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21 Jun 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week EndedItems May 9, 2003May 16, 2003May 23, 2003May 30, 2003Jun. 6, 2003Jun. 13, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities68,87634,30886,6371,01,00380,06262,430 (b)State Government Securities408187413720863411 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills9425801,6057551,2951,031 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills1,9861,9483,9971,2321,2392,192II.RBI*4922825,40729—@ : Excluding Repo Transactions.* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in oth
14 Jun 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week EndedItems May 2, 2003May 9, 2003May 16, 2003May 23, 2003May 30, 2003Jun. 6, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities44,07068,87634,30886,6371,01,00380,062 (b)State Government Securities323408187413720863 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills1,3269425801,6057551,295 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills2,3581,9861,9483,9971,2321,239 II.RBI*84922825,40729@ :Excluding Repo Transactions.* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other
07 Jun 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended ItemsApr. 25, 2003May 2, 2003May 9, 2003May 16, 2003May 23, 2003May 30, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities61,54944,07068,87634,30886,6371,01,003 (b)State Government Securities391323408187413720 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills2,4871,3269425801,605755 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills3,9662,3581,9861,9483,9971,232 II.RBI*—84922825,407@ : Excluding Repo Transactions. * : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in oth
31 May 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week EndedItems Apr. 18, 2003Apr. 25, 2003May 2, 2003May 9, 2003May 16, 2003May 23, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities25,85161,54944,07068,87634,30886,637 (b)State Government Securities118391323408187413 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills9552,4871,3269425801,605 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills1,9303,9662,3581,9861,9483,997 II.RBI* 6—8492282@ : Excluding Repo Transactions.* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other of
24 May 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week EndedItemsApr. 11, 2003Apr. 18, 2003Apr. 25, 2003May 2, 2003May 9, 2003May 16, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities65,53325,85161,54944,07068,87634,308 (b)State Government Securities304118391323408187 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills1,2029552,4871,326942580 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills4,5901,9303,9662,3581,9861,948II.RBI*—6—84922@ : Excluding Repo Transactions. * : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other offi
17 May 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEndedItems Apr. 4, 2003Apr. 11, 2003Apr. 18, 2003Apr. 25, 2003May 2, 2003May 9, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities45,08765,53325,85161,54944,07068,876 (b)State Government Securities551304118391323408 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills2,0021,2029552,4871,326942 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills3,9874,5901,9303,9662,3581,986II.RBI*1—6—849@ : Excluding Repo Transactions.* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other offi
10 May 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEndedItems Mar. 28, 2003Apr. 4, 2003Apr. 11, 2003Apr. 18, 2003Apr. 25, 2003May 2, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities38,82645,08765,53325,85161,549 44,070 (b)State Government Securities381551304118391323 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills1,6372,0021,2029552,4871,326 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills2,7553,9874,5901,9303,9662,358II.RBI*81—6—8@ : Excluding Repo Transactions.* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other
03 May 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week Ended ItemsMar. 21, 2003Mar. 28, 2003Apr. 4, 2003Apr. 11, 2003Apr. 18, 2003 Apr. 25, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities19,71938,82645,08765,53325,85161,549 (b)State Government Securities576381551304118391 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills1,6531,6372,0021,2029552,487 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills1,6552,7553,9874,5901,9303,966II.RBI*—81—6—@ : Excluding Repo Transactions. * : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in ot
26 Apr 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Week EndedItemsMar. 14, 2003Mar. 21, 2003Mar. 28, 2003Apr. 4, 2003Apr. 11, 2003Apr. 18, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities17,85619,71938,82645,08765,53325,851 (b)State Government Securities788576381551304118 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills1,4101,6531,6372,0021,202955 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills1,3071,6552,7553,9874,5901,930II.RBI*8—81—6@ : Excluding Repo Transactions. * : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in othe
19 Apr 2003
18. Turnover in Government Securities Market (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) WeekEndedItems Mar. 7, 2003 Mar. 14, 2003 Mar. 21, 2003 Mar. 28, 2003 Apr. 4, 2003 Apr. 11, 20031 234567I.Outright Transactions (a)Govt. of India Dated Securities41,28517,85619,71938,82645,08765,533 (b)State Government Securities489788576381551304 (c)91 – Day Treasury Bills3,0961,4101,6531,6372,0021,202 (d)364 – Day Treasury Bills2,3261,3071,6552,7553,9874,590II.RBI*508—81—@ :Excluding Repo Transactions.* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in

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Page Last Updated on: August 30, 2024