval of the Bank for opening of subsidiaries/Joint Ventures/representative office abroad or for undertaking investment in foreign entities. The guidelines in place are being reviewed. The application from the NBFC seek
जनवरी 23, 2008
Guidelines on Registration and Operations of Mortgage Guarantee Company under Section 45L(1)(b) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
Reserve Bank of India Department of Non-Banking Supervision Central Office, Centre 1 World Trade Centre Cuffe Parade, Colaba Mumbai - 400 005Notification DNBS(PD)MGC No. __ /CGM (PK) - 2008 dated January ___, 2008Guidelines on Registration and Operations of Mortgage Guarantee Company under Section 45L(1)(b) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 The Reserve Bank of India, in terms of Notification No. DNBS. (MGC) 1 /CGM (PK)- 2008 dated January 15, 2008, issued in term
Reserve Bank of India Department of Non-Banking Supervision Central Office, Centre 1 World Trade Centre Cuffe Parade, Colaba Mumbai - 400 005Notification DNBS(PD)MGC No. __ /CGM (PK) - 2008 dated January ___, 2008Guidelines on Registration and Operations of Mortgage Guarantee Company under Section 45L(1)(b) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 The Reserve Bank of India, in terms of Notification No. DNBS. (MGC) 1 /CGM (PK)- 2008 dated January 15, 2008, issued in term
पृष्ठ अंतिम बार अपडेट किया गया: नवंबर 23, 2022
पृष्ठ अंतिम बार अपडेट किया गया: मार्च 26, 2025