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RBI Announcements


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  • लिस्ट व्यू
  • जाली देखना
अक्‍तूबर 05, 2009
उभरते बाजार की चिंता :भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य * - दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव
उभरते बाजार की चिंता :भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य * दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव * आइएमएफ-विश्व बैंक की वार्षिक बैठक के अवसर पर 5 अक्तूबर 2009 को इस्तांबुल में आयोजित जी-30 इंटरनैशनल बैंकिंग सेमिनार में डॉ.दुव्वुरि सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा की गयी टिप्पणी। 1. उभरती बाजार अर्थव्यवस्थाओं (ईएमई) के परिप्रेक्ष्य में और खासकर भारत के लिए मैं पांच चिंताओं पर प्रकाश डालना चाहूंगा। ये हैं : पहली, खाद्य-कीमत जन्य बढ़ती मुद्रास्फीति, लेकिन अभी भी दुर्बल वृद्धि, के संदर्भ में
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
उभरते बाजार की चिंता :भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य * दुव्वुरी सुब्बाराव * आइएमएफ-विश्व बैंक की वार्षिक बैठक के अवसर पर 5 अक्तूबर 2009 को इस्तांबुल में आयोजित जी-30 इंटरनैशनल बैंकिंग सेमिनार में डॉ.दुव्वुरि सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा की गयी टिप्पणी। 1. उभरती बाजार अर्थव्यवस्थाओं (ईएमई) के परिप्रेक्ष्य में और खासकर भारत के लिए मैं पांच चिंताओं पर प्रकाश डालना चाहूंगा। ये हैं : पहली, खाद्य-कीमत जन्य बढ़ती मुद्रास्फीति, लेकिन अभी भी दुर्बल वृद्धि, के संदर्भ में
सितंबर 29, 2009
Global Crisis: Genesis, Challenges and Opportunities Unleashed
Mr. Ajith Nivard Cabraal, Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka; Mr. Ajantha Madurapperuma, President, Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka; Distinguished guests and members of the Association of Professional Bankers, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to be here today for this 21st Anniversary Convention of the Association of Professional Bankers of Sri Lanka. At the outset, I would like to thank Mr. Ajantha Madurapperuma, the
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Ajith Nivard Cabraal, Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka; Mr. Ajantha Madurapperuma, President, Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka; Distinguished guests and members of the Association of Professional Bankers, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to be here today for this 21st Anniversary Convention of the Association of Professional Bankers of Sri Lanka. At the outset, I would like to thank Mr. Ajantha Madurapperuma, the
सितंबर 11, 2009
विकास की संभावनाओं को बनाए रखना : प्रमुख क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना * - उषा थोरात
विकास की संभावनाओं को बनाए रखना : प्रमुख क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना * उषा थोरात * हैदराबाद में 11 सितम्बर 2009 को इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ पब्लिक एंटरप्राइजेज एंड एनएमडीसी लि., सीआइआइ (आंध्र प्रदेश) और सीईओ क्लब्स इंडिया द्वारा आयोजित ‘सीईओ एवं सीएफओ की सभा’ के उद्घाटन सत्र में भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक की उप गवर्नर श्रीमती उषा थोरात द्वारा दिया गया प्रमुख संबोधन। इस प्रमुख संबोधन को तैयार करने में श्री राजीब दास द्वारा दी गई सहायता के लिए उनके प्रति आभार प्रकट किया जाता है। इस
श्रीमती उषा थोराट, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
विकास की संभावनाओं को बनाए रखना : प्रमुख क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना * उषा थोरात * हैदराबाद में 11 सितम्बर 2009 को इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ पब्लिक एंटरप्राइजेज एंड एनएमडीसी लि., सीआइआइ (आंध्र प्रदेश) और सीईओ क्लब्स इंडिया द्वारा आयोजित ‘सीईओ एवं सीएफओ की सभा’ के उद्घाटन सत्र में भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक की उप गवर्नर श्रीमती उषा थोरात द्वारा दिया गया प्रमुख संबोधन। इस प्रमुख संबोधन को तैयार करने में श्री राजीब दास द्वारा दी गई सहायता के लिए उनके प्रति आभार प्रकट किया जाता है। इस
सितंबर 07, 2009
India’s Economic Transformation - A Snapshot
Mr. K.V. Kamath, Chairman, ICICI Bank; Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi, Director, Antique Finance Limited; Distinguished participants from different parts of the World, invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great pleasure for me to be here in such august company and distinguished group of people. I would like to thank the organisers for inviting me to share my thoughts on a topic which has great relevance for sustained growth of Indian economy. I would be sharing my view
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. K.V. Kamath, Chairman, ICICI Bank; Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi, Director, Antique Finance Limited; Distinguished participants from different parts of the World, invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great pleasure for me to be here in such august company and distinguished group of people. I would like to thank the organisers for inviting me to share my thoughts on a topic which has great relevance for sustained growth of Indian economy. I would be sharing my view
सितंबर 04, 2009
Policy Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis
Shri Mukul Somany, Chairman, Confederation of Indian Industrty (Eastern Region), Shri S.S. Kohli, Chairman & Managing Director, India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited, Shri S.C. Gupta, Chairman & Managing Director, United Bank of India, Shri Ambarish Dasgupta, Executive Director, PwC, Shri R.K. Agrawal, Chairman, Economic Affairs, Finance & Taxation Subcommittee, CII (ER) and distinguished guests and invitees, members of the electronic and print medi
Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Shri Mukul Somany, Chairman, Confederation of Indian Industrty (Eastern Region), Shri S.S. Kohli, Chairman & Managing Director, India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited, Shri S.C. Gupta, Chairman & Managing Director, United Bank of India, Shri Ambarish Dasgupta, Executive Director, PwC, Shri R.K. Agrawal, Chairman, Economic Affairs, Finance & Taxation Subcommittee, CII (ER) and distinguished guests and invitees, members of the electronic and print medi
अगस्त 28, 2009
Ethics and the World of Finance
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this unique conference on ‘Ethics and the World of Finance’. This topic would have been relevant at any time. But it is particularly so, given the current financial crisis which has called into question the ethical foundation of the financial world. It is also fitting that we are discussing ethics and the world of finance at Sri Sathya Sai University. The worlds of faith and economic development are profoundly intertwined, i
Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this unique conference on ‘Ethics and the World of Finance’. This topic would have been relevant at any time. But it is particularly so, given the current financial crisis which has called into question the ethical foundation of the financial world. It is also fitting that we are discussing ethics and the world of finance at Sri Sathya Sai University. The worlds of faith and economic development are profoundly intertwined, i
अगस्त 19, 2009
V K Sharma: The International Financial Crisis and India – the Impact, Response and Outlook
His Excellency the High Commissioner of India Mr. Bhatia, Mr. Navdeep Suri, Consul General of India, Mr. Hari Bhartia, Vice-President of CII, Dr. Guma, Dy. Governor, South African Reserve Bank, Mr. Rudolf Gouws, Chief Economist, Rand Merchant Bank, distinguished invitees and delegates, First of all I would wish to thank His Excellency the High Commissioner of India for giving me the opportunity and privilege to address this distinguished and august audience. Second, I
Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
His Excellency the High Commissioner of India Mr. Bhatia, Mr. Navdeep Suri, Consul General of India, Mr. Hari Bhartia, Vice-President of CII, Dr. Guma, Dy. Governor, South African Reserve Bank, Mr. Rudolf Gouws, Chief Economist, Rand Merchant Bank, distinguished invitees and delegates, First of all I would wish to thank His Excellency the High Commissioner of India for giving me the opportunity and privilege to address this distinguished and august audience. Second, I
अगस्त 14, 2009
Panel Discussion on 'Challenges for the Central Banks' organised at Hyderabad on as part of RBI's Platinum Jubilee Celebration
August 14, 2009 Webcast As part of its Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) organised a Panel Discussion on 'Challenges for the Central Banks' on August 14, 2009 at Hyderabad. Apart from Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, the distinguished panel comprised three former Governors of the Reserve Bank, viz., Shri M. Narasimham (currently Chairman, Administrative Staff College of India), Dr. C. Rangarajan (currently Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to
August 14, 2009 Webcast As part of its Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) organised a Panel Discussion on 'Challenges for the Central Banks' on August 14, 2009 at Hyderabad. Apart from Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, the distinguished panel comprised three former Governors of the Reserve Bank, viz., Shri M. Narasimham (currently Chairman, Administrative Staff College of India), Dr. C. Rangarajan (currently Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to
जुलाई 31, 2009
Global Financial Crisis Questioning the Questions
JRD Tata Thank you for inviting me to deliver this year’s JRD Tata Memorial Lecture. It is an honour to which I attach a lot of value. The man whose life this series of lectures commemorates, JRD Tata - or JRD, as he was known - left a great legacy as a visionary, as an industry leader, as a philanthropist, and above all as a humanist. 2. Two words capture JRD’s lasting contribution, nation builder. His commitment to India’s development was deep and abiding, and he wa
Dr. D. Subbarao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
JRD Tata Thank you for inviting me to deliver this year’s JRD Tata Memorial Lecture. It is an honour to which I attach a lot of value. The man whose life this series of lectures commemorates, JRD Tata - or JRD, as he was known - left a great legacy as a visionary, as an industry leader, as a philanthropist, and above all as a humanist. 2. Two words capture JRD’s lasting contribution, nation builder. His commitment to India’s development was deep and abiding, and he wa
जुलाई 02, 2009
उद्घाटन संबोधन : तीसरा वार्षिक सांख्यिकी दिवस सम्मेलन * - डी. सुब्बाराव
उद्घाटन संबोधन : तीसरा वार्षिक सांख्यिकी दिवस सम्मेलन* डी. सुब्बाराव रिज़र्व बैंक के इस तीसरे वार्षिक सांख्यिकी दिवस सम्मेलन के उद्घाटन के लिए आज यहां आने पर मुझे खुशी हो रही है। अब यह हमारे लिए एक परम्परा बन गई है कि हम सांख्यिकी दिवस को स्व. प्रोफेसर पी.सी. महालनोबिस को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करने और भारत में सांख्यिकी के विकास में उनके विशाल योगदान, शैक्षिक शाखा एवं जन नीति के साधन, दोनों के रूप में मनायें। विकास आयोजना का महालनोबिस मॉडल भारत के विकास इतिहास का एक महत्
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
उद्घाटन संबोधन : तीसरा वार्षिक सांख्यिकी दिवस सम्मेलन* डी. सुब्बाराव रिज़र्व बैंक के इस तीसरे वार्षिक सांख्यिकी दिवस सम्मेलन के उद्घाटन के लिए आज यहां आने पर मुझे खुशी हो रही है। अब यह हमारे लिए एक परम्परा बन गई है कि हम सांख्यिकी दिवस को स्व. प्रोफेसर पी.सी. महालनोबिस को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करने और भारत में सांख्यिकी के विकास में उनके विशाल योगदान, शैक्षिक शाखा एवं जन नीति के साधन, दोनों के रूप में मनायें। विकास आयोजना का महालनोबिस मॉडल भारत के विकास इतिहास का एक महत्
मई 22, 2009
वैश्विक वित्तीय संकट के बीच जोखिम प्रबंध* - डी. सुब्बाराव
Thank you for inviting me to be the keynote speaker at this Financial Management Summit. The global economy is passing through its deepest financial and economic crisis of our time. Protecting the Indian economy from the worst impact of the crisis has been a big challenge for the government and the Reserve Bank. Equally, I am conscious of the fact that industry, business and investors gathered here today have had to make very challenging adjustments in these difficult
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for inviting me to be the keynote speaker at this Financial Management Summit. The global economy is passing through its deepest financial and economic crisis of our time. Protecting the Indian economy from the worst impact of the crisis has been a big challenge for the government and the Reserve Bank. Equally, I am conscious of the fact that industry, business and investors gathered here today have had to make very challenging adjustments in these difficult
अप्रैल 25, 2009
डी. सुब्बा राव का वक्तव्य, आइएमएफसी वाशिंगटन डी.सी. में वैकल्पिैक गवर्नर*
Mr. Chairman, 1. The IMFC meets today in extraordinarily complex and challenging times. The financial crisis became full-blown in the second half of 2008, and has morphed through negative feedback to real activity, plunging the global economy into the deepest recession since World War II. What started off as a sub-prime crisis in the US housing mortgage sector has turned successively into a global banking crisis, global financial crisis and now a global economic crisi
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Mr. Chairman, 1. The IMFC meets today in extraordinarily complex and challenging times. The financial crisis became full-blown in the second half of 2008, and has morphed through negative feedback to real activity, plunging the global economy into the deepest recession since World War II. What started off as a sub-prime crisis in the US housing mortgage sector has turned successively into a global banking crisis, global financial crisis and now a global economic crisi
अप्रैल 23, 2009
वैश्विक वित्तीय संकट: कारण, प्रभाव, नीतिगत प्रतिक्रयाएं और सबक* - राकेश मोहन
Global Financial Crisis : Causes, Consequences and India’s Prospects By Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at London Business School on April 23, 2009 The intensification of the global financial crisis, following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, has made the current economic and financial environment a very difficult time for the world economy, the global financial system and for central banks. The fall out of the current global f
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Global Financial Crisis : Causes, Consequences and India’s Prospects By Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at London Business School on April 23, 2009 The intensification of the global financial crisis, following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, has made the current economic and financial environment a very difficult time for the world economy, the global financial system and for central banks. The fall out of the current global f
अप्रैल 21, 2009
V K Sharma: Issues in Capital account Convertibility and Lessons from the Current Financial Crisis
Mr. Jean Leviol, Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Embassy of France, New Delhi, Mr. Gerard Beduneau, Director, IBFI, Banque de France, Mrs. Isabelle Vaillant, Deputy Director, International and Economic Relations, Banque de France, Mr. Sanjaya Panth, Senior Resident Representative, IMF, New Delhi, Mr. Sandip Ghose, Principal, College of Agricultural Banking, Dr. R. K. Pattnaik, Advisor, Reserve Bank of India and Dear Friends, I welcome you all to the RBI-BdF
Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Jean Leviol, Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Embassy of France, New Delhi, Mr. Gerard Beduneau, Director, IBFI, Banque de France, Mrs. Isabelle Vaillant, Deputy Director, International and Economic Relations, Banque de France, Mr. Sanjaya Panth, Senior Resident Representative, IMF, New Delhi, Mr. Sandip Ghose, Principal, College of Agricultural Banking, Dr. R. K. Pattnaik, Advisor, Reserve Bank of India and Dear Friends, I welcome you all to the RBI-BdF
अप्रैल 02, 2009
प्लैटिनम जुबिली महोत्सव : स्टाफ सदस्यों को गवर्नर महोदय का संबोधन 1 अप्रैल 2009
प्लैटिनम जुबिली महोत्सव : स्टाफ सदस्यों को गवर्नर महोदय का संबोधन 1 अप्रैल 2009 प्रिय साथियो 75 वें वर्ष में प्रवेश करते हुए भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक आज इस महान सरकारी संस्था के इतिहास में मील के पत्थर जैसा एक यादगार क्षण बना रहा है । इस ऐतिहासिक अवसर पर आप सभी एवं भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक परिवार को संबोधित करते हुए मुझे बड़ी प्रसन्नता हो रही है । 2. 75 वीं वर्षगांठ मनाने का समय खुशी एवं उत्सव का है। आज का अवसर आत्म विश्लेषण का भी है, एक ऐसा अवसर जब संस्था के विकास पर नजर डालें
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
प्लैटिनम जुबिली महोत्सव : स्टाफ सदस्यों को गवर्नर महोदय का संबोधन 1 अप्रैल 2009 प्रिय साथियो 75 वें वर्ष में प्रवेश करते हुए भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक आज इस महान सरकारी संस्था के इतिहास में मील के पत्थर जैसा एक यादगार क्षण बना रहा है । इस ऐतिहासिक अवसर पर आप सभी एवं भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक परिवार को संबोधित करते हुए मुझे बड़ी प्रसन्नता हो रही है । 2. 75 वीं वर्षगांठ मनाने का समय खुशी एवं उत्सव का है। आज का अवसर आत्म विश्लेषण का भी है, एक ऐसा अवसर जब संस्था के विकास पर नजर डालें
मार्च 26, 2009
भारत-वैश्विक वित्तीय संकट के प्रभाव का प्रबंध * डी-सुब्बाराव
Introduction 1. Less than a year ago, much of what has happened in the Indian economy since last October would have been hard to anticipate. I recall, around this time last year, the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) were, what are the factors that put India on a high growth trajectory and what can we do to remain there? Today, the FAQ is, when and how do we get back on to the high growth trajectory? The sharp turn around in the FAQs summarizes in a nutshell the
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Introduction 1. Less than a year ago, much of what has happened in the Indian economy since last October would have been hard to anticipate. I recall, around this time last year, the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) were, what are the factors that put India on a high growth trajectory and what can we do to remain there? Today, the FAQ is, when and how do we get back on to the high growth trajectory? The sharp turn around in the FAQs summarizes in a nutshell the
फ़रवरी 18, 2009
भारत की संपार्श्विक हानि और प्रतिक्रिया पर वैश्विक वित्तीय संकट का प्रभाव*डी. सुब्बाराव
Global outlook 1. The global economic outlook deteriorated sharply over the last quarter. In a sign of the ferocity of the down turn, the IMF made a marked downward revision of its estimate for global growth in 2009 in purchasing power parity terms – from its forecast of 3.0 per cent made in October 2008 to 0.5 per cent in January 2009. In market exchange rate terms, the downturn is sharper – global GDP is projected to actually shrink by 0.6 per cent. With all the adv
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Global outlook 1. The global economic outlook deteriorated sharply over the last quarter. In a sign of the ferocity of the down turn, the IMF made a marked downward revision of its estimate for global growth in 2009 in purchasing power parity terms – from its forecast of 3.0 per cent made in October 2008 to 0.5 per cent in January 2009. In market exchange rate terms, the downturn is sharper – global GDP is projected to actually shrink by 0.6 per cent. With all the adv
जनवरी 13, 2009
हाल की वैश्विक वित्तीय अस्थिरता पर कुछ विचार-भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य* श्रीमती श्यामला गोपीनाथ
Every year, this forum provides an opportunity to collectively review and analyse the developments of the past year in the forex market. But the past year has been like never before and now the focus is on the impact of the financial crisis on the real economy. The financial meltdown has resulted in effective nationalisation of major financial institutions in the US, UK and Eurozone. So far global banks, mortgage lenders and insurance firms have announced write downs
श्रीमती श्यामला गोपीनाथ, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Every year, this forum provides an opportunity to collectively review and analyse the developments of the past year in the forex market. But the past year has been like never before and now the focus is on the impact of the financial crisis on the real economy. The financial meltdown has resulted in effective nationalisation of major financial institutions in the US, UK and Eurozone. So far global banks, mortgage lenders and insurance firms have announced write downs
दिसंबर 18, 2008
वैश्विक वित्तीय उथल-पुथल और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए चुनौतियां* डी-सुब्बाराव
It is my pleasure to be here this evening and to be able to share my thoughts with an exclusive gathering of bankers. Since this is an in-house meeting and we are professional colleagues, I propose to be frank and forthright. I am glad to know that the Bankers' Club in Kolkata has been recently revived and is engaged in promoting professional interaction within the banking community. 2. The global financial crisis is now the staple of front page news. Banks around the
डॉ. डी. सुब्बाराव, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my pleasure to be here this evening and to be able to share my thoughts with an exclusive gathering of bankers. Since this is an in-house meeting and we are professional colleagues, I propose to be frank and forthright. I am glad to know that the Bankers' Club in Kolkata has been recently revived and is engaged in promoting professional interaction within the banking community. 2. The global financial crisis is now the staple of front page news. Banks around the
नवंबर 21, 2008
V K Sharma: Genesis, Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Current Global Financial Crisis
I heartily welcome you all to the Senior Management Conference 2008. As at the time of the last Senior Management Conference, the now 14-month old, and still ongoing, global financial market convulsion, with no hint even now of its cataclysmic denouement, and its recent direct outcome, the widespread global economic slowdown, provide, again, the perfect backdrop, and contextual topicality, to this year's conference theme "Financial Sector Development in India: Agenda
Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
I heartily welcome you all to the Senior Management Conference 2008. As at the time of the last Senior Management Conference, the now 14-month old, and still ongoing, global financial market convulsion, with no hint even now of its cataclysmic denouement, and its recent direct outcome, the widespread global economic slowdown, provide, again, the perfect backdrop, and contextual topicality, to this year's conference theme "Financial Sector Development in India: Agenda
जून 05, 2008
कृषी : उभरते मुद्दे और संभावित दृष्टिकोण - वाइ.वी.रेड्डी
His Excellency, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh and the Chancellor of Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari garu; Vice Chancellor, ANGRAU, Dr. P. Raghava Reddy garu; Members of the Board of Management of ANGRAU; Registrar of ANGRAU; Horticultural University Vice Chancellor, Dr. S.D. Sikhamani garu; Members of the Academic Council of Agriculture and Home Science Faculties; dear students and staff of this university, respected pare
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
His Excellency, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh and the Chancellor of Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari garu; Vice Chancellor, ANGRAU, Dr. P. Raghava Reddy garu; Members of the Board of Management of ANGRAU; Registrar of ANGRAU; Horticultural University Vice Chancellor, Dr. S.D. Sikhamani garu; Members of the Academic Council of Agriculture and Home Science Faculties; dear students and staff of this university, respected pare
मई 20, 2008
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था : स्थिरता के साथ वृद्धि की संभावनाए * डॉ वाइ. वी. रेड्डी
Mr. Gopinath Pillai, Chairman, Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS); Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS); Dr. Jaishankar, Honorable High Commissioner; and distinguished friends. I deeply appreciate the invitation from the ISAS to address this august gathering of policy makers, eminent academics, and market participants of Singapore. Singapore is an important financial center of the world and a very special partner for India,
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Mr. Gopinath Pillai, Chairman, Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS); Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS); Dr. Jaishankar, Honorable High Commissioner; and distinguished friends. I deeply appreciate the invitation from the ISAS to address this august gathering of policy makers, eminent academics, and market participants of Singapore. Singapore is an important financial center of the world and a very special partner for India,
अप्रैल 19, 2008
The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Sustaining Growth with Stability in India
Rakesh Mohan* The performance of the Indian economy in recent years has attracted increasing international interest. This conference is therefore a timely one to take stock of what has happened and to also deepen our understanding of the policies and processes that have led to the current trends. This paper focuses on the role of fiscal and monetary policies in the evolution of the Indian economy over the years, with particular attention being given to the reforms und
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Rakesh Mohan* The performance of the Indian economy in recent years has attracted increasing international interest. This conference is therefore a timely one to take stock of what has happened and to also deepen our understanding of the policies and processes that have led to the current trends. This paper focuses on the role of fiscal and monetary policies in the evolution of the Indian economy over the years, with particular attention being given to the reforms und
अप्रैल 15, 2008
सरकार केस्वामित्ववाले निवेश वाहन और पूंजी प्रवाह * - डॉ. वाई. वेणुगोपाल रेड्डी
Chairman Bill Rhodes, distinguished speakers and fellow participants, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the Roundtable on a subject of great contemporary relevance. The invite has provoked me to deliberate on the subject, hear distinguished speakers and also meet here to interact with friends. We know that government-owned investment vehicles (GIVs), also referred to as Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), existed for long but they have acqui
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Chairman Bill Rhodes, distinguished speakers and fellow participants, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the Roundtable on a subject of great contemporary relevance. The invite has provoked me to deliberate on the subject, hear distinguished speakers and also meet here to interact with friends. We know that government-owned investment vehicles (GIVs), also referred to as Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), existed for long but they have acqui
अप्रैल 10, 2008
बैंकों का ग्राहकोंसे संबंध - उभरता परिदृश्य * - श्रीमती श्यामाला गोपीनाथ
I feel it a privilege to be associated with today's function as a tribute to the late Mr. M.R.Pai, the doyen of consumer activism in India. He successfully championed the cause of consumers, particularly bank depositors, during a different economic setting when the institutional dynamics were different, particularly for the public sector, and customer as a generic entity had not acquired the high pedestal in public discourses and management meetings. Times have change
श्रीमती श्यामला गोपीनाथ, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I feel it a privilege to be associated with today's function as a tribute to the late Mr. M.R.Pai, the doyen of consumer activism in India. He successfully championed the cause of consumers, particularly bank depositors, during a different economic setting when the institutional dynamics were different, particularly for the public sector, and customer as a generic entity had not acquired the high pedestal in public discourses and management meetings. Times have change
मार्च 31, 2008
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था और भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक : यादृच्छिक विचार * या.वे. रेड्डी
Shri Johny Joseph, Shri Kale and friends,I am grateful to the organisers for bestowing on me the honour of delivering the prestigious Yeshwantrao Chavan Memorial Lecture 2007-08. I must compliment the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), Maharashtra Branch, for organising the Memorial Lecture. By accepting this invitation, I am also acknowledging a debt of gratitude to IIPA. I am a Life Member of IIPA. While doing research for Ph.D in 1960s, I extensively
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Shri Johny Joseph, Shri Kale and friends,I am grateful to the organisers for bestowing on me the honour of delivering the prestigious Yeshwantrao Chavan Memorial Lecture 2007-08. I must compliment the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), Maharashtra Branch, for organising the Memorial Lecture. By accepting this invitation, I am also acknowledging a debt of gratitude to IIPA. I am a Life Member of IIPA. While doing research for Ph.D in 1960s, I extensively
मार्च 07, 2008
वित्तीय वैश्वीकरण, संवृद्धि और स्थिरता: भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य * या.वे.रेड्डी
Chairman Nout Wellink, Governor Noyer, distinguished academics and fellow central bankers,I am thankful to the Banque de France for giving me this opportunity to participate in the International Symposium on "Globalisation, Inflation and Monetary Policy". I will present some of the aspects of the Indian experience on the subject and conclude by briefly flagging select issues in the light of recent global developments. Financial Sector Reforms In India, reforms to impr
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Chairman Nout Wellink, Governor Noyer, distinguished academics and fellow central bankers,I am thankful to the Banque de France for giving me this opportunity to participate in the International Symposium on "Globalisation, Inflation and Monetary Policy". I will present some of the aspects of the Indian experience on the subject and conclude by briefly flagging select issues in the light of recent global developments. Financial Sector Reforms In India, reforms to impr
फ़रवरी 14, 2008
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की वृद्धि का रिकॉर्ड, 1950-2008 : निरंतर बचत और निवेश की गाथा * राकेश मोहन
Rakesh Mohan* I deem it a real privilege to visit the Institute of Economic Growth to deliver the keynote address at this prestigious conference on growth and macroeconomic issues and challenges in India. I am particularly happy that this Conference is being organised by the Institute as a part of its Golden Jubilee celebrations. The Institute has established a long and creditable track record of contributing to economic research consistently over its 50 years history
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Rakesh Mohan* I deem it a real privilege to visit the Institute of Economic Growth to deliver the keynote address at this prestigious conference on growth and macroeconomic issues and challenges in India. I am particularly happy that this Conference is being organised by the Institute as a part of its Golden Jubilee celebrations. The Institute has established a long and creditable track record of contributing to economic research consistently over its 50 years history
फ़रवरी 01, 2008
Capital Flows to India
Rakesh Mohan* Introduction In most of the period since the mid-1990s, external sector developments in India have been marked by strong capital flows. Capital flows to India, which were earlier mainly confined to small official concessional finance, gained momentum from the 1990s after the initiation of economic reforms. Apart from increase in size, capital flows to India have undergone a compositional shift from predominantly official and private debt flows to non-deb
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Rakesh Mohan* Introduction In most of the period since the mid-1990s, external sector developments in India have been marked by strong capital flows. Capital flows to India, which were earlier mainly confined to small official concessional finance, gained momentum from the 1990s after the initiation of economic reforms. Apart from increase in size, capital flows to India have undergone a compositional shift from predominantly official and private debt flows to non-deb
जनवरी 03, 2008
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में समष्टिगत-स्थायित्व के संबंध में कुछ विचार * या.वे. रेड्डी
Professor Nachane, Professor Radhakrishna, distinguished academics and friends, I am thankful to Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) for granting me the honour of releasing the India Development Report 2008 (IDR 2008). This is the fifth in the series and I wish to place on record our deep appreciation of the contribution made by Professor Kirit Parikh for the initiative and for establishing a tradition of high quality. I had the benefit of studying
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Professor Nachane, Professor Radhakrishna, distinguished academics and friends, I am thankful to Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) for granting me the honour of releasing the India Development Report 2008 (IDR 2008). This is the fifth in the series and I wish to place on record our deep appreciation of the contribution made by Professor Kirit Parikh for the initiative and for establishing a tradition of high quality. I had the benefit of studying
दिसंबर 04, 2007
एशिया का उदय - वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए निहितार्थ * या.वे. रेड्डी
The Honourable Vice-President of Mauritius, Honourable Ministers, Respected Governor Rundheersing Bheenick, Mr. Googoolye, Dr. Khadaroo, Directors of the Board of the Bank of Mauritius and distinguished friends. It is a great honour and privilege to be invited to deliver a Memorial Lecture on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of the Bank of Mauritius. The invitation is yet another demonstration of not only the close ties between India and Mauritius but
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
The Honourable Vice-President of Mauritius, Honourable Ministers, Respected Governor Rundheersing Bheenick, Mr. Googoolye, Dr. Khadaroo, Directors of the Board of the Bank of Mauritius and distinguished friends. It is a great honour and privilege to be invited to deliver a Memorial Lecture on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of the Bank of Mauritius. The invitation is yet another demonstration of not only the close ties between India and Mauritius but
दिसंबर 04, 2007
केंद्रीय बैंकिंग और अकादमी * या.वे. रेड्डी
Address by Professor Rundheersing Bheenick, Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, at the University of Mauritius proposing the conferment of the degree of Doctor of Civil Law honoris causa upon Dr Y V Reddy, Gov. of the RB of India, Port Louis, 3 Dec 2007.Honourable Chancellor, Sir Ramesh Jewoolall, Respected Pro-Chancellor Professor Jugessur, Respected Vice-Chancellor, Professor Fagoonee, Governor Bheenick, distinguished academics, and friends,It is a great honour and p
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Address by Professor Rundheersing Bheenick, Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, at the University of Mauritius proposing the conferment of the degree of Doctor of Civil Law honoris causa upon Dr Y V Reddy, Gov. of the RB of India, Port Louis, 3 Dec 2007.Honourable Chancellor, Sir Ramesh Jewoolall, Respected Pro-Chancellor Professor Jugessur, Respected Vice-Chancellor, Professor Fagoonee, Governor Bheenick, distinguished academics, and friends,It is a great honour and p
नवंबर 27, 2007
Global Developments and Indian Perspectives: Some random thoughts
Dr. Khandelwal, Mr. Rao and distinguished friends,I am happy to be here with the banking fraternity to participate in the Bankers’ Conference 2007. I find that there are several conference papers which are of high quality. In fact, they provoked me to think through some of the issues that emanate from the analysis and also some facets which might have escaped the attention of the authors. The result is an urge to share some consequential random thoughts on global deve
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Dr. Khandelwal, Mr. Rao and distinguished friends,I am happy to be here with the banking fraternity to participate in the Bankers’ Conference 2007. I find that there are several conference papers which are of high quality. In fact, they provoked me to think through some of the issues that emanate from the analysis and also some facets which might have escaped the attention of the authors. The result is an urge to share some consequential random thoughts on global deve
नवंबर 26, 2007
The growing importance of emerging economies in the globalised world and its implications for the international financial architecture
I. Introduction II. The growing importance of the emerging markets in the global economy III. Implications for the international financial architecture IV Concluding remarks I. IntroductionLadies and gentlemen,It is a great honour for me to give this lecture to pay tribute to the memory of the late Shri Lakshmi Kant Jha.L.K. Jha was a man of many talents: a distinguished administrator, a diplomat and an eminent economist. He was the first Chairman of the General Agree
Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank
I. Introduction II. The growing importance of the emerging markets in the global economy III. Implications for the international financial architecture IV Concluding remarks I. IntroductionLadies and gentlemen,It is a great honour for me to give this lecture to pay tribute to the memory of the late Shri Lakshmi Kant Jha.L.K. Jha was a man of many talents: a distinguished administrator, a diplomat and an eminent economist. He was the first Chairman of the General Agree
नवंबर 16, 2007
Urbanisation and Globalisation in the Twenty First Century: Emerging Challenges
I. Background Let me first say how honoured I am to have been invited here to deliver this opening address. When I received the invitation I was rather surprised – what do central bankers have to do with issues related to urbanization and urban problems?  I thought that since the first week is devoted to financing water, shelter and sanitation, there must be a case of mistaken identity – I do have a namesake who was Chairman of the Delhi Water Board.  But si
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. Background Let me first say how honoured I am to have been invited here to deliver this opening address. When I received the invitation I was rather surprised – what do central bankers have to do with issues related to urbanization and urban problems?  I thought that since the first week is devoted to financing water, shelter and sanitation, there must be a case of mistaken identity – I do have a namesake who was Chairman of the Delhi Water Board.  But si
नवंबर 02, 2007
Evolving role of the Reserve Bank of India: Recent Developments
Respected Professor Vyas, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, I am indeed thankful to the Institute of Development Studies and Professor Vyas for providing me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you today on the “Evolving role of the Reserve Bank of India: Recent Developments”. My association with Professor Vyas has been long, but it became closer since November 2000, when he was appointed as a director on the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Professor Vyas, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, I am indeed thankful to the Institute of Development Studies and Professor Vyas for providing me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you today on the “Evolving role of the Reserve Bank of India: Recent Developments”. My association with Professor Vyas has been long, but it became closer since November 2000, when he was appointed as a director on the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of
अक्‍तूबर 18, 2007
Some Perspectives on the Indian Economy
Mr. Chairman and Friends,             I am greatly honored by the invitation extended to me by the Peterson Institute for International Economics to share some of my thoughts on the Indian economy. This meeting is reflective of the recently observed growing interest and confidence in the status and future of the Indian economy. Today, I intend to submit that, since independence in 1947, the Indian economy has been
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman and Friends,             I am greatly honored by the invitation extended to me by the Peterson Institute for International Economics to share some of my thoughts on the Indian economy. This meeting is reflective of the recently observed growing interest and confidence in the status and future of the Indian economy. Today, I intend to submit that, since independence in 1947, the Indian economy has been
अक्‍तूबर 16, 2007
India at 60 in a Changing World: Next 20 Years
Mr. Chairman, distinguished speakers and friends On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and on my own behalf, I would like to express our deep appreciation to LSE and, in particular, to Mr. Howard Davies, the Director, for his initiatives in establishing the India Observatory (IO). RBI is doubly privileged to be associated with the IO, as a partner, since it is in honour of Dr. I.G. Patel, one of my distinguished predecessors, and also because the economic polic
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. Chairman, distinguished speakers and friends On behalf of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and on my own behalf, I would like to express our deep appreciation to LSE and, in particular, to Mr. Howard Davies, the Director, for his initiatives in establishing the India Observatory (IO). RBI is doubly privileged to be associated with the IO, as a partner, since it is in honour of Dr. I.G. Patel, one of my distinguished predecessors, and also because the economic polic
अक्‍तूबर 05, 2007
Elements of Effective Central Banking: Theory, Practice, and History
Governor Reddy and guests of the Reserve Bank, I am honored to present the Foundation Day Lecture of the Reserve Bank of India Archives. I am grateful, too, for the opportunity to visit India with my mother and sister, to explore some famous examples of Indian civilization, and to see how India is fast transforming itself into a modern economy.I have long enjoyed libraries and archives. For over two decades as a monetary policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of R
Prof. Marvin Goodfriend, Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Gailliot Center for Public Policy in the Tepper School of Business.
Governor Reddy and guests of the Reserve Bank, I am honored to present the Foundation Day Lecture of the Reserve Bank of India Archives. I am grateful, too, for the opportunity to visit India with my mother and sister, to explore some famous examples of Indian civilization, and to see how India is fast transforming itself into a modern economy.I have long enjoyed libraries and archives. For over two decades as a monetary policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of R
सितंबर 14, 2007
Economic Reforms and Corporate Performance in India
Motivation 1 Corporate Performance – Trends since mid 1990s End March Sales Growth PAT Growth Working Capital /Sales Debt / Sales 1995 20.5 59.2 21.7 34.1 1996 23.7 23.9 18.3 31.7 1997 10.4 -26.6 15.7 33.7 1998 7.5 -13.7 12.0 36.6 1999 6.1 -20.9 13.8 39.8 2000 11.2 14.7 11.5 37.6 2001 9.9 8.3 11.3 35.0 2002 -1.3 -17.8 7.9 35.7 2003 8.5 76.2 5.5 31.4 2004 16.0 59.8 3.9 26.4 2005 24.1 51.2 5.2 22.5 2006 16.3 31.7 11.1 20.2 2007 26.2 45.2 .. .. Note : Working Capital is
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Motivation 1 Corporate Performance – Trends since mid 1990s End March Sales Growth PAT Growth Working Capital /Sales Debt / Sales 1995 20.5 59.2 21.7 34.1 1996 23.7 23.9 18.3 31.7 1997 10.4 -26.6 15.7 33.7 1998 7.5 -13.7 12.0 36.6 1999 6.1 -20.9 13.8 39.8 2000 11.2 14.7 11.5 37.6 2001 9.9 8.3 11.3 35.0 2002 -1.3 -17.8 7.9 35.7 2003 8.5 76.2 5.5 31.4 2004 16.0 59.8 3.9 26.4 2005 24.1 51.2 5.2 22.5 2006 16.3 31.7 11.1 20.2 2007 26.2 45.2 .. .. Note : Working Capital is
सितंबर 13, 2007
India: Development and Reform Experience; and Prospects
Governor Ortiz and Friends, I am delighted to be here in Mexico to address this august gathering at the Bank of Mexico. I am honoured by the invitation extended to me. Governor Ortiz is among the most respected Central Bank Governors. His perceptions and words of wisdom, based on sound understanding of theory as well as compulsions of public policy making, are eagerly sought. In fact, Governor Ortiz heads the Central Bank Governance Group in the Bank for International
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Governor Ortiz and Friends, I am delighted to be here in Mexico to address this august gathering at the Bank of Mexico. I am honoured by the invitation extended to me. Governor Ortiz is among the most respected Central Bank Governors. His perceptions and words of wisdom, based on sound understanding of theory as well as compulsions of public policy making, are eagerly sought. In fact, Governor Ortiz heads the Central Bank Governance Group in the Bank for International
जुलाई 03, 2007
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था और इसके वित्तीय क्षेत्र* की झाँकी - या.वे.रेड्डी
Chairman Sergey M. Ignatiev and distinguished central bankers of the Bank of Russia, I am grateful to Chairman Ignatiev for inviting me to visit your bank and interact with you for mutual benefit. I have the pleasure of meeting my friend Chairman Ignatiev, almost once a month, in meetings of BIS or G20 or IMF or other international seminars. His address in Buenos Aires in early June on the current state of Russian economy was highly appreciated because he gave a glimp
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Chairman Sergey M. Ignatiev and distinguished central bankers of the Bank of Russia, I am grateful to Chairman Ignatiev for inviting me to visit your bank and interact with you for mutual benefit. I have the pleasure of meeting my friend Chairman Ignatiev, almost once a month, in meetings of BIS or G20 or IMF or other international seminars. His address in Buenos Aires in early June on the current state of Russian economy was highly appreciated because he gave a glimp
जुलाई 02, 2007
भारत की सांख्यिकीय प्रणाली: कुछ अनुूचिन्तन* राकेश मोहन
I am delighted and honoured to be at this auspicious occasion of the first Statistics Day and to inaugurate first Annual Conference on Financial Statistics.  As a member of the statistics community, it is matter of great pride that June 29, birth anniversary of (late) Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, has been declared by the Government of India as Statistics Day.  I am particularly happy that Professor Parikh is here who began his professional life in
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I am delighted and honoured to be at this auspicious occasion of the first Statistics Day and to inaugurate first Annual Conference on Financial Statistics.  As a member of the statistics community, it is matter of great pride that June 29, birth anniversary of (late) Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, has been declared by the Government of India as Statistics Day.  I am particularly happy that Professor Parikh is here who began his professional life in
जून 29, 2007
सांख्यिकी और सर्वेक्षणों पर यादृच्छिक विचार* या.वे.रेड्डी
Dr. Barman, Mr. Paul Vanden Bergh, Dr. Karunasena, Mr. Sandip Ghose, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me the privilege and pleasure of being with you at the Workshop on ‘Use of Surveys by Central Banks’, organised jointly by the South-East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN), Irving Fisher Committee (IFC) - Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It is a collaborative effort of seve
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dr. Barman, Mr. Paul Vanden Bergh, Dr. Karunasena, Mr. Sandip Ghose, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, I am thankful to the organisers for giving me the privilege and pleasure of being with you at the Workshop on ‘Use of Surveys by Central Banks’, organised jointly by the South-East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN), Irving Fisher Committee (IFC) - Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It is a collaborative effort of seve
जून 28, 2007
Second P. R. Brahmananda Memorial Lecture
Governance Institutions and Development I greatly appreciate the honor of being invited to deliver the Brahmananda Memorial Lecture. I share the immense admiration and respect you all have for his scholarship, his teaching, and his untiring service for the economics profession and the country. It is indeed a privilege to give a talk in his memory. And it is a special pleasure to follow my long-standing friend Lord Desai, who gave the inaugural lecture in this series.
Avinash K. Dixit, John J. F. Sherrerd University Professor of Economics
Governance Institutions and Development I greatly appreciate the honor of being invited to deliver the Brahmananda Memorial Lecture. I share the immense admiration and respect you all have for his scholarship, his teaching, and his untiring service for the economics profession and the country. It is indeed a privilege to give a talk in his memory. And it is a special pleasure to follow my long-standing friend Lord Desai, who gave the inaugural lecture in this series.
जून 20, 2007
खुली बाजारोन्मुखी अर्थव्यवस्था: में जोखिम प्रबन्धन* राकेश मोहन
Peter L. Bernstein in his celebrated book Against the Gods writes, 'The revolutionary idea that defines the boundary between modern times and the past is the mastery of risk: the notion that the future is more than a whim of the Gods and that men and women are not passive before nature. Until human beings discovered a way across that boundary, the future was a mirror of the past or the murky domain of oracles and soothsayers who held monopoly over knowledge of anticip
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Peter L. Bernstein in his celebrated book Against the Gods writes, 'The revolutionary idea that defines the boundary between modern times and the past is the mastery of risk: the notion that the future is more than a whim of the Gods and that men and women are not passive before nature. Until human beings discovered a way across that boundary, the future was a mirror of the past or the murky domain of oracles and soothsayers who held monopoly over knowledge of anticip
जून 12, 2007
The Challenges of Financial Liberalisation for Emerging Market Economies
I am very pleased and honoured to be here and I want to thank warmly my good friend, Dr Reddy, for having invited me to address the staff of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).The BIS recently announced that the RBI Vice-Governor, Mr Rakesh Mohan, will chair a new working group on "Capital flows and emerging economies". I would like to congratulate him for accepting to explore this complex issue. I will offer some views on a related topic: "the challenges of financial li
Mr. Christian Noyer, Governor of Banque de France
I am very pleased and honoured to be here and I want to thank warmly my good friend, Dr Reddy, for having invited me to address the staff of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).The BIS recently announced that the RBI Vice-Governor, Mr Rakesh Mohan, will chair a new working group on "Capital flows and emerging economies". I would like to congratulate him for accepting to explore this complex issue. I will offer some views on a related topic: "the challenges of financial li
जून 08, 2007
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था: समीक्षा,सम्भावनाएं तथा चुनिंदा मुद्दे* या.वे.रेड्डी
Governor Corbo and Friends, I am honoured by the kind invitation of Governor Corbo to visit the esteemed Central Bank of Chile. We, in the Reserve Bank of India, deeply appreciate the gesture. Governor Corbo is respected for his lucid expositions on complex issues in various international fora. While his analysis of monetary policy challenges in Chile is a matter of interest to the central bankers, his understanding of global developments, especially of Emerging Marke
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Governor Corbo and Friends, I am honoured by the kind invitation of Governor Corbo to visit the esteemed Central Bank of Chile. We, in the Reserve Bank of India, deeply appreciate the gesture. Governor Corbo is respected for his lucid expositions on complex issues in various international fora. While his analysis of monetary policy challenges in Chile is a matter of interest to the central bankers, his understanding of global developments, especially of Emerging Marke
मई 29, 2007
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के चुनिंदा पहलू* या.वे.रेड्डी
Governor Fukui and friends, I am honoured by the kind invitation of Governor Fukui to visit your esteemed bank. We, in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), deeply appreciate the gesture. Governor Toshihiko Fukui is highly respected in various central banks’ fora for his depth of knowledge, wisdom and very transparent expositions on the economy of Japan and the Bank of Japan’s policies. We look forward to Governor Fukui's acceptance of our invitation to him to visit the Re
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Governor Fukui and friends, I am honoured by the kind invitation of Governor Fukui to visit your esteemed bank. We, in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), deeply appreciate the gesture. Governor Toshihiko Fukui is highly respected in various central banks’ fora for his depth of knowledge, wisdom and very transparent expositions on the economy of Japan and the Bank of Japan’s policies. We look forward to Governor Fukui's acceptance of our invitation to him to visit the Re
मई 17, 2007
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था: पुनरीक्षण व भविष्य* या.वे.रेड्डी
Mr. Latifur Rahman, President–Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Mahbubur Rahman, President–ICC, Bangladesh, the distinguished members of the trade bodies and dear Friends,I am honoured to be invited to deliver this address today at the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dhaka. We, in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), had the pleasure of receiving recently your delegation. On that occasion, I had accepted the invitation, in principle, to add
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Mr. Latifur Rahman, President–Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Mahbubur Rahman, President–ICC, Bangladesh, the distinguished members of the trade bodies and dear Friends,I am honoured to be invited to deliver this address today at the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dhaka. We, in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), had the pleasure of receiving recently your delegation. On that occasion, I had accepted the invitation, in principle, to add
मार्च 30, 2007
आर्थिक दृष्टिकोण:एशिया और भारत के विषय में कुछ विचार* या.वे.रेड्डी
Friends, It gives me great pleasure to be here participating in the 18th Annual Forum. The topic for the discussion is very broad, but there are several eminent speakers here who would be focusing on different aspects of this complex and very relevant issue. For my part, I would, in the first part, make a general reference to the Asian economies, specially the common challenges being faced by the policy-makers in the Asian emerging market economies (AEMEs). The second
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Friends, It gives me great pleasure to be here participating in the 18th Annual Forum. The topic for the discussion is very broad, but there are several eminent speakers here who would be focusing on different aspects of this complex and very relevant issue. For my part, I would, in the first part, make a general reference to the Asian economies, specially the common challenges being faced by the policy-makers in the Asian emerging market economies (AEMEs). The second
दिसंबर 19, 2006
Dynamics of Balance of Payments in India
Vice-Chancellor Professor Siddiqi, Prof. J. Satyanarayana, Dr. J. Rameshwar Rao, Prof. Purushotham Rao, Prof. Ali Khan, faculty members and distinguished friends, I am honoured by the kind invitation of the Vice-Chancellor to me to be the Chief Guest and to deliver the first Diamond Jubilee lecture of the Department of Commerce, Osmania University. I specifically owe a deep debt of gratitude to Osmania University and I have also been proud to acknowledge it. In August
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Vice-Chancellor Professor Siddiqi, Prof. J. Satyanarayana, Dr. J. Rameshwar Rao, Prof. Purushotham Rao, Prof. Ali Khan, faculty members and distinguished friends, I am honoured by the kind invitation of the Vice-Chancellor to me to be the Chief Guest and to deliver the first Diamond Jubilee lecture of the Department of Commerce, Osmania University. I specifically owe a deep debt of gratitude to Osmania University and I have also been proud to acknowledge it. In August
नवंबर 21, 2006
केंद्रीय बैंक और जोखिम प्रबंधन: वित्तीय स्थिरता को आगे बढाना*
I have chosen to speak on "Financial Stability" for a number of reasons. Although financial stability has always been of concern to central banks, it is a relatively new concept in terms of the widespread attention being given to it in recent years. I thought it would be useful to discuss why it has become so important to central banks. Achieving this understanding would also help in explaining some of the behaviour of central banks. I will also try to explain why it
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I have chosen to speak on "Financial Stability" for a number of reasons. Although financial stability has always been of concern to central banks, it is a relatively new concept in terms of the widespread attention being given to it in recent years. I thought it would be useful to discuss why it has become so important to central banks. Achieving this understanding would also help in explaining some of the behaviour of central banks. I will also try to explain why it
नवंबर 16, 2006
भारत में आर्थिक सुधार : हम कहां हैं और कहां जायेंगे?*
We have now had a decade and a half of economic reforms. It is perhaps appropriate at this point to stand back and take stock of what we have done as we venture further. Today I shall, therefore, make an effort to (a) review what has been done; (b) evaluate where we are; and (c) suggest where we need to go. Let me give you the backdrop as to what motivated me to choose this topic. I recently came across, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference, by M
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
We have now had a decade and a half of economic reforms. It is perhaps appropriate at this point to stand back and take stock of what we have done as we venture further. Today I shall, therefore, make an effort to (a) review what has been done; (b) evaluate where we are; and (c) suggest where we need to go. Let me give you the backdrop as to what motivated me to choose this topic. I recently came across, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference, by M
नवंबर 07, 2006
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की स्थिति
It is my great pleasure to be here at the 2nd Annual Indian Securities Infrastructure & Operations Forum 2006. The recent growth momentum of the Indian economy is leading to renewed interest in India’s growth prospects. As the mid-year review of the annual policy is just over I thought instead of giving just a run-down of the current state of the Indian economy let me put the current trends into a broader perspective - both with respect to the longer term trend an
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is my great pleasure to be here at the 2nd Annual Indian Securities Infrastructure & Operations Forum 2006. The recent growth momentum of the Indian economy is leading to renewed interest in India’s growth prospects. As the mid-year review of the annual policy is just over I thought instead of giving just a run-down of the current state of the Indian economy let me put the current trends into a broader perspective - both with respect to the longer term trend an
नवंबर 03, 2006
आर्थिक वृद्धि, वित्तीय गहनता तथा वित्तीय समावेशन
I. Introduction I would like to thank the Indian Banks Association and the Andhra Bank for inviting me to this Conference, which has become an annual feature of the calendar for bankers and financial sector professionals. In view of the theme of the conference, viz., 'Inclusive Growth – A New Challenge', I thought it would be appropriate to place financial inclusion within the broad context of economic growth. There is yet another motivation for choosing the theme. Wh
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I. Introduction I would like to thank the Indian Banks Association and the Andhra Bank for inviting me to this Conference, which has become an annual feature of the calendar for bankers and financial sector professionals. In view of the theme of the conference, viz., 'Inclusive Growth – A New Challenge', I thought it would be appropriate to place financial inclusion within the broad context of economic growth. There is yet another motivation for choosing the theme. Wh
अक्‍तूबर 13, 2006
Risks Associated with Macroeconomic Adjustments: Global Perspective
I. Growth Trends I am happy to observe the continued healthy expansion of world GDP and that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is projecting only a marginal slowdown from 5.1 per cent in 2006 to 4.9 per cent in 2007. It is important to note, however, that some other forecasters are not so sanguine. The global economy has maintained its pace of growth in the first half of 2006. Although growth rates recorded in most of the advanced as well as emerging economies hav
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. Growth Trends I am happy to observe the continued healthy expansion of world GDP and that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is projecting only a marginal slowdown from 5.1 per cent in 2006 to 4.9 per cent in 2007. It is important to note, however, that some other forecasters are not so sanguine. The global economy has maintained its pace of growth in the first half of 2006. Although growth rates recorded in most of the advanced as well as emerging economies hav
सितंबर 29, 2006
वैश्वीकरण, मुद्रा और वित्त - अनिश्चितताएं और दुविधाएं
Globalisation, Money and Finance – Uncertainties and Dilemmas* Dear friends, I am honoured to be invited to deliver the valedictory address at the 2006 FICCI-IBA Conference. I would like to begin by complimenting the hosts for their choice of the theme: "Global Banking: Paradigm Shift". Many distinguished speakers have participated already in the deliberations and hence I will attempt a broader overview of globalisation issues at the current juncture. My address is on
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Globalisation, Money and Finance – Uncertainties and Dilemmas* Dear friends, I am honoured to be invited to deliver the valedictory address at the 2006 FICCI-IBA Conference. I would like to begin by complimenting the hosts for their choice of the theme: "Global Banking: Paradigm Shift". Many distinguished speakers have participated already in the deliberations and hence I will attempt a broader overview of globalisation issues at the current juncture. My address is on
सितंबर 29, 2006
भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक अभिलेखागार : कुछ विचार तथा भावी पथ
It is a real pleasure to be here today on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Inaugural Function of the Reserve Bank of India Archives (RBIA), earlier known as the Central Records and Documentation Centre (CRDC). The Reserve Bank of India established its Central Archives on August 24, 1981 with twin objectives to serve as (i) repository of non-current permanent records and (ii) the Central Archives of the Reserve Bank of India for research purposes. I am pleased to inf
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is a real pleasure to be here today on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Inaugural Function of the Reserve Bank of India Archives (RBIA), earlier known as the Central Records and Documentation Centre (CRDC). The Reserve Bank of India established its Central Archives on August 24, 1981 with twin objectives to serve as (i) repository of non-current permanent records and (ii) the Central Archives of the Reserve Bank of India for research purposes. I am pleased to inf
सितंबर 21, 2006
कारोबारी उत्कृष्टता के लिए सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी
Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to be present here to share a few thoughts on one of the important drivers of banking business in the world. Information Technology or IT has made substantial inroads into the financial sector, it has in fact transformed the way banking operations are conducted. The benefits brought about by IT in handling large processing volumes, in providing for quick, safe transaction processing, economies of scale and in expanding
श्री वी. लीलाधर, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to be present here to share a few thoughts on one of the important drivers of banking business in the world. Information Technology or IT has made substantial inroads into the financial sector, it has in fact transformed the way banking operations are conducted. The benefits brought about by IT in handling large processing volumes, in providing for quick, safe transaction processing, economies of scale and in expanding
सितंबर 19, 2006
विदेशी मुद्रा बंडार : नई वास्तविकताएं और विकल्प
Distinguished Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the 2006 Program of Seminars on the Theme 'The World in Asia, Asia in the World'. The theme for this session has tantalising words: problems, plenty, challenges, opportunities, accumulation, large, foreign, windfall and reserves. It may be a little hard to match the sense of these words in an address by central bankers. So, I intend taking a slightly broader view of the subject an
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Distinguished Friends, I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the 2006 Program of Seminars on the Theme 'The World in Asia, Asia in the World'. The theme for this session has tantalising words: problems, plenty, challenges, opportunities, accumulation, large, foreign, windfall and reserves. It may be a little hard to match the sense of these words in an address by central bankers. So, I intend taking a slightly broader view of the subject an
सितंबर 18, 2006
वृद्धि के संबंध में एशियाई परिदृश्य : भारत के लिए संभावनाएं
Distinguished friends, I am delighted to be here at the G30's International Banking Seminar hosted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Indeed, it is an honour and privilege to be amidst the global Gurus of financial world. I divide my humble presentation into five parts: namely the contours of Indian economy; the major challenges facing the Indian economy; the impact of global imbalances on India; some not easily quantifiable strengths of India and; India's growin
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Distinguished friends, I am delighted to be here at the G30's International Banking Seminar hosted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Indeed, it is an honour and privilege to be amidst the global Gurus of financial world. I divide my humble presentation into five parts: namely the contours of Indian economy; the major challenges facing the Indian economy; the impact of global imbalances on India; some not easily quantifiable strengths of India and; India's growin
जून 30, 2006
वित्तीय क्षेत्र प्रतिस्पर्धा और मौद्रिक नीति : टिप्पणी - डा.या.वे. रेड्डी
Financial Sector Competition and Monetary Policy : Comments* Mr. Chairman, Professor Mario Monti, Co-panellists and fellow Governors, I am honoured by the invitation to participate in the Annual General Meeting Panel in this historic and beautiful location. When I got the enquiry on my willingness to be a panelist on "The Relevance of Competition and Monetary Policy for Financial Stability" for the Per Jacobsson Foundation lecture this year, I initially felt that the
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Financial Sector Competition and Monetary Policy : Comments* Mr. Chairman, Professor Mario Monti, Co-panellists and fellow Governors, I am honoured by the invitation to participate in the Annual General Meeting Panel in this historic and beautiful location. When I got the enquiry on my willingness to be a panelist on "The Relevance of Competition and Monetary Policy for Financial Stability" for the Per Jacobsson Foundation lecture this year, I initially felt that the
जून 28, 2006
अर्थव्यवस्था पर केंद्रीय बैंकर के प्रभाव के स्रोत पर टिप्पणी -डा.या.वे. रेड्डी
On the Sources of Central Banker’s Influence over the Economy: Comments Chairman Mario Bleijer, Professor Stephen G. Cecchetti, Professor William H. Buiter, Dr Guillermo A. Calvo and fellow Governors, It is my pleasure to join the symposium and as desired by you, Mr. Chairman, offer initial informal comments on Professor Cecchetti’s paper on ‘Sources of Central Banker’s Influence over the Economy’. Professor Cecchetti first succinctly brings out the convergence of dev
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
On the Sources of Central Banker’s Influence over the Economy: Comments Chairman Mario Bleijer, Professor Stephen G. Cecchetti, Professor William H. Buiter, Dr Guillermo A. Calvo and fellow Governors, It is my pleasure to join the symposium and as desired by you, Mr. Chairman, offer initial informal comments on Professor Cecchetti’s paper on ‘Sources of Central Banker’s Influence over the Economy’. Professor Cecchetti first succinctly brings out the convergence of dev
जून 06, 2006
एशिया की शहरी शताब्दी : उभरती प्रवृत्तियां -डा.राकेश मोहन
I. Urbanisation: A Recent Phenomenon Widespread all pervading urbanisation is a truly twentieth century phenomenon. Although cities have always existed, even cities such as Memphis, Babylon, Thebes, Athens, Sparta, Mohen-ja-daro and Anuradhapura existed in antiquity, there is little evidence of widespread urbanisation in the early years of civilization. Rome was perhaps the first settlement to reach 1 million people in BC; only in 1800 did London become the second cit
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I. Urbanisation: A Recent Phenomenon Widespread all pervading urbanisation is a truly twentieth century phenomenon. Although cities have always existed, even cities such as Memphis, Babylon, Thebes, Athens, Sparta, Mohen-ja-daro and Anuradhapura existed in antiquity, there is little evidence of widespread urbanisation in the early years of civilization. Rome was perhaps the first settlement to reach 1 million people in BC; only in 1800 did London become the second cit
मई 25, 2006
भारत के आर्थिक विकास पर चिंतन - चर्चा(दि काउंसिल ऑन फॉरेन रिलेशंस, न्यूयार्क में 12 मई 2006 को गवर्नर डा. वाई.वी.रेड्डी द्वारा की गई चर्चा)
This is a rush transcript - hosted on RBI website with the concurrence of the Council on Foreign Relations. The transcript as well as the audio and video of the discussion are also available at http://www.cfr.org/publication/10763/reflections_on_indias_economic_development_rush_transcript_federal_news_service_inc.html Speaker: Y.V. Reddy Governor, Reserve Bank of India Presider: Frank G. Wisner Vice Chairman, External Affairs, American International Group, Inc. May 12
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
This is a rush transcript - hosted on RBI website with the concurrence of the Council on Foreign Relations. The transcript as well as the audio and video of the discussion are also available at http://www.cfr.org/publication/10763/reflections_on_indias_economic_development_rush_transcript_federal_news_service_inc.html Speaker: Y.V. Reddy Governor, Reserve Bank of India Presider: Frank G. Wisner Vice Chairman, External Affairs, American International Group, Inc. May 12
मई 25, 2006
उदीयमान एशिया में भारत -वाई. वी. रेड्डी
Friends I am honoured to be invited at the 12th International Conference on "The Future of Asia" organised by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (NIKKEI). The choice of the topic for the Session by the organisers "India-The Rise of a New Economic Powerhouse" is indicative of the global confidence in India's economic performance and prospects for the future. However, as a central banker, I need to be conservative and modest in my approach to communication while retaining trans
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Friends I am honoured to be invited at the 12th International Conference on "The Future of Asia" organised by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (NIKKEI). The choice of the topic for the Session by the organisers "India-The Rise of a New Economic Powerhouse" is indicative of the global confidence in India's economic performance and prospects for the future. However, as a central banker, I need to be conservative and modest in my approach to communication while retaining trans
मई 17, 2006
भारत में केंद्रीय बैंकिंग का विकास - राकेश मोहन
I must congratulate the organizers for choosing this important topic for deliberation in this seminar. I have great pleasure in mentioning that the theme of the Report on Currency and Finance - 2004-05, prepared by the staff of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is also that of evolution of Central Banking in India (RBI, 2005a). In going through the process of compilation of the Report, I have found the evolutionary process of central banking all over the world and also
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I must congratulate the organizers for choosing this important topic for deliberation in this seminar. I have great pleasure in mentioning that the theme of the Report on Currency and Finance - 2004-05, prepared by the staff of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is also that of evolution of Central Banking in India (RBI, 2005a). In going through the process of compilation of the Report, I have found the evolutionary process of central banking all over the world and also
मई 12, 2006
भारत के आर्थिक विकास पर विचार -वाई. वी. रेड्डी
Friends, I am greatly honoured by the invitation from the Council on Foreign Relations to interact with you as part of the C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics. I intend sharing with you reflections on India’s economic development, not in terms of advocacy or analysis but through a liberal recourse to anecdotes along with some illustrations. By virtue of my experience and background, the remarks may combine a worm’s view with a bird’s eye-view of the I
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Friends, I am greatly honoured by the invitation from the Council on Foreign Relations to interact with you as part of the C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics. I intend sharing with you reflections on India’s economic development, not in terms of advocacy or analysis but through a liberal recourse to anecdotes along with some illustrations. By virtue of my experience and background, the remarks may combine a worm’s view with a bird’s eye-view of the I
मई 11, 2006
वैश्विक असंतुलन : भारतीय परिदृश्य -वाई. वी. रेड्डी
Honourable Under Secretary General, Mr. Ocampo, Ambassador Nirupam Sen and Distinguished Guests, It is a privilege and an honor to be invited at the United Nations to deliver a talk on 'Global Imbalances: an Indian Perspective'. I would like to thank Professor Jose Antonio Ocampo, Under Secretary General, for inviting me to deliver this talk. In my presentation today, I hope to capture the debate among the policy makers as well as academics; though I must be humble in
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Honourable Under Secretary General, Mr. Ocampo, Ambassador Nirupam Sen and Distinguished Guests, It is a privilege and an honor to be invited at the United Nations to deliver a talk on 'Global Imbalances: an Indian Perspective'. I would like to thank Professor Jose Antonio Ocampo, Under Secretary General, for inviting me to deliver this talk. In my presentation today, I hope to capture the debate among the policy makers as well as academics; though I must be humble in
अप्रैल 22, 2006
अंतरराष्ट्रीय मौद्रिक और वित्तीय समिति की बैठक में गवर्नर डॉ. या. वे. रेड्डी का वक्तव्य
Representing the Constituency consisting of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka Mr. Chairman, The Global Economy and Financial Markets 1. We broadly agree with the Fund’s assessment of the global economy in its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO). A positive feature of the current growth scenario is that it is becoming more diversified. Notwithstanding such positive developments, the continuing volatility of the international oil prices and the ever widening globa
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Representing the Constituency consisting of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka Mr. Chairman, The Global Economy and Financial Markets 1. We broadly agree with the Fund’s assessment of the global economy in its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO). A positive feature of the current growth scenario is that it is becoming more diversified. Notwithstanding such positive developments, the continuing volatility of the international oil prices and the ever widening globa
मार्च 18, 2006
डॉ.या.वे.रेड्डी, गवर्नर द्वारा स्वागत भाषण
Respected Prime Minister, distinguished guests and friends, On behalf of all the Reserve Bank employees - retired and serving; on behalf of the Central Board of the Bank and on my own behalf, I have the honour and privilege of extending a hearty welcome to our esteemed Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh; Governor of Maharashtra Shri S.M. Krishnaji; Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Shri Deshmukhji; Union Finance Minister Shri Chidambaramji and other distinguished gu
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Respected Prime Minister, distinguished guests and friends, On behalf of all the Reserve Bank employees - retired and serving; on behalf of the Central Board of the Bank and on my own behalf, I have the honour and privilege of extending a hearty welcome to our esteemed Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh; Governor of Maharashtra Shri S.M. Krishnaji; Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Shri Deshmukhji; Union Finance Minister Shri Chidambaramji and other distinguished gu
मार्च 18, 2006
डॉ. राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर द्वारा धन्यवाद ज्ञापन
It is a great honour for all of us at the Reserve Bank of India to have the Honourable Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh ji, our former Governor, to release the History of the Reserve Bank and to inaugurate the Centre for Advanced Financial Learning. Both the actions are very fitting since the History goes up to the time that the Prime Minister assumed office as Governor; and the inauguration of the Centre marks a forward looking approach to the development of the fin
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It is a great honour for all of us at the Reserve Bank of India to have the Honourable Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh ji, our former Governor, to release the History of the Reserve Bank and to inaugurate the Centre for Advanced Financial Learning. Both the actions are very fitting since the History goes up to the time that the Prime Minister assumed office as Governor; and the inauguration of the Centre marks a forward looking approach to the development of the fin
मार्च 18, 2006
माननीय प्रधान मंत्री डॉ.मनमोहन सिंह जी का संबोधन
My Cabinet colleague Chidambaramji, Dr. Reddy, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is always a pleasure to be here. There is always something special about returning to a place that was one's own home. Even more so when one has only happy and warm memories. For me and my family, Mumbai has been a second home, and I have the fondest of memories of my tenure here at the Reserve Bank of India. I am delighted to release the third volume of the History of Reserve Bank of India coveri
डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह, माननीय प्रधान मंत्री
My Cabinet colleague Chidambaramji, Dr. Reddy, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is always a pleasure to be here. There is always something special about returning to a place that was one's own home. Even more so when one has only happy and warm memories. For me and my family, Mumbai has been a second home, and I have the fondest of memories of my tenure here at the Reserve Bank of India. I am delighted to release the third volume of the History of Reserve Bank of India coveri
मार्च 18, 2006
माननीय वित्त मंत्री श्री चिदंबरम जी का संबोधन
It gives me great pleasure to be here today on the occasion of the release of three volumes of the History of the Reserve Bank of India by the Prime Minister. On this occasion, I am happy to release one of the key research publications of the Reserve Bank, viz., Report on Currency and Finance for the year 2004-05. Since 1999, the Report has focussed on a particular theme each year so that the overlap with the Bank's other flagship publications, such as, the Annual Rep
पी चिदंबरम, माननीय वित्त मंत्री
It gives me great pleasure to be here today on the occasion of the release of three volumes of the History of the Reserve Bank of India by the Prime Minister. On this occasion, I am happy to release one of the key research publications of the Reserve Bank, viz., Report on Currency and Finance for the year 2004-05. Since 1999, the Report has focussed on a particular theme each year so that the overlap with the Bank's other flagship publications, such as, the Annual Rep
मार्च 14, 2006
भारतीय ऋण बाजार की हाल की प्रवृत्तियां और वर्तमान पहलें -डॉ. राकेश मोहन
The Indian debt market, and the government securities market in particular, is at a turning point in India with significant changes taking place in the domestic economic environment along with various proposed legislative changes. Let me briefly touch upon the reasons why I believe we are living in interesting times and why this is an opportune time to reflect on further debt market development. The first such significant change is the prohibition of RBI’s subscriptio
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
The Indian debt market, and the government securities market in particular, is at a turning point in India with significant changes taking place in the domestic economic environment along with various proposed legislative changes. Let me briefly touch upon the reasons why I believe we are living in interesting times and why this is an opportune time to reflect on further debt market development. The first such significant change is the prohibition of RBI’s subscriptio
मार्च 06, 2006
बैंकिंग में सुधार, उत्पादकता और कार्यकुशलता: भारतीय अनुभव * - राकेश मोहन
Let me at the outset congratulate the Pakistan Society of Development Economists for organising this Conference. Issues of productivity and efficiency have been at the centre-stage of discussions in recent years. Nowhere is this truer than the financial sector, which is perceived to be the ‘brain’ of the economy (Stiglitz, 1998). Even within the financial sector, given the dominance of bank-based financial systems in most emerging markets including ours and the system
डॉ राकेश मोहन, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Let me at the outset congratulate the Pakistan Society of Development Economists for organising this Conference. Issues of productivity and efficiency have been at the centre-stage of discussions in recent years. Nowhere is this truer than the financial sector, which is perceived to be the ‘brain’ of the economy (Stiglitz, 1998). Even within the financial sector, given the dominance of bank-based financial systems in most emerging markets including ours and the system
जनवरी 23, 2006
केंद्रीय बैंक संप्रेषण : कुछ विचार - वाइ. वी. रेड्डी
Ms. Wanda Tseng, Mr. Ariyoshi, distinguished fellow central bankers and friends, At the outset, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all our guests to India. I hope you will find the weather outside as well as the intellectual stimulation in the seminar pleasant and productive. I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the seminar. The subject is close to our head and heart and we, in the RBI, had organized a SAARCFIN sponsored seminar la
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ms. Wanda Tseng, Mr. Ariyoshi, distinguished fellow central bankers and friends, At the outset, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all our guests to India. I hope you will find the weather outside as well as the intellectual stimulation in the seminar pleasant and productive. I am thankful to the organisers for inviting me to participate in the seminar. The subject is close to our head and heart and we, in the RBI, had organized a SAARCFIN sponsored seminar la
जनवरी 19, 2006
आर्थिक विकास में लेखापालों की भूमिका -वाइ. वी. रेड्डी
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am thankful to Shri Kamlesh Vikamsey for inviting me to this august gathering. This Conference is of relevance to all of us, not only because of the eminence of the speakers who are addressing this gathering, but also because it represents an important step by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to distill from the experiences of other countries in its quest for global benchmarking of our accounting stan
डॉ. वाई. वी. रेड्डी, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am thankful to Shri Kamlesh Vikamsey for inviting me to this august gathering. This Conference is of relevance to all of us, not only because of the eminence of the speakers who are addressing this gathering, but also because it represents an important step by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to distill from the experiences of other countries in its quest for global benchmarking of our accounting stan
दिसंबर 27, 2005
Importance of Productivity in India
Respected Professor Papola and friends, It is an honour and privilege to address this august gathering. I am happy to visit Visakhapatnam, where, in 1965, I commenced my career in civil services in Andhra Pradesh as an Assistant Collector under training - learning initially from village karnam of Penduthri village (then a village) and Revenue Inspector of Gajuvoka, travelling by bicycle to the villages. I am particularly delighted that a friend for decades, an economi
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Respected Professor Papola and friends, It is an honour and privilege to address this august gathering. I am happy to visit Visakhapatnam, where, in 1965, I commenced my career in civil services in Andhra Pradesh as an Assistant Collector under training - learning initially from village karnam of Penduthri village (then a village) and Revenue Inspector of Gajuvoka, travelling by bicycle to the villages. I am particularly delighted that a friend for decades, an economi
नवंबर 07, 2005
Human Development and State Finances
Introduction It is a pleasure to be amidst officials of the State Governments who are instrumental in implementing government policies that aim to improve economic and social welfare. In India, bulk of the responsibilities pertaining to expenditure in social services including education and health are placed in the domain of the State Governments. Thus, the nature of state finances has important implications for improving human development in India. In this context, t
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Introduction It is a pleasure to be amidst officials of the State Governments who are instrumental in implementing government policies that aim to improve economic and social welfare. In India, bulk of the responsibilities pertaining to expenditure in social services including education and health are placed in the domain of the State Governments. Thus, the nature of state finances has important implications for improving human development in India. In this context, t
नवंबर 04, 2005
Implications of Global Financial Imbalances for the Emerging Market Economies
I am thankful to the Banque de France for inviting me to the international symposium on Productivity, Competitiveness and Globalisation to enable me to share my thoughts on financial stability. I intend speaking on the possible implications of global imbalances for the emerging market economies (EMEs) with special focus on India. Although fast growing economies are generally grouped together as EMEs, some of their major macroeconomic indicators present a wide spectrum
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am thankful to the Banque de France for inviting me to the international symposium on Productivity, Competitiveness and Globalisation to enable me to share my thoughts on financial stability. I intend speaking on the possible implications of global imbalances for the emerging market economies (EMEs) with special focus on India. Although fast growing economies are generally grouped together as EMEs, some of their major macroeconomic indicators present a wide spectrum
सितंबर 09, 2005
Communications in Central Banks: A Perspective
I. Introduction Communication is part of the professional hazards that central bankers face as a routine. The responses as well as measures are mostly ‘measured’. Financial markets watch our pauses, and some punctuation marks in the text of a statement have the distinct possibility of getting transmitted through the movement of a few points in the yield curve. Faced with such grave consequences that can be measured in millions of rupees or dollars, communication in ce
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. Introduction Communication is part of the professional hazards that central bankers face as a routine. The responses as well as measures are mostly ‘measured’. Financial markets watch our pauses, and some punctuation marks in the text of a statement have the distinct possibility of getting transmitted through the movement of a few points in the yield curve. Faced with such grave consequences that can be measured in millions of rupees or dollars, communication in ce
सितंबर 08, 2005
Indian Economy in the Global Setting
I am extremely happy to be here in this at 99th Foundation Day Celebration Function of the Indian Merchants' Chamber at Mumbai on September 8, 2005. Indian Merchants Chamber has a long heritage – and I wish them all the best for this year’s celebrations and next year’s centenary. In this age of globalization, I thought it would be apposite to share with you an account of India’s place in the global economy. Where do we stand? Have we improved our performance? These ar
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I am extremely happy to be here in this at 99th Foundation Day Celebration Function of the Indian Merchants' Chamber at Mumbai on September 8, 2005. Indian Merchants Chamber has a long heritage – and I wish them all the best for this year’s celebrations and next year’s centenary. In this age of globalization, I thought it would be apposite to share with you an account of India’s place in the global economy. Where do we stand? Have we improved our performance? These ar
जून 23, 2005
Overcoming Challenges in a Globalising Economy : Managing India’s External Sector
Dear Friends, I am thankful to the Foreign Policy Centre for giving me this opportunity to be with you this evening and share India’s experience in regard to managing its progressive integration with the world economy. I would like to confine myself to the issues relating to the external sector. Perhaps one of the most successful aspects of India’s structural reforms is the strength and dynamism in the external sector. The memories of June 1991, when the foreign excha
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Dear Friends, I am thankful to the Foreign Policy Centre for giving me this opportunity to be with you this evening and share India’s experience in regard to managing its progressive integration with the world economy. I would like to confine myself to the issues relating to the external sector. Perhaps one of the most successful aspects of India’s structural reforms is the strength and dynamism in the external sector. The memories of June 1991, when the foreign excha
जून 10, 2005
Value-based Professionals: The Need of the Hour*
It gives me great pleasure to be in your midst today. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has been a critical player in the Indian endeavour to develop professionals to protect the interests of the stake holders, to ensure corporate governance and contribute to public good – a topic which is intrinsically linked to the theme of today, viz. value based professionals and the broader theme of corporate governance. These are difficult issues and given tod
Shri V. Leeladhar, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure to be in your midst today. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has been a critical player in the Indian endeavour to develop professionals to protect the interests of the stake holders, to ensure corporate governance and contribute to public good – a topic which is intrinsically linked to the theme of today, viz. value based professionals and the broader theme of corporate governance. These are difficult issues and given tod
अप्रैल 08, 2005
A Synoptic View of the Twelfth Finance Commission’s Recommendations
I am indeed very happy to be in the midst of familiar faces and familiar surroundings. This is perhaps the first public occasion on which I am commenting on the recommendations of the Twelfth Finance Commission. As such, this meeting has some special significance at least to me. I congratulate the Reserve Bank of India in organizing this meeting of Finance Secretaries so that the full implications of the various recommendations of the Twelfth Finance Commission can be
Dr. C. Rangarajan, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Hon’ble Prime Minister
I am indeed very happy to be in the midst of familiar faces and familiar surroundings. This is perhaps the first public occasion on which I am commenting on the recommendations of the Twelfth Finance Commission. As such, this meeting has some special significance at least to me. I congratulate the Reserve Bank of India in organizing this meeting of Finance Secretaries so that the full implications of the various recommendations of the Twelfth Finance Commission can be
अप्रैल 04, 2005
Human Development and State Finances: Some Thoughts
It gives me great pleasure to be here on the occasion of the first programme on "Human Development and State Finances" being jointly organised by the UNDP and the RBI with the support of the Planning Commission. The UNDP, ever since its inception in 1965, and the other UN organisations before that, have been actively involved in the development priorities of developing countries like ours over the last five decades. They have gained insights and understanding of our e
Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure to be here on the occasion of the first programme on "Human Development and State Finances" being jointly organised by the UNDP and the RBI with the support of the Planning Commission. The UNDP, ever since its inception in 1965, and the other UN organisations before that, have been actively involved in the development priorities of developing countries like ours over the last five decades. They have gained insights and understanding of our e
फ़रवरी 10, 2005
The pursuit of financial stability
It gives me great pleasure to address this gathering at the 7th Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian economy organised by the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR). Issues related to monetary policy and financial sector continue to attract a lot of research interest all over the world and this is all the more true for emerging economies like India which are gradually integrating with the rest of the world. Accordingly, the initiatives
Smt. K.J. Udeshi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
It gives me great pleasure to address this gathering at the 7th Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian economy organised by the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR). Issues related to monetary policy and financial sector continue to attract a lot of research interest all over the world and this is all the more true for emerging economies like India which are gradually integrating with the rest of the world. Accordingly, the initiatives
जनवरी 12, 2005
Indian Economy : Current Status and Select Issues
Professor Parikh, Professor Radhakrishna and Friends, I am thankful to Professor Radhakrishna for giving me the opportunity to be here for the release of India Development Report 2004-05. The Report prepared by IGIDR, released today, is unique in several respects. It addresses contemporary policy issues unambiguously and is more issue-based than technique oriented. At the same time, it is based on thorough research with scholarly inputs. Being issue-oriented, the Repo
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Professor Parikh, Professor Radhakrishna and Friends, I am thankful to Professor Radhakrishna for giving me the opportunity to be here for the release of India Development Report 2004-05. The Report prepared by IGIDR, released today, is unique in several respects. It addresses contemporary policy issues unambiguously and is more issue-based than technique oriented. At the same time, it is based on thorough research with scholarly inputs. Being issue-oriented, the Repo
नवंबर 10, 2004
Banking Needs of a Global Economy - Keynote Address
Thank you. I am, as ever, delighted to be in India. I am only sorry that on this occasion my visit is so brief. I am here in Delhi specifically to attend your conference this morning. I was glad to have the opportunity to address such an important topic and I am grateful to the organizers for persisting with their invitation even when getting here did not seem logistically possible. As you can see, it was—just! A strong, well-functioning financial sector is crucial fo
Anne O Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director
Thank you. I am, as ever, delighted to be in India. I am only sorry that on this occasion my visit is so brief. I am here in Delhi specifically to attend your conference this morning. I was glad to have the opportunity to address such an important topic and I am grateful to the organizers for persisting with their invitation even when getting here did not seem logistically possible. As you can see, it was—just! A strong, well-functioning financial sector is crucial fo
सितंबर 30, 2004
Fiscal Challenges of Population Ageing: The Asian Experience
I. Introduction One of the most critical demographic events in the world today is population ageing i.e., the process by which the share of older individuals in the total population starts becoming larger. The ageing phenomenon, which has been initially experienced by developed countries, is now steadily approaching the developing world. Projections show that over the next five decades, world median age will continue to increase, resulting in enhanced old age dependen
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I. Introduction One of the most critical demographic events in the world today is population ageing i.e., the process by which the share of older individuals in the total population starts becoming larger. The ageing phenomenon, which has been initially experienced by developed countries, is now steadily approaching the developing world. Projections show that over the next five decades, world median age will continue to increase, resulting in enhanced old age dependen
सितंबर 20, 2004
First P. R. Brahmananda Memorial Lecture

Welcome Speech by Dr. Y.V.Reddy, Governor, RBIPDF First Brahmananda Memorial Lecture by Lord Meghnad Desai PDF Presidential Speech by Dr. I. G. Patel PDF Vote of Thanks by Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, RBI PDF

Lord Meghnad Desai,

Welcome Speech by Dr. Y.V.Reddy, Governor, RBIPDF First Brahmananda Memorial Lecture by Lord Meghnad Desai PDF Presidential Speech by Dr. I. G. Patel PDF Vote of Thanks by Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, RBI PDF

जुलाई 17, 2004
India and the Global Economy
Friends, I am delighted to be here in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. You are among the few that have succeeded in perhaps one of the most competitive and fairest examinations in the world. You have the additional advantage of having spent some time in the rural and semi urban areas of our country while in the districts. I chose the subject `India and global economy’ precisely because during the next three to four decades that yo
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Friends, I am delighted to be here in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. You are among the few that have succeeded in perhaps one of the most competitive and fairest examinations in the world. You have the additional advantage of having spent some time in the rural and semi urban areas of our country while in the districts. I chose the subject `India and global economy’ precisely because during the next three to four decades that yo
मार्च 27, 2004
M.A.Master Memorial Lecture
Click below to download the presentationDownload the presentation
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Click below to download the presentationDownload the presentation
मार्च 26, 2004
A Decade of Reforms in Government Securities Market in India and the Road Ahead*
Click below to download the presentation Text Download the presentation
Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Click below to download the presentation Text Download the presentation
जनवरी 13, 2004
L.K. Jha Memorial Lecture by Martin Feldstein on 12 January, 2004
Budget Deficits and National DebtMartin Feldstein* I am delighted to be here in Mumbai and honored by your invitation to give this year’s L. K. Jha Memorial Lecture. I first came to India only about eight years ago and have been coming to India once each year for the past five years. Even in that short period of time, I have seen significant improvements in the Indian economy and now hear about important structural changes that are being made or contemplated. I am ver
Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University and President of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Budget Deficits and National DebtMartin Feldstein* I am delighted to be here in Mumbai and honored by your invitation to give this year’s L. K. Jha Memorial Lecture. I first came to India only about eight years ago and have been coming to India once each year for the past five years. Even in that short period of time, I have seen significant improvements in the Indian economy and now hear about important structural changes that are being made or contemplated. I am ver
जनवरी 07, 2004
The Outlook for Indian Economy - An Update
January 7, 200476th Annual General Meeting of FICCI, New DelhiThe Outlook for Indian Economy : An Update Friends, I am thankful to President Mr. Muthiah for giving me the opportunity to address the 76th General Meeting of FICCI. I had the privilege of addressing FICCI in New Delhi about a year ago (October 24, 2002), at the invitation of Mr. Lodha and the subject was, if I recall right, "World Economic Outlook and Financial Market Developments – Implications for India
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
January 7, 200476th Annual General Meeting of FICCI, New DelhiThe Outlook for Indian Economy : An Update Friends, I am thankful to President Mr. Muthiah for giving me the opportunity to address the 76th General Meeting of FICCI. I had the privilege of addressing FICCI in New Delhi about a year ago (October 24, 2002), at the invitation of Mr. Lodha and the subject was, if I recall right, "World Economic Outlook and Financial Market Developments – Implications for India
जनवरी 01, 2004
Understanding Reforms
I have great pleasure in welcoming you on behalf of Finance Minister, Mr. Jaswant Singh, on behalf of Reserve Bank of India and, on my own behalf. India has been playing active role in researching and debating issues relating to development, particularly in the context of developing nations. We believe that holding of the Global Development Netowrk (GDN) Annual Conference in India is a tribute to our approach to reform, and is also a recognition of the need to continu
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
I have great pleasure in welcoming you on behalf of Finance Minister, Mr. Jaswant Singh, on behalf of Reserve Bank of India and, on my own behalf. India has been playing active role in researching and debating issues relating to development, particularly in the context of developing nations. We believe that holding of the Global Development Netowrk (GDN) Annual Conference in India is a tribute to our approach to reform, and is also a recognition of the need to continu
सितंबर 23, 2003
Boards of Governors - 2003 Annual Meetings
September 23–24, 2003World Bank GroupInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corporation International Development Association International Centre For Settlement Of Investment Disputes Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency International Monetary FundStatement by the Hon. Mr. Y.V. Reddy, Alternate Governor of the Fund for India, at the Joint Annual DiscussionMr. Chairman:1. Since we met last in April 2003, there have been some si
Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
September 23–24, 2003World Bank GroupInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corporation International Development Association International Centre For Settlement Of Investment Disputes Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency International Monetary FundStatement by the Hon. Mr. Y.V. Reddy, Alternate Governor of the Fund for India, at the Joint Annual DiscussionMr. Chairman:1. Since we met last in April 2003, there have been some si

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