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22 Jan 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 7, 2000 For the Week Ended January 14, 2000 Item Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 57 8.6097 9.0178 80 8.6572 9.6045 2000-01 212 9.0985 10.3241 436 9.2128 10.3864 2001-02 165 10.1092 10.3359 385 10.2690 10.4823 2002-03 $ 260 10.2841 10.4434 242 10.3395 10.4633 200
15 Jan 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended December 31, 1999For the Week Ended January 7, 2000ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 359.25489.3285578.60979.0178 2000-01 3169.066510.14452129.098510.3241 2001-02 19110.166710.416016510.109210.3359 2002-03 $ 24210.303410.534826010.284110.4434 2003-04 33110.467110.699332310.388510.
08 Jan 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended December 24, 1999For the Week Ended December 31, 1999ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 719.25549.4864359.25489.3285 2000-01 5919.518810.35193169.066510.1445 2001-02 53710.262010.312419110.166710.4160 2002-03 $ 24410.371610.807324210.303410.5348 2003-04 27110.479510.750533110.46
01 Jan 2000
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended December 17, 1999For the Week Ended December 24, 1999ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 2577.99969.9438719.25549.4864 2000-01 4479.182110.26255919.518810.3519 2001-02 46810.276310.482053710.262010.3124 2002-03 $ 20110.357410.577524410.371610.8073 2003-04 14510.471610.762527110.4795
25 Dec 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended December 10, 1999For the Week Ended December 17, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20003238.74899.97842577.99969.9438 2000-017659.266710.29874479.182110.2625 2001-0269910.053310.469346810.276310.4820 2002-03 $67510.188610.480320110.357410.5775 2003-0495010.344510.793814510.471610.
18 Dec 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended December 3, 1999For the Week Ended December 10, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001008.620210.21213238.74899.9784 2000-019518.740610.55887659.266710.2987 2001-0259410.259110.494269910.053310.4693 2002-03 $55010.398410.668567510.188610.4803 2003-0474110.367310.826595010.344510.
11 Dec 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended November 26, 1999For the Week Ended December 3, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000138.746510.29581008.620210.2121 2000-012639.515910.53069518.740610.5588 2001-0211710.168910.492059410.259110.4942 2002-03 $37710.428310.624755010.398410.6685 2003-0436710.669311.150574110.3673
04 Dec 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended November 19, 1999 For the Week Ended November 26, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2345 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 1209.827710.6587138.746510.2958 2000-01 24210.132710.38112639.515910.5306 2001-02 35110.433611.640111710.168910.4920 2002-03 $ 39110.521310.570237710.428310.6247 2003-04 37010.659912.633236
27 Nov 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended November 12, 1999For the Week Ended November 19, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000699.280710.24221209.827710.6587 2000-012569.922710.437624210.132710.3811 2001-0217510.424710.449235110.433611.6401 2002-03 $26010.543210.603239110.521310.5702 2003-0431010.660611.714837010.65991
20 Nov 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended November 5, 1999For the Week Ended November 12, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000259.825010.5606699.280710.2422 2000-0180710.121014.47772569.922710.4376 2001-0274310.419112.127317510.424710.4492 2002-03 $74610.573112.328526010.543210.6032 2003-0449510.604712.546631010.660611.
13 Nov 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended October 29, 1999For the Week Ended November 5, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20004410.480110.6058259.825010.5606 2000-0164810.242410.657880710.121014.4777 2001-0262010.507613.530774310.419112.1273 2002-03 $34010.687010.756574610.573112.3285 2003-0433310.651010.943449510.604712
06 Nov 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended October 22, 1999For the Week Ended October 29, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 4810.656110.71814410.480110.6058 2000-01 26210.412210.650464810.242410.6578 2001-02 23010.548610.762262010.507613.5307 2002-03 $ 4610.538010.869334010.687010.7565 2003-04 23710.474711.0163333
30 Oct 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended October 15, 1999For the Week Ended October 22, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000310.234610.35124810.656110.7181 2000-0124910.198010.664926210.412210.6504 2001-027510.516010.727623010.548610.7622 2002-03 $20010.703510.82864610.538010.8693 2003-0443510.810111.040623710.474711.0
23 Oct 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended October 8, 1999For the Week Ended October 15, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20000.2510.8271—310.234610.3512 2000-0116010.498810.788324910.198010.6649 2001-0224510.600313.52537510.516010.7276 2002-03 $22010.711510.844120010.703510.8286 2003-0429310.818911.033843510.810111.0406
16 Oct 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended October 1, 1999For the Week Ended October 8, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000110.5712—0.2510.8271— 2000-013788.887612.060416010.498810.7883 2001-0239810.572113.522624510.600313.5253 2002-03 $37310.675111.789622010.711510.8441 2003-0447710.809111.192629310.818911.0338 2004-05
09 Oct 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended September 24, 1999For the Week Ended October 1, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001229.625010.6988110.5712— 2000-0132610.168710.50693788.887612.0604 2001-0237410.565010.883739810.572113.5226 2002-03 $53210.688710.772337310.675111.7896 2003-0431510.797412.500047710.809111.1926
02 Oct 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended September 17, 1999For the Week Ended September 24, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-200019.968910.43351229.625010.6988 2000-012349.536613.327932610.168710.5069 2001-0216510.635910.737637410.565010.8837 2002-03 $30510.757512.952653210.688710.7723 2003-0431010.838612.894131510.797
25 Sep 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended September 10, 1999For the Week Ended September 17, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000259.048911.078319.968910.4335 2000-0121610.085910.74132349.536613.3279 2001-0270110.605010.895216510.635910.7376 2002-03 $48510.718110.890630510.757512.9526 2003-0454410.862411.110531010.83861
18 Sep 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended September 3, 1999For the Week Ended September 10, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000629.538910.4431259.048911.0783 2000-0146010.097113.924821610.085910.7413 2001-0241710.445913.995570110.605010.8952 2002-03 $31910.614213.653248510.718110.8906 2003-0479110.709213.798854410.8624
11 Sep 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended August 27, 1999For the Week Ended September 3, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 4 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001079.580610.6566 629.538910.4431 2000-014649.906410.5241 46010.097113.9248 2001-0218510.399610.5990 41710.445913.9955 2002-03 $94310.568910.6935 31910.614213.6532 2003-0485110.709510.9890 7911
04 Sep 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended August 20, 1999For the Week Ended August 27, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000799.479010.2984 1079.580610.6566 2000-014629.929710.5428 4649.906410.5241 2001-0231710.036110.5407 18510.399610.5990 2002-03 $39410.553410.7086 94310.568910.6935 2003-041,20510.706911.0828 85110.70
28 Aug 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended August 13, 1999For the Week Ended August 20, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000909.403310.1752 799.479010.2984 2000-015789.423210.6230 4629.929710.5428 2001-0232610.199810.6252 31710.036110.5407 2002-03 $56510.526410.8298 39410.553410.7086 2003-041,35610.701411.1327 1,20510.7
21 Aug 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended August 6, 1999For the Week Ended August 13, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20004609.254010.2869 909.403310.1752 2000-011,0539.505810.5585 5789.423210.6230 2001-0274810.210010.8667 32610.199810.6252 2002-03 $45810.457511.0059 56510.526410.8298 2003-041,22210.635411.6985 1,35610.
14 Aug 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended July 30, 1999For the Week Ended August 6, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000579.833110.0671 4609.254010.2869 2000-016569.254211.5016 1,0539.505810.5585 2001-0246510.519610.8585 74810.210010.8667 2002-03 $49910.861111.2395 45810.457511.0059 2003-0482810.936811.2448 1,22210.635
07 Aug 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended July 23, 1999For the Week Ended July 30, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20002599.953910.2957 579.833110.0671 2000-011,18510.129910.6665 6569.254211.5016 2001-0296410.668310.9234 46510.519610.8585 2002-03 $80310.917411.8617 49910.861111.2395 2003-0495811.037411.2749 82810.93681
31 Jul 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended July 16, 1999For the Week Ended July 23, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 4 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001449.624910.2881 2599.953910.2957 2000-0191510.194711.0444 1,18510.129910.6665 2001-0262510.767510.9763 96410.668310.9234 2002-03 $41610.271511.0437 80310.917411.8617 2003-0432510.998811.8311 95811.
24 Jul 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended July 9, 1999For the Week Ended July 16, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-200012710.047710.3318 1449.624910.2881 2000-011,01310.275210.7530 91510.194711.0444 2001-0286010.756711.2676 62510.767510.9763 2002-03 $25110.970411.1288 41610.271511.0437 2003-0448311.134511.3582 32510.998
17 Jul 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended July 2, 1999For the Week Ended July 9, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 4 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000898.710610.4080 12710.047710.3318 2000-0148610.331510.8409 1,01310.275210.7530 2001-0222110.848011.0734 86010.756711.2676 2002-03 $15110.748311.1053 25110.970411.1288 2003-0433610.922311.3964 48311.13
10 Jul 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended June 25, 1999For the Week Ended July 2, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20006010.123010.3316 898.710610.4080 2000-0180710.284511.1518 48610.331510.8409 2001-0242110.836511.9967 22110.848011.0734 2002-03 $32010.757811.1298 15110.748311.1053 2003-0452711.075011.3061 33610.922311.
03 Jul 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended June 18, 1999For the Week Ended June 25, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000519.789410.4339 6010.123010.3316 2000-0124310.241012.6788 80710.284511.1518 2001-0239810.736111.7289 42110.836511.9967 2002-03 $23910.853611.0907 32010.757811.1298 2003-0422011.119011.3643 52711.075011
26 Jun 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended June 11, 1999For the Week Ended June 18, 1999 ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 4 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001279.907010.3777 519.789410.4339 2000-0189510.171410.9318 24310.241012.6788 2001-0272210.839611.7284 39810.736111.7289 2002-03 $30010.963011.1349 23910.853611.0907 2003-0465911.067611.4223 22011.11
19 Jun 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended June 4, 1999 For the Week Ended June 11, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) Indicative AmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 1836.530310.5751 1279.907010.3777 2000-01 41810.000511.0286 89510.171410.9318 2001-02 38110.824713.5460 72210.839611.7284 2002-03 $ 7710.953511.1377 30010.963011.1349 2003-04 80011.140511.7210 65911
12 Jun 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 28, 1999For the Week Ended June 4, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 4 5 67 I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20002138.123811.4696 1836.530310.5751 2000-0155510.172410.9600 41810.000511.0286 2001-0232610.718811.0439 38110.824713.5460 2002-03 $20111.005611.6631 7710.953511.1377 2003-0465011.083911.4414 80011.14051
05 Jun 1999
21. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 21, 1999For the Week Ended May 28, 1999 ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001654.453010.69152138.123811.4696 2000-014619.655210.868555510.172410.9600 2001-0247610.832310.953332610.718811.0439 2002-03 $36210.963311.118320111.005611.6631 2003-0446311.110811.296565011.083911.441
29 May 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 14, 1999For the Week Ended May 21, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative AmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2 3 4 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 529.818810.3256 1654.453010.6915 2000-01 53510.198810.7976 4619.655210.8685 2001-02 51210.264210.9452 47610.832310.9533 2002-03 $ 25710.859311.0482 36210.963311.1183 2003-04 51511.092811.2866 46311
22 May 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended May 7, 1999For the Week Ended May 14, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20001659.332010.3391529.818810.3256 2000-0172210.194212.574753510.198810.7976 2001-0263010.788113.130651210.264210.9452 2002-03 $30711.019512.260525710.859311.0482 2003-0490111.095012.034951511.092811.2866 200
15 May 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 30, 1999For the Week Ended May 7, 1999 Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000549.541510.32911659.332010.3391 2000-0146010.394810.721972210.194212.5747 2001-0249410.704011.530363010.788113.1306 2002-03 $53811.004311.116730711.019512.2605 2003-0491311.156711.922590111.095012.0349
08 May 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 23, 1999For the Week Ended April 30, 1999 ItemAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum 123 4 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000619.07289.9541 549.541510.3291 2000-0194010.444410.8956 46010.394810.7219 2001-0265310.850811.0090 49410.704011.5303 2002-03 $39010.776111.2150 53811.004311.1167 2003-0495511.154211.4937 91311.156
01 May 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 16, 1999For the Week Ended April 23, 1999 Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000 1057.309012.3809 619.07289.9541 2000-01 36810.402410.7229 94010.444410.8956 2001-02 71110.631211.0327 65310.850811.0090 2002-03 $ 55411.024511.1138 39010.776111.2150 2003-04 67211.145511.9492 95
24 Apr 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 9, 1999For the Week Ended April 16, 1999 ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum 1234 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-20003998.847210.4246 1057.309012.3809 2000-011,36910.122411.0347 36810.402410.7229 2001-021,18310.868111.1475 71110.631211.0327 2002-03 $84011.042311.5150 55411.024511.1138 2003-041,03311.179011.6828 6
17 Apr 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Amount in Rs. crore) For the Week Ended April 2, 1999For the Week Ended April 9, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 5 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-2000677.387610.5059 3998.847210.4246 2000-0161210.133112.0781 1,36910.122411.0347 2001-0261210.652611.1635 1,18310.868111.1475 2002-03 $13611.053811.5774 84011.042311.5150 2003-0422611.403811.5642 1,0331
10 Apr 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 26, 1999 For the Week Ended April 2, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2345 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1999-003139.366511.9319677.387610.5059 2000-0141310.465911.076261210.133112.0781 2001-0263310.882111.179761210.652611.1635 2002-03 $44411.188411.417113611.053811.5774 2003-0446011.355611.666422611.403811.5642 2004-057
03 Apr 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 19, 1999For the Week Ended March 26, 1999 ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum 123 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99-- -- - - 1999-005288.892712.86453139.366511.9319 2000-0130510.558911.217141310.465911.0762 2001-0298910.619111.248363310.882111.1797 2002-03 $41811.208211.383544411.188411.4171 2003-043011.378411.477746011.3
27 Mar 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 12, 1999For the Week Ended March 19, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 -- -- - - 1999-00 3346.063711.69475288.892712.8645 2000-01 1,0528.898111.191930510.558911.2171 2001-02 98910.912511.236298910.619111.2483 2002-03 $ 51411.195012.281341811.208211.3835 2003-04 83211.326812.30
20 Mar 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended March 5, 1999For the Week Ended March 12, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 -- -- - - 1999-00 3978.313210.75863346.063711.6947 2000-01 1,16910.555311.25101,0528.898111.1919 2001-02 1,32211.108711.502298910.912511.2362 2002-03 $ 52611.098011.684451411.195012.2813 2003-04 73211.389411.
13 Mar 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 26, 1999For the Week Ended March 5, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 2345 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99--- - - - 1999-001329.079310.44113978.313210.7586 2000-0143211.094111.24241,16910.555311.2510 2001-0226711.390011.43971,32211.108711.5022 2002-03 $7811.553311.660352611.098011.6844 2003-0423611.708511.9042732
06 Mar 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 26, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum1 2 34I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 - -- 1999-00 1329.079310.4411 2000-01 43211.094111.2424 2001-02 26711.390011.4397 2002-03 $ 7811.553311.6603 2003-04 23611.708511.9042 2004-07 19911.763412.0691 2007-08 2112.062112.2405 Beyond 2008 52412.120713.1376 2.State Government Securities 2711.816413.7425 3.14 Day Treasury Bil
27 Feb 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 12, 1999 For the Week Ended February 19, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234 567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99--- - -- 1999-003449.905810.45993318.132510.7310 2000-0161210.828312.514540410.788311.2143 2001-0249411.379112.094624111.257711.4334 2002-03 $43611.528612.569018011.321511.6268 2003-047111.692012.8218413
20 Feb 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended February 5, 1999 For the Week Ended February 12, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99—————— 1999-004569.800110.48883449.905810.4599 2000-0196810.837911.963461210.828312.5145 2001-0259911.083611.468549411.379112.0946 2002-03 $11211.404813.804143611.528612.5690 2003-0428011.693711.87367111.69
13 Feb 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 29, 1999 For the Week Ended February 5, 1999ItemsAmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99109.4478———— 1999-002579.031410.50854569.800110.4888 2000-0166411.015813.118996810.837911.9634 2001-0275011.397111.460159911.083611.4685 2002-03 $83811.530711.632711211.404813.8041 2003-0438011.701111.873228
06 Feb 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 22, 1999 For the Week Ended January 29, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 1009.26209.7643109.4478— 1999-00 4019.115010.50262579.031410.5085 2000-01 1,03110.885311.397266411.015813.1189 2001-02 71311.446311.573775011.397111.4601 2002-03 $ 33811.574111.835183811.530711.6327 2003-0
30 Jan 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 15, 1999For the Week Ended January 22, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 23 45 6 7I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99159.9718 —1009.2620 9.7643 1999-002769.115210.59104019.115010.5026 2000-0189411.191411.97561,03110.885311.3972 2001-0245511.470311.544971311.446311.5737 2002-03 $55211.579111.673733811.574111.8351 2003-04
23 Jan 1999
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended January 8, 1999For the Week Ended January 15, 1999Items AmountYTM (%PA) IndicativeAmountYTM (%PA) Indicative MinimumMaximum MinimumMaximum1 234567I. Outright Transactions 1.Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-993818.75259.9840159.9718— 1999-003529.754410.75852769.115210.5910 2000-0177811.063211.431389411.191411.9756 2001-0284611.332311.599745511.470311.5449 2002-03 $73511.596911.680855211.579111.6737 2003-041,29511.
21 Nov 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended November 6, 1998 November 13, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 194 9.5981 10.2924 419 8.6522 9.9619 1999-00 369 9.9993 12.3084 294 7.7402 11.0351 2000-01 670 11.1108 11.4615 3,187 9.6422 11.5696 2001-02 131 11.5501 11.6410 409 11.4111 11.5549 2002-03$ 1
14 Nov 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended October 30, 1998 November 6, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 145 9.8723 10.5020 194 9.5981 10.2924 1999-00 249 10.2091 11.3214 369 9.9993 12.3084 2000-01 667 11.1290 11.8244 670 11.1108 11.4615 2001-02 224 11.6024 12.0279 131 11.5501 11.6410 2002-03$ 5
07 Nov 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended October 23, 1998 October 30, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 38 10.2841 10.4977 145 9.8723 10.5020 1999-00 30 10.5877 10.8145 249 10.2091 11.3214 2000-01 60 11.4258 11.5287 667 11.1290 11.8244 2001-02 20 11.6415 11.6648 224 11.6024 12.0279 2002-03$ - -
31 Oct 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended October 16, 1998 October 23, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 195 9.9839 11.2184 38 10.2841 10.4977 1999-00 281 10.5818 11.3165 30 10.5877 10.8145 2000-01 253 11.3913 11.6862 60 11.4258 11.5287 2001-02 98 11.5629 11.6942 20 11.6415 11.6648 2002-03$ 8 11
24 Oct 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended October 9, 1998 October 16, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 358 10.0174 10.6307 195 9.9839 11.2184 1999-00 240 10.6124 11.3024 281 10.5818 11.3165 2000-01 690 11.3865 11.5367 253 11.3913 11.6862 2001-02 297 11.5790 12.0377 98 11.5629 11.6942 2002-03$ 8
17 Oct 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended October 2, 1998 October 9, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 89 10.4340 10.5322 358 10.0174 10.6307 1999-00 20 10.5251 10.7614 240 10.6124 11.3024 2000-01 825 10.6620 11.4634 690 11.3865 11.5367 2001-02 135 11.5601 11.6369 297 11.5790 12.0377 2002-03$ 40
10 Oct 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended September 25, 1998 October 2, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 111 10.1050 10.4613 89 10.4340 10.5322 1999-00 154 10.2068 11.1265 20 10.5251 10.7614 2000-01 217 11.1887 11.3962 825 10.6620 11.4634 2001-02 330 11.4100 11.6174 135 11.5601 11.6369 2002-03$
03 Oct 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) For the Week Ended For the Week Ended September 18, 1998 September 25, 1998 Items Amount YTM (%PA) Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 314 10.3704 10.7041 111 10.1050 10.4613 1999-00 131 10.2439 10.7639 154 10.2068 11.1265 2000-01 215 11.1892 11.3694 217 11.1887 11.3962 2001-02 347 11.5374 12.0105 330 11.4100 11.6174 200
26 Sep 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items For the Week Ended September 11, 1998 For the Week Ended September 18, 1998 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 124 10.2438 10.6156 314 10.3704 10.7041 1999-00 116 10.2570 10.7133 131 10.2439 10.7639 2000-01 95 11.1806 11.5009 215 11.1892 11.3694 2001-02 436 11.5107 11.6702 347 11.5374 12.0105 2002
19 Sep 1998
20. Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities (Face Value)
(Rs. crore) Items For the Week Ended September 4, 1998 For the Week Ended September 11, 1998 Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Amount YTM (%PA) Indicative Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Outright Transactions 1. Govt. of India Dated Securities Maturing in the year 1998-99 15 9.1798 9.9445 124 10.2438 10.6156 1999-00 99 9.8321 10.5226 116 10.2570 10.7133 2000-01 151 10.8580 11.6409 95 11.1806 11.5009 2001-02 548 11.4505 11.8769 436 11.5107 11.6702 2002-03$ 5

Custom Date Facet


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