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Dec 12, 2017
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 13, 2017 to November 17, 2017. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 13-11-2017 3,143 1,921 962 182 196 146 14,586 7,544 1,033 3,731 1,291 30 14-11-2017 3,241
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 13, 2017 to November 17, 2017. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 13-11-2017 3,143 1,921 962 182 196 146 14,586 7,544 1,033 3,731 1,291 30 14-11-2017 3,241
Dec 12, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4834 on December 12, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 11, 2017) was ₹ 64.3616. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 11, 2017 December 12, 2017 1 EUR 75.8051 75.9292 1 GBP 86.3282 86.0466 100 YEN 56.68 56.84 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4834 on December 12, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 11, 2017) was ₹ 64.3616. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 11, 2017 December 12, 2017 1 EUR 75.8051 75.9292 1 GBP 86.3282 86.0466 100 YEN 56.68 56.84 Note : The SD
Dec 11, 2017
Foreign Exchange Turnover Data
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 06, 2017 to November 10, 2017. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY/INR FCY/FCY FCY/INR FCY/FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 06-11-2017 3,042 616 432 192 115 85 9,228 6,958 1,052 3,578 1,534 31 07-11-2017 4,001 1,322 1,074
The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and inter-bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period November 06, 2017 to November 10, 2017. All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY/INR FCY/FCY FCY/INR FCY/FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchase 06-11-2017 3,042 616 432 192 115 85 9,228 6,958 1,052 3,578 1,534 31 07-11-2017 4,001 1,322 1,074
Dec 11, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3616 on December 11, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 08, 2017) was ₹ 64.4649. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 08, 2017 December 11, 2017 1 EUR 75.7978 75.8051 1 GBP 87.0405 86.3282 100 YEN 56.84 56.68 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3616 on December 11, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 08, 2017) was ₹ 64.4649. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 08, 2017 December 11, 2017 1 EUR 75.7978 75.8051 1 GBP 87.0405 86.3282 100 YEN 56.84 56.68 Note : The SD
Dec 08, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4649 on December 08, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 07, 2017) was ₹ 64.5388. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 07, 2017 December 08, 2017 1 EUR 76.0848 75.7978 1 GBP 86.3142 87.0405 100 YEN 57.33 56.84 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4649 on December 08, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 07, 2017) was ₹ 64.5388. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 07, 2017 December 08, 2017 1 EUR 76.0848 75.7978 1 GBP 86.3142 87.0405 100 YEN 57.33 56.84 Note : The SD
Dec 07, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.5388 on December 07, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 06, 2017) was ₹ 64.4467. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 06, 2017 December 07, 2017 1 EUR 76.2791 76.0848 1 GBP 86.4939 86.3142 100 YEN 57.42 57.33 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.5388 on December 07, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 06, 2017) was ₹ 64.4467. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 06, 2017 December 07, 2017 1 EUR 76.2791 76.0848 1 GBP 86.4939 86.3142 100 YEN 57.42 57.33 Note : The SD
Dec 06, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4467 on December 06, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 05, 2017) was ₹ 64.3764. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 05, 2017 December 06, 2017 1 EUR 76.3762 76.2791 1 GBP 86.6378 86.4939 100 YEN 57.15 57.42 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4467 on December 06, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 05, 2017) was ₹ 64.3764. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 05, 2017 December 06, 2017 1 EUR 76.3762 76.2791 1 GBP 86.6378 86.4939 100 YEN 57.15 57.42 Note : The SD
Dec 05, 2017
Monitoring of Foreign Investment under the PIS in Indian Companies - Removal from the Caution List -FPIs- M/s Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the aggregate foreign share holdings by Foreign Portfolios Investors (FPIs) under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited have gone below the prescribed threshold caution limit stipulated under the extant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy and FEMA regulations. Hence, the restrictions placed on the purchase of shares of the above company are withdrawn with immediate effect. Ajit Prasad
The Reserve Bank of India has today notified that the aggregate foreign share holdings by Foreign Portfolios Investors (FPIs) under Portfolio Investment Scheme in M/s Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited have gone below the prescribed threshold caution limit stipulated under the extant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy and FEMA regulations. Hence, the restrictions placed on the purchase of shares of the above company are withdrawn with immediate effect. Ajit Prasad
Dec 05, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3764 on December 05, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 04, 2017) was ₹ 64.3799. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 04, 2017 December 05, 2017 1 EUR 76.3739 76.3762 1 GBP 86.6360 86.6378 100 YEN 57.04 57.15 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3764 on December 05, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (December 04, 2017) was ₹ 64.3799. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date December 04, 2017 December 05, 2017 1 EUR 76.3739 76.3762 1 GBP 86.6360 86.6378 100 YEN 57.04 57.15 Note : The SD
Dec 04, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3799 on December 04, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 30, 2017) was ₹ 64.4332. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 30, 2017 December 04, 2017 1 EUR 76.4887 76.3739 1 GBP 86.7980 86.6360 100 YEN 57.46 57.04 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.3799 on December 04, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 30, 2017) was ₹ 64.4332. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 30, 2017 December 04, 2017 1 EUR 76.4887 76.3739 1 GBP 86.7980 86.6360 100 YEN 57.46 57.04 Note : The SD
Nov 30, 2017
RBI releases data on ECB/FCCB/RDB for October 2017
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of October 2017. Ajit Prasad Assistant Adviser Press Release: 2017-2018/1488
The Reserve Bank of India has today released the data on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, through Automatic Route and Approval Route, for the month of October 2017. Ajit Prasad Assistant Adviser Press Release: 2017-2018/1488
Nov 30, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4332 on November 30, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 29, 2017) was ₹ 64.4058. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 29, 2017 November 30, 2017 1 EUR 76.3209 76.4887 1 GBP 86.1428 86.7980 100 YEN 57.75 57.46 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4332 on November 30, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 29, 2017) was ₹ 64.4058. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 29, 2017 November 30, 2017 1 EUR 76.3209 76.4887 1 GBP 86.1428 86.7980 100 YEN 57.75 57.46 Note : The SD
Nov 29, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4058 on November 29, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 28, 2017) was ₹ 64.4206. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 28, 2017 November 29, 2017 1 EUR 76.6992 76.3209 1 GBP 85.8469 86.1428 100 YEN 57.94 57.75 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4058 on November 29, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 28, 2017) was ₹ 64.4206. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 28, 2017 November 29, 2017 1 EUR 76.6992 76.3209 1 GBP 85.8469 86.1428 100 YEN 57.94 57.75 Note : The SD
Nov 28, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4206 on November 28, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 27, 2017) was ₹ 64.6948. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 27, 2017 November 28, 2017 1 EUR 77.1421 76.6992 1 GBP 86.1605 85.8469 100 YEN 58.10 57.94 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.4206 on November 28, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 27, 2017) was ₹ 64.6948. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 27, 2017 November 28, 2017 1 EUR 77.1421 76.6992 1 GBP 86.1605 85.8469 100 YEN 58.10 57.94 Note : The SD
Nov 27, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.6948 on November 27, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 24, 2017) was ₹ 64.7328. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 24, 2017 November 27, 2017 1 EUR 76.7213 77.1421 1 GBP 86.0364 86.1605 100 YEN 58.07 58.10 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.6948 on November 27, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 24, 2017) was ₹ 64.7328. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 24, 2017 November 27, 2017 1 EUR 76.7213 77.1421 1 GBP 86.0364 86.1605 100 YEN 58.07 58.10 Note : The SD
Nov 24, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7328 on November 24, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 23, 2017) was ₹ 64.7949. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 23, 2017 November 24, 2017 1 EUR 76.6264 76.7213 1 GBP 86.3327 86.0364 100 YEN 58.22 58.07 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7328 on November 24, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 23, 2017) was ₹ 64.7949. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 23, 2017 November 24, 2017 1 EUR 76.6264 76.7213 1 GBP 86.3327 86.0364 100 YEN 58.22 58.07 Note : The SD
Nov 23, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7949 on November 23, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 22, 2017) was ₹ 64.7453. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 22, 2017 November 23, 2017 1 EUR 76.0757 76.6264 1 GBP 85.8523 86.3327 100 YEN 57.75 58.22 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7949 on November 23, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 22, 2017) was ₹ 64.7453. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 22, 2017 November 23, 2017 1 EUR 76.0757 76.6264 1 GBP 85.8523 86.3327 100 YEN 57.75 58.22 Note : The SD
Nov 22, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7453 on November 22, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 21, 2017) was ₹ 65.0386. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 21, 2017 November 22, 2017 1 EUR 76.3878 76.0757 1 GBP 86.1892 85.8523 100 YEN 57.82 57.75 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 64.7453 on November 22, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 21, 2017) was ₹ 65.0386. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 21, 2017 November 22, 2017 1 EUR 76.3878 76.0757 1 GBP 86.1892 85.8523 100 YEN 57.82 57.75 Note : The SD
Nov 21, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0386 on November 21, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 20, 2017) was ₹ 65.0565. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 20, 2017 November 21, 2017 1 EUR 76.3633 76.3878 1 GBP 85.9331 86.1892 100 YEN 58.08 57.82 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0386 on November 21, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 20, 2017) was ₹ 65.0565. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 20, 2017 November 21, 2017 1 EUR 76.3633 76.3878 1 GBP 85.9331 86.1892 100 YEN 58.08 57.82 Note : The SD
Nov 20, 2017
RBI Reference Rate for US $
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0565 on November 20, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 17, 2017) was ₹ 64.8462. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 17, 2017 November 20, 2017 1 EUR 76.5574 76.3633 1 GBP 85.7850 85.9331 100 YEN 57.59 58.08 Note : The SD
The Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US Dollar is ₹ 65.0565 on November 20, 2017. The corresponding rate for the previous day (November 17, 2017) was ₹ 64.8462. Based on the reference rate for the US Dollar and the middle rates of the cross-currency quotes, the exchange rate of EUR, GBP and JPY against the Rupee are given below: Currency Date November 17, 2017 November 20, 2017 1 EUR 76.5574 76.3633 1 GBP 85.7850 85.9331 100 YEN 57.59 58.08 Note : The SD


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Page Last Updated on: August 22, 2024

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