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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements


सर्च रिफाइन करें

खोज परिणाम


  • लिस्ट व्यू
  • जाली देखना
सितंबर 16, 2021
मौद्रिक नीति : महामारी की परीक्षण – माइकल देवव्रत पात्र

Shri Nilesh Shah, Chairman, CII National Committee on Financial Markets, Shri Vishal Kampani, Co-Chair, Ms. Anuradha Salwan, Head, Financial Sector, CII, Ms. Amita Sarkar, Deputy Director General, CII and friends, I am honoured to be invited to deliver the keynote address in this plenary session of the 12th edition of the Financial Markets Summit organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Over the years, the Summit has emerged as a flagship event for tak

डॉ. माइकल देवव्रत पात्रा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

Shri Nilesh Shah, Chairman, CII National Committee on Financial Markets, Shri Vishal Kampani, Co-Chair, Ms. Anuradha Salwan, Head, Financial Sector, CII, Ms. Amita Sarkar, Deputy Director General, CII and friends, I am honoured to be invited to deliver the keynote address in this plenary session of the 12th edition of the Financial Markets Summit organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Over the years, the Summit has emerged as a flagship event for tak

जनवरी 24, 2020
भारत की मौद्रिक नीति के सात यगु - शक्तिकान्त दास
I am delighted to be back in my alma mater. Being here, brings back a surge of memories. Today, I wish to dwell upon a few aspects of central banking in the Indian context and RBI’s role in the current situation. I shall specifically focus on the evolution of monetary policy regimes in India and if I am to use the poetic license of Shakespeare, may I call it the seven ages of India’s monetary policy? 2. The history of central banking goes back to the seventeenth centu
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am delighted to be back in my alma mater. Being here, brings back a surge of memories. Today, I wish to dwell upon a few aspects of central banking in the Indian context and RBI’s role in the current situation. I shall specifically focus on the evolution of monetary policy regimes in India and if I am to use the poetic license of Shakespeare, may I call it the seven ages of India’s monetary policy? 2. The history of central banking goes back to the seventeenth centu
अप्रैल 13, 2019
उभरती बाजार अर्थव्यवस्थाओं के समक्ष वैश्विक जोखिम एवं नीतिगत चुनौतियाँ - शक्तिकान्त दास
Thank you for inviting me to this forum. I intend to cover some of the global risks and policy challenges from the perspective of emerging market economies (EMEs). We are aware that most EMEs have emerged more resilient than before from a turbulent 2018. For the greater part of 2018, the EMEs faced a wave of global spillover risks leading to capital outflows, currency and asset price volatility and tightened financial conditions. These developments posed risks to grow
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for inviting me to this forum. I intend to cover some of the global risks and policy challenges from the perspective of emerging market economies (EMEs). We are aware that most EMEs have emerged more resilient than before from a turbulent 2018. For the greater part of 2018, the EMEs faced a wave of global spillover risks leading to capital outflows, currency and asset price volatility and tightened financial conditions. These developments posed risks to grow
मार्च 19, 2019
राजकोषीय संघवाद (फेडरलिजम) पर कुछ विचार - शक्तिकान्त दास
I am honoured to be invited for the launch of the book "Indian Fiscal Federalism" authored by Dr. Y.V. Reddy and Shri G.R. Reddy. This is the latest in a prolific body of work that draws from Dr. Reddy’s hands-on experience with the Indian economy and public policy. These insightful expositions are interwoven with glimpses of Dr. Reddy’s professional life and his 'insider' views. 2. As Governor of the Reserve Bank of India during 2003-2008, after his stint as Deputy G
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am honoured to be invited for the launch of the book "Indian Fiscal Federalism" authored by Dr. Y.V. Reddy and Shri G.R. Reddy. This is the latest in a prolific body of work that draws from Dr. Reddy’s hands-on experience with the Indian economy and public policy. These insightful expositions are interwoven with glimpses of Dr. Reddy’s professional life and his 'insider' views. 2. As Governor of the Reserve Bank of India during 2003-2008, after his stint as Deputy G
अक्‍तूबर 26, 2018
स्वतंत्र विनियामकीय संस्थाओं का महत्व – केंद्रीय बैंक का मामला - डॉ. विरल वी. आचार्य, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा मुंबई में 26 अक्तूबर 2018 को दिया गया ए. डी. श्रॉफ स्मारक व्याख्यान
कोई भी समरूपता पूर्ण नहीं होती है; फिर भी, समरूपताओं के जरिए बातों को बेहतर ढंग कहने में मदद मिलती है। कई बार, मामूली आदमी भी व्यवहारिक और यहां तक कि अकादमिक बात भी सारगर्भित तरीके से कह देता है। लेकिन, संप्रेषणकर्ता के कार्य को आसान बनाने के उदाहरण असल जीवन में कभी-कभार ही सुंदरता के साथ आते हैं। मैं 2010 की एक घटना के साथ अपनी बात शुरू करता हूं क्योंकि यह मेरे वक्तव्य के विषय के लिए सर्वथा उपयुक्त हैः “इस केन्‍द्रीय बैंक में मेरा समय पूरा हुआ और यही कारण है कि मैंने
डॉ. विरल वी. आचार्य, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
कोई भी समरूपता पूर्ण नहीं होती है; फिर भी, समरूपताओं के जरिए बातों को बेहतर ढंग कहने में मदद मिलती है। कई बार, मामूली आदमी भी व्यवहारिक और यहां तक कि अकादमिक बात भी सारगर्भित तरीके से कह देता है। लेकिन, संप्रेषणकर्ता के कार्य को आसान बनाने के उदाहरण असल जीवन में कभी-कभार ही सुंदरता के साथ आते हैं। मैं 2010 की एक घटना के साथ अपनी बात शुरू करता हूं क्योंकि यह मेरे वक्तव्य के विषय के लिए सर्वथा उपयुक्त हैः “इस केन्‍द्रीय बैंक में मेरा समय पूरा हुआ और यही कारण है कि मैंने
नवंबर 20, 2017
भारत की मौद्रिक नीति समिति के कार्यकाल का एक वर्ष-माइकल देबब्रत पात्र
At 2.30 pm on October 4, 2017 the resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) was released on the website of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and history was made in a small way. Exactly a year ago, a page was turned on a tradition that went back to the origins of the RBI in pre-independent India. The monetary policy decision, hitherto made solely by the Governor of the RBI, was ceded to a six-member committee comprising the Governor as the Chairperson, the Deput
डॉ. एम. डी. पात्र, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
At 2.30 pm on October 4, 2017 the resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) was released on the website of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and history was made in a small way. Exactly a year ago, a page was turned on a tradition that went back to the origins of the RBI in pre-independent India. The monetary policy decision, hitherto made solely by the Governor of the RBI, was ceded to a six-member committee comprising the Governor as the Chairperson, the Deput
नवंबर 16, 2017
भारत में मौद्रिक नीति का संचरण: यह क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है और इसने ठीक से काम क्यों नहीं किया- विरल वी. आचार्य

When I travel from my residence in Vile Parle (W) to the Reserve Bank of India Central Office in Fort, I pass each way Kenilworth – the birth place of late Homi Jehangir Bhabha. It is a good way to start and end the day, being reminded not just of his immense intellect but also of his deep sense of service to India. I am thus grateful to Professor Dipan Ghosh, who was the Dean of Students during my time at IIT Bombay, for inviting me to speak today in the Homi Bhabha

डॉ. विरल वी. आचार्य, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

When I travel from my residence in Vile Parle (W) to the Reserve Bank of India Central Office in Fort, I pass each way Kenilworth – the birth place of late Homi Jehangir Bhabha. It is a good way to start and end the day, being reminded not just of his immense intellect but also of his deep sense of service to India. I am thus grateful to Professor Dipan Ghosh, who was the Dean of Students during my time at IIT Bombay, for inviting me to speak today in the Homi Bhabha

सितंबर 28, 2016
कमजोर वैश्विक परिवेश में वित्तीय स्थिरता - एस.एस.मूंदड़ा
At the outset, I extend a very warm welcome to Dr. Hans Genberg, Executive Director, the SEACEN Centre and all the participants of the 7th SEACEN High Level Seminar for Deputy Governors, Financial Stability and Supervision [DG (FSS)] and the delegates of the 7th Annual SEACEN DG Meeting (FSS). It is, indeed, a matter of great honour and privilege for the Reserve Bank of India to host this Seminar and the Annual Meet. The theme of the seminar, “Financial Stability in a
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
At the outset, I extend a very warm welcome to Dr. Hans Genberg, Executive Director, the SEACEN Centre and all the participants of the 7th SEACEN High Level Seminar for Deputy Governors, Financial Stability and Supervision [DG (FSS)] and the delegates of the 7th Annual SEACEN DG Meeting (FSS). It is, indeed, a matter of great honour and privilege for the Reserve Bank of India to host this Seminar and the Annual Meet. The theme of the seminar, “Financial Stability in a
जुलाई 26, 2016
नीति और साक्ष्य - रघुराम जी राजन
Good morning. It is a pleasure to welcome learned statisticians and economists from across the world to this Statistics Day celebration at the RBI. I am sure you will spend the day discussing advances in the fields of economics and statistics. These discussions will be very valuable. We certainly need to improve the quality and timeliness of our statistics, and big data can be very helpful. What I want to talk about this morning is, however, not the quality or timelin
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Good morning. It is a pleasure to welcome learned statisticians and economists from across the world to this Statistics Day celebration at the RBI. I am sure you will spend the day discussing advances in the fields of economics and statistics. These discussions will be very valuable. We certainly need to improve the quality and timeliness of our statistics, and big data can be very helpful. What I want to talk about this morning is, however, not the quality or timelin
जून 20, 2016
महंगाई के विरुद्ध संघर्ष : हमारे संस्थागत विकास का उपाय - रघुराम जी राजन
I thank the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research for inviting me to give this Foundation Day lecture. I have always seen TIFR with awe from afar. Some explanation is in order. My roommate in my first year at MIT was Dr. Renganathan Iyer, who is one of the smartest mathematicians I know – he used to help me understand my tutorials in real analysis. And he never missed an occasion to tell me how much smarter everyone else at TIFR was. Perhaps Renga was being modest, b
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I thank the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research for inviting me to give this Foundation Day lecture. I have always seen TIFR with awe from afar. Some explanation is in order. My roommate in my first year at MIT was Dr. Renganathan Iyer, who is one of the smartest mathematicians I know – he used to help me understand my tutorials in real analysis. And he never missed an occasion to tell me how much smarter everyone else at TIFR was. Perhaps Renga was being modest, b

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