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सितंबर 07, 2016
सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में साइबर जोखिम-चिंता की उभरती लकीरें - एस.एस.मूंदड़ा
Good Morning! At the outset, I would like to compliment CAFRAL for organizing this International Seminar on Cyber Risk and Mitigation for banks and FIs, a topic which has assumed centre stage, not only in India but globally. Let me begin by quoting John Chambers, former CEO of CISCO, who famously summed up the significance of cyber risk for the enterprises thus: “There are only two types of organisations, one who have been hacked and others who don’t know that they ha
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Good Morning! At the outset, I would like to compliment CAFRAL for organizing this International Seminar on Cyber Risk and Mitigation for banks and FIs, a topic which has assumed centre stage, not only in India but globally. Let me begin by quoting John Chambers, former CEO of CISCO, who famously summed up the significance of cyber risk for the enterprises thus: “There are only two types of organisations, one who have been hacked and others who don’t know that they ha
अगस्त 24, 2016
बैंकिंग क्षेत्र सुधार: गंतव्य नहीं, एक यात्रा है - एस.एस.मूंदड़ा
Dignitaries on the dais; colleagues from the banking and financial sector; members of the print and electronic media; ladies and gentlemen! At the outset I thank the Management of the Governance Now, one of the country’s leading publications shaping the public opinion on governance and public policy, for inviting me to deliver the inaugural address at this India Banking Reforms Conclave 2016. I feel this conclave comes at a very important juncture for the economy and
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dignitaries on the dais; colleagues from the banking and financial sector; members of the print and electronic media; ladies and gentlemen! At the outset I thank the Management of the Governance Now, one of the country’s leading publications shaping the public opinion on governance and public policy, for inviting me to deliver the inaugural address at this India Banking Reforms Conclave 2016. I feel this conclave comes at a very important juncture for the economy and
अगस्त 23, 2016
एमएसएमई उधार की एबीसीडी- एस.एस.मुंदड़ा
Thank you for inviting me to deliver the keynote address at this second edition of the Conference on MSME Funding. I compliment the CII for having chosen a very relevant theme for the Conference ‘Propelling MSME Growth through Enhanced Financial Access and Support’. The theme lays emphasis on two crucial pillars that are pertinent for the sector i.e. enhancing financial access and ensuring adequate support to enable MSMEs to attain faster growth. 2. It is universally
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for inviting me to deliver the keynote address at this second edition of the Conference on MSME Funding. I compliment the CII for having chosen a very relevant theme for the Conference ‘Propelling MSME Growth through Enhanced Financial Access and Support’. The theme lays emphasis on two crucial pillars that are pertinent for the sector i.e. enhancing financial access and ensuring adequate support to enable MSMEs to attain faster growth. 2. It is universally
अगस्त 18, 2016
बैंकिंग के नए प्रतिमान-बैंकिंग आवश्यक है किन्तु बैंक नहीं-क्या सचमुच?- आर गांधी

“Banking is necessary, but banks are not”, I am quoting here Bill Gates, what he said as Chairman, Microsoft, way back in 1994. Today, after twenty two years, has his prediction or forewarning come true? I intend to explore this in today’s discussion with you. 2. It is usual for many of us who lecture others to say ‘We are at cross roads’, ‘The Paradigm shifts that are staring us’ etc. That’s because it takes time to discern the trends that are taking place in any sec

श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

“Banking is necessary, but banks are not”, I am quoting here Bill Gates, what he said as Chairman, Microsoft, way back in 1994. Today, after twenty two years, has his prediction or forewarning come true? I intend to explore this in today’s discussion with you. 2. It is usual for many of us who lecture others to say ‘We are at cross roads’, ‘The Paradigm shifts that are staring us’ etc. That’s because it takes time to discern the trends that are taking place in any sec

अगस्त 16, 2016
आज के भारत में बैंकिंग-रोचक, लाभदायक एवं चुनौतीपूर्ण - रघुराम जी राजन
Thank you for inviting me to give this address to the FICCI-IBA Annual Global Banking Conference. Perhaps the most important issue on the minds of bankers, given the results season, is the Asset Quality Review initiated in early 2015-16. It has improved recognition of NPAs and provisioning in banks enormously, and many of you have fully imbibed the spirit of the review. Some banks have taken significant steps in recognizing incipient stress early. Now focus should mov
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for inviting me to give this address to the FICCI-IBA Annual Global Banking Conference. Perhaps the most important issue on the minds of bankers, given the results season, is the Asset Quality Review initiated in early 2015-16. It has improved recognition of NPAs and provisioning in banks enormously, and many of you have fully imbibed the spirit of the review. Some banks have taken significant steps in recognizing incipient stress early. Now focus should mov
जून 22, 2016
बैंकिंग प्रणाली में दबाव समाप्त करने का संकल्प - रघुराम जी राजन
Thank you very much for inviting me to give this talk. Ordinarily, in a city like Bengaluru, we would talk about startups. Today, however, I want to talk about the resolution of financial distress. I will argue that the slowdown in credit growth has been largely because of stress in the public sector banking and not because of high interest rates. As such, what is required is a clean-up of the balance sheets of public sector banks, which is what is underway and needs
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you very much for inviting me to give this talk. Ordinarily, in a city like Bengaluru, we would talk about startups. Today, however, I want to talk about the resolution of financial distress. I will argue that the slowdown in credit growth has been largely because of stress in the public sector banking and not because of high interest rates. As such, what is required is a clean-up of the balance sheets of public sector banks, which is what is underway and needs
अप्रैल 29, 2016
हरित वित्त-सुरुआती पहल-आर गांधी
Friends, 2. Recognition is growing of the pressing challenge of financing sustainable development, and the opportunity it offers for channeling financial capital to productive, profitable and more broadly beneficial uses. The year 2016 is set to be the year of green finance. Across the world, we are seeing a growing number of countries aligning their financial systems with the sustainability imperative. We welcome this new green finance initiative. 3. In this context,
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Friends, 2. Recognition is growing of the pressing challenge of financing sustainable development, and the opportunity it offers for channeling financial capital to productive, profitable and more broadly beneficial uses. The year 2016 is set to be the year of green finance. Across the world, we are seeing a growing number of countries aligning their financial systems with the sustainability imperative. We welcome this new green finance initiative. 3. In this context,
अप्रैल 26, 2016
सरकारी क्षेत्र के बैंकों के बीच एकीकरण-आर गांधी
At present banking system in India is evolving with a mixture of bank types serving different segments of the economy. In the last few years, the system has seen entry of new banks and emergence of new bank types targeted to serve niche segments of the society. However, banking system continues to be dominated by Public Sector Banks (PSBs) which still have more than 70 per cent market share of the banking system assets. At present there are 27 PSBs with varying sizes.
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
At present banking system in India is evolving with a mixture of bank types serving different segments of the economy. In the last few years, the system has seen entry of new banks and emergence of new bank types targeted to serve niche segments of the society. However, banking system continues to be dominated by Public Sector Banks (PSBs) which still have more than 70 per cent market share of the banking system assets. At present there are 27 PSBs with varying sizes.
मार्च 12, 2016
वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था में भारत- रघुराम जी. राजन
Thank you for inviting me to deliver the first Ramnath Goenka lecture. As you know, Shri Goenka was a freedom fighter, who built the Indian Express into a national newspaper. In his time, it was arguably the best investigative newspaper in the country. He was instrumental in highlighting the excesses of the Emergency, which probably contributed to Indira Gandhi’s defeat when she lifted it. He continued to be a tireless scourge of corruption and government high-handedn
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for inviting me to deliver the first Ramnath Goenka lecture. As you know, Shri Goenka was a freedom fighter, who built the Indian Express into a national newspaper. In his time, it was arguably the best investigative newspaper in the country. He was instrumental in highlighting the excesses of the Emergency, which probably contributed to Indira Gandhi’s defeat when she lifted it. He continued to be a tireless scourge of corruption and government high-handedn
फ़रवरी 11, 2016
बैंकिंग के वर्तमान मुद्दे-रघुराम जी.राजन
Thank you for inviting me here today. In a country that is growing at above 7 percent, is brimming with entrepreneurial zeal, has a young population which has grown up with mobile technology, one would think that the banking sector would be buoyant. Yet the recent decline in bank share prices has investors on the edge. Of course, part of the reason is that markets are in turmoil. Some of the greater decline of bank share prices can therefore be explained by the fact t
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Thank you for inviting me here today. In a country that is growing at above 7 percent, is brimming with entrepreneurial zeal, has a young population which has grown up with mobile technology, one would think that the banking sector would be buoyant. Yet the recent decline in bank share prices has investors on the edge. Of course, part of the reason is that markets are in turmoil. Some of the greater decline of bank share prices can therefore be explained by the fact t
फ़रवरी 11, 2016
Asset Resolution & Managing NPAs – What, Why and How?
Shri S. S. Mundra, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
फ़रवरी 05, 2016
भारतीय बैंकिंग क्षेत्र: भविष्य में झांकना- एस.एस.मूंदड़ा
Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty, Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India; Smt. Chanda Kochhar, MD and CEO, ICICI Bank Limited; Shri Aditya Puri, MD, HDFC Bank Limited; Shri B. Sriram, Managing Director, State Bank of India; Shri P.S. Jayakumar, MD and CEO, Bank of Baroda; Shri Uday Kotak, Ex- VC and MD, Kotak Mahindra Bank; other senior colleagues from the banking and financial sector; members of the print and electronic media; ladies and gentlemen! 2. At the outset, I th
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty, Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India; Smt. Chanda Kochhar, MD and CEO, ICICI Bank Limited; Shri Aditya Puri, MD, HDFC Bank Limited; Shri B. Sriram, Managing Director, State Bank of India; Shri P.S. Jayakumar, MD and CEO, Bank of Baroda; Shri Uday Kotak, Ex- VC and MD, Kotak Mahindra Bank; other senior colleagues from the banking and financial sector; members of the print and electronic media; ladies and gentlemen! 2. At the outset, I th
फ़रवरी 05, 2016
वित्तीय स्थिरता- मुद्दे और सरोकार: क्या हम सही स्थान पर लक्ष्य कर रहे हैं?- आर गांधी
It’s indeed a pleasure to inaugurate this Conference on ‘Financial stability, credit distress and Economic Growth: The way forward’ organized under the aegis of the Union Bank – Great Lakes Center for Excellence in Banking and Finance. I am happy to note that this is a collaborative effort by banking and academic and research institutions. As I will explain, the selected topic of the conference is not just on an apt and very contemporary issue, it also needs theoretic
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
It’s indeed a pleasure to inaugurate this Conference on ‘Financial stability, credit distress and Economic Growth: The way forward’ organized under the aegis of the Union Bank – Great Lakes Center for Excellence in Banking and Finance. I am happy to note that this is a collaborative effort by banking and academic and research institutions. As I will explain, the selected topic of the conference is not just on an apt and very contemporary issue, it also needs theoretic
जनवरी 29, 2016
वित्तीय सुधार-कल और आज- रघुराम जी.राजन
I thank Shekhar Shah for inviting me to deliver the C.D. Deshmukh lecture at NCAER. Sir Chintaman Dwarakanath Deshmukh, an ICS officer, was truly a giant of modern India. In 1943, he was the first Indian, as well as the youngest in its history to date, to be appointed the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. He subsequently served as the Finance Minister in the Union Cabinet. It was during this time that he also became a founding member of the Governing Body of NCAE
डॉ. रघुराम जी. राजन, गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
I thank Shekhar Shah for inviting me to deliver the C.D. Deshmukh lecture at NCAER. Sir Chintaman Dwarakanath Deshmukh, an ICS officer, was truly a giant of modern India. In 1943, he was the first Indian, as well as the youngest in its history to date, to be appointed the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. He subsequently served as the Finance Minister in the Union Cabinet. It was during this time that he also became a founding member of the Governing Body of NCAE
जनवरी 29, 2016
भारतीय बैकिंग क्षेत्र के लिए अनुसंधान की अनिवार्यता- एस.एस.मुंदड़ा
Introduction Dr. J. Mahender Reddy, Vice Chancellor, ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) University; Shri S.V. Seshaiah, Director, IBS, Hyderabad; members of faculty from Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune and IBS, Hyderabad; Delegates of the Research Conference; ladies and gentlemen ! I am grateful to Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune and IBS, Hyderabad for inviting me to deliver the inaugural address at the 1st Banking Researc
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Introduction Dr. J. Mahender Reddy, Vice Chancellor, ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) University; Shri S.V. Seshaiah, Director, IBS, Hyderabad; members of faculty from Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune and IBS, Hyderabad; Delegates of the Research Conference; ladies and gentlemen ! I am grateful to Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune and IBS, Hyderabad for inviting me to deliver the inaugural address at the 1st Banking Researc
जनवरी 01, 2016
Basel III Liquidity Risk Framework – Implementation and Way Forward
Good morning. It is my pleasure to be with you in Hyderabad in this conference on the Basel III Liquidity Risk Framework in India. As the chair of a group discussion on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) at the Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) Annual Conference in Prague a couple of months ago, I had hinted that the Reserve Bank would initiate a process of discussions with bankers on the whole gamu
Shri N.S. Vishwanathan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India
Good morning. It is my pleasure to be with you in Hyderabad in this conference on the Basel III Liquidity Risk Framework in India. As the chair of a group discussion on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) at the Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) Annual Conference in Prague a couple of months ago, I had hinted that the Reserve Bank would initiate a process of discussions with bankers on the whole gamu
अक्‍तूबर 06, 2015
भारतीय बैंकिंग क्षेत्र-एक विनियामकीय परिदृश्य- एस.एस.मूंदड़ा

H.E. Shri Vijay Thakur Singh, Indian High Commissioner to Singapore; Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, State Bank of India; Shri Piyush Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, DBS Group; Shri Ajay Kanwal, Regional CEO, ASEAN and South Asia, Standard Chartered; Shri Gunit Chadha, Member of Deutsche Bank Group Executive Committee, Co-CEO Asia Pacific, Deutsche Bank AG; Shri Rajiv Verma, CEO, HT Media Ltd; delegates at the Conference; ladies and gentlemen! 2. At the outset,

श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक

H.E. Shri Vijay Thakur Singh, Indian High Commissioner to Singapore; Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman, State Bank of India; Shri Piyush Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, DBS Group; Shri Ajay Kanwal, Regional CEO, ASEAN and South Asia, Standard Chartered; Shri Gunit Chadha, Member of Deutsche Bank Group Executive Committee, Co-CEO Asia Pacific, Deutsche Bank AG; Shri Rajiv Verma, CEO, HT Media Ltd; delegates at the Conference; ladies and gentlemen! 2. At the outset,

सितंबर 16, 2015
भारत की संवृद्धि का वित्तपोषण- चुनौतियां और भावी दिशा- एस.एस.मूंदड़ा
Shri Yaduvendra Mathur, Chairman & Managing Director, Export Import Bank of India; Shri Sunil Srivastava, Dy Managing Director, State Bank of India; Shri Alok Shriram, President , PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI); Shri Sanjeev Gupta, Chairman, Banking Committee, PHDCCI; delegates to the Summit; members of the print and electronic media; ladies and gentlemen! I am grateful to the PHD Chamber for inviting me to deliver the keynote address on a very impo
श्री एस.एस. मूंदड़ा, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Shri Yaduvendra Mathur, Chairman & Managing Director, Export Import Bank of India; Shri Sunil Srivastava, Dy Managing Director, State Bank of India; Shri Alok Shriram, President , PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI); Shri Sanjeev Gupta, Chairman, Banking Committee, PHDCCI; delegates to the Summit; members of the print and electronic media; ladies and gentlemen! I am grateful to the PHD Chamber for inviting me to deliver the keynote address on a very impo
सितंबर 15, 2015
भारत में आस्ति पुनर्निर्माण और एनपीए प्रबंधन- आर गांधी
Ladies and Gentlemen, Very Good Morning. 2. It is indeed a pleasure to be present here and interact with you on the important issue of management of non-performing assets in India. Such events are quite important especially when there is a surge in stressed assets in banking in the recent times. Current Position 3. However, if we look a little far back, the asset quality of the Indian banking system was not like this; it had actually been improving significantly since
श्री आर. गांधी, उप गवर्नर, भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
Ladies and Gentlemen, Very Good Morning. 2. It is indeed a pleasure to be present here and interact with you on the important issue of management of non-performing assets in India. Such events are quite important especially when there is a surge in stressed assets in banking in the recent times. Current Position 3. However, if we look a little far back, the asset quality of the Indian banking system was not like this; it had actually been improving significantly since

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