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खोज परिणाम


  • लिस्ट व्यू
  • जाली देखना
सितंबर 13, 2021
खाता संग्रहक के लिए नियामक ढांचा - आईस्पिरिट द्वारा 2 सितंबर 2021 को आयोजित आभासी कार्यक्रम के दौरान श्री एम. राजेश्वर राव, उप गवर्नर की टिप्पणियाँ
मैं इस आमंत्रण और आप सभी के साथ यहां रहने के अवसर के लिए अपना आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। आशा है कि आप सभी इस चुनौतीपूर्ण समय में सुरक्षित होंगे। 1. प्रौद्योगिकी ने इस तेजी से परस्पर जुड़ी दुनिया में मोबाइल और हाथ से पकड़े जाने वाले उपकरणों के साथ हमारे जीवन को बदल दिया है, जिसने सर्वव्यापी पहुंच और व्यापक संपर्क को सक्षम बनाया है। इसने व्यवसायों को नए बाजारों और नए भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों में प्रवेश करने में संयुक्त रूप से सक्षम बनाया है, जिन तक वे पहुंचने में असमर्थ थे। प्रौद्य
श्री एम.राजेश्वर राव, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
मैं इस आमंत्रण और आप सभी के साथ यहां रहने के अवसर के लिए अपना आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। आशा है कि आप सभी इस चुनौतीपूर्ण समय में सुरक्षित होंगे। 1. प्रौद्योगिकी ने इस तेजी से परस्पर जुड़ी दुनिया में मोबाइल और हाथ से पकड़े जाने वाले उपकरणों के साथ हमारे जीवन को बदल दिया है, जिसने सर्वव्यापी पहुंच और व्यापक संपर्क को सक्षम बनाया है। इसने व्यवसायों को नए बाजारों और नए भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों में प्रवेश करने में संयुक्त रूप से सक्षम बनाया है, जिन तक वे पहुंचने में असमर्थ थे। प्रौद्य
अगस्त 31, 2021
31 अगस्त 2021 को 21वें एफआईएमएमडिए-पीडीएआई (FIMMDA-PDA) वार्षिक सम्मेलन में मुख्य भाषण - श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my pleasure to be part of the Annual FIMMDA-PDAI Conference today. I take this opportunity to place on record the Reserve Bank’s deep appreciation of the key role played by FIMMDA and PDAI in the development of financial markets in India. Both organizations have played a significant role in improving the depth and liquidity of interest rate markets and in supporting primary issuance by the Government. Introduction 2. During May last year, in one of my statements
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my pleasure to be part of the Annual FIMMDA-PDAI Conference today. I take this opportunity to place on record the Reserve Bank’s deep appreciation of the key role played by FIMMDA and PDAI in the development of financial markets in India. Both organizations have played a significant role in improving the depth and liquidity of interest rate markets and in supporting primary issuance by the Government. Introduction 2. During May last year, in one of my statements
अगस्त 13, 2021
सुशासन के माध्यम से भारत में एक अधिक लचीली वित्तीय प्रणाली का निर्माण- श्री महेश कुमार जैन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक - 18 जून 2021, शुक्रवार- को इंडिया इंटरनेशनल सेंटर, नई दिल्ली में दिया गया भाषण
Ladies and Gentlemen. Warm Greetings. At the outset, let me thank India International Centre for hosting this very important session on building a resilient financial system, when the resilience of the society itself is being tested by the Covid-19 pandemic. At a broader level, resilience is defined as the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient ma
श्री एम.के. जैन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen. Warm Greetings. At the outset, let me thank India International Centre for hosting this very important session on building a resilient financial system, when the resilience of the society itself is being tested by the Covid-19 pandemic. At a broader level, resilience is defined as the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient ma
जुलाई 22, 2021
केंद्रीय बैंक डिजिटल करेंसी - क्या धन का भविष्य यह है?- श्री टी रबी शंकर, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक - 22 जुलाई 2021 गुरुवार – को विधि सेंटर फॉर लीगल पॉलिसी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा आयोजित वेबिनार में दिया गया मुख्य भाषण
Introduction The idea of “Central Bank Digital Currencies” (CBDC) is not a recent development. Some attribute the origins of CBDCs to Nobel laureate James Tobin2, an American economist, who in 1980s suggested that that Federal Reserve Banks in the United States could make available to the public a widely accessible ‘medium with the convenience of deposits and the safety of currency.’ It is only in the last decade, however, that the concept of digital currency has been
श्री टी. रबी शंकर, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Introduction The idea of “Central Bank Digital Currencies” (CBDC) is not a recent development. Some attribute the origins of CBDCs to Nobel laureate James Tobin2, an American economist, who in 1980s suggested that that Federal Reserve Banks in the United States could make available to the public a widely accessible ‘medium with the convenience of deposits and the safety of currency.’ It is only in the last decade, however, that the concept of digital currency has been
जुलाई 15, 2021
वित्तीय समावेशन - अतीत, वर्तमान और भविष्य - श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक- 15 जुलाई 2021, गुरुवार- को इकोनॉमिक टाइम्स फाइनेंशियल इनक्लूजन समिट में दिया गया उद्घाटन भाषण

I wish to thank the organisers of the Economic Times Financial Inclusion Summit for inviting me to address this august gathering. Financial inclusion is a key driver of sustained and balanced economic growth which helps reduce income inequality and poverty. While we have made tremendous strides in this area over the years, the pandemic has created new challenges and complexities. The financial system will have a crucial role to fulfil the aspirations and needs of our

श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

I wish to thank the organisers of the Economic Times Financial Inclusion Summit for inviting me to address this august gathering. Financial inclusion is a key driver of sustained and balanced economic growth which helps reduce income inequality and poverty. While we have made tremendous strides in this area over the years, the pandemic has created new challenges and complexities. The financial system will have a crucial role to fulfil the aspirations and needs of our

अप्रैल 16, 2021
भारत में मुक्त (ओपन) बैंकिंग – एम. राजेश्वर राव
Ladies and Gentlemen, A very warm good morning to you in Brasilia with the hopes and prayers that all of you remain safe and healthy from the clutches of the pandemic that is still raging amongst us. I am grateful to His Excellency, Shri Suresh Reddy, Ambassador of India in Brazil for extending this kind invitation to interact with you all in this futuristic but extremely relevant topic of Open Banking2. 1. The modern world has become increasingly interconnected with
श्री एम.राजेश्वर राव, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen, A very warm good morning to you in Brasilia with the hopes and prayers that all of you remain safe and healthy from the clutches of the pandemic that is still raging amongst us. I am grateful to His Excellency, Shri Suresh Reddy, Ambassador of India in Brazil for extending this kind invitation to interact with you all in this futuristic but extremely relevant topic of Open Banking2. 1. The modern world has become increasingly interconnected with
मार्च 25, 2021
नए दशक में वित्तीय क्षेत्र – शक्तिकान्त दास
A very warm good morning to you all. It is indeed an honour for me to be here at the India Economic Conclave 2021 organised by the Times Network. I have been looking forward to participating in this year’s conclave, especially after an enriching experience during my participation in this event in 2019. The theme of this year's conclave, one which resonates very strongly is "India's Decade: Reform. Perform. Transform.” The COVID-19 pandemic has set forth the wheels of
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
A very warm good morning to you all. It is indeed an honour for me to be here at the India Economic Conclave 2021 organised by the Times Network. I have been looking forward to participating in this year’s conclave, especially after an enriching experience during my participation in this event in 2019. The theme of this year's conclave, one which resonates very strongly is "India's Decade: Reform. Perform. Transform.” The COVID-19 pandemic has set forth the wheels of
फ़रवरी 25, 2021
वृद्धि के लिए नए अवसरों का सृजन - शक्तिकान्त दास
I would begin by thanking the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the invitation to address this eminent gathering, even if virtually – the compulsive reality of the current times. My heartiest congratulations to the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for completing 184 years of successful functioning. Besides being the oldest serving Chamber in the country, you have left a significant mark on the destiny of this city as also of the nation. I am happy to
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I would begin by thanking the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the invitation to address this eminent gathering, even if virtually – the compulsive reality of the current times. My heartiest congratulations to the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for completing 184 years of successful functioning. Besides being the oldest serving Chamber in the country, you have left a significant mark on the destiny of this city as also of the nation. I am happy to
जनवरी 16, 2021
एक स्थिर वित्तीय प्रणाली की ओर – शक्तिकान्त दास
At the outset, let me pay my homage to Shri Nani A. Palkhiwala and his grand legacy as a nation builder of modern India. I would also like to convey my sincere appreciation to the Palkhivala Foundation for continuing the tradition of organising Shri Palkhivala Memorial Lectures. I consider it as a great honour to be delivering the 39th Shri Palkhivala Memorial Lecture today, more so – among others – because he was very closely associated with the RBI during his tenure
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
At the outset, let me pay my homage to Shri Nani A. Palkhiwala and his grand legacy as a nation builder of modern India. I would also like to convey my sincere appreciation to the Palkhivala Foundation for continuing the tradition of organising Shri Palkhivala Memorial Lectures. I consider it as a great honour to be delivering the 39th Shri Palkhivala Memorial Lecture today, more so – among others – because he was very closely associated with the RBI during his tenure
दिसंबर 16, 2020
वित्तीय शिक्षा के लिए राष्ट्रीय रणनीति 2020-25 - शक्तिकान्त दास
I wish to thank NCAER for inviting me to deliver the key note address at this webinar on National Strategy for Financial Education. I appreciate the thoughtful initiative of NCAER in choosing this topic for the webinar. As we inch towards the close of what has been an unprecedented year in terms of loss of lives and livelihood and the way of living in general, it would be appropriate to look at the area of financial inclusion and literacy which has both broad macro le
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I wish to thank NCAER for inviting me to deliver the key note address at this webinar on National Strategy for Financial Education. I appreciate the thoughtful initiative of NCAER in choosing this topic for the webinar. As we inch towards the close of what has been an unprecedented year in terms of loss of lives and livelihood and the way of living in general, it would be appropriate to look at the area of financial inclusion and literacy which has both broad macro le
नवंबर 26, 2020
भारत में वित्तीय बाजार सुधारों को गति देना - शक्तिकान्त दास
1. I wish to thank FEDAI for inviting me on the occasion of their 4th Annual Day. This is an opportune moment to look back and reflect on the developments of the last one year in financial markets and, in particular, the foreign exchange markets. The year 2020 has been one like never before. Faced with an unknown crisis which brought the global economy to a sudden stop, recent policy discourse has been dominated, and rightly so, by the impact of the pandemic. Despite
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
1. I wish to thank FEDAI for inviting me on the occasion of their 4th Annual Day. This is an opportune moment to look back and reflect on the developments of the last one year in financial markets and, in particular, the foreign exchange markets. The year 2020 has been one like never before. Faced with an unknown crisis which brought the global economy to a sudden stop, recent policy discourse has been dominated, and rightly so, by the impact of the pandemic. Despite
नवंबर 06, 2020
एनबीएफसी विनियमन – भविष्य पर विचार - एम. राजेश्वर राव
Dr. Charan Singh, Shri Deepak Sood, Shri Ramesh Iyer, Shri Vineet Agarwal, Shri S. Ramann, Shri Sunil Kanoria, Shri Raman Agarwal, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India for this very kind invitation to address the ‘National E-Summit on Non-Banking Finance Companies’- with the theme “Stability and sustainability of Financial Sector”. 2. At this juncture, NBFC sector is passing through a critical phase. Recent failures o
श्री एम.राजेश्वर राव, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dr. Charan Singh, Shri Deepak Sood, Shri Ramesh Iyer, Shri Vineet Agarwal, Shri S. Ramann, Shri Sunil Kanoria, Shri Raman Agarwal, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India for this very kind invitation to address the ‘National E-Summit on Non-Banking Finance Companies’- with the theme “Stability and sustainability of Financial Sector”. 2. At this juncture, NBFC sector is passing through a critical phase. Recent failures o
सितंबर 16, 2020
कौन सी शक्तियाँ समुत्थान का वाहक बन सकती हैं? - शक्तिकान्त दास
Thank you for this opportunity to interact with eminent business leaders of India and distinguished members of the FICCI. I wish to thank the organisers for hosting this event, undeterred by this still unfolding pandemic that, on a daily basis, tests our resilience and capacity to save lives, households, businesses and the economy. 2. The end-August press release of the National Statistics Office (NSO) was a telling reflection of the ravages of COVID-19. Nevertheless,
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for this opportunity to interact with eminent business leaders of India and distinguished members of the FICCI. I wish to thank the organisers for hosting this event, undeterred by this still unfolding pandemic that, on a daily basis, tests our resilience and capacity to save lives, households, businesses and the economy. 2. The end-August press release of the National Statistics Office (NSO) was a telling reflection of the ravages of COVID-19. Nevertheless,
अगस्त 27, 2020
बैंकों के लिए गहरे आत्ममंथन का समय: कोविड के बाद बैंकों का पुनरभिमुखीकरण - शक्तिकान्त दास

1. The COVID-19 pandemic still continues to keep the world on the edge. The pandemic has so far infected more than 2.3 crore people and has claimed more than 8 lakh lives worldwide. The world is struggling to find a vaccine and/or a cure to the deadly virus. In India also the spread of pandemic continues unabated, though the fatality rate is much lower. 2. As the pandemic ravages on, the economic impact is hard to measure. While there are green shoots and some busines

श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

1. The COVID-19 pandemic still continues to keep the world on the edge. The pandemic has so far infected more than 2.3 crore people and has claimed more than 8 lakh lives worldwide. The world is struggling to find a vaccine and/or a cure to the deadly virus. In India also the spread of pandemic continues unabated, though the fatality rate is much lower. 2. As the pandemic ravages on, the economic impact is hard to measure. While there are green shoots and some busines

जुलाई 27, 2020
क्या भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में गतिमान परिवर्तन हो रहे हैं?- शक्तिकान्त दास
Thank you for having me in this interaction with members of the National Council of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). I am pleased to note that the CII has realigned its functioning and thought processes around a new theme for 2020-21 – Building India for New World: Lives, Livelihood, Growth – under the able and visionary leadership of Shri Uday Kotak, Shri T V Narendran, Shri Sanjiv Bajaj, Shri Chandrajit Banerjee and other eminent members. 2. Currently, CO
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for having me in this interaction with members of the National Council of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). I am pleased to note that the CII has realigned its functioning and thought processes around a new theme for 2020-21 – Building India for New World: Lives, Livelihood, Growth – under the able and visionary leadership of Shri Uday Kotak, Shri T V Narendran, Shri Sanjiv Bajaj, Shri Chandrajit Banerjee and other eminent members. 2. Currently, CO
जुलाई 11, 2020
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था निर्णायक मोड़ पर: वित्तीय स्थिरता की दृष्टि से विवेचन – शक्तिकान्त दास

A very warm good morning to you all. I wish to thank the State Bank of India for inviting me to deliver the keynote address today. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of the organising team in putting together this virtual conference which has now become a new normal. Banks and other financial entities are today at the forefront of the country’s counter measures against the economic impact of COVID-19. They are the transmission channels for RBI’s monetary, regulatory a

श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

A very warm good morning to you all. I wish to thank the State Bank of India for inviting me to deliver the keynote address today. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of the organising team in putting together this virtual conference which has now become a new normal. Banks and other financial entities are today at the forefront of the country’s counter measures against the economic impact of COVID-19. They are the transmission channels for RBI’s monetary, regulatory a

मार्च 06, 2020
सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्यम उद्यम: चुनौतिया और भावी दिशा - शक्तिकान्त दास
At the outset, I wish to thank ASSOCHAM for inviting me to their 15th Annual Banking Summit. More so because this is ASSOCHAM’s centenary year. It is a remarkable accomplishment and I extend warm greetings to all those associated with ASSOCHAM. Over the years, ASSOCHAM has transformed itself into a forceful, proactive, forward-looking organisation to meet the aspirations of Indian business. I am certain that ASSOCHAM’s journey towards excellence will continue. 2. In a
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
At the outset, I wish to thank ASSOCHAM for inviting me to their 15th Annual Banking Summit. More so because this is ASSOCHAM’s centenary year. It is a remarkable accomplishment and I extend warm greetings to all those associated with ASSOCHAM. Over the years, ASSOCHAM has transformed itself into a forceful, proactive, forward-looking organisation to meet the aspirations of Indian business. I am certain that ASSOCHAM’s journey towards excellence will continue. 2. In a
फ़रवरी 24, 2020
21 वीं सदी में बैंकिग परिदृश्य - शक्तिकान्त दास
It is indeed a matter of great pleasure for me to be here today in the Annual Banking Conclave of the Mint. I am told that this is the 13th edition of Conclave in what has become a prestigious annual event attracting the best and brightest minds of the finance and banking industry. This Conclave provides an important platform to all stakeholders in India’s financial and banking sector for assessing where we stand today and preparing ourselves for where we want to reac
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is indeed a matter of great pleasure for me to be here today in the Annual Banking Conclave of the Mint. I am told that this is the 13th edition of Conclave in what has become a prestigious annual event attracting the best and brightest minds of the finance and banking industry. This Conclave provides an important platform to all stakeholders in India’s financial and banking sector for assessing where we stand today and preparing ourselves for where we want to reac
फ़रवरी 12, 2020
एनआईबीएम स्वर्णजयंती समारोह माननीय राष्ट्रपति - श्री राम नाथ कोविंद
ADDRESS BY THE HON’BLE PRESIDENT OF INDIA SHRI RAM NATH KOVIND AT THE GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BANK MANAGEMENT Pune, February 12, 2020 Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Shri Shaktikanta Das Director, National Institute of Bank Management, Doctor K. L. Dhingra Members of Governing Board, Students, Faculty and other Staff members Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen 1. It gives me im
श्री राम नाथ कोविंद, राष्ट्रपति
ADDRESS BY THE HON’BLE PRESIDENT OF INDIA SHRI RAM NATH KOVIND AT THE GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BANK MANAGEMENT Pune, February 12, 2020 Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Shri Shaktikanta Das Director, National Institute of Bank Management, Doctor K. L. Dhingra Members of Governing Board, Students, Faculty and other Staff members Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen 1. It gives me im
जनवरी 24, 2020
भारत की मौद्रिक नीति के सात यगु - शक्तिकान्त दास
I am delighted to be back in my alma mater. Being here, brings back a surge of memories. Today, I wish to dwell upon a few aspects of central banking in the Indian context and RBI’s role in the current situation. I shall specifically focus on the evolution of monetary policy regimes in India and if I am to use the poetic license of Shakespeare, may I call it the seven ages of India’s monetary policy? 2. The history of central banking goes back to the seventeenth centu
श्री शक्तिकान्त दास, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am delighted to be back in my alma mater. Being here, brings back a surge of memories. Today, I wish to dwell upon a few aspects of central banking in the Indian context and RBI’s role in the current situation. I shall specifically focus on the evolution of monetary policy regimes in India and if I am to use the poetic license of Shakespeare, may I call it the seven ages of India’s monetary policy? 2. The history of central banking goes back to the seventeenth centu


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