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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements



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श्रेणी पहलू


खोज परिणाम


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अप्रैल 02, 2010
इंस्टीट्यूट आँफ बैकिग पर्संनल सेलेक्शन (आइबीपीएस) का रजत जयंती समारोह* के. सी. चक्रवती
Shri M. Balachandran, Director, IBPS, Shri Alok K. Mishra, CMD, Bank of India, Shri D. P. Sharda and Shri R. K. Chaudhury, ex-Directors , IBPS, Executive Directors of banks, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen; I am indeed very happy to be in your midst today for the Silver Jubilee function of IBPS. April 1 has special significance for both RBI and IBPS. It is the day RBI was established 75 years ago and it is also the foundation day for IBPS. Yesterday, we cel
डॉ. के.सी. चक्रवर्ती, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Shri M. Balachandran, Director, IBPS, Shri Alok K. Mishra, CMD, Bank of India, Shri D. P. Sharda and Shri R. K. Chaudhury, ex-Directors , IBPS, Executive Directors of banks, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen; I am indeed very happy to be in your midst today for the Silver Jubilee function of IBPS. April 1 has special significance for both RBI and IBPS. It is the day RBI was established 75 years ago and it is also the foundation day for IBPS. Yesterday, we cel
अप्रैल 01, 2010
भारतीय रिजर्वं बैक की प्लैटिनम जुबली का भव्य समारोह मे माननीय वित्तमंत्री के विचार*
Hon’ble Prime Minister Governor, Maharashtra Chief Minister, Maharashtra Governor, Reserve Bank of India Officials of Reserve Bank of India Distinguished guests Ladies and Gentlemen I am happy to be present here today and join in celebrating the 75th anniversary of one of India’s most renowned and respectable institutions. The Reserve Bank of India today enjoys an enviable position and is well respected in the comity of Central Banks across the globe. The credit for t
श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी, माननीय वित्त मंत्री
Hon’ble Prime Minister Governor, Maharashtra Chief Minister, Maharashtra Governor, Reserve Bank of India Officials of Reserve Bank of India Distinguished guests Ladies and Gentlemen I am happy to be present here today and join in celebrating the 75th anniversary of one of India’s most renowned and respectable institutions. The Reserve Bank of India today enjoys an enviable position and is well respected in the comity of Central Banks across the globe. The credit for t
अप्रैल 01, 2010
लोग, नौकरीयां और उत्पादकता : समावेशी वृद्धि की“सरल” डायनामिक्स* - सुबीर गोकर्ण
Introduction Let me begin by thanking the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for inviting me to speak at its Annual Regional Meeting and National Conference on “Achieving Double-digit Growth”. The theme of the conference is, unquestionably, an issue of the utmost urgency for Indian policymakers. Although, in my current role, I am more focused on issues of macroeconomic stability and short-term growth and inflation prospects, today's theme is one on which I wrote a
डॉ. सुबीर गोकर्ण, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Introduction Let me begin by thanking the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for inviting me to speak at its Annual Regional Meeting and National Conference on “Achieving Double-digit Growth”. The theme of the conference is, unquestionably, an issue of the utmost urgency for Indian policymakers. Although, in my current role, I am more focused on issues of macroeconomic stability and short-term growth and inflation prospects, today's theme is one on which I wrote a
अप्रैल 01, 2010
आगे-पीछे की सुध लेना* दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव
We are gathered here to mark the Grand Finale of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Reserve Bank of India. It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome: Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Hon’ble Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee His Excellency, Governor of Maharashtra, Shri K. Sankaranarayanan; and Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Ashok Chavan 2. I also want to acknowledge the presence here on this happy occasion of Smt. Gursharan Kaur, who
डॉ. सुबीर गोकर्ण, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
We are gathered here to mark the Grand Finale of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Reserve Bank of India. It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome: Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Hon’ble Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee His Excellency, Governor of Maharashtra, Shri K. Sankaranarayanan; and Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Ashok Chavan 2. I also want to acknowledge the presence here on this happy occasion of Smt. Gursharan Kaur, who
अप्रैल 01, 2010
भारतीय रिजर्वं बैक की प्लैटिनम जुबली का भव्य समारोह मे माननीय प्रधानमंत्री डाँ.मनमोहनसिंह का संबोधन*
“It is indeed a great pleasure to be here in Mumbai for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Reserve Bank of India. For me, this is also a very special moment of nostalgia. I spent some very memorable years in this institution as its Governor. My wife and I cherish the memories of many new enduring friendships that we made during those memorable days. I also recall with deep appreciation the role played by the Reserve Bank in helping the Government of India in the
डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह, माननीय प्रधान मंत्री
“It is indeed a great pleasure to be here in Mumbai for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Reserve Bank of India. For me, this is also a very special moment of nostalgia. I spent some very memorable years in this institution as its Governor. My wife and I cherish the memories of many new enduring friendships that we made during those memorable days. I also recall with deep appreciation the role played by the Reserve Bank in helping the Government of India in the
मार्च 22, 2010
दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव द्वारा उद्घाटन भाषण : वित्तीय साक्षरता प्रदान करने पर आरबीआइ-ओइसीडी कार्यशाला
Respected Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka Shri S.V. Ranganath and friends, I am delighted to be present here at this function organized jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the Reserve Bank of India. Over the last one year we have done a number of functions across the country as part of RBIs platinum jubilee celebrations. This function this afternoon here in Bangalore is easily one of the most exhilarating functions. It was particularly heart warming to
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Respected Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka Shri S.V. Ranganath and friends, I am delighted to be present here at this function organized jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the Reserve Bank of India. Over the last one year we have done a number of functions across the country as part of RBIs platinum jubilee celebrations. This function this afternoon here in Bangalore is easily one of the most exhilarating functions. It was particularly heart warming to
मार्च 22, 2010
दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव द्वारा मुद्रा प्रबंध में कुछ मुद्दे
It is my pleasure and privilege to participate in this function for laying the foundation stone for the Bank Note Paper Mill. A special and hearty welcome to the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, but for whose active support, the launch of this vital and prestigious project would not have been possible. 2. I want to use this opportunity to speak on this occasion to highlight the significance of paper currency, touch on the history of production of curre
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my pleasure and privilege to participate in this function for laying the foundation stone for the Bank Note Paper Mill. A special and hearty welcome to the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, but for whose active support, the launch of this vital and prestigious project would not have been possible. 2. I want to use this opportunity to speak on this occasion to highlight the significance of paper currency, touch on the history of production of curre
मार्च 22, 2010
माननीय वित्त मंत्री द्वारा भाषण : मैसूर में सिक्यूरिटी पेपर मिल का स्थापना समारोह
Dr. Subbarao, Governor, RBI; Mrs Thorat, Deputy Governor, RBI; Members of the Board of Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd. (BRBNMPL) and the Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (SPMCIL); Friends, ladies and gentlemen 2. It gives me immense pleasure to be here today, in this historic city of Mysore, on the occasion of laying the foundation stone for the project for establishing a state-of-the art currency notepaper production facility. I co
श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी, माननीय वित्त मंत्री
Dr. Subbarao, Governor, RBI; Mrs Thorat, Deputy Governor, RBI; Members of the Board of Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd. (BRBNMPL) and the Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (SPMCIL); Friends, ladies and gentlemen 2. It gives me immense pleasure to be here today, in this historic city of Mysore, on the occasion of laying the foundation stone for the project for establishing a state-of-the art currency notepaper production facility. I co
मार्च 22, 2010
के.सी.चक्रवर्ती द्वारा स्वागत भाषण : वित्तीय साक्षरता प्रदान करने पर आरबीआइ-ओइसीडी कार्यशाला
Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble Finance Minister, Government of India, Dr. D Subba Rao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. Richard A. Boucher, OECD Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Andre Laboul, Head, OECD Financial Affairs Division and Chair, International Network on Financial Education (INFE), Ms. Flore-Anne Messy, Principal Administrator, OECD, Distinguished Guests and Workshop Participants from all over the globe, Ladies and Gentlemen 2. A very warm welcome to you al
डॉ. के.सी. चक्रवर्ती, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble Finance Minister, Government of India, Dr. D Subba Rao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. Richard A. Boucher, OECD Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Andre Laboul, Head, OECD Financial Affairs Division and Chair, International Network on Financial Education (INFE), Ms. Flore-Anne Messy, Principal Administrator, OECD, Distinguished Guests and Workshop Participants from all over the globe, Ladies and Gentlemen 2. A very warm welcome to you al
मार्च 22, 2010
उषा थोरात द्वारा स्वागत भाषण : मैसूर में सिक्यूरिटी पेपर मिल का स्थापना समारोह
Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Governor. RBI, Dr. Subba Rao, Members of Parliament, Shri A. H. Viswanath and Shri Dhruv Narayana, Members of Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Mayor of Mysore Shri Purushotham, Directors on the Boards of BRBNMPL and SPMCIL, distinguished guests and staff of the BRBNMPL - a very warm welcome to all of you to this traditional city of Mysore. 2. It is my proud privilege to welcome this distinguished gathering on this occasi
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Governor. RBI, Dr. Subba Rao, Members of Parliament, Shri A. H. Viswanath and Shri Dhruv Narayana, Members of Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Mayor of Mysore Shri Purushotham, Directors on the Boards of BRBNMPL and SPMCIL, distinguished guests and staff of the BRBNMPL - a very warm welcome to all of you to this traditional city of Mysore. 2. It is my proud privilege to welcome this distinguished gathering on this occasi
मार्च 22, 2010
दुव्वुरी सुबाराव द्वारा वित्तीय शिक्षण आवश्यक और लाभकर
Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister of India, Ambassador Richard Boucher, Deputy Secretary General, OECD, Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, Distinguished Guests and my colleagues from the Reserve Bank First of all, I want to say that the Reserve Bank of India attaches immense value to this workshop on "Financial Literacy". The year 2009/10 marks the Platinum Jubilee of t
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister of India, Ambassador Richard Boucher, Deputy Secretary General, OECD, Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, Distinguished Guests and my colleagues from the Reserve Bank First of all, I want to say that the Reserve Bank of India attaches immense value to this workshop on "Financial Literacy". The year 2009/10 marks the Platinum Jubilee of t
मार्च 22, 2010
माननीय वित्त मंत्री द्वारा मुख्य भाषण : वित्तीय साक्षरता प्रदान करने पर आरबीआइ-ओइसीडी कार्यशाला
Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Ambassador Richard A. Boucher, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ladies and gentlemen 2. It gives me great pleasure to be here to inaugurate this Workshop on Delivering Financial Literacy being co-hosted by the RBI and the OECD. I must compliment the Reserve Bank of India for thinking of hosting such a learning event as a key component of its ongoing Platinum Jubile
श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी, माननीय वित्त मंत्री
Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Ambassador Richard A. Boucher, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ladies and gentlemen 2. It gives me great pleasure to be here to inaugurate this Workshop on Delivering Financial Literacy being co-hosted by the RBI and the OECD. I must compliment the Reserve Bank of India for thinking of hosting such a learning event as a key component of its ongoing Platinum Jubile
मार्च 22, 2010
वी.के.शर्मा द्वारा धन्यवाद ज्ञापन : वित्तीय साक्षरता प्रदान करने पर आरबीआइ-ओइसीडी कार्यशाला
Respected Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister of India, Dr. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Ambassador Richard Boucher, Deputy Secretary General, OECD, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath, Mrs. Usha Thorat, Dr. K.C.Chakrabarty and Dr. Subir Gokarn, Deputy Governors, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. S.V. Ranganath, Chief Secretary to the Govt. Of Karnataka, Mr. Hans-Helmut Kotz, Member of Deutsche Bundesbank Executive Board and Chair of OECD Committee on Financial M
श्री वी.के. शर्मा, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
Respected Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister of India, Dr. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Ambassador Richard Boucher, Deputy Secretary General, OECD, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath, Mrs. Usha Thorat, Dr. K.C.Chakrabarty and Dr. Subir Gokarn, Deputy Governors, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. S.V. Ranganath, Chief Secretary to the Govt. Of Karnataka, Mr. Hans-Helmut Kotz, Member of Deutsche Bundesbank Executive Board and Chair of OECD Committee on Financial M
मार्च 22, 2010
Welcome address of Shri V.K.Sharma, Executive Director, RBI for the events held on March 22, 2010
On this momentous occasion of the launching of the project on Financial Literacy in Karnataka, it is my honour and privilege to extend a very warm and hearty welcome to Respected Dr Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India. I also extend a hearty welcome to Shri S. V. Ranganath, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka, Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Smt.Usha Thorat, Dr.K.C.Chakrabarty and Dr. Subir Gokarn, Deputy Governors, RBI, Principal Secretaries of the Govt. of Karnataka.
Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
On this momentous occasion of the launching of the project on Financial Literacy in Karnataka, it is my honour and privilege to extend a very warm and hearty welcome to Respected Dr Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India. I also extend a hearty welcome to Shri S. V. Ranganath, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka, Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Smt.Usha Thorat, Dr.K.C.Chakrabarty and Dr. Subir Gokarn, Deputy Governors, RBI, Principal Secretaries of the Govt. of Karnataka.
मार्च 15, 2010
भारत में मौद्रिक नीति का कार्यान्वयन* - दीपक मोहंती
I thank the Bankers Club, Bhubaneswar for providing me this opportunity to speak to you this evening. How does the Reserve Bank of India implement monetary policy? This is the question I would like to address. But before doing that I will briefly touch upon the objectives and framework of monetary policy, as they have evolved, to set the context for discussion on operational aspects of monetary policy. I will conclude with a discussion on the process of monetary polic
श्री दीपक मोहंती, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
I thank the Bankers Club, Bhubaneswar for providing me this opportunity to speak to you this evening. How does the Reserve Bank of India implement monetary policy? This is the question I would like to address. But before doing that I will briefly touch upon the objectives and framework of monetary policy, as they have evolved, to set the context for discussion on operational aspects of monetary policy. I will conclude with a discussion on the process of monetary polic
मार्च 04, 2010
उषा थोरात द्वारा बैंकिंग विनियमन पर भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य
1. I am delighted to participate in this Conference on ‘Financial Sector Regulation and Reform in Asian Emerging Markets’ jointly organised by the Asian Development Bank Institute, the International Center for Financial Regulation, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Brookings Institution. In the session that just concluded, we heard about financial sector developments in emerging markets. In this session, I will like to present the Indian perspective on ba
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
1. I am delighted to participate in this Conference on ‘Financial Sector Regulation and Reform in Asian Emerging Markets’ jointly organised by the Asian Development Bank Institute, the International Center for Financial Regulation, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Brookings Institution. In the session that just concluded, we heard about financial sector developments in emerging markets. In this session, I will like to present the Indian perspective on ba
मार्च 04, 2010
भारत में मुद्रास्फीति का गतिशीस्त्र : मुद्दे और चिंताएं* - दीपक मोहंती
I thank the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for giving me this opportunity to speak on inflation which is of immediate concern for our economy. I will begin with the trends in inflation, then briefly touch upon the costs of inflation, followed by an analysis of current inflation dynamics. I will conclude by flagging the areas of policy concern. Trends in Inflation There are expectations that the high levels of slack in resource utilisation and stable inflation
श्री दीपक मोहंती, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
I thank the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for giving me this opportunity to speak on inflation which is of immediate concern for our economy. I will begin with the trends in inflation, then briefly touch upon the costs of inflation, followed by an analysis of current inflation dynamics. I will conclude by flagging the areas of policy concern. Trends in Inflation There are expectations that the high levels of slack in resource utilisation and stable inflation
मार्च 02, 2010
संपूर्ण बाज़ारों की तलाश-नजर से परे के संदर्भ श्यामला गोपीनाथ
It is my pleasure to be delivering the keynote address at the FEDAI conference being hosted in this beautiful country. India and Kenya share a historical relationship and I am delighted to have got an opportunity to visit this country. I have been following some of the recent interesting initiatives by the Central Bank of Kenya and was really impressed by the developments in the areas such as payment systems, credit information sharing, currency management, financial
श्रीमती श्यामला गोपीनाथ, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my pleasure to be delivering the keynote address at the FEDAI conference being hosted in this beautiful country. India and Kenya share a historical relationship and I am delighted to have got an opportunity to visit this country. I have been following some of the recent interesting initiatives by the Central Bank of Kenya and was really impressed by the developments in the areas such as payment systems, credit information sharing, currency management, financial
मार्च 02, 2010
भारत में मौद्रिक नीति की संरचना : बहुसंकेतक दृष्टिकोण के अनुभव दीपक मोहंती
I am honoured to deliver the 2nd Professor Baidyanath Mishra Lecture. Prof. Mishra is a multi-faceted personality: an economist, an educationist and an institution-builder. Above all, he is a great teacher who inspired generations of students. I thank the Orissa Economic Association for giving me this opportunity. 2. I will set out how the framework of monetary policy has evolved over the last two and half decades. First, I will touch upon the objectives of monetary p
श्री दीपक मोहंती, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
I am honoured to deliver the 2nd Professor Baidyanath Mishra Lecture. Prof. Mishra is a multi-faceted personality: an economist, an educationist and an institution-builder. Above all, he is a great teacher who inspired generations of students. I thank the Orissa Economic Association for giving me this opportunity. 2. I will set out how the framework of monetary policy has evolved over the last two and half decades. First, I will touch upon the objectives of monetary p
फ़रवरी 24, 2010
स्वागत भाषण : ग्यारहवां एल.के.झा स्मारक व्याख्यान दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव
On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I have great pleasure in welcoming Prof. John Brian Taylor who will shortly be delivering the L. K. Jha Memorial Lecture. We are very happy to welcome also Ms. Raye Allyn Taylor who has accompanied Prof. Taylor. I also want to acknowledge the family members of late Dr. L.K. Jha - Smt. Dipika Maharaj Singh, Smt. and Shri. Aditya Maharaj Singh, Trisha Maharaj Singh. Many thanks to all of you for rejoining the RBI family. And of co
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I have great pleasure in welcoming Prof. John Brian Taylor who will shortly be delivering the L. K. Jha Memorial Lecture. We are very happy to welcome also Ms. Raye Allyn Taylor who has accompanied Prof. Taylor. I also want to acknowledge the family members of late Dr. L.K. Jha - Smt. Dipika Maharaj Singh, Smt. and Shri. Aditya Maharaj Singh, Trisha Maharaj Singh. Many thanks to all of you for rejoining the RBI family. And of co
फ़रवरी 24, 2010
उभरते बाज़ार में मौद्रिक नीति निर्धांरन के लिए वित्तीय संकट से सीख जॉन ब्रायान टेलर
I am honored to give this lecture in memory of L.K. Jha. It is a particular privilege to deliver it at this Platinum Jubilee celebration of the Reserve Bank of India. L. K. Jha was a truly outstanding economist and public servant, with experience at all levels of government. He rose up through the Indian Civil Service to become the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, after which he became Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, and then Ambassador to the United
प्रो जॉन ब्रायन टेलर, गेस्ट स्पीकर
I am honored to give this lecture in memory of L.K. Jha. It is a particular privilege to deliver it at this Platinum Jubilee celebration of the Reserve Bank of India. L. K. Jha was a truly outstanding economist and public servant, with experience at all levels of government. He rose up through the Indian Civil Service to become the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, after which he became Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, and then Ambassador to the United
फ़रवरी 15, 2010
स्वागत भाषण : चौदहवां सी.डी.देशमुख स्मारक व्याख्यान डी. सुब्बाराव
On behalf of Reserve Bank of India, I have great pleasure in welcoming Lord Turner, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority of the UK, who will shortly be delivering the C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture. I also want to specially acknowledge the family members of late Sir C.D. Deshmukh – Smt. and Shri Atul Deshmukh, Shri Ashish Deshmukh and Smt. and Shri Chitnis - who are here with us today. Thank you very much to all of you for rejoining the RBI family today. And,
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
On behalf of Reserve Bank of India, I have great pleasure in welcoming Lord Turner, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority of the UK, who will shortly be delivering the C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture. I also want to specially acknowledge the family members of late Sir C.D. Deshmukh – Smt. and Shri Atul Deshmukh, Shri Ashish Deshmukh and Smt. and Shri Chitnis - who are here with us today. Thank you very much to all of you for rejoining the RBI family today. And,
फ़रवरी 15, 2010
संकट के बाद : वित्तीय उदारीकरण की लागत और लाभ का मुल्यांकन अडायर टर्नर
Mr Governor, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour to have been invited to give the 14th Chintaman Deshmukh memorial lecture, and a great pleasure to be with you here in Mumbai. The Reserve Bank of India has a high reputation as a centre of thoughtful analysis of the important issues of financial stability and optimal policy which concern policy makers throughout the world, and a high reputation for having helped steer India through the recent financial turmoil.
लॉर्ड अडायर टर्नर, अध्यक्ष, वित्तीय सेवा प्राधिकरण, यूनाइटेड किंगडम
Mr Governor, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour to have been invited to give the 14th Chintaman Deshmukh memorial lecture, and a great pleasure to be with you here in Mumbai. The Reserve Bank of India has a high reputation as a centre of thoughtful analysis of the important issues of financial stability and optimal policy which concern policy makers throughout the world, and a high reputation for having helped steer India through the recent financial turmoil.
फ़रवरी 12, 2010
उद्घाटन भाषण : पहला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अनुसंधान सम्मेलन : वित्तीय संकट के संदर्भ में केंद्रीय बैंकिंग के लिए चुनौतियाँ - दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव
Central banks and central bankers have been at the heart of the global financial crisis. We have been blamed for policies and actions that got the world into the crisis; we are also being praised for leading from the front in getting the world out of the crisis. I believe this is fair critique - central banks have been a part of the problem and a part of the solution. 2. As we emerge out of the crisis, central banks have their task cut out for them: to distil the less
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Central banks and central bankers have been at the heart of the global financial crisis. We have been blamed for policies and actions that got the world into the crisis; we are also being praised for leading from the front in getting the world out of the crisis. I believe this is fair critique - central banks have been a part of the problem and a part of the solution. 2. As we emerge out of the crisis, central banks have their task cut out for them: to distil the less
फ़रवरी 12, 2010
First International Research Conference - Transcript of day 2 (edited)
Panel Discussion 1 Panel Discussion 2 Transcript of First International Research Conference Challenges to Central Banking in the Context of Financial Crisis Governor’s Panel Discussion on International Monetary System Mumbai February 13, 2010 Chair: Martin Wolf, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator Financial Times, London Panelists: Christian Noyer, Governor, Bank of France. Glenn Robert Stevens, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia. Duvvuri Subbarao, Gover
Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Panel Discussion 1 Panel Discussion 2 Transcript of First International Research Conference Challenges to Central Banking in the Context of Financial Crisis Governor’s Panel Discussion on International Monetary System Mumbai February 13, 2010 Chair: Martin Wolf, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator Financial Times, London Panelists: Christian Noyer, Governor, Bank of France. Glenn Robert Stevens, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia. Duvvuri Subbarao, Gover
फ़रवरी 12, 2010
मुख्य भाषण : पहला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अनुसंधान सम्मेलन : वित्तीय संकट के संदर्भ में केंद्रीय बैंकिंग के लिए चुनौतियाँ - एण्ड्रीयू माइकल स्पेन्स
February 12, 2010 Andrew Michael Spence - Challenges to Central Banking in the Context of Financial Crisis (earlier unedited transcript replaced with the edited version) Dr. D. Subbarao - Challenges to Central Banks Irma Rosenberg - The Impossible Trinity John C Williams - Two Cheers for Bagehot Jorgen Elmeskov - Credit Freeze, Dysfunctional Markets Krishna Srinivasan - Crisis & Implications Lars E. O. Svensson - Inflation Targeting Stephen Cecchetti - Future of P
एंड्रयू माइकल स्पेंस, गेस्ट स्पीकर
February 12, 2010 Andrew Michael Spence - Challenges to Central Banking in the Context of Financial Crisis (earlier unedited transcript replaced with the edited version) Dr. D. Subbarao - Challenges to Central Banks Irma Rosenberg - The Impossible Trinity John C Williams - Two Cheers for Bagehot Jorgen Elmeskov - Credit Freeze, Dysfunctional Markets Krishna Srinivasan - Crisis & Implications Lars E. O. Svensson - Inflation Targeting Stephen Cecchetti - Future of P
फ़रवरी 12, 2010
स्वागत भाषण : पहला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अनुसंधान सम्मेलन : वित्तीय संकट के संदर्भ में केंद्रीय बैंकिंग के लिए चुनौतियाँ - दीपक मोहंती
1. Professor Michael Spence, Governor Dr. Subbarao, Deputy Governors, distinguished invitees and friends. On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I extend a hearty welcome to you all to our First International Research Conference in this great city of Mumbai. 2. Mumbai, a fishing hamlet was gifted in dowry by Portugal to England, and later leased to the East India Company for £10. Today you can’t get even a square inch of land in Mumbai for that price. Mumbai has move
श्री दीपक मोहंती, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
1. Professor Michael Spence, Governor Dr. Subbarao, Deputy Governors, distinguished invitees and friends. On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I extend a hearty welcome to you all to our First International Research Conference in this great city of Mumbai. 2. Mumbai, a fishing hamlet was gifted in dowry by Portugal to England, and later leased to the East India Company for £10. Today you can’t get even a square inch of land in Mumbai for that price. Mumbai has move
फ़रवरी 09, 2010
The Global Financial Crisis: Genesis, Impact and Lessons
Respected Dr. Reddy, Prof. T.N.Srinivasan, Prof. S. D. Tendulkar, Prof. T. Krishnakumar, distinguished invitees and friends. I thank the C.R.Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences and the University of Hyderabad for giving this opportunity to share my thoughts on the global financial crisis. I am humbled speaking on this subject in the presence of Dr. Reddy, the distinguished former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, who is widely
Shri Deepak Mohanty, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Dr. Reddy, Prof. T.N.Srinivasan, Prof. S. D. Tendulkar, Prof. T. Krishnakumar, distinguished invitees and friends. I thank the C.R.Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences and the University of Hyderabad for giving this opportunity to share my thoughts on the global financial crisis. I am humbled speaking on this subject in the presence of Dr. Reddy, the distinguished former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, who is widely
फ़रवरी 05, 2010
मूलभूत ढांचे का वित्तपोषण : अनुभव तथा भावी मार्गं के.सी.चक्रवर्ती
Respected Dr Rangarajan, Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council of PM, Padma Vibhushan Dr Y V Reddy, Prof (Dr) Suresh C Ghai, President, BMA, Shri G Pinto, Executive Director, BMA, distinguished guests and representatives from the print and electronic media. 1. Getting an award is always an exciting and motivating event particularly when you are getting it in the presence of the doyens or giants of the sector like Dr Rangarajan and Padma Vibhushan Dr Y V Reddy. I a
डॉ. सुबीर गोकर्ण, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Respected Dr Rangarajan, Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council of PM, Padma Vibhushan Dr Y V Reddy, Prof (Dr) Suresh C Ghai, President, BMA, Shri G Pinto, Executive Director, BMA, distinguished guests and representatives from the print and electronic media. 1. Getting an award is always an exciting and motivating event particularly when you are getting it in the presence of the doyens or giants of the sector like Dr Rangarajan and Padma Vibhushan Dr Y V Reddy. I a
फ़रवरी 03, 2010
किफायती आवास और आवास वित्त वी. के. शर्मां

1. Mr. Abdul Qadeer Fitrat, Governor, Central Bank of Afghanistan, Mr. Arun Maira, Member, Planning Commission, Mr. R. Gopalan, Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Mrs. Kiran Dhingra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Mr. Kamran Shehzad, Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, Mr. S. Sridhar, Chairman and Managing Director, National Housing Bank, Mr. Paolo Martelli, Director, South Asia, International Finance Corporation, Mr. R.V.

वी. के. शर्मां, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया

1. Mr. Abdul Qadeer Fitrat, Governor, Central Bank of Afghanistan, Mr. Arun Maira, Member, Planning Commission, Mr. R. Gopalan, Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Mrs. Kiran Dhingra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Mr. Kamran Shehzad, Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, Mr. S. Sridhar, Chairman and Managing Director, National Housing Bank, Mr. Paolo Martelli, Director, South Asia, International Finance Corporation, Mr. R.V.

जनवरी 19, 2010
वित्तीय विकास और जमा बीमा : कुछ लिंकेज सुब्बीर गोकर्णं
Introduction Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Dr. D. Subbarao; Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Ms. Usha Thorat; President, IADI and Vice-Chairman, FDIC, Mr. Martin Gruenberg; Chairman, ARC and Deputy Governor, DICJ, Mr. Mutsuo Hatano;CEO of the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Mr. H. N. Prasad; Distinguished Participants; Let me add my own words of welcome to all the participants in this very important event. In his opening address, Governor
डॉ. सुबीर गोकर्ण, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Introduction Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Dr. D. Subbarao; Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Ms. Usha Thorat; President, IADI and Vice-Chairman, FDIC, Mr. Martin Gruenberg; Chairman, ARC and Deputy Governor, DICJ, Mr. Mutsuo Hatano;CEO of the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Mr. H. N. Prasad; Distinguished Participants; Let me add my own words of welcome to all the participants in this very important event. In his opening address, Governor
जनवरी 18, 2010
उद्घाटक भाषण : निक्षेप बीमा प्रणाली का निधीयन दुव्वुरि सुब्बाराव
At the outset, on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I welcome you all to India and to this wonderful state of Goa. My thanks also to the Asia Regional Committee (ARC) of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) for giving an opportunity to the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) to host this Conference. This event is particularly important for us because it is being hosted as a part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
At the outset, on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I welcome you all to India and to this wonderful state of Goa. My thanks also to the Asia Regional Committee (ARC) of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) for giving an opportunity to the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) to host this Conference. This event is particularly important for us because it is being hosted as a part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the
जनवरी 18, 2010
मुख्यसंबोधन : निक्षेप बीमा प्रणालियों का निधीयन उषा थोरात
Ladies and Gentlemen It gives me great pleasure to be in the midst of the deposit insurers of the world. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you at conferences in the past and I am delighted to see you again at Goa – a favourite tourist destination in India, famous for its beaches, churches and cuisine. I hope you find the time to enjoy what Goa has to offer in addition to conferring on the very relevant subject of “Funding Deposit Insurance System”. 2. The the
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen It gives me great pleasure to be in the midst of the deposit insurers of the world. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you at conferences in the past and I am delighted to see you again at Goa – a favourite tourist destination in India, famous for its beaches, churches and cuisine. I hope you find the time to enjoy what Goa has to offer in addition to conferring on the very relevant subject of “Funding Deposit Insurance System”. 2. The the
जनवरी 16, 2010
प्लैटिनम जुबली समारोह : गवर्नंर का स्वागत भाषण दुव्वुरि सुब्बाराव
On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome Your Excellency, the Hon’ble President of India for the release of the Commemorative Stamp marking the Reserve Bank’s Platinum Jubilee. This occasion, Your Excellency, is truly special. This is the first time the First Citizen of the country has graced the New Delhi office of the Reserve Bank which has the honour and distinction of having been inaugurated by our first Prime Minister, Pa
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome Your Excellency, the Hon’ble President of India for the release of the Commemorative Stamp marking the Reserve Bank’s Platinum Jubilee. This occasion, Your Excellency, is truly special. This is the first time the First Citizen of the country has graced the New Delhi office of the Reserve Bank which has the honour and distinction of having been inaugurated by our first Prime Minister, Pa
जनवरी 16, 2010
श्रीमती प्रतिभा देविसिंह पाटिल, महामहिम राष्ट्रपति, भारत सरकार का भाषण*
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to be participating at this function to mark the Platinum Jubilee of the Reserve Bank of India and to release its Commemorative Stamp. I convey my greetings to its Governor, the Directors and the staff. The Reserve Bank of India has been a part of the country’s economic journey. It has stood at the centre of India’s financial system. From ensuring stability of interest and exchange rates to providing liquidity; from ensuring bank penet
श्रीमती प्रतिभा देवीसिंह पाटिल, भारत के माननीय राष्ट्रपति
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to be participating at this function to mark the Platinum Jubilee of the Reserve Bank of India and to release its Commemorative Stamp. I convey my greetings to its Governor, the Directors and the staff. The Reserve Bank of India has been a part of the country’s economic journey. It has stood at the centre of India’s financial system. From ensuring stability of interest and exchange rates to providing liquidity; from ensuring bank penet
जनवरी 16, 2010
Speech by Shri Namo Narain Meena, Hon’ble Minister of State for Banking and Insurance on the release of RBI Commemorative Stamp on 16.01.2010 at New Delhi (As prepared for Delivery)
Your Excellency Hon’ble President of India, Shri Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Kamat, Hon’ble Minister for Communication, Dr. Subbarao, Governor, RBI, distinguished guests, friends from media, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure being here today on this momentous occasion of release of Postage Stamp commemorating the Platinum Jubilee year of the Reserve Bank of India. For me, this occasion is especially significant as we at the Ministry of Finance
Shri Namo Narain Meena, Hon’ble Minister of State for Banking and Insurance
Your Excellency Hon’ble President of India, Shri Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Kamat, Hon’ble Minister for Communication, Dr. Subbarao, Governor, RBI, distinguished guests, friends from media, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure being here today on this momentous occasion of release of Postage Stamp commemorating the Platinum Jubilee year of the Reserve Bank of India. For me, this occasion is especially significant as we at the Ministry of Finance
जनवरी 16, 2010
Speech by Shri Gurudas Kamat, Hon’ble Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology on the release of Postage Stamp on Reserve Bank of India on 16.01.2010 at New Delhi (As prepared for Delivery)
Her Excellency the President of India, Smt.Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Hon’ble Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Minister of State for Banking and Insurance, Shri Namo Narain Meena Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Dr D. Subba Rao Distinguished guests, Today we have gathered to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee Year of the Reserve Bank of India with the release of a commemorative postage stamp by Her Excellency, the President of India. It is my pleasure
Shri Gurudas Kamat, Hon’ble Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology
Her Excellency the President of India, Smt.Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Hon’ble Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Minister of State for Banking and Insurance, Shri Namo Narain Meena Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Dr D. Subba Rao Distinguished guests, Today we have gathered to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee Year of the Reserve Bank of India with the release of a commemorative postage stamp by Her Excellency, the President of India. It is my pleasure
जनवरी 16, 2010
माननीय वित्तमंत्री प्रणब मुखर्जीं का भाषण*
Your Excellency Hon’ble President of India, Shri Kamat, Hon’ble Minister for Communication, Shri Meena, Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance, Dr. Subbarao, Governor, RBI and friends, I am delighted to be here today in your midst on this occasion. 2. I congratulate all of you on the happy occasion of the celebration of the Platinum Jubilee of your institution. As many of you know, I have had a close association with RBI over the years. My interest in the central bank
श्रीमती प्रतिभा देवीसिंह पाटिल, भारत के माननीय राष्ट्रपति
Your Excellency Hon’ble President of India, Shri Kamat, Hon’ble Minister for Communication, Shri Meena, Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance, Dr. Subbarao, Governor, RBI and friends, I am delighted to be here today in your midst on this occasion. 2. I congratulate all of you on the happy occasion of the celebration of the Platinum Jubilee of your institution. As many of you know, I have had a close association with RBI over the years. My interest in the central bank
जनवरी 15, 2010
प्लैटिनम जुबली समारोह : गवर्नंर का भाषण दुव्वुरि सुब्बाराव
The compendium of key speeches of RBI Governors, entitled ‘Perspectives on Central Banking: Governors Speak’ is the Reserve Bank of India’s Platinum Jubilee tribute to its past leaders. All of us in the Reserve Bank attach immense value to the fact that this book is being released today by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, who was himself Governor of the Reserve Bank from 1982 to 1985. We are delighted that besides the Prime Minister, three former Govern
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
The compendium of key speeches of RBI Governors, entitled ‘Perspectives on Central Banking: Governors Speak’ is the Reserve Bank of India’s Platinum Jubilee tribute to its past leaders. All of us in the Reserve Bank attach immense value to the fact that this book is being released today by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, who was himself Governor of the Reserve Bank from 1982 to 1985. We are delighted that besides the Prime Minister, three former Govern
जनवरी 14, 2010
भारत में मुद्रास्फीति की नाप : मुद्दे और परिप्रेक्ष्य दीपक मोहंती
“I have said many, many times that inflation is a sinister beast.” - Richard Fisher I thank the Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth (IARNIW) for giving me this opportunity to speak on the important issue of inflation measurement in India which is a key theme of this year's Conference. The discussion is also timely as we would be moving into a new series of wholesale price index (WPI) with a more representative commodity basket and the proposa
श्री दीपक मोहंती, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
“I have said many, many times that inflation is a sinister beast.” - Richard Fisher I thank the Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth (IARNIW) for giving me this opportunity to speak on the important issue of inflation measurement in India which is a key theme of this year's Conference. The discussion is also timely as we would be moving into a new series of wholesale price index (WPI) with a more representative commodity basket and the proposa
जनवरी 12, 2010
जोखिम प्रबंधन : भारतीय बैंकिग क्षेत्र की प्राथमिकताए उषा थोरात
The new decade is predicted to be more transformational than the first decade of this millennium for the Indian economy and the Indian financial system. If the last ten years have seen transformation in terms of consistently higher growth rates, adoption of core banking solutions, transformation in the payments systems and greater integration with the global economy, the coming decade will see unprecedented volume of business for the Indian financial system as it trie
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
The new decade is predicted to be more transformational than the first decade of this millennium for the Indian economy and the Indian financial system. If the last ten years have seen transformation in terms of consistently higher growth rates, adoption of core banking solutions, transformation in the payments systems and greater integration with the global economy, the coming decade will see unprecedented volume of business for the Indian financial system as it trie
जनवरी 04, 2010
Financial Markets – Some Regulatory Issues and Recent Developments
1. It is my pleasure to be here today again, at the FIMMDA-PDAI annual conference as we enter into a new decade. The last decade in the Indian financial sector has been a forward continuum marked by significant developments. It was in 1999 that guidelines for interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements were first introduced. 1999 was also the year when FEMA was enacted and since then it has been a process of measured opening up of the capital account. That was als
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
1. It is my pleasure to be here today again, at the FIMMDA-PDAI annual conference as we enter into a new decade. The last decade in the Indian financial sector has been a forward continuum marked by significant developments. It was in 1999 that guidelines for interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements were first introduced. 1999 was also the year when FEMA was enacted and since then it has been a process of measured opening up of the capital account. That was als
दिसंबर 30, 2009
वैश्विक वित्तीय संकट : उद्गम, प्रभाव और सबक दीपक मोहंती
THE GLOBAL SCENARIO Global Growth: Modest signs of recovery (Growth in per cent) Jan-09 Apr-09 July-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Global 2009 0.5 -1.3 -1.4 -1.3 -1.1 2010 3.0 1.9 2.5 2.9 3.1 Advanced Economies 2009 -2.0 -3.8 -3.8 -3.7 -3.4 2010 1.1 0.0 0.6 1.0 1.3 Emerging and Developing Economies 2009 3.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.7 2010 5.0 4.0 4.7 5.0 5.1 India 2009 5.1 4.5 5.4 5.3 5.4 2010 6.5 5.6 6.5 6.5 6.4 Source: International Monetary Fund. Global Inflation: Asymmetric patterns Y-o-Y
डॉ. सुबीर गोकर्ण, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
THE GLOBAL SCENARIO Global Growth: Modest signs of recovery (Growth in per cent) Jan-09 Apr-09 July-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Global 2009 0.5 -1.3 -1.4 -1.3 -1.1 2010 3.0 1.9 2.5 2.9 3.1 Advanced Economies 2009 -2.0 -3.8 -3.8 -3.7 -3.4 2010 1.1 0.0 0.6 1.0 1.3 Emerging and Developing Economies 2009 3.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.7 2010 5.0 4.0 4.7 5.0 5.1 India 2009 5.1 4.5 5.4 5.3 5.4 2010 6.5 5.6 6.5 6.5 6.4 Source: International Monetary Fund. Global Inflation: Asymmetric patterns Y-o-Y
दिसंबर 29, 2009
भारत में वर्तमान समष्टि आर्थिक गतिविधियाँ* श्यामला गोपीनाथ
The Indian economy continues to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and the recovery from the slowdown in growth witnessed in the aftermath of the global crisis has been sharper than what was generally anticipated for the second quarter of 2009-10. The slowdown in growth from the average of 8.8 per cent during 2003-08 to 5.8 per cent in the second half of 2008-09 had necessitated clear prioritization of policy focus on management of recovery, which w
श्रीमती श्यामला गोपीनाथ, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
The Indian economy continues to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and the recovery from the slowdown in growth witnessed in the aftermath of the global crisis has been sharper than what was generally anticipated for the second quarter of 2009-10. The slowdown in growth from the average of 8.8 per cent during 2003-08 to 5.8 per cent in the second half of 2008-09 had necessitated clear prioritization of policy focus on management of recovery, which w
दिसंबर 09, 2009
वित्तीय समावेशन - चुनौतियाँ और अवसर - डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा 9 दिसंबर 2009 को बैंकर्स क्लब, कोलकता में की गई टिप्पणी

खुशियों के इस शहर कोलकाता में होना ही हमेशा एक आनन्द विभोर करनेवाला अनुभव रहा है। क्रिसमस-पूर्व मौसम में यहाँ होने का एक विशेष आनन्द है और व्यक्तिगत रूप से मेरे लिए यह घर की याद आनेवाली एक स्मृति है। आज शाम को यहाँ पर भाषण देने हेतु मुझे आमंत्रित करने के लिए बैंकर क्लब को मेरी ओर से विशेष धन्यवाद। मुझे इस क्लब में पिछले साल हुई हमारी मुलाकात याद आ रही है जब हम अपने समय के सबसे गहरे वित्तीय संकट में थे और हम सब अपने कल के भविष्य को जानने के लिए उत्सुक और अनिश्चित थे। मेरा मानना है कि सबसे बुरा समय हमारे पीछे लगा हुआ है। दुनिया भर में और यहाँ भारत में भी ध्यान संकट प्रबंध से हटकर सुधारात्मक प्रबंध पर जा रहा है। जैसाकि होता है, हम भी करीब आधे बिलियन लोगों को गरीबी से बाहर निकालने की दीर्घावधि चुनौतियों का सामना करने की ओर लौट रहे हैं। उस विशाल कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए हमें बहुत से काम करने होंगे। उनमें से एक वित्तीय समावेशन है। आज शाम मैं अपनी बात वित्तीय समावेशन की चुनौतियों और अवसरों पर केंद्रित करना चाहूंगा।

डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

खुशियों के इस शहर कोलकाता में होना ही हमेशा एक आनन्द विभोर करनेवाला अनुभव रहा है। क्रिसमस-पूर्व मौसम में यहाँ होने का एक विशेष आनन्द है और व्यक्तिगत रूप से मेरे लिए यह घर की याद आनेवाली एक स्मृति है। आज शाम को यहाँ पर भाषण देने हेतु मुझे आमंत्रित करने के लिए बैंकर क्लब को मेरी ओर से विशेष धन्यवाद। मुझे इस क्लब में पिछले साल हुई हमारी मुलाकात याद आ रही है जब हम अपने समय के सबसे गहरे वित्तीय संकट में थे और हम सब अपने कल के भविष्य को जानने के लिए उत्सुक और अनिश्चित थे। मेरा मानना है कि सबसे बुरा समय हमारे पीछे लगा हुआ है। दुनिया भर में और यहाँ भारत में भी ध्यान संकट प्रबंध से हटकर सुधारात्मक प्रबंध पर जा रहा है। जैसाकि होता है, हम भी करीब आधे बिलियन लोगों को गरीबी से बाहर निकालने की दीर्घावधि चुनौतियों का सामना करने की ओर लौट रहे हैं। उस विशाल कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए हमें बहुत से काम करने होंगे। उनमें से एक वित्तीय समावेशन है। आज शाम मैं अपनी बात वित्तीय समावेशन की चुनौतियों और अवसरों पर केंद्रित करना चाहूंगा।

दिसंबर 04, 2009
मोबाईल वाणिज्य, मोबाईल बैंकिंग : उभरते परिप्रेक्ष्य* के.सी.चक्रवर्ती
1. Introduction 1.1 It is indeed a privilege for me to be here at the "India Telecom 2009" event being organised by the Department of Telecom, Government of India, in collaboration with FICCI. I thank Mr. J.S. Deepak, Joint Secretary, Department of Telecom for extending me an invitation and providing me an opportunity to share my thoughts on Mobile Commerce or M-Commerce. M-Commerce is an area which is rapidly changing the way people conduct their financial transactio
डॉ. के.सी. चक्रवर्ती, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
1. Introduction 1.1 It is indeed a privilege for me to be here at the "India Telecom 2009" event being organised by the Department of Telecom, Government of India, in collaboration with FICCI. I thank Mr. J.S. Deepak, Joint Secretary, Department of Telecom for extending me an invitation and providing me an opportunity to share my thoughts on Mobile Commerce or M-Commerce. M-Commerce is an area which is rapidly changing the way people conduct their financial transactio
नवंबर 30, 2009
Furthering Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling
I am happy to be here this morning and feel privileged to launch the Federal Ashwas Trust for running the Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling Centres (FLCC) of Federal Bank. At the outset, let me warmly congratulate my old friend and colleague Shri M. Venugopalan, MD and CEO, Federal Bank, and his team for bringing the FLCC of Federal Bank to fruition. Even though Kerala has the highest literacy rate amongst all States in the country, I am sure that centres such
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am happy to be here this morning and feel privileged to launch the Federal Ashwas Trust for running the Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling Centres (FLCC) of Federal Bank. At the outset, let me warmly congratulate my old friend and colleague Shri M. Venugopalan, MD and CEO, Federal Bank, and his team for bringing the FLCC of Federal Bank to fruition. Even though Kerala has the highest literacy rate amongst all States in the country, I am sure that centres such
नवंबर 27, 2009
Emerging blueprint for prudential regulation - Assessment and challenges
1. It is a pleasure to participate in the Confluence 2009 at one of the premier management institutes of the world. It has largely been the symbiotic relationship between the academia and financial sector that has spurred the revolution in finance over the past few decades. Starting from 1973, when the Black Scholes option formula moved almost immediately from paper to practice (the seminal paper was published in the same year, followed by the opening of the world’s f
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
1. It is a pleasure to participate in the Confluence 2009 at one of the premier management institutes of the world. It has largely been the symbiotic relationship between the academia and financial sector that has spurred the revolution in finance over the past few decades. Starting from 1973, when the Black Scholes option formula moved almost immediately from paper to practice (the seminal paper was published in the same year, followed by the opening of the world’s f
नवंबर 26, 2009
GenNext Banking : Issues and Perspectives
Introduction At the outset, let me thank the Indian Merchant’s Chamber for inviting me to chair this session on GenNext Banking of the 4th International Banking and Finance Conference 2009. I congratulate the organizers on having chosen such topical and germane topics as “Banking – Crisis and Beyond”, “Credit Instruments- Beyond Vanilla Lending” for the earlier sessions. I particularly congratulate the organizers for selecting the topic “GenNext Banking” for this sess
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Introduction At the outset, let me thank the Indian Merchant’s Chamber for inviting me to chair this session on GenNext Banking of the 4th International Banking and Finance Conference 2009. I congratulate the organizers on having chosen such topical and germane topics as “Banking – Crisis and Beyond”, “Credit Instruments- Beyond Vanilla Lending” for the earlier sessions. I particularly congratulate the organizers for selecting the topic “GenNext Banking” for this sess


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