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दिसंबर 18, 2008
वैश्ंविक वित्तीय उथल - पुथल और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए चुनौतियां * डी. सुब्बाराव
It is my pleasure to be here this evening and to be able to share my thoughts with an exclusive gathering of bankers. Since this is an in-house meeting and we are professional colleagues, I propose to be frank and forthright. I am glad to know that the Bankers' Club in Kolkata has been recently revived and is engaged in promoting professional interaction within the banking community. 2. The global financial crisis is now the staple of front page news. Banks around the
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my pleasure to be here this evening and to be able to share my thoughts with an exclusive gathering of bankers. Since this is an in-house meeting and we are professional colleagues, I propose to be frank and forthright. I am glad to know that the Bankers' Club in Kolkata has been recently revived and is engaged in promoting professional interaction within the banking community. 2. The global financial crisis is now the staple of front page news. Banks around the
दिसंबर 04, 2008
स्पिलओवर और संक्रमण कम करना वैश्ंविक वित्तीय संकट से सबक * डी. सुब्बाराव
1. On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome all of you international delegates to India, to this wonderful city of Hyderabad, and to this RBI-BIS Seminar on "Mitigating Spillovers and Contagion - Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis". Seminar Context 2. This seminar is the second successive BIS seminar to be organised by the RBI, and marks an important milestone in the intellectual collaboration between the Bank for Intern
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
1. On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome all of you international delegates to India, to this wonderful city of Hyderabad, and to this RBI-BIS Seminar on "Mitigating Spillovers and Contagion - Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis". Seminar Context 2. This seminar is the second successive BIS seminar to be organised by the RBI, and marks an important milestone in the intellectual collaboration between the Bank for Intern
नवंबर 25, 2008
Contemporary International and Domestic Banking Developments and the Emerging Challenges
Dear Friends, I am delighted to be here this evening at the meeting of the Bankers’ Club, Kolkata, which, I understand, is in the process of reactivating itself to provide a vibrant professional platform to the bankers for an ongoing exchange of views on the areas of functional and contemporary relevance to the banking community. I am grateful to the organisers for affording me this opportunity to be with this august audience and to share some my thoughts on the very
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Dear Friends, I am delighted to be here this evening at the meeting of the Bankers’ Club, Kolkata, which, I understand, is in the process of reactivating itself to provide a vibrant professional platform to the bankers for an ongoing exchange of views on the areas of functional and contemporary relevance to the banking community. I am grateful to the organisers for affording me this opportunity to be with this august audience and to share some my thoughts on the very
नवंबर 21, 2008
V K Sharma: Genesis, Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Current Global Financial Crisis
I heartily welcome you all to the Senior Management Conference 2008. As at the time of the last Senior Management Conference, the now 14-month old, and still ongoing, global financial market convulsion, with no hint even now of its cataclysmic denouement, and its recent direct outcome, the widespread global economic slowdown, provide, again, the perfect backdrop, and contextual topicality, to this year's conference theme "Financial Sector Development in India: Agenda
Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
I heartily welcome you all to the Senior Management Conference 2008. As at the time of the last Senior Management Conference, the now 14-month old, and still ongoing, global financial market convulsion, with no hint even now of its cataclysmic denouement, and its recent direct outcome, the widespread global economic slowdown, provide, again, the perfect backdrop, and contextual topicality, to this year's conference theme "Financial Sector Development in India: Agenda
अक्‍तूबर 12, 2008
उभरती बाजार अर्थंव्यवस्थाओ और भारत के विशेष संदर्भं में वैश्विक वित्तिय संकट से सीख - डाँ.डी.सुब्बाराव
1. Since the collapse of the leading US investment banks in August-September 2008, there has been a breakdown of trust in inter-bank and inter-institutional lending. Given that this kind of extreme risk perception will be reversed only slowly, the full resolution of the crisis will inevitably take time. 2. Additionally, there is the problem of contagion – across markets, across institutions and across countries. Each day, there is news of the crisis spreading to a new
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
1. Since the collapse of the leading US investment banks in August-September 2008, there has been a breakdown of trust in inter-bank and inter-institutional lending. Given that this kind of extreme risk perception will be reversed only slowly, the full resolution of the crisis will inevitably take time. 2. Additionally, there is the problem of contagion – across markets, across institutions and across countries. Each day, there is news of the crisis spreading to a new
अक्‍तूबर 10, 2008
Global Financial Crisis and Key Risks: Impact on India and Asia (Updated on October 27, 2008)
The turmoil in the international financial markets of advanced economies, that started around mid-2007, has exacerbated substantially since August 2008. The financial market crisis has led to the collapse of major financial institutions and is now beginning to impact the real economy in the advanced economies. As this crisis is unfolding, credit markets appear to be drying up in the developed world. With the substantive increase in financial globalisation, how much wi
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
The turmoil in the international financial markets of advanced economies, that started around mid-2007, has exacerbated substantially since August 2008. The financial market crisis has led to the collapse of major financial institutions and is now beginning to impact the real economy in the advanced economies. As this crisis is unfolding, credit markets appear to be drying up in the developed world. With the substantive increase in financial globalisation, how much wi
सितंबर 12, 2008
वित्तीय समावेशन और सुचना प्राद्योगिकी श्रीमती उषा थोरात,उप गर्वंनर , भारतीय रिजर्वं बेक
It is indeed very heartening to be here at this WIPRO-NDTV Convergence Conference on ‘Vision 2020 - Indian Financial Services Sector’. I thank the organizers for inviting me here today. Introduction 2. The banking system has grown enormously in the last five years keeping pace with and in some cases leading the country’s remarkable economic growth. Simultaneously, the banking system has improved its strength, efficiency and resilience. There have also been significant
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is indeed very heartening to be here at this WIPRO-NDTV Convergence Conference on ‘Vision 2020 - Indian Financial Services Sector’. I thank the organizers for inviting me here today. Introduction 2. The banking system has grown enormously in the last five years keeping pace with and in some cases leading the country’s remarkable economic growth. Simultaneously, the banking system has improved its strength, efficiency and resilience. There have also been significant
अगस्त 29, 2008
Remarks by Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, on the launch of currency futures
Honourable Finance Minister, Chairman SEBI Shri Bhave, Chairman NSE, Shri Mathur, MD & CEO NSE, Shri Ravi Narain, DMD, NSE Smt. Chitra Ramakrishnan, ladies and gentlemen. </font>2. We are gathered here to mark an event of great significance in the context of Indian financial markets. This event is in fulfillment of the announcement made by the Hon. Finance Minister as part of the Budget Speech in February 2008. It may be recalled that the preparatory work in
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Honourable Finance Minister, Chairman SEBI Shri Bhave, Chairman NSE, Shri Mathur, MD & CEO NSE, Shri Ravi Narain, DMD, NSE Smt. Chitra Ramakrishnan, ladies and gentlemen. </font>2. We are gathered here to mark an event of great significance in the context of Indian financial markets. This event is in fulfillment of the announcement made by the Hon. Finance Minister as part of the Budget Speech in February 2008. It may be recalled that the preparatory work in
अगस्त 04, 2008
भारतीय बैकिग उद्योग-चयनित पक्षों का सिंहावलोकन * - वी.लीलाधर
Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to be here on the occasion of the birth centenary celebrations of late Shri M. Ct. M. Chidambaram Chettyar. I am thankful to the organisers for affording me this opportunity to share some of my thoughts with this august audience. As you all know, Shri Chettyar was the visionary founder of the Indian Overseas Bank. He established the bank in the pre-independence era in the February 1937, when the banking industry in the country was indee
श्री वी. लीलाधर, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to be here on the occasion of the birth centenary celebrations of late Shri M. Ct. M. Chidambaram Chettyar. I am thankful to the organisers for affording me this opportunity to share some of my thoughts with this august audience. As you all know, Shri Chettyar was the visionary founder of the Indian Overseas Bank. He established the bank in the pre-independence era in the February 1937, when the banking industry in the country was indee
अगस्त 01, 2008
भारत मे भुगतान और निपटान प्रणाली * - वी. लीलाधर
Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to be here with you this afternoon at this important conclave, which seeks to articulate the vision of Indian banking in 2010. I am thankful to the organisers for affording me this opportunity to be here today and share some of my thoughts with this august audience. The Indian banking system has come a long way, particularly during the last couple of decades and continues to evolve in a myriad of ways. While, no doubt, the future contou
श्री वी. लीलाधर, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to be here with you this afternoon at this important conclave, which seeks to articulate the vision of Indian banking in 2010. I am thankful to the organisers for affording me this opportunity to be here today and share some of my thoughts with this august audience. The Indian banking system has come a long way, particularly during the last couple of decades and continues to evolve in a myriad of ways. While, no doubt, the future contou


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