Press Releases - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Press Releases
The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on January 28, 2025 is as under: (Amount in ₹ Crore) ASSAM 2045 BIHAR 2037 BIHAR 2045 GUJARAT 2034 Notified Amount 500 1000 1000 1000 Tenure 20 12 20 9 Competitive Bids Received (i) No. 8 38 3 67 (ii) Amount 1245 2880 2150 4890 Cut off Price (₹)/ Yield (%) 7.11 7.12 7.11 7.05 Competitive Bids Accepted (i) No. 2 25 2 7 (ii) Amount 494.984 982.995 999.993 974.950
The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on January 28, 2025 is as under: (Amount in ₹ Crore) ASSAM 2045 BIHAR 2037 BIHAR 2045 GUJARAT 2034 Notified Amount 500 1000 1000 1000 Tenure 20 12 20 9 Competitive Bids Received (i) No. 8 38 3 67 (ii) Amount 1245 2880 2150 4890 Cut off Price (₹)/ Yield (%) 7.11 7.12 7.11 7.05 Competitive Bids Accepted (i) No. 2 25 2 7 (ii) Amount 494.984 982.995 999.993 974.950
Sr. No State/UT Amount to be raised (₹ Crore) Amount Accepted (₹ Crore) Cut off Price (₹)/ Yield (%) Tenure (Year) 1. Assam 500 500 7.11 20 2. Bihar 1000 1000 7.12 12 1000 1000 7.11 20 3. Gujarat 1000 1000 7.05 09 1000 1000 7.03 10 4. Haryana 2000 2000 7.14 13 5. Jammu and Kashmir 300 300 7.08 30 6. Karnataka 2000 2000 7.13 16
Sr. No State/UT Amount to be raised (₹ Crore) Amount Accepted (₹ Crore) Cut off Price (₹)/ Yield (%) Tenure (Year) 1. Assam 500 500 7.11 20 2. Bihar 1000 1000 7.12 12 1000 1000 7.11 20 3. Gujarat 1000 1000 7.05 09 1000 1000 7.03 10 4. Haryana 2000 2000 7.14 13 5. Jammu and Kashmir 300 300 7.08 30 6. Karnataka 2000 2000 7.13 16
Page Last Updated on: January 28, 2025