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जनवरी 29, 2024
Role and Expectations of Directors of Urban Co-operative Banks: Upholding Governance and Professionalism with Capacity Buidling and Technology Upgradation - Speech by Shri Swaminathan J, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India - January 24, 2024 - at the Conference of Governance in Urban Co-operative Banks for UCBs in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Telangana held in Hyderabad

Speech by Shri Swaminathan J, Deputy Governor at the Conference of Governance in Urban Co-operative Banks for UCBs in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Telangana held in Hyderabad on January 24, 2024

Shri Swaminathan J, Deputy Governor

Speech by Shri Swaminathan J, Deputy Governor at the Conference of Governance in Urban Co-operative Banks for UCBs in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Telangana held in Hyderabad on January 24, 2024

सितंबर 13, 2021
खाता संग्रहक के लिए नियामक ढांचा - आईस्पिरिट द्वारा 2 सितंबर 2021 को आयोजित आभासी कार्यक्रम के दौरान श्री एम. राजेश्वर राव, उप गवर्नर की टिप्पणियाँ
मैं इस आमंत्रण और आप सभी के साथ यहां रहने के अवसर के लिए अपना आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। आशा है कि आप सभी इस चुनौतीपूर्ण समय में सुरक्षित होंगे। 1. प्रौद्योगिकी ने इस तेजी से परस्पर जुड़ी दुनिया में मोबाइल और हाथ से पकड़े जाने वाले उपकरणों के साथ हमारे जीवन को बदल दिया है, जिसने सर्वव्यापी पहुंच और व्यापक संपर्क को सक्षम बनाया है। इसने व्यवसायों को नए बाजारों और नए भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों में प्रवेश करने में संयुक्त रूप से सक्षम बनाया है, जिन तक वे पहुंचने में असमर्थ थे। प्रौद्य
श्री एम.राजेश्वर राव, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
मैं इस आमंत्रण और आप सभी के साथ यहां रहने के अवसर के लिए अपना आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। आशा है कि आप सभी इस चुनौतीपूर्ण समय में सुरक्षित होंगे। 1. प्रौद्योगिकी ने इस तेजी से परस्पर जुड़ी दुनिया में मोबाइल और हाथ से पकड़े जाने वाले उपकरणों के साथ हमारे जीवन को बदल दिया है, जिसने सर्वव्यापी पहुंच और व्यापक संपर्क को सक्षम बनाया है। इसने व्यवसायों को नए बाजारों और नए भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों में प्रवेश करने में संयुक्त रूप से सक्षम बनाया है, जिन तक वे पहुंचने में असमर्थ थे। प्रौद्य
अगस्त 24, 2018
शहरी सहकारी बैंकों को प्रासंगिक बनाए रखने में सक्षक्त गवर्नेंस और सुरक्षित आईटी परिचालनों का महत्व –एन.एस.विश्वनाथन
I am happy to be here in this edition of Sahakar Setu organised by the Gujarat Urban Cooperative Banks Federation. The Federation has been proactive in providing leadership to the cooperative movement in the State of Gujarat. It is because of the efforts of the Federation and its member banks, the cooperative banks in the State could emerge stronger out of the Madhavpura Bank crisis. The Federation has taken several measures particularly in adoption of technology by t
एन.एस. विश्वनाथन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am happy to be here in this edition of Sahakar Setu organised by the Gujarat Urban Cooperative Banks Federation. The Federation has been proactive in providing leadership to the cooperative movement in the State of Gujarat. It is because of the efforts of the Federation and its member banks, the cooperative banks in the State could emerge stronger out of the Madhavpura Bank crisis. The Federation has taken several measures particularly in adoption of technology by t
अगस्त 31, 2017
कृषि ऋण पर माफी पर सेमिनार- प्रभावशीलता और सीमाएं आरंभिक व्याख्यान-उर्जित आर पटेल
Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I warmly welcome you and thank you for accepting our invitation to join us today in this seminar. 1. In the recent period, farm loan waivers have engaged intense attention among the farming community, policy makers, academics, analysts and researchers. On the one hand, there is a gamut of issues that have intensified the anguish of our farmers. In this context, farm loan waivers have brought forward the urg
डॉ. ऊर्जित पटेल, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, I warmly welcome you and thank you for accepting our invitation to join us today in this seminar. 1. In the recent period, farm loan waivers have engaged intense attention among the farming community, policy makers, academics, analysts and researchers. On the one hand, there is a gamut of issues that have intensified the anguish of our farmers. In this context, farm loan waivers have brought forward the urg
फ़रवरी 10, 2016
ग्रामीण सहकारी समितियां: स्थिति पुनर्निर्धारण- आर.गांधी
I am glad to be addressing you all at this National Conference on Cooperative Banks – Regaining Leadership in this historic city of Lucknow. It is a very contemporary issue. Actually, it is an ever-green issue for the past over a century or so. You only need to recall the famous saying by the All India Rural Credit Survey of 1951 “Cooperation has failed. But, cooperation must succeed”. That showed that cooperation had a chequered history in India, with several ebbs an
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am glad to be addressing you all at this National Conference on Cooperative Banks – Regaining Leadership in this historic city of Lucknow. It is a very contemporary issue. Actually, it is an ever-green issue for the past over a century or so. You only need to recall the famous saying by the All India Rural Credit Survey of 1951 “Cooperation has failed. But, cooperation must succeed”. That showed that cooperation had a chequered history in India, with several ebbs an
अक्‍तूबर 28, 2015
सहकारी बैकिंग की अवस्था कैसी? - आर. गांधी
Dear Co-operators, I am thankful to the Maharashtra State Urban Co-operative Banks’ Federation for inviting me to this Seminar. The topic chosen for the Seminar is very contemporary. While I will certainly make a few points about it later, I would like to first discuss the current status of the urban co-operative banking in India, how it reached there, what recent initiatives the Reserve Bank has taken to strengthen the sector and what is the way forward. 2. The organ
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dear Co-operators, I am thankful to the Maharashtra State Urban Co-operative Banks’ Federation for inviting me to this Seminar. The topic chosen for the Seminar is very contemporary. While I will certainly make a few points about it later, I would like to first discuss the current status of the urban co-operative banking in India, how it reached there, what recent initiatives the Reserve Bank has taken to strengthen the sector and what is the way forward. 2. The organ
जून 23, 2015
सहकारी बैंकों के बारे में भविष्य एवं नए विचार – आर. गांधी
The co-operative movement in India is more than a century old; regulation thereof is also more than a century old with the first major impetus provided by the passage of the Co-operative Society Act in 1904. The co-operatives have come a long way and have seen many ups and downs since then; they have played the original role in financial inclusion and taking care of banking and credit needs of the lower and middle strata of society, in the length and breadth of India,
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
The co-operative movement in India is more than a century old; regulation thereof is also more than a century old with the first major impetus provided by the passage of the Co-operative Society Act in 1904. The co-operatives have come a long way and have seen many ups and downs since then; they have played the original role in financial inclusion and taking care of banking and credit needs of the lower and middle strata of society, in the length and breadth of India,
जून 22, 2015
बैंकों में क्षमता निर्माण – आर. गांधी
I appreciate CAFRAL for taking the initiative of holding this roundtable on capacity building in banks. As I am given to understand, the objective of this roundtable is to discuss the key aspects of the recommendations of the Committee on Capacity Building in Banks and Non-Bank Institutions (Chairman: Shri G. Goplalakrishna) and to formulate strategy to streamline and implement the recommendations. I also understand that the issues and challenges in implementing these
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I appreciate CAFRAL for taking the initiative of holding this roundtable on capacity building in banks. As I am given to understand, the objective of this roundtable is to discuss the key aspects of the recommendations of the Committee on Capacity Building in Banks and Non-Bank Institutions (Chairman: Shri G. Goplalakrishna) and to formulate strategy to streamline and implement the recommendations. I also understand that the issues and challenges in implementing these
नवंबर 19, 2014
भारतीय बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में विनियमन और पर्यवेक्षण की उभरती रूपरेखा – एस. एस. मूदड़ा
Delegates to the conference, ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure to be here this morning to interact with you all. At the outset, I would like to thank Axis Capital Limited and especially Mr. Nilesh Shah, for inviting me to address the participants. 2. During 2013-14, amid slow growth and high inflation, the Indian economy had to contend with serious challenges to external stability emanating from an unsustainably high current account deficit (CAD), capital outflow
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Delegates to the conference, ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure to be here this morning to interact with you all. At the outset, I would like to thank Axis Capital Limited and especially Mr. Nilesh Shah, for inviting me to address the participants. 2. During 2013-14, amid slow growth and high inflation, the Indian economy had to contend with serious challenges to external stability emanating from an unsustainably high current account deficit (CAD), capital outflow
नवंबर 07, 2014
Fortifying Cooperatives – Efforts to strengthen the Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure
Ladies and gentlemen! 1. I am very happy to be here today to share with you the present status of co-operatives in general and the role of rural cooperative banks as an institution, in particular. I feel honoured to be here with you all and inaugurate this Orientation Programme on Investment in Government Securities. Let me, at the outset, convey my thanks to the Regional Director for Maharashtra and Goa for inviting me to speak on this important occasion. 2. The thre
Dr. (Smt.) Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Ladies and gentlemen! 1. I am very happy to be here today to share with you the present status of co-operatives in general and the role of rural cooperative banks as an institution, in particular. I feel honoured to be here with you all and inaugurate this Orientation Programme on Investment in Government Securities. Let me, at the outset, convey my thanks to the Regional Director for Maharashtra and Goa for inviting me to speak on this important occasion. 2. The thre
जून 30, 2014
भारत में बैंक: चुनौतियां और अवसर - हारून आर. खान
Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, State Bank of India, Shri. Deepak Parekh, Chairman HDFC, Shri. V. G. Kannan, Chairman, SBI Cap Securities Ltd., Shri. Mani Palivesan, Managing Director, SBI Cap Securities Ltd, distinguished panelists and participants. It is a pleasure to address the BFSI Conference 2014 which features panel discussions on topical issues in banking. The first panel discussion, interestingly, is on Disruptive Themes for Next Decade. The word disru
श्री हरुण आर खान, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, State Bank of India, Shri. Deepak Parekh, Chairman HDFC, Shri. V. G. Kannan, Chairman, SBI Cap Securities Ltd., Shri. Mani Palivesan, Managing Director, SBI Cap Securities Ltd, distinguished panelists and participants. It is a pleasure to address the BFSI Conference 2014 which features panel discussions on topical issues in banking. The first panel discussion, interestingly, is on Disruptive Themes for Next Decade. The word disru
जून 10, 2014
न्यू जेनरेशन शहरी सहकारी बैंक – कुछ विचार मंथन - आर. गांधी
Dear Shri Jyotindra Mehta, Chairman, Gujarat Urban Cooperative Banks Federation, Shri V S Das, Director, Centre for Banking Research, Development & Excellence, other dignitaries and delegates. I feel specially privileged to address this Conference of urban co-operative banks, which is very aptly titled “Sahakar Setu-2014” focusing on the theme of “Next-Gen Co-operative Banks”. I am also happy to note that a Centre for Banking Research, Development & Excellence
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dear Shri Jyotindra Mehta, Chairman, Gujarat Urban Cooperative Banks Federation, Shri V S Das, Director, Centre for Banking Research, Development & Excellence, other dignitaries and delegates. I feel specially privileged to address this Conference of urban co-operative banks, which is very aptly titled “Sahakar Setu-2014” focusing on the theme of “Next-Gen Co-operative Banks”. I am also happy to note that a Centre for Banking Research, Development & Excellence
मार्च 25, 2014
Strengthening and Revitalising Rural Cooperative Credit Delivery System
1. I am extremely happy to be with you today and thank Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala, Chairman, NABARD and the organizers of this National Meet of State Cooperative Banks for inviting me to share the Reserve Bank's perspectives. 2. Since inception the Indian Cooperative movement was initiated by the Government to align the rural credit system with the objectives of development planning. The RBI played an important role. The RBI's concern and involvement in the sphere of ru
Dr. (Smt.) Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
1. I am extremely happy to be with you today and thank Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala, Chairman, NABARD and the organizers of this National Meet of State Cooperative Banks for inviting me to share the Reserve Bank's perspectives. 2. Since inception the Indian Cooperative movement was initiated by the Government to align the rural credit system with the objectives of development planning. The RBI played an important role. The RBI's concern and involvement in the sphere of ru
नवंबर 30, 2012
सहकारिता के विविध आयाम आनंद सिन्हा
Ms. Meena Hemchandra, Principal, Mr. R L Sharma, Vice-Principal, College for Agricultural Banking (CAB), Mr. Karuppasamy, the Executive Director, Mr. A. Vaidyanthan, a luminary in the field of development economics, distinguished participants from both India and abroad, my colleagues from Reserve Bank and the print and electronic media. 2. It is both a pleasure as well as a privilege for me to address this august gathering today. The International Conference on Co-ope
श्री आनंद सिन्हा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ms. Meena Hemchandra, Principal, Mr. R L Sharma, Vice-Principal, College for Agricultural Banking (CAB), Mr. Karuppasamy, the Executive Director, Mr. A. Vaidyanthan, a luminary in the field of development economics, distinguished participants from both India and abroad, my colleagues from Reserve Bank and the print and electronic media. 2. It is both a pleasure as well as a privilege for me to address this august gathering today. The International Conference on Co-ope
नवंबर 16, 2012
सहकारिता के लाभ का उपयोग दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव
Photograph Thank you very much for inviting me to inaugurate this two day International Conference on “Leveraging Cooperative Advantage” organized to celebrate the International Year of Cooperatives declared by the United Nations (UN). This is an opportunity to which I attach a lot of value. 2. The year-long celebration of cooperatives all over the world gives us an opportunity to revisit “the strengths of the cooperative business model as an alternative means of doin
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Photograph Thank you very much for inviting me to inaugurate this two day International Conference on “Leveraging Cooperative Advantage” organized to celebrate the International Year of Cooperatives declared by the United Nations (UN). This is an opportunity to which I attach a lot of value. 2. The year-long celebration of cooperatives all over the world gives us an opportunity to revisit “the strengths of the cooperative business model as an alternative means of doin
जनवरी 11, 2012
वित्तीय समावेशन और शहरी सहकारी बैंक  आनंद सिन्हा
Shri Shashikant Bugde, Chairman, Shri Krishnakumar Goyal, Vice-Chairman, Dr. Mukund Abhyankar and other Directors of the Cosmos Bank, Shri Sudhir Thakre, Secretary, Rural Development, Govt. of Maharashtra, all the aspiring women entrepreneurs present here this evening and ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be here this evening amongst all of you on the occasion of the launch of the Cosmos Bank’s Financial Inclusion Programme. I would like to thank the Cosmos Bank
श्री आनंद सिन्हा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Shri Shashikant Bugde, Chairman, Shri Krishnakumar Goyal, Vice-Chairman, Dr. Mukund Abhyankar and other Directors of the Cosmos Bank, Shri Sudhir Thakre, Secretary, Rural Development, Govt. of Maharashtra, all the aspiring women entrepreneurs present here this evening and ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be here this evening amongst all of you on the occasion of the launch of the Cosmos Bank’s Financial Inclusion Programme. I would like to thank the Cosmos Bank
दिसंबर 26, 2011
अल्पकालीन सहकारी ऋण संरचना और वित्तीय समावेशन वी.के. शर्मा
Shri Charan Das Mahant, Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture & Food Processing, Government of India,  Shri Gouri Shanker Bisen, Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Chandra Sekhar Sahu, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture, Government of Chhattisgarh, Dr. Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, President, National Cooperative Union of India, distinguished invitees and guests, ladies and gentlemen. I indeed deem it an honour and a privilege
श्री वी.के. शर्मा, कार्यपालक निदेशक, रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
Shri Charan Das Mahant, Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture & Food Processing, Government of India,  Shri Gouri Shanker Bisen, Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Chandra Sekhar Sahu, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture, Government of Chhattisgarh, Dr. Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, President, National Cooperative Union of India, distinguished invitees and guests, ladies and gentlemen. I indeed deem it an honour and a privilege
जून 02, 2008
वयोवृद्ध व्यक्तियो के लिए समावेशी वित्तीय प्रणाली - उषा थोरात
Changing Contours of Indian Population India, the seventh largest country in size, continues to occupy the second largest populated country after China. The aged population in India (i.e. over 60 years) that stood at 84.7 million (7.5 per cent) in 2005 is expected to rise to 141 million (10.2 per cent) by 2020 and thereafter reach 194 million (13 per cent) in 2030. Even though income levels are going up and poverty declining, it can be reasonably expected that a signi
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Changing Contours of Indian Population India, the seventh largest country in size, continues to occupy the second largest populated country after China. The aged population in India (i.e. over 60 years) that stood at 84.7 million (7.5 per cent) in 2005 is expected to rise to 141 million (10.2 per cent) by 2020 and thereafter reach 194 million (13 per cent) in 2030. Even though income levels are going up and poverty declining, it can be reasonably expected that a signi
दिसंबर 08, 2006
Urban Cooperative Banks – Evolution of the banks, current issues in Corporate Governance and challenges in their Regulation and Supervision
URBAN COOPERATIVE BANKS - Evolution of the banks, current issues in Corporate Governance and challenges in their Regulation and Supervision Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy and honoured to be here today to deliver the "Late Shri. R. N. Godbole memorial lecture" this year. My thanks to the Shivaji University, Kolhapur for extending me the invitation to deliver this lecture I have chosen to speak today on Urban Cooperative Banks - a key sector in the Indian Banking scen
Smt. Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
URBAN COOPERATIVE BANKS - Evolution of the banks, current issues in Corporate Governance and challenges in their Regulation and Supervision Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy and honoured to be here today to deliver the "Late Shri. R. N. Godbole memorial lecture" this year. My thanks to the Shivaji University, Kolhapur for extending me the invitation to deliver this lecture I have chosen to speak today on Urban Cooperative Banks - a key sector in the Indian Banking scen
जुलाई 05, 2002
Co-Operative Banks in India : Strengthening through Corporate Governance
by Vepa Kamesam Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India 1I deem it a privilege to have been invited to address this gathering on a topic of tremendous relevance, focus and significance in today’s context. Needless to say, for the co-operative banks in India these are transitional times. Never before has the need for restoring customer confidence in the co-operative sector been felt so much. Never before has the issue of good governance in the co-operative banks assumed
Shri Vepa Kamesam, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
by Vepa Kamesam Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India 1I deem it a privilege to have been invited to address this gathering on a topic of tremendous relevance, focus and significance in today’s context. Needless to say, for the co-operative banks in India these are transitional times. Never before has the need for restoring customer confidence in the co-operative sector been felt so much. Never before has the issue of good governance in the co-operative banks assumed


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