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సెప్టెం 27, 2004
Time Extended for UCBs to make Additional Provisioning for NPAs
RBI / 2004-05/194 UBD.PCB.Cir.21 /12.05.05/2004-05 September 27, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2004-05: Additional provisioning requirements for NPAs Please refer to our circular UBD.BPD.PCB. Cir 55/12.05.05/03-04 dated June 30, 2004, wherein UCBs were advised about the enhanced provisioning requirement on the secured portion of advances classified as doubtful for more t
RBI / 2004-05/194 UBD.PCB.Cir.21 /12.05.05/2004-05 September 27, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2004-05: Additional provisioning requirements for NPAs Please refer to our circular UBD.BPD.PCB. Cir 55/12.05.05/03-04 dated June 30, 2004, wherein UCBs were advised about the enhanced provisioning requirement on the secured portion of advances classified as doubtful for more t
సెప్టెం 27, 2004
UCBs given more Time to make Additional Provisioning for Doubtful Debts
RBI / 2004-05/195 UBD.PCB.Cir.22 /12.05.05/2004-05 September 27, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Income Recognition, Asset classification, Provisioning and other related matters Please refer to our circular UBD.No.BSD.I.15/12.05.05/02-03 dated September 11, 2002 advising UCBs that with effect from March 31, 2005 an asset would be classified as doubtful if it remained in the sub-standard category for 12 months
RBI / 2004-05/195 UBD.PCB.Cir.22 /12.05.05/2004-05 September 27, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Income Recognition, Asset classification, Provisioning and other related matters Please refer to our circular UBD.No.BSD.I.15/12.05.05/02-03 dated September 11, 2002 advising UCBs that with effect from March 31, 2005 an asset would be classified as doubtful if it remained in the sub-standard category for 12 months
సెప్టెం 13, 2004
Section 42(1) of Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 - Maintenance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
RBI /2004-05 /173UBD. PCB. Cir 19 /16.11.00/2004-05 September 13, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Please refer to our Circular UBD. BP.Cir 10/16.11.00/02-03 dated April 29, 2003 on the above subject, in terms of which scheduled primary (urban) co-operative banks are required to maintain an average CRR of 4.5% of their NDTL. On a review of current liquidity conditions, it has been decided to increase
RBI /2004-05 /173UBD. PCB. Cir 19 /16.11.00/2004-05 September 13, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Please refer to our Circular UBD. BP.Cir 10/16.11.00/02-03 dated April 29, 2003 on the above subject, in terms of which scheduled primary (urban) co-operative banks are required to maintain an average CRR of 4.5% of their NDTL. On a review of current liquidity conditions, it has been decided to increase
సెప్టెం 04, 2004
Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Adoption of 90 - days Norm
RBI /163/2004-05 UBD.PCB.Cir 17 /13.04.00/2004-05 September 4, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Adoption of 90 -days Norm Please refer to our circular UBD.PCB. Cir No. 9/13.04.00/04-05 dated August 4, 2004 on the above subject, wherein UCBs were advised that 90-day loan impairment norm will be applicable to gold loans and small loans upto Rs. 1 lakh w
RBI /163/2004-05 UBD.PCB.Cir 17 /13.04.00/2004-05 September 4, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Adoption of 90 -days Norm Please refer to our circular UBD.PCB. Cir No. 9/13.04.00/04-05 dated August 4, 2004 on the above subject, wherein UCBs were advised that 90-day loan impairment norm will be applicable to gold loans and small loans upto Rs. 1 lakh w
సెప్టెం 01, 2004
Frauds in the area of Housing Finance
RBI No /2004-05 /151 UBD. No. BPD. 15 /12.05.01 /2004-05 September 1, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Frauds in the area of Housing Finance We advise that a Group headed by General Manager, Central Bank of India constituted by Reserve Bank of India examined the causes for growing incidence of frauds in Housing Finance and submitted its report indicating remedial measures. We forward herewith a copy of the report co
RBI No /2004-05 /151 UBD. No. BPD. 15 /12.05.01 /2004-05 September 1, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Frauds in the area of Housing Finance We advise that a Group headed by General Manager, Central Bank of India constituted by Reserve Bank of India examined the causes for growing incidence of frauds in Housing Finance and submitted its report indicating remedial measures. We forward herewith a copy of the report co
ఆగ 24, 2004
Opening of Current Accounts by banks - Need for discipline
RBI/2004-05/ 137UBD. PCB. Cir. No. 14 /09.11.01/2004-05 August 24 , 2004The Chief Executive Officers of allPrimary (Urban) Co-operative BanksDear Sir,Opening of Current Accounts by banks - Need for disciplinePlease refer to our circular UBD. PCB. Cir. No. 7 / 09.11.01/2004-05 dated July 29, 2004 on the above subject.2. In this connection, it is clarified that where the due diligence is carried out on the request of a prospective customer who is a corporate or large bo
RBI/2004-05/ 137UBD. PCB. Cir. No. 14 /09.11.01/2004-05 August 24 , 2004The Chief Executive Officers of allPrimary (Urban) Co-operative BanksDear Sir,Opening of Current Accounts by banks - Need for disciplinePlease refer to our circular UBD. PCB. Cir. No. 7 / 09.11.01/2004-05 dated July 29, 2004 on the above subject.2. In this connection, it is clarified that where the due diligence is carried out on the request of a prospective customer who is a corporate or large bo
ఆగ 19, 2004
Transactions in Government Securities - DVP III mode of settlement
RBI/2004-05/133 UBD. NO. SUB. CIR. 2 /09.80.00/2004-05 August 19, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-op. Banks Dear Sir, Transactions in Government Securities – DVP III mode of settlement Please refer to the instructions contained in our circular BPD.SUB.CIR. 5 /09.80.00/2003-04 dated April 28, 2004 under which sale of government securities already contracted for purchase was permitted provided certain conditions stipulated therein w
RBI/2004-05/133 UBD. NO. SUB. CIR. 2 /09.80.00/2004-05 August 19, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-op. Banks Dear Sir, Transactions in Government Securities – DVP III mode of settlement Please refer to the instructions contained in our circular BPD.SUB.CIR. 5 /09.80.00/2003-04 dated April 28, 2004 under which sale of government securities already contracted for purchase was permitted provided certain conditions stipulated therein w
ఆగ 18, 2004
Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for construction/renovation/expansion of rural godowns
RBI/2004-05/128 UBD No. SUB.CIR. 1/ 16.26.00/2004-05 August 18, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for construction/ renovation/expansion of rural godowns As you may be aware a credit linked Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Construction / Renovation / Expansion of Rural Godowns is being implemented by NABARD. Under the scheme NABARD will release back-ended subsidy for a
RBI/2004-05/128 UBD No. SUB.CIR. 1/ 16.26.00/2004-05 August 18, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for construction/ renovation/expansion of rural godowns As you may be aware a credit linked Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Construction / Renovation / Expansion of Rural Godowns is being implemented by NABARD. Under the scheme NABARD will release back-ended subsidy for a
ఆగ 09, 2004
Sanction of Temporary Overdraft Facilities (TODs) and Cheque Purchase Facilities
RBI/2004-05/106 UBD(CO) PCB.Cir. No. 11 /13.05.00/2004-05 August 9, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Sanction of Temporary Overdraft Facilities (TODs) and Cheque Purchase Facilities It has come to our attention that some primary urban co-operative banks are indulging in sanction of temporary overdraft facilities/cheque purchase facilities, which are unsecured in nature, much beyond the prescribed limits. 2. In this
RBI/2004-05/106 UBD(CO) PCB.Cir. No. 11 /13.05.00/2004-05 August 9, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Sanction of Temporary Overdraft Facilities (TODs) and Cheque Purchase Facilities It has come to our attention that some primary urban co-operative banks are indulging in sanction of temporary overdraft facilities/cheque purchase facilities, which are unsecured in nature, much beyond the prescribed limits. 2. In this
ఆగ 04, 2004
Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Adoption of 90 days Norm
RBI /2004-05/98 UBD..PCB.Cir 9 /13.04.00/2004-05 August 4, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Adoption of 90 days Norm Please refer to our circular UBD.No. BPD. 48/13.04.00/02-03 dated May 22, 2003 advising the banks to classify an asset as non-performing if the interest and/or installment of principal remained overdue for a period of more than 90 days
RBI /2004-05/98 UBD..PCB.Cir 9 /13.04.00/2004-05 August 4, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banks Dear Sir/Madam, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Adoption of 90 days Norm Please refer to our circular UBD.No. BPD. 48/13.04.00/02-03 dated May 22, 2003 advising the banks to classify an asset as non-performing if the interest and/or installment of principal remained overdue for a period of more than 90 days
ఆగ 02, 2004
Priority Sector Lending by Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks
RBI/2004-05/87 UBD(CO)BPD.PCB 8/09.09.01/2004-05 August 2, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Priority Sector Lending by Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks- Please refer to paragraph No. 3 of our circular UBD.BPD.PCB. 3/ 09.09.01/ 2003-04 dated July 9, 2003 on the captioned subject, advising you to submit the information regarding Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under separate columns in Annexure II, (Part II) of
RBI/2004-05/87 UBD(CO)BPD.PCB 8/09.09.01/2004-05 August 2, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Priority Sector Lending by Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks- Please refer to paragraph No. 3 of our circular UBD.BPD.PCB. 3/ 09.09.01/ 2003-04 dated July 9, 2003 on the captioned subject, advising you to submit the information regarding Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under separate columns in Annexure II, (Part II) of
జులై 29, 2004
Opening of Current Accounts by banks - Need for discipline
RBI/2004-05/86 UBD. PCB.Cir. No. 7/09.11.01/2003-04 July 29, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Opening of Current Accounts by banks - Need for discipline It has been brought to our notice that some borrowers open current accounts with banks other than the lending bank, with a view to overcoming credit discipline that is imposed on them by the lending bank. They usually resort to this practice when their loan accounts
RBI/2004-05/86 UBD. PCB.Cir. No. 7/09.11.01/2003-04 July 29, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Opening of Current Accounts by banks - Need for discipline It has been brought to our notice that some borrowers open current accounts with banks other than the lending bank, with a view to overcoming credit discipline that is imposed on them by the lending bank. They usually resort to this practice when their loan accounts
జులై 28, 2004
Placement of deposits by Non Scheduled UCBs with eligible Scheduled UCBs
RBI/2004-05/76 UBD. PCB.Cir. No. 6 /12.05.01/2004-05 July 28, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Non-Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) Dear Sir, Placement of deposits by Non Scheduled UCBs with eligible Scheduled UCBs Please refer to our circular UBD. No. BPD. PCB. Cir. 46 /16.20.00 / 2002-03 dated May 17, 2003, permitting non-scheduled urban co-operative banks (UCBs) to place deposits with eligible scheduled urban co-operative banks. A referen
RBI/2004-05/76 UBD. PCB.Cir. No. 6 /12.05.01/2004-05 July 28, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Non-Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) Dear Sir, Placement of deposits by Non Scheduled UCBs with eligible Scheduled UCBs Please refer to our circular UBD. No. BPD. PCB. Cir. 46 /16.20.00 / 2002-03 dated May 17, 2003, permitting non-scheduled urban co-operative banks (UCBs) to place deposits with eligible scheduled urban co-operative banks. A referen
జులై 22, 2004
List of All India Financial Institutions
RBI/ 2004-05/ 61 UBD. No. PCB. Cir. 5 / 16.20.00 / 2004-05 July 22, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, List of All India Financial Institutions Please refer to para b,8(i) and Appendix- II of our circular UBD. No. BPD. PCB. Cir. 45/ 16.20.00/ 2003-04 dated April 15, 2004 wherein Urban Co-operative Banks were advised that they can invest in bonds / equity of All India Financial Institutions, subject to the limits presc
RBI/ 2004-05/ 61 UBD. No. PCB. Cir. 5 / 16.20.00 / 2004-05 July 22, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, List of All India Financial Institutions Please refer to para b,8(i) and Appendix- II of our circular UBD. No. BPD. PCB. Cir. 45/ 16.20.00/ 2003-04 dated April 15, 2004 wherein Urban Co-operative Banks were advised that they can invest in bonds / equity of All India Financial Institutions, subject to the limits presc
జులై 13, 2004
Second Schedule to RBI Act, 1934 - Norms for inclusion
RBI/2004-05/41 UBD.No.BPD. 3 /16.05.00/2004-05 July 13, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Second Schedule to RBI Act, 1934 - Norms for inclusion As per the Government of India Notification F.No.14-13/2003-AC dated 30th October 2003 (copy enclosed) published in the Gazette of India dated 8th November 2003 (Statutory order 3163), notifying that henceforth (with effect from 1July 2003) only such of the primary co-operat
RBI/2004-05/41 UBD.No.BPD. 3 /16.05.00/2004-05 July 13, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Second Schedule to RBI Act, 1934 - Norms for inclusion As per the Government of India Notification F.No.14-13/2003-AC dated 30th October 2003 (copy enclosed) published in the Gazette of India dated 8th November 2003 (Statutory order 3163), notifying that henceforth (with effect from 1July 2003) only such of the primary co-operat
జులై 09, 2004
"Know Your Customer" Guidelines-Compliance
RBI/2004-05/29UBD.BPD. PCB. Cir. 02 /09.161.00/2004-05 July 9, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, 'Know Your Customer' Guidelines-Compliance Please refer to our circular UBD No. DS.PCB. Cir 17/13.01.00/2002-03 dated September 18, 2002 on 'Know Your Customer Guidelines' to be followed by urban cooperative banks. You were advised vide paragraph 3 of the above circular that in case of any omission in respect of the exist
RBI/2004-05/29UBD.BPD. PCB. Cir. 02 /09.161.00/2004-05 July 9, 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, 'Know Your Customer' Guidelines-Compliance Please refer to our circular UBD No. DS.PCB. Cir 17/13.01.00/2002-03 dated September 18, 2002 on 'Know Your Customer Guidelines' to be followed by urban cooperative banks. You were advised vide paragraph 3 of the above circular that in case of any omission in respect of the exist
జూన్ 30, 2004
Annual Policy Statement for the year 2004-05 : Prudential Norms for Agricultural Advances
RBI/2004/270UBD.BPD.PCB. Cir. 53 /13.05.00/2003-04 June 30, 2004All Primary (Urban) Co-operative BanksDear Sir, Annual Policy Statement for the year 2004-05 : Prudential Norms for Agricultural AdvancesAs per para 2.1.1(iv) of the Master Circular dated December 26, 2004 relating to income recognition, asset classification and provisioning, all direct agricultural advances as listed in the Annexure I to the circular would become NPA, when interest and / or instalment of
RBI/2004/270UBD.BPD.PCB. Cir. 53 /13.05.00/2003-04 June 30, 2004All Primary (Urban) Co-operative BanksDear Sir, Annual Policy Statement for the year 2004-05 : Prudential Norms for Agricultural AdvancesAs per para 2.1.1(iv) of the Master Circular dated December 26, 2004 relating to income recognition, asset classification and provisioning, all direct agricultural advances as listed in the Annexure I to the circular would become NPA, when interest and / or instalment of
జూన్ 30, 2004
In the Supreme Court of India - Transfer case( Civil) Nos. 92-95 of 2002 - Mardia Chemicals Ltd. vs Union of India & Others - Decision of the Supreme Court dated April 8, 2004 Regarding validity of provisions of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financ
RBI/2004/271UBD.PCB.Cir. 54 /13.04.00/2003-04 June 30, 2004All the Primary (Urban) Cooperative BanksDear Sir, In the Supreme Court of India - Transfer case( Civil) Nos. 92-95 of 2002 - Mardia Chemicals Ltd. vs Union of India & Others - Decision of the Supreme Court dated April 8, 2004 Regarding validity of provisions of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002We advise that in the above transfer case and
RBI/2004/271UBD.PCB.Cir. 54 /13.04.00/2003-04 June 30, 2004All the Primary (Urban) Cooperative BanksDear Sir, In the Supreme Court of India - Transfer case( Civil) Nos. 92-95 of 2002 - Mardia Chemicals Ltd. vs Union of India & Others - Decision of the Supreme Court dated April 8, 2004 Regarding validity of provisions of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002We advise that in the above transfer case and
జూన్ 30, 2004
Annual Policy Statement for the year 2004-05 : Additional Provisioning Requirement for NPAs
RBI/2004/272UBD.BPD.PCB.Cir. 55/12.05.05/ 2003-2004 June 30, 2004 All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banksDear Sir, Annual Policy Statement for the year 2004-05:Additional Provisioning Requirement for NPAs As per our circular UBD.No.IP.30/12.05.05/02-03 dated December 26, 2002 banks are required to make provisions on NPAs on a graded scale based on the age of the NPA. However, in respect of NPAs included in 'doubtful for more than three years' category, the provisioning
RBI/2004/272UBD.BPD.PCB.Cir. 55/12.05.05/ 2003-2004 June 30, 2004 All Primary (Urban) Co-operative banksDear Sir, Annual Policy Statement for the year 2004-05:Additional Provisioning Requirement for NPAs As per our circular UBD.No.IP.30/12.05.05/02-03 dated December 26, 2002 banks are required to make provisions on NPAs on a graded scale based on the age of the NPA. However, in respect of NPAs included in 'doubtful for more than three years' category, the provisioning
జూన్ 01, 2004
Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Norms
RBI/2004/228 UBD.No.PCB. 49 /12.05.03/2003.04 1 June 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Urban Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Norms Please refer to paragraph 2.1.3 of our Master circular on Prudential Norms, forwarded with our letter BSD.No.IP.30/12.05.05/2002.03 dated 26 December 2002, advising the banks to ensure that classification of non performing assets is done on an ongoing basis and that doubts in as
RBI/2004/228 UBD.No.PCB. 49 /12.05.03/2003.04 1 June 2004 The Chief Executive Officers of all Urban Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Norms Please refer to paragraph 2.1.3 of our Master circular on Prudential Norms, forwarded with our letter BSD.No.IP.30/12.05.05/2002.03 dated 26 December 2002, advising the banks to ensure that classification of non performing assets is done on an ongoing basis and that doubts in as


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