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serial_number regulatory_reporting_return_name regulatory_reporting_return_description regulatory_reporting_frequency regulatory_reporting_department_concerned regulatory_reporting_reporting_entity regulatory_reporting_related_circulars regulatory_reporting_reporting_format regulatory_reporting_reporting_platform
141 Return on Ownership and Control - Financial Institutions Division

Report On Ownership And Control of AIFIs

Quarterly DoS AIFIs DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 CIMS
142 Return on Connected Lending Financial Institutions Division (RCL)

Report on Subsidiaries/ Associates/ Affiliates and Connected Lending

Quarterly DoS AIFIs DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 CIMS
143 Equity Investment in Capital Market (JPC data)

The return collects amount of equities purchased and sold from / in the capital market during the relevant week. The reported data is furnished to Government of India.

Weekly DoS Select 11 Banks# DBS. CO. OSMOS. No. 12799/ 33.04.008 /2007-08, dated March 26, 2008 Data Collector
144 Leverage Ratio Statement (LRS)

Statement captures the key drivers for Basel III leverage ratio

Quarterly DoS All CBs excluding LABs DBR.No.BP.BC.58/21.06.201/2014-15 dated Jan 08, 2015 CIMS
145 Basel Liquidity Returns (BLR)

The LCR contains 7 returns viz. BLR 1, BLR 2, BLR 3, BLR 4, BLR 5, BLR -6 & BLR -7 and monitors that a bank maintains an adequate level of unencumbered HQLAs that can be converted into cash to meet its liquidity needs for a 30 calendar day time horizon under a significantly severe liquidity stress scenario specified by supervisors.

Monthly DoS All SCBs excluding PBs DBS.No.OSMOS.2915/33.01.001/2014-15 dated September 5, 2014 CIMS
146 FMR-1

Report on Actual or Suspected Frauds in Banks

within three weeks from the date of detection of fraud DoS All CBs and AIFIs RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 DBS. CO.CFMC.BC. No.1/23.04.001/2016-17 Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs XBRL Phase II
147 FMR-3

Update of Form FMR-1

Quarterly DoS All CBs and select AIFIs RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 DBS.CO. CFMC.BC. No.1/23.04.001/2016-17 Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs XBRL Phase II
148 FMR-4

Report on Dacoities / Robberies / Theft / Burglaries

Quarterly DoS All CBs and select AIFIs RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 DBS.CO. CFMC.BC. No.1/23.04.001/2016-17 Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs CIMS
149 Vigilance Monitoring Return -VMR I & III (VMR I in CIMS)

Report on action plan in public sector banks

Quarterly DoS All PSBs and AIFIs Circular DOS. 11287 / 17.05.001 / 95 dated May 20, 1995 CIMS
150 Vigilance Monitoring Return VMR-II

Report on the security arrangements in public sector banks. Contains information regarding number of branches considered vulnerable, branches provided with armed guards, alarm system, and other security measures provided

Quarterly DoS All PSBs Ref.DBOD.No.GC 1314- C 408A SA 85 dated Oct 28, 1985 CIMS
151 Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI)

Data is collected for furnishing consolidated FSIs to IMF.

Quarterly DoS All CBs (excluding FBs), AIFIs Intimation by letter dated Mar 25, 2010 CIMS
152 Return on financial conglomerates

Capturing the intra-group transactions and exposures amongst the identified FCs

Quarterly DoS All Financial Conglomerates for which RBI is the Principal Regulator Communicated to the reporting entities individually along with the guidance note for submission of the returns. CIMS
153 Whole Bank Long Form Audit Report and Compliance thereof

Whole Bank Long Form Audit Report and Compliance thereof

Yearly DoS All CBs DBS.CO.PPD.BC/13/11.01.005/2007-08 dated May 13, 2008. Hardcopy
154 Half-Yearly Review of Investment Portfolio

Qualitative/ Quantitative review of entire investment portfolio of the bank for the half year

Half-yearly DoS All CBs RBI/2015-16/97
DBR No BP.BC.6/21.04.141/2015-16, dated July 01, 2015
155 Return on Defaulted Borrowers(RDB)

Return on Defaulted Borrowers

Weekly DoS AIFIs and All CBs excluding PBs RBI/2017-18/131 DBR.No.BP.BC.101/ 21.04.048/2017-18 dated February 12, 2018 Resolution of Stressed Assets – Revised Framework CIMS
156 Return on Investment Portfolio (RIP)

Profile of Investment Portfolio

Quarterly DoS All PBs Mail to Payment Banks CIMS
157 Additional Data on Loan portfolio, Branch Profile and Financial Inclusion (LBFI)

Return capturing additional data on loan portfolio

Quarterly DoS All SFBs Mail to SFBs CIMS
158 FMR 4

Report on Dacoities/Robberies/Theft/Burglaries

Quarterly DoS All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks RBI/2015-16/1 DCBR.CO.BPD.MC.No.1/12.05.001/2015-16 July 1, 2015 Master Circular on Frauds- Classification and Reporting CIMS
159 Report of Commodity Hedging in Overseas Market (w.e.f April 01, 2018)

Report of Commodity Hedging in Overseas Market

Quarterly FMRD AD Cat-1 Banks RBI/2017-18/138 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 19 Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets (Reserve Bank) Directions March 12, 2018 CIMS
160 Return on Complaints (RoComp)

This return collects data on customer complaints registered in Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks.

Quarterly DoS All SFBs and PBs Mail to Payment Banks CIMS


* Notes

SCBs: Scheduled Commercial Banks

RRBs: Regional Rural Banks

SFBs: Small Finance Banks

PBs: Payment Banks

LABs: Lead Area Banks

AIFIs: All India Financial Institutions

ADs: Authorised Dealers

IP Agents: Issuing and Paying Agents

NBFCs: Non-Banking Financial Companies

RNBCs:Residuary Non-Banking Companies

NBFC-D:Non-Banking Financial Companies- Deposit Taking

NBFC-ND-SI: Non-Banking Financial Companies- Non-Deposit Taking-Systemically Important

UCBs: Urban Cooperative Banks

StCBs: State / Central Co-operative Banks

DCCBs: District Central Co-operative Banks

CICs: Credit Information Companies

AMCs: All Authorised Money Changers

FFMCs: Full Fledged Money Changers

MTSS: Money Transfer Service Scheme

WLAs: White label ATMs

PDs: Primary Dealers

SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India

@ Master Directions will be issued soon



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পেজের শেষ আপডেট করা তারিখ: আগস্ট 06, 2024

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