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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher



                            (Rs. crore)

  Items 1990-91PR
        Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

A. CURRENT                        
I. MERCHANDISE 33152.6 50086.2 -16933.6 108481.1 146542.3 -38061.2 121193.5 173753.0 -52559.5 129515.9 190266.8 -60750.9
II. INVISIBLES                        
  (a+b+c) 13393.6 13828.5 -434.9 59481.7 41027.2 18454.5 76533.8 39813.4 36720.4 85517.1 49321.2 36195.9
  a)   Services 8167.1 6408.1 1759.0 24787.6 25449.5 -661.9 27007.1 23943.4 3063.7 34488.2 30157.1 4331.1
    i) Travel 2612.5 702.5 1910.0 9150.3 3908.8 5241.5 10231.8 3049.3 7182.5 10879.6 5339.6 5540.0
    ii) Transportation 1764.6 1961.0 -196.4 6764.5 7279.5 -515.0 6942.4 8497.1 -1554.7 6652.1 9352.3 -2700.2
    iii) Insurance 198.4 158.4 40.0 599.6 478.9 120.7 771.1 542.6 228.5 869.7 679.1 190.6
    iv) G.n.i.e. 27.3 311.2 -283.9 44.0 724.1 -680.1 256.9 634.7 -377.8 1037.6 593.8 443.8
    v) Miscellaneous 3564.3 3275.0 289.3 8229.2 13058.2 -4829.0 8804.9 11219.7 -2414.8 15049.2 14192.3 856.9
  b)   Transfers 4566.0 27.5 4538.5 29962.1 129.2 29832.9 45715.7 290.5 45425.2 45234.2 164.9 45069.3
    vi) Official 829.3 1.8 827.5 1193.7 21.0 1172.7 1507.4 50.3 1457.1 1304.9 - 1304.9
    vii) Private 3736.7 25.7 3711.0 28768.4 108.2 28660.2 44208.3 240.2 43968.1 43929.3 164.9 43764.4
  c)   Investment Income 660.5 7392.9 -6732.4 4732.0 15448.5 -10716.5 3811.0 15579.5 -11768.5 5794.7 18999.2 -13204.5
Total Current Account 46546.2 63914.7 -17368.5 167962.8 187569.5 -19606.7 197727.3 213566.4 -15839.1 215033.0 239588.0 -24555.0
B. CAPITAL                        
1. Foreign Investment 201.8 18.3 183.5 19041.9 3418.2 15623.7 27342.0 6621.5 20720.5 33045.2 14612.4 18432.8
  a)   In India 201.8 18.3 183.5 18994.4 2720.8 16273.6 27309.2 5921.9 21387.3 32676.0 14114.6 18561.4
    i. Direct 191.7 18.1 173.6 7277.2 100.7 7176.5 9728.6 76.5 9652.1 11970.5 123.6 11846.9
    ii. Portfolio 10.1 0.2 9.9 11717.2 2620.1 9097.1 17580.6 5845.4 11735.2 20705.5 13991.0 6714.5
  b)   Abroad - - - 47.5 697.4 -649.9 32.8 699.6 -666.8 369.2 497.8 -128.6
2. Loans 16922.4 6994.7 9927.7 38395.5 30421.5 7974.0 62989.9 46008.1 16981.8 64110.7 46688.5 17422.2
  a)   External                        
      Assistance 6094.5 2140.1 3954.4 10101.4 6799.2 3302.2 10892.9 6923.2 3969.7 10795.0 7442.4 3352.6
    i) By India - 10.5 -10.5 - 53.6 -53.6 - 28.6 -28.6 - 77.7 -77.7
    ii) To India 6094.5 2129.6 3964.9 10101.4 6745.6 3355.8 10892.9 6894.6 3998.3 10795.0 7364.7 3430.3
  b)   Commercial                        
      Borrowings 7683.8 3639.2 4044.6 14470.4 9892.4 4578.0 26896.0 16862.9 10033.1 27253.0 12653.3 14599.7
      (MT & LT)                        
    i) By India 54.1 43.9 10.2 30.0 - 30.0 29.5 - 29.5 42.3 - 42.3
    ii) To India 7629.7 3595.3 4034.4 14440.4 9892.4 4548.0 26866.5 16862.9 10003.6 27210.7 12653.3 14557.4
  c)   Short Term                        
      To India 3144.1 1215.4 1928.7 13823.7 13729.9 93.8 25201.0 22222.0 2979.0 26062.7 26592.8 -530.1
3. Banking Capital 18133.4 16908.6 1224.8 21691.7 19246.7 2445.0 28394.2 20504.1 7890.1 33053.6 36243.4 -3189.8
  a)   Commercial Banks 14282.0 12659.8 1622.2 20787.3 17704.0 3083.3 27052.0 19145.7 7906.3 30326.4 34838.9 -4512.5
    i) Assets 764.2 1415.8 -651.6 2845.4 4319.9 -1474.5 2650.7 5738.3 -3087.6 2093.4 10214.1 -8120.7
    ii) Liabilities 334.5 817.1 -482.6 1270.9 534.3 736.6 362.6 1262.6 -900.0 193.0 909.1 -716.1
    iii) Non-Resident                        
      Deposits 13183.3 10426.9 2756.4 16671.0 12849.8 3821.2 24038.7 12144.8 11893.9 28040.0 23715.7 4324.3
  b)   Others 3851.4 4248.8 -397.4 904.4 1542.7 -638.3 1342.2 1358.4 -16.2 2727.2 1404.5 1322.7
4. Rupee Debt Service - 2139.8 -2139.8 - 3105.5 -3105.5 - 2542.0 -2542.0 - 2783.5 -2783.5
5. Other Capital 5593.3 2128.7 3464.6 2474.3 11140.4 -8666.1 9390.5 10267.4 -876.9 23821.9 9170.8 14651.1
Total Capital Account 40850.9 28190.1 12660.8 81603.4 67332.3 14271.1 128116.6 85943.1 42173.5 154031.4 109498.6 44532.8
(1 to 5)                        
C. Errors & Omissions 236.8 - 236.8 1286.9 - 1286.9 - 2114.3 -2114.3 - 3324.0 -3324.0
D. Overall Balance 87633.9 92104.8 -4470.9 250853.1 254901.8 -4048.7 325843.9 301623.8 24220.1 369064.4 352410.6 16653.8
  (Total Capital                        
  Account, Current                        
  Account and                        
  Errors & Omissions                        
E. Monetary                        
  Movements 5626.8 1155.9 4470.9 9797.7 5749.0 4048.7 - 24220.1 -24220.1 5900.5 22554.3 -16653.8
  i) I.M.F. 3333.7 1155.9 2177.8 - 5749.0 -5749.0 - 3461.2 -3461.2 - 2286.2 -2286.2
  ii) Foreign Exchange                        
    Reserves 2293.1 - 2293.1 9797.7 - 9797.7 - 20758.9 -20758.9 5900.5 20268.1 -14367.6
    ( Increase - /                        
    Decrease +)                        

See 'Notes on Tables'. PR : Partially Revised.

  Items April-June 1997 PR
July-Sept. 1997 PR
October-December 1997
January-March 1998
        Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net

    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

A. CURRENT                        
I. MERCHANDISE 30693.6 45851.2 -15157.6 32266.5 42088.3 -9821.8 31978.0 49955.6 -17977.6 34577.8 52371.7 -17793.9
II. INVISIBLES                        
  (a+b+c) 20133.2 10412.1 9721.1 22041.3 12251.0 9790.3 22509.1 11973.6 10535.5 20833.5 14684.5 6149.0
  a)   Services 7756.7 7322.9 433.8 7145.2 7401.3 -256.1 9925.8 6964.0 2961.8 9660.5 8468.9 1191.6
    i) Travel 2273.8 1224.2 1049.6 2255.4 1489.4 766.0 3122.7 1160.9 1961.8 3227.7 1465.1 1762.6
    ii) Transportation 1783.9 2494.1 -710.2 1856.6 2436.7 -580.1 1297.8 2080.8 -783.0 1713.8 2340.7 -626.9
    iii) Insurance 207.2 106.7 100.5 238.6 211.7 26.9 169.0 145.8 23.2 254.9 214.9 40.0
    iv) G.n.i.e. 94.1 201.3 -107.2 273.6 117.8 155.8 242.7 85.8 156.9 427.2 188.9 238.3
    v) Miscellaneous 3397.7 3296.6 101.1 2521.0 3145.7 -624.7 5093.6 3490.7 1602.9 4036.9 4259.3 -222.4
  b)   Transfers   10973.0 27.8 10945.2 13382.9 46.1 13336.8 11217.8 32.6 11185.2 9660.5 58.4 9602.1
    vi) Official 267.5 - 267.5 245.0 - 245.0 487.7 - 487.7 304.7 - 304.7
    vii) Private 10705.5 27.8 10677.7 13137.9 46.1 13091.8 10730.1 32.6 10697.5 9355.8 58.4 9297.4
  c)   Investment Income 1403.5 3061.4 -1657.9 1513.2 4803.6 -3290.4 1365.5 4977.0 -3611.5 1512.5 6157.2 -4644.7
Total Current Account 50826.8 56263.3 -5436.5 54307.8 54339.3 -31.5 54487.1 61929.2 -7442.1 55411.3 67056.2 -11644.9
B. CAPITAL                        
1. Foreign Investment 9334.8 2695.8 6639.0 7271.9 3146.1 4125.8 9149.8 4619.4 4530.4 7288.7 4151.1 3137.6
  a)   In India 9288.7 2565.1 6723.6 7251.1 3017.8 4233.3 9059.8 4502.7 4557.1 7076.4 4029.0 3047.4
    i.) Direct 4144.3 53.7 4090.6 2408.1 5.6 2402.5 2698.5 50.3 2648.2 2719.6 14.0 2705.6
    ii.) Portfolio 5144.4 2511.4 2633.0 4843.0 3012.2 1830.8 6361.3 4452.4 1908.9 4356.8 4015.0 341.8
  b)   Abroad 46.1 130.7 -84.6 20.8 128.3 -107.5 90.0 116.7 -26.7 212.3 122.1 90.2
2. Loans 14980.7 7829.8 7150.9 18027.0 11455.4 6571.6 15920.8 13468.3 2452.5 15182.2 13935.0 1247.2
  a)   External                        
      Assistance 1553.9 1727.1 -173.2 2276.6 1830.6 446.0 3169.6 1649.5 1520.1 3794.9 2235.2 1559.7
    i) By India - 20.0 -20.0 - 32.2 -32.2 - 17.3 -17.3 - 8.2 -8.2
    ii) To India 1553.9 1707.1 -153.2 2276.6 1798.4 478.2 3169.6 1632.2 1537.4 3794.9 2227.0 1567.9
  b)   Commercial                        
      Borrowings 6539.6 1294.1 5245.5 9109.6 3066.2 6043.4 6303.5 4124.4 2179.1 5300.3 4168.6 1131.7
      (MT & LT)                        
    i) By India 11.9 - 11.9 26.6 - 26.6 3.8 - 3.8 - - 0.0
    ii) To India 6527.7 1294.1 5233.6 9083.0 3066.2 6016.8 6299.7 4124.4 2175.3 5300.3 4168.6 1131.7
  c)   Short Term                        
      To India 6887.2 4808.6 2078.6 6640.8 6558.6 82.2 6447.7 7694.4 -1246.7 6087.0 7531.2 -1444.2
3. Banking Capital 11083.3 7169.6 3913.7 5814.7 10969.7 -5155.0 7399.0 12761.6 -5362.6 8756.6 5342.5 3414.1
  a)   Commercial Banks 9478.5 7161.1 2317.4 5814.6 10323.6 -4509.0 6424.3 12167.5 -5743.2 8609.0 5186.7 3422.3
    i) Assets 1020.0 1629.9 -609.9 825.3 3220.3 -2395.0 216.3 5170.6 -4954.3 31.8 193.3 -161.5
    ii) Liabilities 83.5 276.0 -192.5 49.8 177.4 -127.6 35.5 24.3 11.2 24.2 431.4 -407.2
    iii) Non-Resident                        
      Deposits 8375.0 5255.2 3119.8 4939.5 6925.9 -1986.4 6172.5 6972.6 -800.1 8553.0 4562.0 3991.0
  b)   Others 1604.8 8.5 1596.3 0.1 646.1 -646.0 974.7 594.1 380.6 147.6 155.8 -8.2
4. Rupee Debt Service - 2265.5 -2265.5 - 8.1 -8.1 - 189.3 -189.3 - 320.6 -320.6
5. Other Capital 3220.1 2982.5 237.6 1962.7 1185.4 777.3 6217.1 2229.3 3987.8 12422.0 2773.6 9648.4
Total Capital Account 38618.9 22943.2 15675.7 33076.3 26764.7 6311.6 38686.7 33267.9 5418.8 43649.5 26522.8 17126.7
(1 to 5)                        
C. Errors & Omissions 1007.2 - 1007.2 - 3846.2 -3846.2 - 3335.2 -3335.2 2850.2 - 2850.2
D. Overall Balance 90452.9 79206.5 11246.4 87384.1 84950.2 2433.9 93173.8 98532.3 -5358.5 101911.0 93579.0 8332.0
  (Total Capital                        
  Account, Current                        
  Account and                        
  Errors & Omissions                        
E. Monetary                        
  Movements - 11246.4 -11246.4 - 2433.9 -2433.9 5900.5 542.0 5358.5 - 8332.0 -8332.0
  i) I.M.F. - 609.0 -609.0 - 646. -646.8 - 542.0 -542.0 - 488.4 -488.4
  ii) Foreign Exchange                        
    Reserves - 10637.4 -10637.4 - 1787.1 -1787.1 5900.5 - 5900.5 - 7843.6 -7843.6
    ( Increase - /                        
    Decrease +)                        

Note: With effect from 1996-97, private transfer receipts include redemption in rupees of both  principal and interest under Non-Resident External (Rupee) Accounts [NRE(R)A] and Non-Resident Non-Repatriable Rupee Deposit [NR(NR)RD] schemes. This marks an improvement in data reporting.



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