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जाने 16, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1558 on January 16, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 13, 2017) was ₹ 68.2310. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 13, 2017 January 16, 2017 1 EUR 72.4750 72.4155 1 GBP 82.9757 81.9982 100 YEN 59.40 59.79 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1558 on January 16, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 13, 2017) was ₹ 68.2310. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 13, 2017 January 16, 2017 1 EUR 72.4750 72.4155 1 GBP 82.9757 81.9982 100 YEN 59.40 59.79 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 13, 2017
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 02, 2017 to January 06, 2017. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 2-1-2017 767 527 168 54 89 38 4,387 5,676 842 696 1,209 11 3-1-2017 1,703 991 338 228 124 1
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 02, 2017 to January 06, 2017. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 2-1-2017 767 527 168 54 89 38 4,387 5,676 842 696 1,209 11 3-1-2017 1,703 991 338 228 124 1
जाने 13, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.2310 on January 13, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 12, 2017) was ₹ 68.0858. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 12, 2017 January 13, 2017 1 EUR 72.2322 72.4750 1 GBP 83.1940 82.9757 100 YEN 59.45 59.40 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.2310 on January 13, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 12, 2017) was ₹ 68.0858. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 12, 2017 January 13, 2017 1 EUR 72.2322 72.4750 1 GBP 83.1940 82.9757 100 YEN 59.45 59.40 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 12, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0858 on January 12, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 11, 2017) was ₹ 68.2276. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 11, 2017 January 12, 2017 1 EUR 72.3213 72.2322 1 GBP 82.9579 83.1940 100 YEN 58.82 59.45 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0858 on January 12, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 11, 2017) was ₹ 68.2276. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 11, 2017 January 12, 2017 1 EUR 72.3213 72.2322 1 GBP 82.9579 83.1940 100 YEN 58.82 59.45 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 11, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.2276 on January 11, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 10, 2017) was ₹ 68.0641. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 10, 2017 January 11, 2017 1 EUR 72.1820 72.3213 1 GBP 82.6979 82.9579 100 YEN 58.88 58.82 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.2276 on January 11, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 10, 2017) was ₹ 68.0641. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 10, 2017 January 11, 2017 1 EUR 72.1820 72.3213 1 GBP 82.6979 82.9579 100 YEN 58.88 58.82 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 10, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0641 on January 10, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 09, 2017) was ₹ 68.1863. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 09, 2017 January 10, 2017 1 EUR 71.8206 72.1820 1 GBP 83.1259 82.6979 100 YEN 58.10 58.88 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0641 on January 10, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 09, 2017) was ₹ 68.1863. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 09, 2017 January 10, 2017 1 EUR 71.8206 72.1820 1 GBP 83.1259 82.6979 100 YEN 58.10 58.88 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 09, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1863 on January 09, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 06, 2017) was ₹ 67.9522. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 06, 2017 January 09, 2017 1 EUR 71.8662 71.8206 1 GBP 84.0976 83.1259 100 YEN 58.50 58.10 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1863 on January 09, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 06, 2017) was ₹ 67.9522. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 06, 2017 January 09, 2017 1 EUR 71.8662 71.8206 1 GBP 84.0976 83.1259 100 YEN 58.50 58.10 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 06, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.9522 on January 06, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 05, 2017) was ₹ 67.7884. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 05, 2017 January 06, 2017 1 EUR 71.5574 71.8662 1 GBP 83.7051 84.0976 100 YEN 58.33 58.50 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.9522 on January 06, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 05, 2017) was ₹ 67.7884. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 05, 2017 January 06, 2017 1 EUR 71.5574 71.8662 1 GBP 83.7051 84.0976 100 YEN 58.33 58.50 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 06, 2017
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 26, 2016 to December 30, 2016. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 26-12-2016 813 383 266 40 87 65 3,075 2,178 52 543 146 94 27-12-2016 2,172 1,159 1,133 12
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 26, 2016 to December 30, 2016. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 26-12-2016 813 383 266 40 87 65 3,075 2,178 52 543 146 94 27-12-2016 2,172 1,159 1,133 12
जाने 05, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.7884 on January 05, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 04, 2017) was ₹ 68.1791. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 04, 2017 January 05, 2017 1 EUR 70.9949 71.5574 1 GBP 83.5330 83.7051 100 YEN 57.81 58.33 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.7884 on January 05, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 04, 2017) was ₹ 68.1791. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 04, 2017 January 05, 2017 1 EUR 70.9949 71.5574 1 GBP 83.5330 83.7051 100 YEN 57.81 58.33 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 04, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1791 on January 04, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 03, 2017) was ₹ 68.0864. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 03, 2017 January 04, 2017 1 EUR 71.3818 70.9949 1 GBP 83.7599 83.5330 100 YEN 58.03 57.81 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1791 on January 04, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 03, 2017) was ₹ 68.0864. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 03, 2017 January 04, 2017 1 EUR 71.3818 70.9949 1 GBP 83.7599 83.5330 100 YEN 58.03 57.81 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 03, 2017
FIIs/RFPIs can now invest to 49 per cent under PIS in M/s Nandan Denim Limited (formerly NANDAN EXIM Limited)
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 49 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Nandan Denim Limited (formerly NANDAN EXIM Limited) under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that Nandan Denim Limited (formerly NANDAN EXIM Limited) has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the sh
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 49 per cent of the paid up capital of M/s Nandan Denim Limited (formerly NANDAN EXIM Limited) under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). The Reserve Bank has stated that Nandan Denim Limited (formerly NANDAN EXIM Limited) has passed resolutions at its Board of Directors’ level and a special resolution by the sh
जाने 03, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0864 on January 03, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 02, 2017) was ₹ 68.0225. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 02, 2017 January 03, 2017 1 EUR 71.5121 71.3818 1 GBP 83.9670 83.7599 100 YEN 58.19 58.03 Note : The SDR-Ru
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0864 on January 03, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (January 02, 2017) was ₹ 68.0225. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date January 02, 2017 January 03, 2017 1 EUR 71.5121 71.3818 1 GBP 83.9670 83.7599 100 YEN 58.19 58.03 Note : The SDR-Ru
जाने 02, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0225 on January 02, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 30, 2016) was ₹ 67.9547. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 30, 2016 January 02, 2017 1 EUR 71.6175 71.5121 1 GBP 83.4212 83.9670 100 YEN 58.22 58.19 Note : The SDR-
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.0225 on January 02, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 30, 2016) was ₹ 67.9547. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 30, 2016 January 02, 2017 1 EUR 71.6175 71.5121 1 GBP 83.4212 83.9670 100 YEN 58.22 58.19 Note : The SDR-
डिसें 30, 2016
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 19, 2016 to December 23, 2016. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 19-12-2016 1,607 848 400 167 183 142 6,053 6,881 318 2,671 2,609 51 20-12-2016 1,654 951
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period December 19, 2016 to December 23, 2016. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 19-12-2016 1,607 848 400 167 183 142 6,053 6,881 318 2,671 2,609 51 20-12-2016 1,654 951
डिसें 30, 2016
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.9547 on December 30, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 29, 2016) was ₹ 68.1241. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 29, 2016 December 30, 2016 1 EUR 71.2101 71.6175 1 GBP 83.4180 83.4212 100 YEN 58.41 58.22 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.9547 on December 30, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 29, 2016) was ₹ 68.1241. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 29, 2016 December 30, 2016 1 EUR 71.2101 71.6175 1 GBP 83.4180 83.4212 100 YEN 58.41 58.22 Note : The SD
डिसें 29, 2016
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1241 on December 29, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 28, 2016) was ₹ 68.2250. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 28, 2016 December 29, 2016 1 EUR 71.4520 71.2101 1 GBP 83.8622 83.4180 100 YEN 58.06 58.41 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.1241 on December 29, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 28, 2016) was ₹ 68.2250. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 28, 2016 December 29, 2016 1 EUR 71.4520 71.2101 1 GBP 83.8622 83.4180 100 YEN 58.06 58.41 Note : The SD
डिसें 28, 2016
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.2250 on December 28, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 27, 2016) was ₹ 67.9967. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 27, 2016 December 28, 2016 1 EUR 71.0498 71.4520 1 GBP 83.4999 83.8622 100 YEN 57.97 58.06 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 68.2250 on December 28, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 27, 2016) was ₹ 67.9967. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 27, 2016 December 28, 2016 1 EUR 71.0498 71.4520 1 GBP 83.4999 83.8622 100 YEN 57.97 58.06 Note : The SD
डिसें 27, 2016
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.9967 on December 27, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 26, 2016) was ₹ 67.8331. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 26, 2016 December 27, 2016 1 EUR 70.9670 71.0498 1 GBP 83.3126 83.4999 100 YEN 57.96 57.97 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.9967 on December 27, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 26, 2016) was ₹ 67.8331. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 26, 2016 December 27, 2016 1 EUR 70.9670 71.0498 1 GBP 83.3126 83.4999 100 YEN 57.96 57.97 Note : The SD
डिसें 26, 2016
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.8331 on December 26, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 23, 2016) was ₹ 67.9117. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 23, 2016 December 26, 2016 1 EUR 70.9474 70.9670 1 GBP 83.4839 83.3126 100 YEN 57.88 57.96 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 67.8331 on December 26, 2016. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 23, 2016) was ₹ 67.9117. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 23, 2016 December 26, 2016 1 EUR 70.9474 70.9670 1 GBP 83.4839 83.3126 100 YEN 57.88 57.96 Note : The SD


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पेज अंतिम अपडेट तारीख: डिसेंबर 21, 2024

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